Commissioners’ Court W. S. Linkhart.......... W. Cain and team.... P. Allen and team.... W. Schollmeyer.......... Fred Lange and team W. Saxton.................... E. Gerry and team.... A. Schollmeyer ........ 14.37 27.50 30.00 12.50 20.00 7.50 5.00 3.75 Supervisor’» Report of Diet. No. 3. $ 12.00 J. H. Tohl and team 14.25 Willie Webb .... 4.25 L. T. Edwards Court met Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1911, 1.25 Ray Wilson...... The Hon. Homer Mason. Judge; H. V. 20.00 E. R. Hays...... 24.00 Alley, Commissioner; H. M. Farmer, John Whalen and team 5.50 U. S. Edwards ... Commissioner; J. C. Hclden, ’.lerk, 12.50 Ulynus Edwards present. $1,149.49 Claude Lewallen 47.50 28.Í0 In the matter of petition of E. E. Fred Lewallen Miscellaneous Bills, Dist. No. 1. 35.50 J. Lewallen Cr jss . et al, for county road beginning 54.00 W. Warren at south approach of Conder bridge in Tohl and Anderson, powder and 13.00 nails ............ ...18.26 Clyde Lane. I T. 4 S. R. 9 west W. M., running 29.50 Lee Lane .. 10.00 thence in a southeasterly direction to I H. L. Provoost, merchandise......... 7.50 Claude Lane 8.00 a stake marked “R. C. A.”, in the Supervisor’s Report Road Work District Lucious Lane 10.00 Ole Lane...... No. 2. middle of the county road running from 46/.» $108.00 A L. Lane .. Hebo to Dolph in T. 5 S. R. 9 W. W. M. Frank Dye................. 45.511 Frank Bowles and team . 93.50 Connie Dye ................. 41.00 It is ordered that County Surveyor 87.00 Ed. Webb.................... 46.251 Jackson and Forest J. Ager and R. O. John Lurlcer............... 48.75 Jack Ollis................... Toni Lyster............... 31.50 Richards Le appointed as road viewers C. Christensen........... 15.00 D. Brooten and team 33.50 John Rickenbach .. 40.00 to lay out said road. Kasper Sibinel......... 71.75 John Fleck and team 45.25 32.25 Economizes Butter, Flour, In the matter of petition of Fred L. D. Ballinger.............. 23.00 Wm Lawrence............ A. G. Beals................ 4.50 Sappington, it is ordered that a fran­ R. Lucos.................... 9.00 F. Stick ley and team 37.00 Eggs; makes the food more 53.00 V. Kellow and team . chise be grantel to him for a period of D. Tinnerstett........... 50.30 18.00 C. H. Waymire........ 20 years to maintain a system of water G. Tinnerstett........... 48.25 C. H. Waymire aud team appetizing and wholesome 40.00 90 50 works and drains in the streets and M. J. Dye.................. 15.00! T" Jenck and team Loyd Woods............... 63.50 John Imlah .......... alleys of the towns of Rose City Beach, V. Jacobs.................. 20.00¡ t i i u 34.25 6.00 James Imlah.................... Twin Rocks Beach, Tillamook Beach W. B. Stubbs............. 88 00 The only Baking Powder made 45 75 I Henry Lowyer and team F. F. Snyder ............. and Elmore Park. 45.50 W. Lowyer 68'40 !W. Lowyer ...................... J. E. Timmerman... from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar In the matter of the petition of C. E. Humes............. 5.00 M. B. Wilson and team | C. Dunn ... 20.00 Wheeler Light and Water Co. for water, L. D. Lucos............... 29.00 A. S. Foster light and power, and telephone fran­ M. J. Edwards......... . 27.50 A. E. Clark H. A. Kinnaman. . . chise in the town of Wheeler in Rowe’s G. Higgenbotham. 7, 90.50 | F. Wilson addition, same was granted. 95.00 , C. A. Parker VI. M. Ladhimtor... 26.00 | C. A. Whitman In the matter of making a fill in the A. L. Perry............... 56 50 I E J. Lawrence and team.... county road at or near what is known Wm. Hadley............... Tillamook Electric Light Co....... 19.83 ceedings 9_months . 25.00 i G. D. Sanders and team ... W. Booth .................... James Christensen piling.............. 32.47 job work ... as the Blum Place, it is ordered that Henry Farmer and one horse 23.50 W. M. Hill................. Tillamook Iron works................... 70.70 bid of A. Blum of $300,00 for fill and $20 G. Miner.................... 46.50 ! Hugh Wallace and team........ U. G. Jackson surveying............ 62.50 SOME FACTS ABOUT WHEEL! . 