» - —— J —— t T illamook headlight , O ctober RATES OF (STRICTLY * SUBSCRIPTION. IN ADVANCE.) One year.......................................... 1.50 75 Six month»............. ......................... 50 Three months.................................. Entered as second class mail mat­ ter July. 1888, at the post office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3, 187». Editorial Snap Shots I 4L t'H » 1 i » 4 after a man’s money, and this is one result of it. But the peo­ ple wanted Home Rule and the city’ is supposed to be run under what is called a model saloon law, yet drunkenness prevails to such an extent that the City Marshal had to fell one man with his “billy,” the fall killing him ; the Night Watchman shot down a man ; men get­ ting into a fistic encounter in broad daylight on Main street over gambling, etc. So much for the model saloon law, it is a peach. TT country, and as there is a whole raft of idle land which would be improved if it had an outlet, we advocate, in justice to all parts of the county, that road build­ ing be prosecuted as rapidly as possible, for the county is only- in its infancy as far as develop­ ment is concerned. Those who have good roads should not at­ tempt to retard the progress of other parts of the county. classes. Had he consulted the that the kind of journalism they el8e sheriffs and the prosecuting at­ are now getting at Bay City is James J. Hill has just Said again torneys, men who have to deal ■a detriment, in a business way, that the beBt times the country has with the capture and conviction to the city on the bay and a ben- ever had are just ahead, with noth­ of criminals, we think that he fit to Tillamook City, for when ing but confidence needed to make would have adopted a totally a newspaper or a city goes on the turn in the road. And confi­ different prison policy turning record as opposed to road im­ dence is sure to come when it is de­ criminals loose after taking so provements people will look up served. much money to catch and con­ and take notice. We want to' President Taft repeats that the vict them. inform Bro. Trombley that we Panama Canal will be open for the have lived a long time in Tilla­ passage of ships January 1, 1913. It will be noticed that there mook county and have come in With that date only fifteen months in an increase in the assessment for more criticism over matters away the various committees on of town nud city lot», brought of public policy than any person celebration should keep their eyes about b> seaside property being in the county, and as time rolls on the calendar. improved and platted off. This on we expect to come in for the' is a jump of nearly $-1(10,000 in same treatment where there is ■ Woodrow Wilson would not per­ the assesment, amounting to such a diversity of opinion and mit the New Jersey Democrats to $1,113,537. Town and city lots it is hard to get people out of indorse his candidacy foi president, assessments will add greatly to old ruts after being bottled up but he stood for a resolution offered the taxable property from now in this isolated country for so by the committee of which he was mi, and when adding the differ­ years, Any newspaper that is chairman indorsing bis “able and ent items together, the tillable progressive and advocates open­ brilliant administration’’ as gov­ lands are pitying only one third ing up the country must expect ernor. Just as the people are turning to more taxes than town and city a certain amount of opposition. lots But, say, dear Bro. Trombley, a fish diet as a measurable relief what was the cause of your sud­ from exorbitant meat prices, a “sci­ The Board of Equalization den skiddoo from the village up i i entist’’ announces that fiBhes are had an idle time this week, for the slough wheu you left a filled with many diseases and make few persons looked up their as­ business on Main street ? For an unhealthful food. Is he an sessment. This is somewhat a little variation, Bro., let us emissary of the meat trust? surprising, considering that so now discuss that, not that we 1 No man—farmer or what not—cm many persons claimed that they want to be personal, for the, afford to be an “average" man in are assessed too high. Here is road discussion is about thrash-1 his business. The product of the an opportunity for them to en­ ed out and it is up to the people average farm in the United States ter their protests and state their to conclude which is the best is worth $850. The figures show reasons, but somehow they do policy closing down roadwork that the farmer who uses the most not care to do so. It maybe for eighteen months or go ahead improved implements and methods they are scared they would have with it. produces 50 to 100 per cent more to answer a few leading ques­ than the average. There are only tions propounded by the Board What better business propo­ about 200 good working days in the as to the actual value of their sition would anyone need than year on the farm, and every day property. this ? A ten mill road levy will must be made to count.