TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OC 1 OBER ce of Application for License Surr moa» Summons. o Sell Spiritous, Malt and Initiative Vinous Liquors, Etc. Xn the Circuit Court of the State of In the Ciicuit Court of the State of I 12. 1911 and Referendum in Federal Supreme Court. (FROM TACOMA DAILY LEDGER, TACOMA, WASH). Dr. Madison H.H. Smith Oregon, for the County of Oregon for Tillamook County. tick is H ereby G iven ,—That T B. Potter Realty] Tillamook. tition has been filed in the 1 Louis Sondheim, i Company, a aCorpo- Corpo­ i From the Spectator. itv Court of the State of Ore- Plaintiff, t ration, 'for the County of Tilla- The most important case, to the vs. I Plaintiff, t, a true copy and' transcript Srethna S. Phelps, I people of Oregon, and to the people vs. of and of the whole thereof, is Defendant. J L. H. Field and Jane of the United States at large, pend­ ords, letters and figures as In the Name of the State of Oregon: Field his wife, Z. ing in the United States Supreme vs to wit: C. Eldred and Jane You are hereby required to appear Court is that of the Pacific States he Honorable County Court and answer the complaint filed Doe Eldred, his f the State of Oregon, for the herein against you in the above Telephone and Telegraph Company wife, A. C. Bloom­ ounty of Tillamook. field and Jane Doe entitled Court and cause, within six I against the State of Oregon. It is , the U ndersigned , hereby weeks from the31st day o'Aug. D.A. Bloomfield, his i on a writ of error from the Supreme e and show to you the follow- 1911, saitl date being the first date of wife, and C. C (Court of the United States to the 'acts and petition you as fol- publication of this summons, and Bloomfield _____ and | Supreme Court of Oregon, and arose Jane Doe Bloom if you fail so to appear or answer, Bloom- ­ it we, and each of us are resi- for want thereof, the plaintiff will field. his wife, | on an action at law brought by the i and legal voters within Gari- apply to the Court for the relief de Defendants, j Precinct, in Tillamook County, inanded and prayed for in the com­ ToL. H. Field audjane Doe Field State of Oregon against the com­ pany to recover a license tax on its on. and have been such for plaint filed herein, to-wit : his wife, Z. C. Eldred and Jane i than thirty days next preceed- Doe Eldred his wife, A. C. Bloom- gross earnings, claimed to have ac­ For a decree and judgment tie date of this petition, having against the defendant for the sum field and JaneDoe Bloomfield. his i crued for the year ending Decem­ and now are actual residents of three hundred and sixteen and wife, and C. C. Bloomfield anil ber 31, 1906, alleged to be due under n said precinct for more than 25-100 ($310.25) Dollars the balance Jane Doe Bloomfield, his wife. an initiative law, passed by a vote I ,• days next proceeding Sep- due on the principal of said note, You uni and ana each eacn of ot you, the above above' x } er 22nd, 1911. named defendants : I of the people of Oregon June 4, 1906, ami for the further sum of seven it we are an actual majority of ($7.00) Dollars, as interest due on In the name of the State of Ore- requiring express, telephone and whole number of the legal said note and for the further sum gon: iou and each of you are telegraph companies to pay’anann- s within said precinct. of one hundred ($100.00) dollars as awe® ytheqcòmJfe?mP^edr aglinst ' “al 1ÌCense “’X ‘•I’”"‘»«eirrespective it we herebj petition you to attorney’s fees for the institution of t a license to sell, in lees quan- this suit to collect said note, to you in the above entitled court and | tIrO88 receipts. l than one gallon, spiritous, gether with plaintiff’s costs and dis­ action on or before the last day ot , The only question ------- '.......... ' ‘ to be decided . and vinous liquors for the bursements incurred herein. the time prescribed in the order of | bv the United States Supreme Court id of one year from the date of And for a further decree herein publication of summons herein license, within eaid Garibaldi that the mortgage on all of Blocks which said order was made and is as to whether the initiative and Inct, and at Garibaldi, therein, 4 and 17, in the town of Netarts Bay dated on the 25th day of September. referendum amendments to the J. McCormick. Park, situate in the County of Tilla­ 1911, aud if you fail so to answer, Oregon Constitution and state initi­ er Byrom, Garibaldi. mook, State of Oregon, according for want thereof the plaintiff will ative law are valid, the company R. Sutton, Garibaldi. to the plat thereof on file in the take judgment against you and contending that they violate the H. Derby, Garibaldi. office of the County Clerk of said each of you for the appropriation ink K. Strueby, Garibaldi. county, said mortgage having been and condemnation and the assess Federal constitution and nets of Iliam Dowd, Garibaldi. given to secure payment of said ment of