56.50 I Art Bodyfelt and team.......... for plank, be accepted, Fill is 310 feet C. A. Hunt............... U. G. Jackson and party survey­ Lee Lyster ............................... . 79.00 L. Diercks............... in length. ing................................................ 178.75 78.50 I C. L. Wooley and team......... A. H. Ohlstrum ....... A. L. Page transportation of sur­ In the matter of the Tillamook Bay W. Sutten................ Wheeler is the new town on Nehal* , 12.50 Henry Farmer and team....... vey party....................................... 26.50 Bay. Co.. J. H. Johnson, J. A. Cook, Scott Glen Tinnerman....... 40.50 Alvis Curl engineer................ R. B. Hayes in surveyors office 86.00 E. E. Roliana and team........ Bogorth, W. Lawrance, Robt. F. Swain J. C. Jove.................. Wheeler is destined to be the lira and on road.................................. 14.45 4.20 ! Emile Wooley.......................... Dr. II. H, Smith and and John O. Bozorth, petition for the James Kennedy......... city on Nenalem Bay. Surveyor Jackson and party ......... 12.50 I. C. Smith and team ........... . 20.00 staff, of the Medical Insti­ vacation of parts of certain streets in Jim Smith.................. King and Smith Merchandise...... 46.02 Wheeler has the first railroaddqi . 27.00 'John Rock................................ L. Burke.................... A. McNair & Co. merchandise.... 153.13 in Tillamook County. tute of Liverpool, England, Gceanlake Park, petition granted. . 17.50 John Redberg.......................... F. F. Snyder Jr....... L. J. Tittle Piling........................... 18.13 . 11.00 A. Peterson............................. Wheeler has free publi". docks* and Crawfordsville, Indi­ In the matter of application of Ray Woolfe.............. Hiner and Son work...................... 39.56 . 12.00 Frank Follett.......................... Dolph Tinnerstett. Horace H. Hayward and others for A. L. Perry draying ....................... 3.50 landing float for use of the public. 1 Lester Ray and team . .......... ana, lectured to a large county road, petition was continued. John Lurke............... . 12.00 W. S. Buel, express on books... 3.30 Wheeler has the finest equips .50 Ole Redberg............................ audience last Tuesday even­ In the matter of petition of Geo. G. L. Hamlin........... C. I. Clough merchandise............ 8.99 2.00 A. E. Clark.............................. Edward Hanenkratt. Finley & Co. merchandise........... 24.70 salmon cannery in Tillamookfountj. ing. The doctors are agree­ Watt, et al, for vacation of blocks and A. L. Blackburn.... . 29.50 Fritz Uhlig ................... ......... Wheeler has the U. S. pestoffice. Wm. Powell and son painting the . 32.50 Oran Wallace........................... able and forceful speakers, streets in Oceanlake Park, same was H. Schllappi............. Johnson bridge on Trask river 50.00 Wheeler has a fine gravity waterij . 37.50 W. Christensen aid team .... H. Sch ’ eld ................. painting Hunt bridge on Trask 56.00 tern of pure mountain water. and held the audience in continued. . 17.50 A. Commons and team......... W. K. Webb............. painting court house roof......... 75. 75.00 CO 9.00 Frank Kodad and team......... . Wheeler has deep vjater front* close attention while they In the matter of a petition of S. T. E. Hall...................... E. J. Claussen salary for Aug. . 11.50 Carver....................................... Childs and others for a county road, F. Reynolds.............. and railroad shipping facilities. Sept, for sending out literature Joe Carson and team ............. explained the theory and same was continued. 6.00 R. Wyant................. and answering correspondence in Wheeler has the largest saw mil! . 12.50 Chas Woolev. ........................... usefulness of their wonder­ In the matter of petition of C. R. R. Leunk ................. connection with county adver­ Tillamook Countv, Rapacity over lii 22.75 E. E. Rolland and team....... W. M. Miller............. tising.............................................. 40.00 ful discoveries. Funk and others for county road, same John Blume.............. . 