—Kansas raise $150,000. The timber men Farmer. Here is another case where it pay $112,500 of that amount. As The mayor of Indianapolis is depend* upon whose ox ia being the county needs the roads and showing one way of meeting the gored. When Marshal Redding as the $150,000 will go into the high prices of food. Commission i lobbed a drunken man who was pockets of farmers who wilt men having advanced the price of killed by the fall. Councilman need the work next year, all potatoes beyond reason, the mayor \\ ilt was the first to condemn must admit that roads are living [ bought a car load lot of 500 bushels the officer. A revolver is a built in this county’ at very lit­ and sold them at cost with freight much more dangerous weapon tle cost to the settlers and is a added. The price was about 60 per to use upon a drunken man, and financial benefit to them a well, cent of that charged by retailers. that being the case, we wonder and which is distributed in all If representative government were whether Wilt still is of the opin­ parts of the county. Good roads 1 always and every where as practical ion that Redding was deserving advocates should remember this and utilitarian ns this we might of criticism and his own acts when assailed by those who are hear less of initiatives, referen­ blameless. Both may have been endeavoring to curtail road dums and recall. too hasty in felling the wrong work. With a ten mill tax, not men they should have felled including the timber, all other According to one of its own news­ mid plugged to parties who sold property will pay towards $150,- papers, Italy han 200.000 people who the liquor to these men. That 000 worth of road work would | live in straw huts or caves because they are too poor to afford houses ; is the kind of model snloon law lie $38.000. We think it is n ICC,OK) of its population have re­ that is needed. good business pro[>osition to cently died of pellagra owing to lack build good roads under such Tillnmook'n fighting whiskey favorable financial conditions, , of nouishment; it has 1300 com­ mid bloated model Mloon law especially when it tienetits the munes without a supply of drinking is responsible for what trans farmers’ property to have good , water and 50U) without «ewera ; 300,. pired on Main street early on roads. Good roads is what help­ | 000persons inhabit malarial districts Tuesday morning. Had the ed to develop the cheese iudus which need reclaiming; 60 ,»er cent saloon keepers refused to sell try of this county and the build of the 33.iUl.0U) people of the king­ iutoxicuting liquor to a man ing of cheese factories in remote dom are illiterate, and 500,000 of who had imbibed too much, it sections, making the dairy- . them are compelled to leave their every year because they are would have saved the Watch­ farms much more valuable. It j country unable to find work at home, and man from using his gun and was on account of having noi . emigration ie their only refuge from loin Kellow from living shot roads which kept the dairy in­ starvation. It may be added, too down The saloon kec(>er> are dustry back iu the Nehalem that most of these 30X0X1 coiue to the United Staten. T. BO’ITH, Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. • A ttorney - at -L*, I Complete set of Abstract kJ Just as our portraits of adults possess strength and character. We are experts in lighting and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see our line. n office. Taxes paid for J Residents. Tillamook Block. Both phone». ^^/ARL HABERLACH, Monk's Studio, Scraps Turkey is a good example of the Tillamook is a city with a fatal policy of standing still while great future. There is no get­ In the year 1902 timber claims other nations are forging ahead. ting away from that fact. were assessed at $1,000 by As-, Anyway, President Taft is having sessor Stephens, and County better success in his coast-to-coast Woman suffrage carried iti Judge Conder run a bluff on journey than any of the aviators has California, and now there i» the Board of Equalization and had. some hope of Oregon confer­ had the assessment reduced 40 ring the same rights upon the per cent, making the assess-! A genealogist says John D. Rocke­ ment only $600 on a timber feller has four kings in his ancestry. women of this state. hid claim. Clerk Mason was the He has long had four aces in hand. The city shouldn’t pay officers only member of the Board to Ships will be towed through the to take drunken men to their stand out against the reduction Panama Canal by locomotives, It homes or rooms. They should after the assessor had raised the ie a good sign to find railroads and take them to the cooler and assessment oti timber claims 40 waterways getting together in mu­ make them pay a line when they per cent, and the county lost It is true this is tual helpfulness sober up. But is it the model the money system of running a town that ancient history, but anyone can , The Arkansas planters have re­ verify what we have stated by solved to hold their cotton until tile is now in vogue ? consulting the 1902 roll, but we price reaches 15 cents. Under tlie simply mention this incident to Using a gun on a drunken ¡draw a comparison and to give protective policy Arkansas has ac- man should be the last thing | la little information on facts quired the means to holdon toa good that an officer should resort to. which the taxpayers are not con­ thing. The city needs