TILLAMOOK HE ADLIG-HT, 0C10BER 19. i9il Bayocean Items. ‘Y COURT IS UPHELD BAKER SHERIFF AFRAID i Notice of Application for License Summon» Summon». to Sell Spiritou», Malt and OF PLAIN. Improvements May be Paid The former difficult fuel problem Vinous Liquors, Etc. In the Circuit Court of the State of In the Ciicuit Court of the State of has been entirely overcome by in­ Will Oat oi General Fund. Make Oregon Rendez­ N otice is H ereby G iven .—That Oregon, for the County of Oregon for Tillamook County. stalling oil burners nnd the use of Tillamook. T B. Potter Realty) a |H-uti..n has been filed in the ¡x-E, Orc , Oct. 12.—The State oil as fuel in the different plants vous for Criminals. j Louis Sondheim» Company, nCorpu- , I County Court of the State of Ore Plaintiff, ■ ration. now in operation here. The sev­ gon, for the County of Tilla­ Oregonian. | vs. Plaintiff, mook, a true copy and transcript eral engines are worked to their That the prison policy of Gov- thereof and of the whole thereof, is Srethna S. Phelps. i V*. full capacity without the slightest ernor West Defendant. J L. H. Field mid Jane will make Oregon the in words, letters and figures as delay for want ot power. In the Name of the State of Oregon: Field his wife, it. | rendezvous for criminals from all follows to wit: You are hereby required toappear C. Eldred and lane Grading and paving on the differ­ parts of America and will also im­ To the Honorable County Court Doe Eldred, his of the State of Oregon, for the and answer the complaint filed ent streets is progressing rapidly. pose an additional burden of tliou- wile, A. C. Bloom­ herein against you in the alxive County of Tillamook. All streets south of the rock crush­ | sands of dollars ort the taxpayers of entitled Court and cause, within six field and Jane lXie W e . the U ndersigned , hereby Bloomfield, h i a ing plant to Second Ave. are graded the state, is the opinion of E. Rand, allege and show to you the fol Iow­ weeks from theHlst day of Aug. D. A. wife, and C. C and ready for pavement. Bay sheriff of Baker county, who has ing facts and petition vou as fol 1911, said date being the first date of publication of this summons, and Bloomfield _ and lows ; Street, Twelveth Avenue and High just returned home after taking 19 Jane Doe Bloom­ That we, and each of us are resi­ if you fail so to appear or answer, field, his wife. Street are ready for the final sur­ prisoners to the state penitentiary. dents and legal voters within Gari- for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tlie relief de Defendants. J face finish. Cement sidewalks are “Lawbreakers from all parts of 1 baldi Precinct, in TillamookCountv, manded and prayed for in the com­ ToL. II. l-ield mid Jane Doe Field, laid on High Terrace and also on the United States will flock to Ore Oregon, ami have been such for plaint filed herein, to-wit • his wife, Z. C Eldred utid Jane itizens of Cottage Grove in Twelveth Avenue. A double track more than thirty days next preceed Doe Eldred In. wife, A. C. Bloom- For a decree and judgment gon," said Sheriff Rand, “as they I irg the «late of this ¡»etition, having iginal suit in tlie Circuit counterweight has been constructed against the defendant for the sum field ami Jane Doe Bloomfield, his figure that they have better oppor­ I oeen and now are actual residents oi three hundred and sixteen and maintained that the only’ on High Terrace. This will greatly xv.fe, ami C. C. Bloomfield anil tunities for their workffiere than in | witliin said precinct for more than 25-100 ($316.25) Dollars the balance Jane Doe Bloomfield, his wife. way for the county to raise facilitate the routing of material to thirty days next preceeding Sep ­ any other state. The criminal in tember 22nd, 1911. due on the principal of said note, \ on and each ot you, the above for road work was to levy a the northern portion of the prop­ named defendants ; for the further sum of seven Oregon has an advantage that he That we are an actual majority of and tax for the purpose. In this erty. Grading on High and Six­ ($7.00) Dollars as interest due on In the name of the State of Ore­ cannot get any place else, and that the whole number of the legal said note and for the further sum gon: You mid each of you aie least half the amount would teenth Avenues is being pushed and is the great probability that he will voters within said precinct. one hundred ($100.00) dollars ua hereby required