Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 26, 1911, Image 1

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You Balance
présenten* **** Chftel*“ CLATSOP OFFICIALS
lhe platted Moroney town on
Garibaldi beach, laike Lytle joining j
Manhatten, Moroney’s canal and the Judge Judd a Good Roads
railroad, is now for sale in lots on
Booster — Advocates
the most reasonable terms and low
Bonding System.
m . M okoxey .
Lake Lytle. Rockaway
riiE necarnev ROAD.
Post Office.
<The Postal Savings-Bank in this
city was opened onl Wednesday, One of the Most Scenic Roads
in Oregon---Inimediate Im­
the first depositors being Nick Mel
provement Necessary for
cliior and [Sol Whitehouse, whe
threw up a coin to decide which
Next Year’s Travel.
should be the first depositor, Mel­
Judge E. C. Judd and Commis­
chior being the firsUperson to de
posit>ome of his loose change in sioner Fred Moore, of Clatsop
Uncle Sam's Saving Bank in Tilla­ County, and S. W. Gallagher, of the
the bauk—or have you one ? Don’t lose
Imperial Restaurant, of Astoria,
•Nothing is known in Tillamook at iccompanied by Henry Told and
balance whatever you do. That is how
present when the train service on C. L. Alley, of Nehalem, paid this I
|e fall from their eminence. Deposit your
the P R. & X. will commence. It is city a visit on Tuesday. They were
ngs or surplus cash here and you may be
generally' supposed that it would out on a visit of inspection, going
start on the 1st November, carrying over the road in the south part of
it is safe and earning good interest. We
the mail, but word is expected any Clatsop County, and were interested
>tne the accounts of citizens and treat our
day stating when the service will in tli.e roads in Tillamook County
start. The second train to come which are to connect with Clatsdp
jus with the utmost courtesy and considera-
through arrived here on Sunday
Let us enumerate you among our regular
They spent Tuesday evening at
with officials, and another was ex­
the Tillamook Commercial Club
pected on Wednesday with the pre­
rooms, and Judge Judd showed
sident of the Southern Pacific, but
that he was h live and energetic
this was called off.
good roads advocate, as well as a
Mrs. H. A. Gullion and son. Mack strong advocate for the improve­
Gullion, of Altica, Iowa, J. T. Sim­ ment of the Necarnev mountain
mons, of Seattle, Wash, and Mrs. road, He said it was one of the
M. L. Welch, of Ringfield, Wash., most scenic road on the Pacific
vuiCng their sister, Mrs. I. C. Coast, and in his judgment sur­
C. L. Organ and wife, evanga
from Des Moines, Iowa, will Quick of this place and their brother, passed anything he had seen
Mr. A. N. Simmons, of Bay City. coming over the Canadian Pacific
second hand bicycle, be here this week and begin a ser­ The two brothers and three sisters
railroad. “ You people ought not
ies of meetings in the Church of
II. Ward.
are all that remain of a large fam­ to loose any time in making that
icks 48 cents, at Howard
ily, all except Mrs. H. A. Gullion, improvement,” he said, and he
You will need a Heating Stove
idirig Jeweler,
coming to Oregon in 1853, this re­ suggested getting a gang of con­
pabel, of Nehalem, was before the winter is over. Why not union being the first time the vict in from Salem to do the rock
buy now. Assortment is largest in brothers and sisters had all met in
n Wednesday,
work. Besides keeping them, all it
county. Prices reasonable,—King fifty eight years.
cost was 25c. per day for their labor.
llectric Light Globes, & Smith Co.
nd —King & Smith Co.*
Married, on Thursday, Oct. 19, Clatsopand Columbia counties were
Lost, a blue Panama jacket Mon­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. making great progress on their
¡11 do wonders at King
day afternoon between Tillamook Noyes, parents of the bride, Robert part of the automobile road from
tliisweek. See window.*
and Clover Leaf Cheese Factory.
