Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 19, 1911, Image 1

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01. XXIV.
Pacific Coast Fish Co. /fOM
shipped seven tons
of large
Chinook salmon to this city from Night Watchman Wilt Pul­
Nestucca. They reached here on
led Gun to Defend Him­
Thursday in two four horse wagons.
F ort W ayne , Ind. Oct. 17.—The
Soon after one o’clock on Tues­
synod of the Reformed Church has
day morning a shooting scrape oc­
held that Rev. Paul Kbinger, of
Tillamook, is guilty of heresy, but curred on Main street, opposite the
Ramsey House. Night Watchman
has changed the sentence of ex­
W ilt was taking a man by the name
communication to suspension.
of Mike Reade to h s room, who
The Board of Equalization, com was partly intoxicated. Tom Kel-
posed of County Judge Mason. low appeared on the scene
Clerk Holden and Assessor Hare,
Reade made the remark that he sup­
is in session this week, but very- posed if he was as drunk as Kellow
few persons have availed them the officer would run him in. Wilt
selves thus far of entering protest: asked Kellow if he had a room and.
The Sue II. Elmore reached hero lw said he did, when he was ad
Thursday morning with the fol­ vised to go to it. Wilt took him by
And see how you stand, This is more
lowing passengers : John Sinclair. the arm to assist him when Kellow
F. J. Donnelly, Mrs. C. H. Blacka- used abusive language and began ,
difficult for those who have no banking
Wilt pulled his gun,
dar, E. K. Pence, G. A. Olson, J. H. fighting.
account—no system of keeping tabs on
Jensen, J. Dawson, M. Wheeler, which was a 32 automatic revolver,
their receipts and disbursements. If
and Kellow grabbed the wrist of
Mrs. M. C. McGuard.
you open an account with us you will
The platted Moroney town on the hand which had the revolver in
find it easy at all times to tell how you
Garibaldi beach, Lake Lytle joining and commenced beating the officer
Manhatten, Moroney’s canal and the , with the other hand. Wilt fired
stand financially. We are most reliable
railroad, is now for sale in lots on once, but the bullet did not take
and allow liberal interest on approved
the most reasonable terms and low effect, and he shot again. The re­
deposits. Take the hint and open an
volver ranged downward, and the
M. M oroney ,
account with us now’.
Lake Lytle, Rockaway- bullet entered the stomach, grazed
the bowels, went clean through the
Post Office.
A replevin suit was up for hear- [ hip bone and came out at the back
ing in Justice Stanley’s court i ' of the right leg. He was taken to
Thursday morning in which James Dr. Boals’ hospital on a stretcher,
____ »
- - ~
............................ «I
Tone sought to recover possession where he was operated upon to
of a milk wagon from R. R. Roberts. ascertain the injuries he had re­
ceived. It is expected that Kellow
It seems that Tone had Roberts fix
LAMOOK JOTTINGS C. B. Wiley’s talking parrot got the top, and that Tone refused to will pull through, as he is making
loose the other day and flew away
rapid recovery.
pay the bill amounting to $55.
A strange coincident connected
knetbing on for Friday evening, and two boys with guns came near
One of our subscribers has it with the shooting is the fact that
shooting it. Mr. O’Neal managed
jber 20th.
figured out that the solcons in the Marshal Reading clubbed a drunken
to catch it.
B. Hadley has recovered suffi-
are taking in one-third of man, who died from the effects of
John Harter, Geo. W. Kiger and
lly to be on the street.
Fred C. Baker bought 40 acres of what the cheese product is worth the fall, Wilt was one of those who
Lrni Clocks 48 cents, at Howard tide land from the State of Oregon and nearly- as much as was raised severely critized the marshal.
pen, Leading Jeweler.
abutting their property on thetouth by taxation last year. Which proves
that a large amount of money is
le Anvil came in on Sunday side of Tillamook bay.
Mail by Train 1st November.
diverted from other businesses.
freight and passengers.