to ippear and an­ en expended in the district will soon be completed. That we hereby petition you to of attorney's fees for the institution ot swer the complaint filed against be pardoned, or that at least execu­ • grant a license to sell, in leeaqtian- t was raised. The Circuit The gasoline Schooner Tillamook tive clemency will be extended to tities than one gallon, spiritous, this suit to collect said note, to you in the above entitled court mid with plaintiff's costs anddis- action on or before the last day of ruled against the county, arrived in port Sunday with a cargo him. malt and vinous liquors for the gether bursements incurred herein. tlie time prescribed in the order of appealed to the Supreme of fuel oil. Hereafter she will call period of one y ear from the date of “The lawbreakers here consider And for a further decree herein publication of summon* herein said license, within said Garibaldi lecuring a reversal. at this port every ten’days with oil three things: First, after commit­ that the mortgage on all of Blocks which said order was made mid Precinct, and at Garibaldi, therein, 4 and 17. in the town of Netarts Bay dated on the 25th day of September, result of the suit which has and general freight. ting a crime they have a chance to to J. J. McCormick. Park, situate in the County of Tilla­ 1911, mid if you fail so to i.newer, nding in the court^all Sum­ Peter Byrom, Garibaldi. Mr. A. A. Russell left for Port­ make a get away and escape the mook, State of Oregon, according lor want thereof the plaintiff will road work in the county C. R. Sutton, Garibaldi. land recently where he expects to penaly ; second, they have a crack to the plat tlieieof on ti e in the take judgment against you anil W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. in held up. Many of the remain for a short time and intends office of the County Clerk of said each of yon tor the appropriation at the courts and may be able to Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. re in very bad condition, as county, said mortgage having been ami condemnation mid the assess­ William Dowd, Garibaldi. making California his future home. beat it out there and gain their free­ given to secure payment of said ment of your damages in the above ir work whatever has been Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. promissory note, as set out in plain entitled court of tlie following Captain Hirsch of the Yacht Bay­ dom ; third, if they are caught and Ben Tillotson, Garibaldi. tiff’s complaint, lie foreclosed and described real property tielonging Convicted they can go to the gov­ C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. Burnett, who makes the de­ ocean returned on the Str. Elmore said property be sold, as upon to von. to-wit: ernor and seek a pardon or parole Axel Nelson, Garibaldi. Beginning at the quarter section recites the causes for action from^Portland Wednesday. execution, to satisfy any judgment Ben Center, Garibaldi. with a good chance of gaining exe­ which may be secured by the plain­ corner cotninon to sections 17 mid Chief Engineer Lockwood and were made by the attorneys: H. Champlie, Garibaldi. cutive clemency. tiff in the above entitled suite, and and 18, in township 1 south of range N. W. Smith, Garibaldi. lat the county has been do- Mrs. Dicke were visitors at Tilla for a deficiency judgment against III west of Willamette Meridian in “I do not know of another state A. N. Bolling. Garibaldi. Mr. Lockwocd •oad work with money from inook Thursday. said defendant in said cause, in Tillamook Comity, Oregon, mid where so many criminals have been A. Aubrey, Garibaldi. case proceeds of said sale do not running thence north 101.75 feet ; •ral funds of the county, to attended a meeting of the County J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. turned loose as in Oregon since cover the amount of said judgment thence north 42 deg. and 40" west ry of the plaintiffs ; sec­ Court reporting on the new pro­ Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. This summons is served upon 728 feet ; thence south 47 degrees Governor West began his policy of Bet Johnson, Garibaldi. hat the county court failed posed county road between Tilla. you by virtue of an order made by 38’ west 599.42 feet; thence south prison rsform. Of late I have been H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. a tax, not to exceed ten mook and Bayoceon. Honorable Homer Mason, Judge of 163.9 feet ; thence east 1019.9 leet Win. Renick. Garibaldi. spending about four-fifths of my the County Court of the State of to the place of beginning, contain­ >r road purposes, and divide Mrs. T. B. Potter has moved into time taking criminals from Baker J. B. Mather, Garibaldi. Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ ing 9.06 acres, more or less, all of e so that at least half the her modern new bungalow and iti- G. G. Luddock. Garibaldi. mook, dated the 29th day of August this described tract being in the county to the state penitentiary, John Miller, Garibaldi. raised from any road dis- tends remaining here through the A.D., 1911, and which order pre­ S. E. quarter of the N.E. quarter of and I do not see where the number Wm. H. Franklin, Garibaldi. scribes that summons in this suit said section 18. >uld be spent within that winter. M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi. of transgressors is going to be This summons is served upon should be served upon you by pub­ thirdly, that, inasmuch as H. I. Sheldon, Garibaldi. lication once a week for six con­ von by order of the Honorable lessened. In my part of the state road Easy a separate Way to Dehorn Calves. A. F. Goff. Garibaldi. Grove is secutive and successive weeks in Homer Mason, Judge of the County the fellows are going to take a Geo. Meshle, Garibaldi. in which the county has the Tillamook Headlight, a news­ Court, of Tillamook County, Oregon, chance and they are going to take When Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. the calf is two or three paper of general circulation, printed dated the 25th day of September to levy road taxes the John Matsou,(Garibaldi. bigger chances than ex’er now be­ and published in the County of 1911, ordering that summons tie rsued by the county has davs old examine its head and as H. Thiessen, Garibaldi, served upon you by publication in Tillamook, State of Oregon. cause they believe they can play D. W. Johnston, Garibaldi. effect double taxation on soon as the horns can be detected the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly G. G. S chmitt & F. R. M iller , on the sympathy of the governor proceed as follows: Rub a little Thomae Quinn, Garibaldi. newspaper of general circulation in Attorneys for Plaintiff. lie of Cottage Grove, Carl Loll, Garibaldi. if they are convicted. Most of them lard or other grease into the hair Tillamook County, Oregon, for nt dge, in his decision, first J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. think they will be put on their once a week for six consecu­ Administrator’s Notice of Sale. least that since the only issue around the horn. Have ready a B. S Thompson, Garibaldi. tive weeks. honor at outdoor work, and as this can of concentrated lye that has been Joseph Hauxhurst, Garibaldi, d is that of law, it is use- The date of the first publication opened long enough to become lessons the severity of the punish­ Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. N otice is H ereby G iven to all hereof is the 28th day of September, o to the trouble of making Frank Hadley, Garibaldi. whom it may concern that the un ­ ment, most of them will take a big­ 1911, and the date of the last pub­ of facts and thus cumber­ softened by absorbing moisture F. L. Sappington, Garibaldi. dersigned as the Adminstrator of lication, and the last date upon from the air, roll a bit of muslin ger chance than they would under record. He quotes the pro- Ora Miller, Garibaldi. the estate of Mary E. Phelpe, de­ which you are required to answer into a roll the size of a lead pencil, the old plan. Win, Keys, Garibaldi. ceased, was by an order of the on or before, is, and will expire on if Lord's Oregon Laws as “I think the policy of leniecy will O. Perdue, Garibaldi. County Court of Tillamook County, the 9th day of November, 1911. dip the end of it into the softened flits and duties in regard M. Morony, Garibaldi. Oregon, ordered, directed and make more criminals of the men in W ebster H olmes , lablishment and mainten- lye and rub the top of the starting licensed to sell, at private sale, Peter Schrantz, Garibaldi. Attorney for Plaintiff. horn until the skin looks red. A the state, as the penalty has kept Alfred Johnson, Garibaldi. which said order was duly made lighways and bridges, and couple of days later examine the many men from breaking the I bwb . Joe. Snetsinger, Garibaldi. and entered of record