37.50 Robt. McClay and team........ thousand feet per-day. S. A. Broadhead carpenter work 9.60 Fred Lyster and team ........... . 32.50 A. Jones.................... Many promises were made was continned. Wheeler saw mill has about 100■ Beall & Co. expert on road roller 36.30 Reed Farmer and team ....... . 45.00 C. R. Lunk............... ~.......................... ......... Cloverdale Lumber Co. lumber • 111.38 on the pay roll and pays out annul which seemed utterly im­ In the matter of dedication of C. . 32,50 Ralph Bunn and team........... E. Pearson ........... “Strese Acres” in Tillamook County, W. D. Gladwell milk county poor 2.59 about $700,000 to laborers. 6.25 Tom Kellow and team........... possible to believe und it is ordered that said plat be and the W. D. Darby............. Dawson Bros, livery hire 5.50 . 17.50 Jim Rhodes.............................. Earl Pearson............. Let us tell you more about Wheel« J. C. Holden freight..................... 3.70 when the doctor invited same is hereby approved. . 16.25 Alvis Curl................................ A. Proctor................. The future." The price of loti T Coast Bridge Co. graphite paint ..76.75 Carl Curl ................................... . 47.50 those who were hard of In the matter of the dedication of J. Proctor................. Tillamook Feed Co. merchandise 20.25 terms on which they can now . 7.50 H. Curl..................................... Johnson............ C. I Clough merchandise.............. 51.33 bought. hearing to cotne forward "Moroney”, in Sec. 29 Tp. 2 N. R. 10 Russ . 15.00 Alex Imlah............................. H. n. Johnson.......... Headlight printing....................... 25.33 P. J. Trobough....................... W. in Tillamook County, it is hereby . 47.50 Ed Hadley and team Read this paper for tilt ire anna** and be cured, L. S. May-; I ordered than said plat be and the same Cost Bill in ease State of Oregon . 25.00 Robert Huston........................ Geo. JanBan.............. vs. Chris Hansen...................... 29.20 ments in regard to Wheeler. nard, T. B. Turney and is hereby approved. . 25.00 W. A. Saling and team ....... Geo. Belmer............. Cost Bill in case State of Oregon Oscar Johnson......................... Call on Watson & Stephens, Til! Chas J. Chaffee responded Miscellaneous Bills Dist. No* 2. vs. John Loncore...................... 5.95 mook City, for particulars aboutl A. A’stell and team............. Supervisors’ Report of Road Work, Cost Bill in case State of Oregon to the call and were made F. Owens .................................. $ 9.25 A ill Hud ley fordraying. vs. Eugene C. Barber.............. 40.95 new town of Wheeler, which will Dist. No. 1., Will Hosley 440 yards gravel...... 22.00 F. Owens and team............... to hear in a few seconds. among the large manufacturing I Cost Bill in case State of Oregon F. Owen ’ s team ..................... Hoskins, 104 hours......... $26.00 W. Rush board and lodging for vs. Sam Boddie......................... Tliedoctor then called for Warren 5.70 commercial centers of Tillam road men.................................. 38.85 W. Hudson and team............ Moses Battrow and team, 82 Coat Bill in case State of Oregon Martin Jenck and team......... County within the next few yean. eripples on crutches and J. hours............................................ 20.50 E. Benschidt piling...................... 43.20 John vs. R. R. Roberts...................... 84.85 Imlah and team............ C. V. Stokes and team................. 66.00 Goldsworthy & Dalpay lumber ... 12.95 Will Glick and team............... Cost Bill in case State of Oregon A. Brant responded. r. Crawe and team...................... 56.50 Rogers & Hoven oats aud hay ... 11.95 vs. Axel Nelson........................ 46.85 Imlah................................. lie was afflicted with the J. A. Johnson................................ 37.50 E. D. Hoag saw filing................. 1.45 Jas James C. Dahiman, “Cowb* Cost Bill in case State of Oregon W. C. Hogan gravel and wood.. 12.75 Hugh Arstell........................... 