;e license was issued to Finder please return it to the Head­ R. Stillwell and Miss Violet A. Portland, and expected to have it
Noyes. Rev. J. T. Moore, of the completed in the spring, and as
ueh and Louisa Wiess. light office.
M. E. Church, performed the cere Tillamook County had some of the
es only 50 cents, at
Attorney Geo. W. Willett went to mony, [which was witnessed by most beautiful scenery on the route,
hlen, Jeweler and Opti- Bayocean on Wednesday for the
some of the relatives of the con­ he was very anxious that this
purpose of swearing in the legal tracting parties. They are both county do its part and improve the
ens wanted at the Tilla- voters of that place for the Port graduates of the Tillamook High Necarney mountain road. He said
"ompany’s Market, 13c. election today.
School, Mr. Stillwell being in the it would surprise the citizens here
Chris Hanson, who is charged debating team. The happy couple the many thousands of visitors who
land Red Single Comb with wanton injury to personal have the congratulations and best wotQd come to Tillamook over that
r Sale. Full blooded.— property in cutting a set net, will wishes for their future happiness road next year if it is fixed so that
it can be used. When the railroad
» have a hearing before Justice of a large number of friends.
runs excursions Tillamook county
IVatson and J. S. Steph-
will be alive with people. The
The Golden Gate will leave Fri­ party of farmers from Carnaham
ived their office next to
Judge was immensely pleased with
day morning, those having bought precint to Bayocean on Tuesday,
Garibaldi beach, and he predicted
r chickens to the Tilla- tickets are: F. J. Dounally, S. P. most of whom had never seen what in a few years that it would be
otnpany’s Market. We Strang, E. E. Jesler, E. and N. Ed- improvements were going on there, lined with thousands of cottages
which was a revela'ion to them.
ding, R. N. Peterson, F. Vierick.
anil that a great deal of building
The party consisted of JanieB Christ­
will be going on there for a num­
size Waltham or Elgin
25, at Howard Wahlen, Navigation Co. is the name of the Hall, A. J. Blum, Fred Blum, B. ber of years. All this added wealth
company .which has filed map of
to the county and helped to bear the
definite location for a railroad on W. Turner, George Parrish, Fred burden of taxation. He congratu­
I lots, 50 x 100 feet, the
tie city for $300 each.-— the south Bide of the bay with the and Attorney Holmes. They were lated Tillamook county on the lead
State Land Board.
it had taken in road building, and
C. eN. Drew.
taken there on the Comet, and on
F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash.,
when informed that there was u
tian, having disposed
arrival were hospitably entertained
movement on foot to curtail or stop
it in the laundry, will
at dinner, which was much appre­
variety store, and ¡^prepared to do
road work he said it would be the
land shortly.
ciated by the delegation. All were
greatest mistake the county could
all kinds of shoe repairing at
much surprised at the great im­
heapestand best paper
reasonable rates, All w’ork guran- provements which are being carried make. He is n strong advocate of
wn. Leave orders at
landing for road work, claiming
teed. Give him a call.
on at Bayocean, which gave them a
Harris’ barn.
The Percheron stallion Ville will totally different view of the place that all big corporations got started
Non Leakable Foun
make the stand for the season at after making a thorough examina­ in that way. He thought it only just
Inly $1.65, at Howard
Rogers & McNamer’s Livery Barn, tion of the rapid manner in which that the present generation should
ding Jeweler.
in this city, with the exception of things are moving there. They re­ enjoy the benefits of the good roads
and the next generation would tie
ir will exchange, Baby Mondays and Tuesdays, when the
turned home thoroughly impressed
in better shape to pay for them on
rood, potatoes, or any- stallion will be at Beaver.
with the improvement of that place
account of the increased assess­
use —Ira C. Smith. *
Tom Kellow, who was shot by and the necessity of building a
»yer has rented the Night Watchman Wilt last week wagon road from Tillamook City, ment in the counties. He thought
k of Attorney Goyne’s and has been in Dr. Boats’ hos­ which met with their hearty ap­ that there would not lie the least
doubt, when Clatsop County votes
orse shoeing shop.
pital, is much improved and in a prove). as well as the importance on a bond issue, it will carry. They
Desmond vs. M. L. few days it is expected that he will of opening the Sturgeon channel.
did not levy a general road tax in
►>fe, is a suit filed in be well enough to return to his They were shown over the yacht
Clatsop County, the money coming
itirt to recover $100 on home.