a big husky night I versant with. Some of the tim­ Mr. Roosevelt has been invited to watchman who can take care of ber claims which were assessed hunt whales along the California himself without having to load in 1902 for $1000 and reduced to Coast. Whaling is offered him as a a man with lead who is loaded $600 on account of Judge Con­ new experience. But his enemies in with booze and don’t know what der’s determination not to raise ! New York charge that he had a whal­ ing last year he is doing. the assessment on timber, have been gradually raised by Asses­ Anxious as a Turk is to meet a soldier’s death and enter the soci­ There is considerable idle sor Hare to $12,500. ety of celestial hourts, he is not land in this county, and where- | rushing in to act as shortstop in ever roads have been built so The snap shot man is now the dealing with 12-inch shells from as to make it suitable to culti­ vation, that kind of land should target for the Bay City Exami­ ! the Italian ships. be assessed higher than tillable ner. \Ve have not the least ob- j The Turks realize that sea power land which have no roads or a jection to that, but we have to I ie a vital modern requirement. way out. Ease off as much as ' the system of resorting to per- I But they are eager to show that in a possible upon those who have | sonalities when a public ques­ ' clinch with knives, spears or any improved the laud and raise the tion is up for discussion. The sort of old-fashioned cutlery they assessment upon those who are 1 snap snot man has been assailed will make it hot for the latest im­ holdiug unimproved land for a great many times by inush-| provements. room editors in this county who speculation. It begins to appear, in view of attempted tocut a great swarth, new fruuds, that other bills of lad­ but they all died natural deaths. ' No one doubts for one mo- As to whether we have grownI ing than those on cotton can be ment that Governor West was fat and saucy on account of this used to swindle batiks. The banks, thoroughly sincere in his prison we will not presume to say. It it seems, are as much in need of a policy of paroling the criminal is as — anybody is clear, Clear, hr.weve'r" However, to to our our mind mum , Paternal ■--------- - government -------------- — '----* I 19 [Next to the Post Office. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, JkuUcher Stbuokat, Tillamook Block. The Reliable Route Steamer Q-EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Sue H. Elmore” Next to Tillamook County Bank, O regon - 1 illamook (CAPT P. SCHRADER)] H. GOYNE, Tillamook & Portland A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court Ho T illamook , O regon , Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays, T. BO ALS, M.D., Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. PHYSICIAN & SURGEO! PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Lamb’s Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. g KER RON, M. PHYSICIAN & SURGE01 Tillamook Block, The Fast Steamer Tillamcok, GOLDEN GATE Oregon. R. I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Sailing Days for month of OCTOBER Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook, Ore. FOR TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSONVILLE, And all points on C. HAWK, Tillamook Bay. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON FROM BAY CITY, OREGON. PORTUIIHD, R. BEALS, OCTOBER 3, 9,14,19, 24, 30 LEAVE REAL ESTATE, TILLAMOOK, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. OCTOBER 6, 11, 16, 21, 26. — yy. Freight Received Daily at Dock p. j. sharp , Foot of Washington Street. DENTIST, RESIDENT J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. ONE WEAK SPOT Office across the street frotr ti Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. Will not mar the appearance of new Harness but it will make it very unsafe. If you buy your L . The Fashionable Ti SARCHET, HARNESS Here you may rest assured that Cieauing, Pressing and you are getting not only Har­ ing a Specialty. ness that presents the very finest appearance, but Harness that is Store in Heins Fhoti well made in every detail. Gallery. W.A, Williams it Cc. J. Next Door to Tillamook County Bank 213 Tillamook Block. T illamook French Specialist. CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR, OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE. T illamook OFFICE HOURS. 9 TO 12 A.M. TO 8 P.M. Office over Star Theatre. I Special Atteution paid to Tourists. A First Cliss Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. .... 2or Tillamook Block, j Main 441- CONSULTATION FREE. J. P. ALLEN, Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. O k *00’- - M. AUSTIN, I treat successfully all Chronic Diseases of both sexes with Imported Herbs, and with my hands so-called2 magnetic treatments. I will cure the most stubborn cases without the use of the knife. THE ALLEN HOUSE, CLAUSSEN, 1 lawyer , Ueuteclter A. SANBURN, The Best Hotel. R' Chamberlain^ Cough Reme® During th* p*«t •ar-—” edy baa proven mor* more effectual In It» « Coughs, Colds and than Chamberlain'« many homee It in relied [I pllottly an the family pby“*T(K i tains no opium or other | may be given ae confld*t>uy onto an adult. Price »•«.