in said s attention to the law that county court on the 19th day of Fre«l Hart, Garibaldi. horns. If a scab has formed over But now they figure that if they are Averts Awful Tragedy. le county to levy a special September, 1911, the reul property Martin Hart, Garibaldi. the top of the horn the job is suc­ caught and convicted, they will be Timely advice given Mrs. C, Wil of not to exceed ten mills, of said estate which is hereinafter G. M. Gunderson, Garibaldi. oughby, of Marengo, Win., (R. No. cessful ; if there is not a good scab, given easy work and good food with described, upon the following 1) prevented a dreadful tragedy nnd S. C. Frost, Garibaldi. ainder of the section in repeat the operation. One applica­ a chance of beating their sentence, terms, to-wit : * i least one-third of H. Lindsay, Garibahli. is law is embodied pro- saved two lives. Doctors had said the sale price oi the property sold her frightful cough was a "con- M. M. Mead, Garibaldi. tion is usually sufficient. This me­ so they do not hesitate at taking a it road districts, by certain in cash on the date of sale, nnd the P. L. Frost, Garibaldi. big risk. It is placing a temptation thod is easy and safe, avoids the sumption” cough and could do remaining two-thirds to be secured little to help her. After many rem­ ngs, may levy special road John Kostner, Garibaldi. unpleasant task of cutting and before weak men which eome will by a first mortgage on the premises edies failed, her aunt urged her to J. N. Kateisar, Garibaldi. sawing off grown horns and gives not be able to resist. sold, due in not to exceed three take Dr. King’s New Discovery. "I Lee Mead, Garibaldi. lintiffs in the case contend “I do not believe that it is fair to Joseph M. Brandenburg,Garibaldi. years from the date of sale, bearing have been using it for some time,” a better shaped head.—Missouri is mandatory upon the interest at the rate of not less than she wrote “and the awful cough J. Haverman, Garibaldi. the people of the state to Bubject Ruralist. six per cent per annum. A. Logenbaker, Garibaldi. mrt to levy a special road them to greater risks at the hands line almost gone. It also saved my Notice is hereby given therefore little boy when taken with a severe James S. Walters, Garibaldi. ■ this law. The court ad- of criminals than they have already Notice. that I will, as said Administrator, bronchial trouble." R. Smith, Garibaldi. This match- in certain cases, where had. but this is what Governor West from and after the 19th dav of lews medicine bus no eipial for J. H. Thompson, Garibnldi. Beginning with the 1st of Septem­ is doing. House robbers, holdup t of the legislative was October, 1911, proceed to sell said throat and lung trouble». H. M. Davis, Garibaldi. Price real property of said estate, which 50r and $1.00. Chas. Fonger, Garibaldi. where the public interest ber, the following prices will be men and other criminals will come Trial bottle free. said real property is described as A. Davie, Garibaldi. charged by the physicians of Tilla- Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clougn. 1 it, the courts have that to Oregon because of the easy time follows, to-wit : C. W. Best, Garibaldi. leans “must.” but in this mook. Governor West is giving the fellows The east half of the southeast George Perry, Garibaldi. Lame buck is one of the most Confinement, $20 and mileage in the penitentiary. It looks to me quarter of section thirty-one, ami levying of a road tax is Wm. Campbell, Garibaldi. the west half of the southwest quar­ common forme of muscular rheu­ G. Marshall, Garibaldi. e discretion of the court. (normal case). like there would be more robberies A few applications of ter of section thirty-two, in town­ matism. Joseph Mitchell, Garibaldi. City visit, $2.00. : goes on to point out that and cases of personal violence than ship three south of range ten west Chamberlain's Liniment will give P. W. Jacob, Garibaldi. Visit out of town, $2.50. ire to be interpreted must of the Willamette Meridian, situate relief. For sale by Lumar’s Drug we have had before. C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. Store. Visit out of town, three miles, in Tillamook County, Oregon. it part of the section (re- I. A. Johnson, Garibaldi. “This thing of having the gov­ Also, beginning sixty feet south State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ he levying of a tax not to $3.00; one dollar for each mile over ernor