The next monthly meeting of the
The mail on Sunday was delayed
layed z C. E. Clement, post-office in-
Watches only 50 cents, at Tillamook Commercial Club will
___ a spector, came in on the stag? on
Lird Wahlen, Jeweler and Opti- meet at the club rooms on Monday- on account of an accident ai nd
evening when several matters of runaway in the mountains. The Wednesday morning to instruct the
tongue of the stage broke and one post-office staff in the postal saving
piarriage license was issued on importance will be taken up.
horse went over the grade on Satur­ bank system, but had very little
May to Gilbert Wyss and Anna
The government dredge, which
and it was Sunday- morning time to do so, as he had to leave on
is being operated by the Port of before mail and passengers arrived
the afternoon stage. Mr. Clement
lorney M J. Gersoni, of Ne- Tillamook, is at work on the water at Trask and it was noon before it informed us that the mail will be
pi, was in the city Tuesday on front deepening the channel and reached this city.
carried on the railroad on the 1st
cutting off the corner at the turn.
_ Fire destroyed I.. L. Osborn’s of November, when the P, R & N.
Otto W. Tielson vs. Ma argaret lÿ ’ house and part of the furniture on Co. will put a train service on be
re chickens wanted at the Tilla-
S. ______
,. „ Tuesday at noon. This is what is tween Tillamook City anil Hills­
a Meat Company’s Maiket, 13c. Vessey (now Margarat E.
et al is a suit filed in the circuit known as the Kelso place on the boro. The,mail will leave Portland
te for principal Wilson river north of the city. Mrs. soon after 7 o’clock in the morning
rn, at McMinnville, Ore., on court for
by, to the wife of Dr. Henry and interest on a promissory note. Osborn was using a lamb curling and will reach here about two on a
The schooner Gerald C., which her hair, when it exploded, setting slow schedule and the mail will
ps, a son.
Ing your chickens to the Tilla- has been on the sand spit ot Nes- fire to the place. Neighbors hurried leave here in the morning. All the
k Meat Company’s Market. We tucca Bay for several weeks, was to the scene as fast as possible aud stage routes east and north of Tilla­
floated on Saturday. The Della, succeeded in saving some of the mook will be discontinued, and
13c. per pound.
same day, went on the north furniture and while helping, Rev. with the Balm poet office discon
bwel, 18 size Waltham or Elgin
B. E. Emerick lost his hat in the tinued and a new office started at
Llies, $3.25, at Howard W’ahlen,
The ladies of Presbyterian Guild fire. The house and furniture were Mohler, all the poBt offices north of
Ber and Optician.
Tillamook will be on the railroad
are going to give another of their insured for $4,500 in the Aetna.
with the exception of Nehalem, the
f Sale, 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the famous dinners, on Wednesday
lots in the city for $300 each.— evening, Oct. 25, in the Guild rooms
The T. B. Potter Realty Company mail for that place being ferried
Ln Mrs. C. N. Drew.
in the Williams’ building, from 5:35 has fild suit in the Multnomah Cir­ across the bay.
cuit Court to recover $4000 and in­
ISours, cheapest and best paper to 7 o’clock.
hr in town.
Leave orders at
Shakespeare Club Meeting.
John Erickson and Carl Knudson terest from July 24 from the Eco­
I next to Harris’ barn.
will divide their acreage property nomic Marine Insurance Company,
The Shakespeare Club met with
■0 Moore Non Leakable Fotin north of town so as to give each a the Property Insurance Company, Mrs. Homer Mason this month on
ll’ens, only $1.65, at Howard frontage on the road, and they in­ the Anglo-Scottish Insurance Com­
October 13th. They had their an­
tend building two bungalows there pany and the I.loyd Underwriters.
len, Leading Jeweler.
nual election and business meeting
Id Marolf et al vs Anna Metz- in the near future.
insurance policy
covering the and the following officers were
ka partion suit filed in the cir-
The special election for the pur­ launch Richard which was burned elected for the ensuing year: Pres­
lourt in the Marolf estate.
pose of submitting the question while tied to a dock at Bayocean, ident, Mrs. W. B. Aiderman ; vice-
In. on October 16, at Clacka- whether a Port of Bayocean shall July 2. The companies have re­ president, Mrs. Webster Holmes ;
I Ore. to the wife of Frank be formed will take place next fused to pay, the complaint assets. secretary and treasurer, Mrs. G. W.