your damages in the above Congress, particularly the act ad 7 Dunham, Garibaldi. Every day adds to the long list of permanent cures th it Hr. Midi son promissory note, as set out in plain entitled court of the following mitting Oregon into the Union, 1 Tillotson, Garibaldi, tiff's complaint, be foreclosed and described real property belonging The main point however, is that H. H. Smith is ac.oniplishing in his marvelous way nt the Mason Hotel f. Stoker, Garibaldi. to you, to-wik: at 10th and A streets. Rheumatic cases of long «‘ending _ seem to in- said property be sold, as upon *1 Nelson, Garibaldi, Beginning at the quarter section the initiative amendments violate stanfly Vanish before his scientific fte;. treatments. ‘iiients. Many despondent execution, to satisfy any judgment i Center, Garibaldi. Section 4 of Article IV. which pro ­ corner common to sections 17 and sufferers of chronic affliction* are willing and anxious to testily to the which may be secured by the plain­ Cliainphe, Garibaldi. "The United States great things he li-.s «lone for them. tiff in the above entitled suite, and and 18, in township 1 south of range vides that: W. Smith, Garibaldi. for a deficiency judgment against 10 west of Willamette Meridian in shall guarantee to every state in This is truly the age of wonders. Discoverers and inventor* are radi­ N. Bolting. Garibaldi. said defendant in said cause, in Tillamook County, Oregon, and this Union a republican form of ating from all «piarters of the globe. The modern philanthropist have Aubrey, Garibaldi. case proceeds of said sale do not running thence north 104.75 feet ; also come in for their share of prominence, but few have won the grati­ J. McDonald, Garibaldi, cover the amount of said judgment thence north 42 deg. and 40’ west government”—in other words, that tude of suffering humanity as has Dr Madison H. H, Smith since dis­ n Johnson, Garibaldi. referendum covering his phenomenal system of permanent cures, after years of This summons is served upon 728 feet ; thence south 47 degrees the initiative and i Johnson, Garibaldi. you by virtue of an order made by 38’ west 599.42 feet; thence south amendments to the Oregon consti­ service in some of the world’s best medical institutions. His lecture nt Mitchell, Garibaldi, Honorable Homer Mason, Judge of 163.9 feet ; thence east 1019.9 feet tution make its form of government 1 the Tacoma Theatre Tuesday night, June 6. was not only most interest ti. Renick. Garibaldi. the County Court of the State of to the place of beginning, contain­ 1 ing and instructive, but a revelation aa well. It is the talk of the town. B. Mather, Garibaldi. Oregon, for the County ot Tilla­ ing 9.06 acres, more or less, all of democratic and not republican in The patients to whom he gave instant relief before the «■yea of his G. Luddock, Garibaldi, this described tract being in the form and in substance. mook, dated the 29th day of August audience have experienced no return symptoms and cannot say enough in Miller, Garibaldi, A.D., 1911, and which order pre­ S.E. quarter of the N.E. quarter of The brief of the telephone and in praise of wtiat the doctor has done for them. a. H. Franklin, Garibaldi. said section 18. scribes that summons in this suit Dr. Madison II H. Smith's system of treatment was made possible F. Bowman, Garibaldi. This summons is served upon telegraph company in thia cane has by his discovery of the great virtue that lies hidden in the juice of should be served upon you by pub­ 1. Sheldon, Garibaldi. lication once a week for six con­ you by order of the Honorable but recently been printed. It cov­ various plants from Mother Earth. Though serving as a practitioner F. Goff, Garibaldi. secutive and successive weeks in Homer Mason, Judge of the County ers 165 pnges, and was written by for years under the old school Dr. Madison H. H. Smith has >. Meshlc, Garibaldi, the Tillamook Headlight, a news- Court, of Tillamook County, Oregon, Messrs. E. S. Pillsbury and Oscar abandoned the olil orthodox method* in his present system of cures. is. Morgan, Garibaldi, paperof general circulation, printed dated the 25th day of September Sutro, the San Francisco lawyers Dr. Madison II. H. Smith is opposed to poisoning the system with too n Matson,(Garibaldi. and published in the County of 1911, ordering that summons be many drugs. Nature seems to accomplish unaccountable cures through Thiessen, Garibaldi, served upon you by publication in -and of counsel for the company. Tillamook, State of Oregon. herbs, on human beings, as for ages they have in their silent way upon A'. Johnston, Garibaldi. the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly G. G. S chmitt & F. R. M iller , While technically a brief, in this the natives of forests, foothills, mountains and plains where nature >mas Quinn, Garibaldi. newspaper of general circulation in Attorneys for Plaintiff. furnishes them. 1 Loll, Garibaldi. Tillamook