51.00 "Thrw* 1 Andy Hayden ............ •. .................. giant disease, Rheumatism, Ed. Jacoby..... ...... ......................... 52.50 Baxter Stillwell 436y gravel...... 65.40 John Jenck............................... vs. H. W. Southmayde............ 5.95 Mayor of Omaha, Lariat.” Cost Bill in case State of Oregon Jenck.......................... and lie was unable to walk Wm. Hoskins and team.............. 15.00 D. Tinnerstett 89 yas gravel..... 71.20 Joseph Mayor Jas. C. Daliltnan start vs. Chas. Pike............................ 18.75 Peter Jenck........... ................ Barber and team..................... 84.50 Geo. Tinnerstett 41 yds gravel... 32.00 John Morris............................. his career as a cowboy, and if except with crutches and S. Cost Bill in case State of Oregon Fred Burton bal due on making 1'. Crane, 255 yards gravel........ 12.75 vs. Chris Hansen..................... Chas Kennedy on roller........ 6.20 present Mayor of Omaha and I gt'at difficulty and pain. M. Johnson, 78 yards gravel....... 3.90 All and clearing right of way the following record. Sheriff Nancy Hathaway, stenographer Jessie Kennedy on roller...... on North bank of Tillamook 5 00 Johnson .................................. Ben He was operated on with IL Perry........... ............................... 18.75 river ....................................... 200.00 fees. Chris Hansen case.......... 11.75 Dawes Co., Neb., three tens Mayor of Children, two ttrn 3457.20 D. E. Dawson, serving warrant, medicine for twenty min­ F. lllingsworth ............................. 18.75 T. Pedlow bal due on Aug time. 15.00 Chris Hansen ease..................... 4.00 Democratic Nat’l Comtliitteeaf Miscellaneous Bills Dist. No. 3. 27.00 J. W. Norfleet and team ............. utes and walked off the ■ | A. H. Bittner and team............. 30.50 eight years ; Mayor of Omaha, 1 Work on Wilson River Bridge. Wm. Bodyfelt, service as janitor U. S. Edwards for labor month of years, and in 1910 Candidate I for September............................ stage free from pain atltl I Jus Harrison and team ................ 18 75 c. D. Denny $6 per day....... $162.00 Aug. man and team.................. 24.00 Wm. Body felt, board for prisoner Governor of Nebraska, WritiM H. Barner $3.75 per day c. 98.75 Geo. Eichinger and team ............ 12.50 J. M. Baker labor .......................... 54.90 stiffness, followed by the Joe Harrison, 376 yards gravel .. 18.80 F. E. Cross $3.50 per day.. Foley & Co., Chicago, be says:, . 91.00 Cloverdale Mer. Co. merchandise 39.60 H. V. Alley .................................... have taken Foley Kidney 1'ilh • wondering crowd, while Wm. Kennedy............................... 22.50 H. M Cross $3.50 per day .... 91.00 Myer & Son merchandise..... ......... 3.00 W. B. Aiderman ........................... they- have given me a great deal 58.00 C. H. Way mire, barbed wire........ 3.00 Forest J. Ayers............................ Eassom and team.............. 118.00 Oscar Werschkul .................. llie doctor broke his Chas. relief so I cheerfully recomas 70.50 Jas. Burke for towing lumber.....50.50 I Fred Zaddach.................................. Frid Kebbe .................................... 45.75 I. E. Ball.............................. them.” Yours truly, < i utches. To say the audi- • 1. W. Zaddach and team ........... 106.50 E. Kirk................................... 32.50 W. E. Godsey, blacksmithing...... 8.35 W. H. Hoskins.............................. (signed) J ames C. D ahlm 38.75 Peter Jenck 407 yards gravel...... 20.35 J. H. Johnson, Deputy Assessor.. F. A. Emery................................... 17.00 A . B. Snodgrass .................. e ce was astonished and O. IJ. Crenshaw, Sheriff.................. Chas I. Clough. 20.00 K. Emerv.................................. 2.50 E. Wilson .............................. General Fund. C. A. Johnson, Deputy Sheriff . wild would be ¡Hitting it Peter Cassidy................................ 45.50 Clarence Teague ----- .................. . 15.00 ---------------------- H. M. Farmer................................ Take Your Common Cold* • 12.50 Geo. Willett to office rent from Enssom, Jr........................... 60.00 ! G. Girkes.................. mildly. The doctor was Chas. May 1st 1910 to Oct. 1st 1911 170.00 B. L. Beals, Treasurer................ iouly. 6.00 E, W. Nygard ......... 8.75 S. Hcovell and team...................... A. M. Hare, Assessor .................. uarmlv congratulated. It 11. Scovell and team..................... 5.00 A. Zurcher and team 10.00 3.00 Tillamook City water works Common colds, severe and ' Pearl Phelps, Clerk ’ s office ........ R. F. Zachman work.............................. 60 II. Brobst ami team............. 5.00 quent, lay the toiindatio** seemed like a dream, but it W. $696.00 Glass and Prudhomme stationery 83.50 W. S. Buel, County Superinten­ Ed. Womelsdorf............................. 19.37 chronic diseased conditions «1 dent ............................ .................. was real. Ministers and 83.3g nose and throat, and may dm Homer Mason, County Judge ..... 100.00 into bronchitis, pneumonia, I doctors were in the audi­ J. C. Holden, County Clerk ...... 133.33 consumption. For all cough* I K. Mills, Clerk’s office................ 75.00 colds in children and in grown I ence, and they seemed as J. D. Adams & Co., grader re­ well pleased as anyone. pairs ............................................ 8.50 sons, take Foley's Honey »"d ■ Compound promptly, th**! Herald for publishing Court pro- They treat the following OF NEHALEM, OREGON Clough. WILD With ROYAL BAKING POWDER Tillamook Ina FeverofExcite ment Over the Wonderful Cures Performed by Absolutely Pure Dr.H.H.Smith, The Great Medical Expert and Blood­ less Surgeon. Gem Theatre Packed— Nothing Like It Ever Seen in Tillamook Before. diseases: Paralysis, catarrh, deafness, big neck, bladder FRANK A. ROWE, Pr**id*nl. and kidne) diseases, rheu­ Nehalem, Ore., Oct., 10, 'll matism, scrofula, female diseases, bowel complaint, debility, dropsy, heart, To the HEADLIGHT Readers: liver and nerve diseases, By the time this paper reaches you the last spike of the P. R. & N* cancers, piles and fistula cured without pain ; all will be Driven kinds of chronic diseases Today should mark the beginning of a new era in the growth of cured. - -M MORNING AND EVENING TRAINS ASTORIA to PORTLANI Tickets and Baggage through to rl Sound points, Spokane, St. Paul, Chid Denver, Kansas, City, Omaha, St. Lo®*5 all points East. Tillamook County. Atlantic Steamship Agency. Agent; of The O egon E'ectric Ry. at 'Forest Grove aud ft Competition for freight will lower freight rates Train service boro sell through tickets to all points east. will give dispatch in the handling of perishable products. Passen- Fares and train schedules will be forwarded on request- ger trains will be the means of bringing new settlers to our county, W. E. C oman . G. B. J ohnson , General Freight & Pass. Agent, General Agent, Improved shipping facilities by both rail and water will establish Portland, Ore. Astoria, 0” OFFICE AT HOTEL TODD. mills and factories 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in eluding Sunday. The investigating eyes of thousands and thousands of people will be turned on Tillamook county during the coming year Let us present to them a progressive and wide-awake community working in harmony for CONSULTATIONJREE the development of the oounty as a whole. The treatment is Medicine Put aside faotional strifes. Forget local jealousies. Dis- and Bloodless Surgery. Will not ▼‘.»it any other town in conutenance obstructionists. Get together and work for a common end. thia connty. AU wishing treatment must come to Till, the FULL DEVELOPMENT OF TILLAMOOK COUNTY. araook not later than Thura- Be progressive* To stand still means decay. day, October 19, cloaing at S p„m. I Reepeotfully, Frank A. Rove. a OREGON AGRICULTURAL [QLLW This la ths title sf • besutirul M-P>*» /¡is will shew any bey or *lrl how I* SVCCEiD »/L postal In the mall TODAY and It will to-’ The atm of the Coll«* la U dlaalfy and iwWE th* Industri** and to serva ALL lb* J course* in Acrtcnlture. ClvU taflneeria* Enflaesrlnc Mechanical Enftawria*. tîi »•ria* Forsttry. Dom*sU