Willet. The rooms were tastefully
Brlack (formerly Anna Tinner- Thursday in Carnahan, Netarts and
, Booze was the cause of another
Barnegat precincts.
k a daughter.
z’ fatal drowningon the bayon Thurs­ decorated in autumn leaves and
the piece cards carried out the au­
A. J. Schmelzer, who has been
• Str. Anvil will make a special
day night. William Renick and
1° the port next week with a 1 the cheese maker at the Red Clover Ben Centers, who fished for the tumn effect. Mrs. Mason served a
fcf feed and shingles for the ' cheese factory, left on Thursday for Elmore Packing Co., were intoxi­ most delicious luncheon for twenty
guests. After luncheon Mrs. Poor­
I Boaz, Wis., on a visit for several
■nook Feed Co.
cated that afternoon and evening, man and Miss Mason entertained
Bill pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for call
and about eleven o’clock that night the club with music before leaving.
I at my shop. Try me out and ' first of the New Year.
their boat drifted onto the tieach The meetings the coining year will
F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., at the Life Saving Station, with
Bjhe Old Reliable Hide and
has located next door to Lamar’s only Centers on board. He knew be at the homes of the following
B>aler. N E. Melchoir.
ladies: October, Mrs C. LClough;
ft schooner Anvil will make a 1 variety store, and is prepared to do nothing of what had become of his November, Mrs. John Groat ; De­
i all kinds of shoe repairing at
■Torn Portland to Tillamook on I reasonable rates. All work guran- partner, but had a slight recollec­ cember. Mrs. Henry Crenshaw;
tion of hearing Renick fall into the January, Mrs Fred C. Baker ; Feb­
BJay next. She will not go south
water. There was nothing to iu ruary, Mrs. Webster
fri trip, but will return to Port- | teed. Give hitn a call.
I The Percheron stallion Ville will dicate that the men had had any March. Mrs. G. W. Willett ; March,
h Harler returned from Port- I make the stand for the season at trouble, and the supposition is that Mrs. B. C. Lamb; April, Mrs. W.
Rogers A McNamer's Livery Barn, he fell overboard and was drowned B. Aiderman ; May, Mrs. T. IL
r*’ Saturday, where he had
, in thia city, with the exception of and that Centers was not in a con
Govne; June, Mrs. Alex McNair;
on a business trip, ¿.
c Omjni^ i Mondays and Tuesdays, when the
tion to render him assistance. July, Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse
Pv way of the North Yamhill I
Nothing is known of the man's tember, Mrs. Homer Mason.
I stallion will be at Beaver.
- Died, at Estacada, Ore., on the home or relatives.
iHarriaon was up from Miaprij
Illi) 111
¡5 L* • III
“■ X-4
• 1 <1 E. JUIlcP,
Jones, “ wife
pday. and is again interested of W. A. Jones, aged 31 years. Dp*' f ■ | Some surprise was caused amongst
■posmg the granting of a ceased was a former resident of the members of the Presbyterian
Church on Thursday morning when
f1 l»cense for Garibaldi pre­
Tillamook County and her maiden a letter was received from Portland
Christian Men, members of
name was Ella E. Lawrence.
stating that the Rev. E. L. Jones
fl Knudson. Harley Poland and
The Weekly Oregonian who had accepted the pastorate of , Church of Christ requested to
fl,l,r have t>een digging and
the church in this city and was to
be present Friday evening, at
Potatoes this week, with a until Nov. 31, 1912, 75c.
be ordained, had decided not to
Leave orders at the return to Tillamcok and that it wan William’a building, next door
from the rich soil north
Headlight office.
hie intention not to remain in the
to Tillamook County Bank.
ministry. Mr/Jones left last week
Spread and program.
to attend the Presbytery and
he was expected back on Wednes­
Object, Organization.
day with his wife- The ladies of
Friend» and well wisher» of
the church feel greatly disappointed
the church also invited
as they had provided a great many
things for their comfort.