Bayocean and were pleased with
from the general fund to build road,
1 note.
The Board of Equalization ad-
but each road district made a
i Elmore is being ra- journed on Saturday, there being As a result of the visit it is special road tax, and where the
•Missed her trip from but few objections to the assess­ thought quite a few will vote to settlers showed a disposition to
Tuesday but will be in ment made by Assessor Hare, and create a Port of Bayocean.
help themselves the county court
t week.
the assessment in s few instances
helped them with money from the
U B. Church.
general fund, and where they did
c . 10c. and 11c. for call were cut down, which were small,
hop. Try me out and amounting altogether to only$7,000.
Rally day at the United Brethern not they got very little help. Judge
d Reliable Hide and
Mrs. W. A. Williams gave a Hal­ Sunday School last Sunday morn­ Judd told of certain individuals
1 E. Melchoir.
loween party on Friday last to about ing was a good occasion, a large who had used a great deal of energy
v" W. F. Weigand twenty lady friends at her home in number being present with a col in getting good roads to their
’ filed in the circuit this city, which was quite an en­ lection for the work of $15.50. Com­ farms, but no sooner were they
over $2.960.86, being joyable affair, the afternoon's en­ mendable part was taken by the built when the very same persons
• » promissory note. joyment partaking of Halloween scholars and teachers. Interesting object to carrying the improve­
farther on the same road,
UIC iuillic
S.vcr, vr.
-- ----
for the
future |>lo
of ...w,
the ments
n Gate came in on features. The hostess served dainty plans IVI
school were organized by the Supt. and as a result of that a large Finn
•th lhe following pas-
One of these plans is a prize con- settlement had to pack their pro­
H Eggleston, wife
Mrs. Shrode has just received a test adopting features of the base duce on pack horses from their
Blazer, Miss Olson, large ‘Revelation China Kiln.”
ball league and game. Fsifthful- farms several miles to when tbe
'• W. Hopkins. W. and is now prepared to teach China
ness in attendance, study of the road had been improved and then
•olsey. C. M !>»„. L Decoration, and she will alao do
lessons and growth of the classes put it in their, buggies and take it
»ife, M. Hurthy. firing for others. See her for lessons
\ to market. He said the moat un­
”d nine others from in china, water and oil painting. are the premium point».
‘‘Nebuckadnezzer’s Dream ’ as it.l reasonable persons he had met
Leave orders with Eugene Jenkins
I foresaw us. will be the theme at the , with in road building were men
| U. B. Church next Sunday evening. who had obtained good roads them
In tbe morning the sermon will l>e selves and were so unjust that they
little or nothing alsiut other
on the first group of the parable of 1 cared
persons or other sections of the
county where they needed go>sl
Foley's Kidney Remedy vs. a Hope roads. From what he could under
less Case.
stand the county official in Tills
Doors west of Lamar's Drng Store.
Hon.. Ark., J K. Freeman »ays: . County were meeting with the same
”1 had a severe case of kidney trou- (
ble and could not work and my case difficulties with that class of people
seemed hopeless. One large bottle so they were. He thought the Lest
¡of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured way to overcome that difficulty was
Rest Room for Ladies.
me and 1 have never been bothered to go ahead and not take tbs least
i since
1 always recommend it.’
| notice of that class of persona.
i Chas. I. Clough.
$1.50 per year.
You sometimes hate to ask a man
for a receipt for he may be “Touchy”
and think you don't fully respect his
Do you know how
easy you can avoid this ?
■'1 •
The Only Government Examined Bank in the
Their county at the present time
was $60,000 in debt and their county
warrants selling at a premium, in
fact, there was such a demand for
them that they were bespoken
months ahead.