turn loose men after the offi­ Don’t trifle with a cold is good ad­ of the southeast corner of Block No. mook, SS. 1 mills) then it would also three miles as usual. cers have had a hard time catching I, the undersighed, being first thirteen, in Park Addition to Tilla­ vice for imprudent menu nd women. R. T. B oals . uet” in the second sec­ and convicting them is going to duly sworn, say:—That I am one of mook City, Oregon, as the same ap­ It may be vital in case of n child. I. M. S mith . relating to the special road make eome of the officers disgusted the petitioners within named, and pear* of record at pages 624 and 625 There is nothing better than Cham of Book J., record* of deeds of said berlain's Cough Remedy for coughs KF. PROS ’ S. M. districts, which, in the and they will not try so hard to that I circulated the same, and that county and state, thence west to tin- and colds in children. It is wife each and ail of the foregoing named I of the court, would be an catch criminals, as they say it is petitioners signed the same with center of Delmonte street in said and sure For sale by Lamar's ible construction of the A Good Position. no use to work so hard if West is his own hand in my presence ; that Park Addition, thence south to the Drug Store. line of the sub-division decision concludes: going to turn the men loose again. each stated his name, postoffice ad­ south Can be had by ambitious young dress and residence correctly, and known as Goodspeed’s Park, thence Foley Kidney Pill» ’ at apparent that the legis- men and ladies in the field of This is anotner incentive for men that each one is a legal voter within north to the place of beginning, ¡nded to confine the county "Wireless” or Railway telegraphy. to turn criminals. Garibaldi Precinct, and has actu­ containing four (4) acre*, more or Supply just the ingredients needed to build up, strengthen and restore le levy of a tax for a spec- Since the 8-hour law became effec­ “I am not complaining because ally resided therein for more than less, all situated in Tillamook the natural action of the kidney» County, Oregon, at private sale, thirty days next proceeding Sept. ind in futherance of its tive, and since the wireless com­ of the additional work that the gov­ 22, 1911, and that all of the facts set upon the following terms as fixed and bladder. Specially prepared improve the highway or panies are establishing stations ernor’s policy throws upon me and forth j in said petition are true as I by the said County Court, to-wit: for backache, headache, nervous- At least one-third of the purchase tie»», rheumatism and all kidney, l it of the power of apply- throughout the country there is a my force of men, for we will go verily believe. price in cash on the date of sale, bladder and urinary irregularities. J. J. M c C ormick . funds to the betterment greet shortage of telegraphers. ahead and perform our duty the Address, Garibaldi, Tillamook and the remaining two thirds ot the Chas. I. Clough. >lic thoroughfares. Act- Positions pay beginners from $70 same as always. I do not know County, Oregon. Subscribed and gurchase price to be secured by a loes in this respect, in a to $90 per month, with good chance how the people of Baker county ( sworn to before me this 27th day of rst mortgage on the premises sold, Foley’s Kidney Remedy vs. a Hope to become due in not to exceed ntal capacity, we could of advancement. « 1911. less Case. The National will take it because of the extra ex- September, thre» years from the date of sale, (Seal) W ebster H olmes , Hon., Ark., J E. Freeman »ays: mandamus compel the Telegraph Institute obérâtes under pense the governor is causing the Notary Public for Oregon bearing interest at not leas than “I had a severe case of kidney trou­ nd to make the levy au supervision of R. R. and wireless taxpayers.” N otice is F urther H ereby six per cent per annum from the ble and could not work and rnycuse I L. O. L. paragraph 6320; officials and places all graduates Sheriff Rand has served several GIVEN,—That said petition will l»e date of sale until paid. seemed hopeless. One large Ixittle Dated this 2lst day of Septemlier, of Foley’s Kidney Remedy cured n we accomplish the same into positions. It will pay you to years in Baker county and has presented to the County Court of State of Oregon, for Tillamook 1911. me and I have never lieen bothered irectly bv injunction. For write them for full details at Daven­ dealt with many dangerous men. the i W. C. K ing , on the l*t day of Novem­ since. I always recommend it.’ »ns the court erred in up- port, la., Cincinnati, O., Portland, Many rough men are employed in County, Administrator of the Estate A* ber, 1911, and baaed thereon said Chas. I. Clough. • contention of the plain- Ore., or Memphis, Tenn. of Mary E. Phelpe, deceased. the lumber and mining camps and J. J. McCormick will at said time they cause considerable work for and date, apply to said County 1» the World Growing Better? Court for a license to t«e granted to fee of the circuit court The beat plaster. A piece of flan­ the sheriff's force. It is the sher­ said J. J. McCormick to sell within Notice of Hearing of Final Ac Many things go to prove that it in. count. nel dampened with Chamberlain ’ s «nd one here entered iff's opinion that his work among said Garibaldi Precinct and at The way thousands ure trying to Liniment and bound on over the help others is proof. Among them ’ the sait” Garibaldi therein, in leas quanti affected parts is superior to a plas­ this class will be increased. N oticeib H ereby G iven . That j i* Mrs. W. W Gould of Pilisfichl, ties than one gallon, spiritou», ___________ _____ ____ ___ ter and costs only one tenth as' A prisoner from Baker county malt and vinous liquor», for a per the undersigned has filed hi* final N. H. Finding good health by tak administrator as l —.......------ - of the ing Electric Bitters, she now ad­ NE MAY OPERAT®. much. For sale by Lamar's Drug who has just been released told iod of one year from the date of1 account -□ estate of Ixiuis Blnttlar, deceased j vise* other sufferers, everywhere. Store. Sheriff Rand that the convict» at said license that the County Court of the1 Io take them | ‘ For years I suffered »»st Coast is Working Dated this 28th day of September, j an• now applying for found that it cured their cough» gone __ I ' mrwik Countv. Oregon, and publicly in said estate are hereby required nioo'k"county, and colds, so I keep it in the house gu„c ...«¡J r«v between Pacific City 311 the time.” Refuse substistute. plan as a joke. J examine the assessment roll for to be present at such time and You are not experimenting on This ex convict believe» "‘at year, and correct all errors in 1 place to present their objection« to yourself when you take Chamber- ,ook- and Right-of-Way aha«. I. Clough. ! such »ccount, if any they have. ad-1 valuations, descriptions of lands lain* a < ough Remedy for » < old ua many of the prisoner» will take tgerald Bays that Tilla- Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this that preparation has won II* great other property. Said board will Give» Aid to Striker» vantage of the governor the first | and soon be sought for a day of October, 1911 5th continue in session from day today. | reputation and extenaive sale by its y» and time they have an opportunity. Sometimes liver, kidney» M. A bplanalp . "rough that city. until the examination, correction; remarkable cure* of cold», and ran ike and bowels seem to go on a atriL- Administrator of the above ^iinnvilie through Sberr- refuse to work right. Then you and equalization of the assessment always be dejiended upon. It is named Estate. ____ , and ___ whey roll for said county »hall be com equally valuable for adults and After __ exposure, '»«ific City and need those pleasant little strike children and may tie given young feel a cold coming on. take Foley* • i pleted. . Pastare to Beat. ■•mook. thence to Port- breakers —Dr. King’s New Life Pills Honey and Tar Compound. It Dated at Tillamook. Oregon. Sep I children with implicit < onfidenre a» to give them natural aid and • ortland. Weat Coast seeh.n.. e*' \<*M gently compel projier action. Ex- checks and relieve». Use no •<>!>-; »ember 1*. KMl. Pasture for rent Inquire 1, i -4 m >,- of Peter it < ontama no harmtnl drug. Sold |uv Lamar's Drug Btor». "*K too» erate a loop *P||ent health soon follows. Try •titute The genuine in • yellow A. M. H*»l I Newberg, Hemlock, Dragon. ,e Court yesterday handed decision in the case of the s of Cottage Grove vs. Lane in which it holds that the Court is not compelled to lax, the proceeds of which e used exclusively for roads, if the amount to be distrib Bong the different road dis- f the county, and that the may pay f°r highway irn lents out of the general thought them. 25c at Cha». I. Clough’» package alwav». Ch»» I. Clough. I County A»»e»»or I