M*ate-i two Doors west of Lamar's Drug Store.
will be services, however, in the
Presbyterian Church next Sunday. ,
Daily Farm Wanted
when Rev. Mr. Milligan willoccnpy
the pulpit.
Wanted by an experienced dairy
Rest Room for Ladies.
The Star has a drama and man. a dairy farm to rent, with
J) to 30 cows. Apply to this alike.
comedy reel every night.
heck Your Accounts
>1.50 per year.
I I'he Money Spent To-day Will Not
Support You Ten Years From
This is one of the many un­
accountable reasons for
opening a bank account
with us.
The Only Government Examined Bauk in the
Amounts to about >15,000,000
—Town and City Lots will
Pay More Taxes.
Assessor A. M. llare lias completed the assessment
of Tillamook County, which amounts to $14,345,532, for
the year 1911. This does not include about .50 miler» of
railroad to be assessed by the Railroad Commission,
and if this is assessed at $700,000, this will take the
assessment about $15,(MM),000.
The assessment last
year was $13,920,278.
Timber and tillable lands are
assessed at about the same as last year, while there is an
increase in town and city lots, which now number 32,-
897, assessed at $1,113,537, last year $729,248.
increase valuation in seaside property and the railroad
are the two things which increased the assessment over
last year, and it is expected that when buildings and
other improvements are erected on the numerous places
platted to beach resorts, this will help to swell the tax­
able property, adding probably two or three millions in
in a few years.
Following is a summary :
Acres of tillable lands ............................. 15,109 ... . $1,325,325
Acres of non-tillable lands .................... 581,819 .. . 10,82», «10
Improvements on deeded lands..............
Town and city lots...................................... 32, »7 - • . 1,113,537
Improvements on town and city lots - -
• •
Improvements on lands not deeded ....
Steamboats, manufacturing machinery,
Merchandise and stock in trade ............
Farming implements, vehicles, etc
Shares of stock, [money and notes ....
Household furniture ..................................
1,374 ..
Horses and mules .....................................
9,398 ..
1 050
757 . .
Sheep and goats ..........................................
Swine .................. ».........................................
Total value of taxable property ........ ...
“ Its All in Your Eye.
9 9
A great many headaches come
from eye strain; and poor victim
doesn’t know the source of his
discomfort. I have permanently
cured dozens of cases of persis­
tent headache by fitting the
patient with proper Spectacles.
Remove* the Headache thrauuh the Eye.
Eye Sight Specialist.
Church of Christ.
Coal Oil,
Coal, $10 ton,
Poultry Supplies,
Potatoes, $1 50 per KO,
"Best” hard wheat flour, ll.IOak ,
$5.50 bbl.,
Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kinds
of feed at prices »• low
any in
the city.
T ill * m * Kia Fian Co.
La at Thursday evening the men
of the church met at the parsonage
for the purpose of taking advance
steps for the growth of the church
and the betterment of the town
They were enthusiatic atxiut orga­
nising men and two men’s Bible
clssses-one for married men and
one for young unmarried men—
wereorgsnized Refreshments were
served end the fellowship of the
hour was much enjoyed. On Fri
dsy evening, this week, they will
meet and organize a local brother­
The broken dam and the flooded
Word wee received this week from town aeem to lie becoming frequent
Evangelist C. L. Organ and wife incidents in our tumultuous living.
that they may close their meeting It apfiear» that we can do nothing
at Hood River this week and begin without a atnet governmental anp-
here next Lord’s day. These are ervidon and regulation.
able workers and will do Tillamook day gives a re * blow to the op*
imirb good. Get ready for ■ great 1 laments ot * paternahani-