Another tiling
which Judge Judd impressed upon
those wlio were talking to him was
the necessity of a first-class hotel in
Tillamook City.
He recited the
difficulties thev met with in Astoria
in not having a suitable hotel until
recent years. This was one thing
that Tillamook City must have if it
expected to get the beat class of
people to stay in the city, which
they will not do if they cannot get
what they want. He had nothing
to say against the present hotels,
They were alright for present pur­
poses, but they would not satisfy
the demand of the thousands of
visitors and tourists who would
visit Tillamook City every year. He
predict that it would be n splendid
investment and would pay well.
The party left early Wednesday
morning on a visit to Bayocean,
and then took the train for Nehalem
at Garibaldi. They will go out over
the Necarney mountain and inspect
that road on their return to Astoria,
leaving Nehalem this morning.
Patronize Home Industiy.
Patronize Home Industry ! And
help boost the home products !
James O. Hutchings has started a
cigar manufacturing estabiisment
in this city, and he turns out a
superior quality of home made
cigars. He in located near Vierick’s
Bakery. Give him a trial. He asks
for a share of the patronage on ac
count of being a home product. •
Biliousness is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Cham
berlaiu’s Tablets are essentially a
stomach medicine, intended e»pe<
ially to act on that organ ; to
cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and
invigorate it to regulate the liver
and to banish biliousness positively
and effectively. For sale by La­
mar’s Drug Store.
The Star has a drama and
comedy reel every night.
November Jury List.
The jury list for the Noveml er
term of the Circuit Court was drawn
on Wednesday, as follows :
D. Billings, Fairview, farmer
F. D. Sinnll. Tillamook, ice mnn
George Loerpubel, Nehalem, furmer.
A Christensen, S. Prairie, farmer.
D. W. Rhoces, Bay, farmer.
C. E. Reynolds, Hoquarton, under,
F. S. Schofield. Bay, butcher.
E. G. Anderson, Hemlock, farmer.
J. L. Burke, Cloverdale, farmer.
D. T. Edmunds, Pacific City, mer­
II. C. Sanders, Cloverdale, farmer.
Henry Rogers, Tillamook, livery­
John J. Rupp, Fairview, farmer.
John Lowrance, Hebo, farmer.
W. H. Hoskins, Balm, farmer.
Jos. Harrison, Hobsonville, farmer.
Jan. Kodad, Tillamook, farmer.
John M. Weiss, Cloverdale, mill­
C. H. Geary, Nehalem, farmer.
J. W. Jennings, Tillamook, farmer.
J. H. Holgate, Beaver, farmer.
Geo. W. Bodyfelt, Helio, farmer.
W. H. Sales, Balm, furmer.
Jos. Durrer, Fairview, farmer.
Claude Ackley, Fairview, farmer.
John M. Bodie, Buy, laborer.
J. J. McGinnis, Helio, farmer.
S. A. Brodhead, Hoquarton, cur«
■ ■enter.
O. Gulstrom, Tillnmisik, fanner.
(»scar Werschkul, TH hi monk, farmer.
Frank I.. Ruel, S. Prairie, farmer.
Circuit Court will convene nt
Monday, November 13th, with a
large numlier of cases on the
on lhe docket.
< einent,
Coal Oil,
Coal, $10 ton.
Poultry Supplies,
Potatoes. $1.50 per 100,
"Best’’ hard ’»best flour, $1.40 sk ,
$5.50 bbl..
Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kinds
of feed at prices as low as any in
Hie city.
T illamook F mmd C o .
“ Its AU in
A great many headaches come
from eye strain; and poor victim
doesn't know the source of his
discomfort I have permanently
cured dozens of cases of persis­
tent headache by Atting the
patient with proper Spectacles.
Remove! the Headache through the Eye.
Eye Siaht Specialist.
The Best Gent.’s Clothing
Introduced into Tillamook
is from the
Warrington W. & W. Mills.
Just One Trial is Asked.
See Samples at E. F. Rogers,
Over Tillamook County Bank.