County, Oregon, for at paticular case it is really a mono In certain complicated cases and in abnormal anatomy Dr. Madison . McCormick, Garibaldi. least once a week for six consecu­ graph of great merit. It is written H. H. Smith associate bloodless surgery with the “ juice of the green Administrator’s Notice of Sale. tive weeks. >. Thompson, Garibaldi, with ability and shows great knowl­ plant.” There are but few specialists in the world to-day who have won sph Hauxhurst, Garibaldi, The date of the first publication edge of the political history of the the title of ” bloodless surgeons.” Dr. Madison H. H. Smith is one of N otice is H ereby G iven to all hereof is the 28th day of September, yd C. Smith, Garibaldi, i them. It is hoped for the sake of suffering humanity that many more nk Hadley, Garibaldi. whom it may concern that the un­ 1911, and the date of the last pub­ country and of its institutions. In will acquire hie ability to accomplish cures. it are cited excerpts from the de ­ dersigned as the Adminstrator of lication, and the last date upon .. Sappington. Garibaldi. the estate of Mary E. Phelps, de­ which you are required to answer bates in the constitutional conven-l Miller, Garibaldi, Dr. Madirton H. H. Smith has scores of convincing testimonials ut ceased, was by an order of the on or before, is, and will expire on tioti, from the Federalist, from the i. Keys, Garibaldi. his office. They tell stories of human suffering relieved which have County Court of Tillamook County, the 9th day of November, 1911. Perdue, Garibaldi. other great writers, both native and rarely been equalled in the annals of medical mid surgicnl history. Oregon, ordered, directed and W ebster H olmes , Morony, Garibaldi. foreign ; from the speeches of great Almost everyone was at one tune given up by the doctors either to die licensed to sell, at private sale, Attorney for Plaintiff. :r Schrantz, Garibaldi, or spend the remainder of their life in bed or on crutches. Some of which said order was duly made ed Johnson, Garibaldi. orators and from leading decisions these cures were wrought here in Tacoma, nt the offices in the Hotel and entered of record in said Snetsinger, Garibaldi. of courts. It isacompendum show ­ Mason, where he is now giving treatment daily. Some ere our Tacomu Notice to Creditors. county court on the 19th day of 1 Hart, Garibaldi, ing what is u republican form of citizens, know and respected here. Some live in various parts of the September, 1911, the real property tin Hart, Garibaldi. Estate of Asa G. Coblcr, Deceased. government, and especially what state and some from other states —what the eyes see the heart must of said estate which is hereinafter I. Gunderson, Garibaldi. Notice is hereby given by the un­ described, upon the following dersigned. E. W. Stanley, adminis was intended to be meant by the believe : . Frost, Garibaldi. terms, to-wit : At least one-third of trator of the estate of Asa G. Cob words "republican form of govern Lindsay, Garibaldi. the sale price of the property sold ler, deceased, to the creditors of, ment,” as used in the National con­ 4. Mead, Garibaldi. in cash on the date of sale, and the and all persons having claims .. Frost, Garibaldi, Tacoma, Wash., June 15, 1911. remaining two-thirds to be secured against, said deceased, to exhibit stitution. It shows that the divi­ i Kostner, Garibaldi. Dr. Madison H. H. Smith treated me for deafness JuneO. I9tl, at the by a first mortgage on the premises them with the necessary vouchers, sion of power into three depart­ . Kateisar, Garibaldi. sold, due in not to exceed three within six months after the first ments, viz., legislative, executive Tacoma Theater. He told me to come to his office nt the Mason Hotel Mead, Garibaldi. :ph M. Brandenburg,Garibaldi, years from the date of eale, bearing publication of this notice, to said and judicial, in each of the states, the next day, which I did. He removed a growth from my ear and interest at the rate of not less than E. W. Stanley, at the office of George averman, Garibaldi, is prerequisite to the existence of now I hear a* good us ever. I take great pleasure in recommending six per cent per anuum. .ogenbaker, Garibaldi, Willett, attorney-at-law, Tillamook Notice is hereby given therefore Oregon, which office the under­ the national government; that state i Dr. Madison II. II. Smith. ee S. Walters, Garibaldi. (Signed) I. M I. if .I iprifii . that I will, as said Administrator, signed selects as his place of bus legislatures are n vital feature of Smith, Garibaldi. Tacoma, Wash., June Hl^ 1911 from and after the 19th day of iness in all matters connected with our country ; that under the Na­ . Thompson, Garibaldi. October, 1911, proceed to sell said said estate. 1 Davie, Garibaldi. I commence«! treatment eight day* ugo witti Dr. Madison II. H. Smith tional constitution in state legisla­ real property of said estate, which e. Fonger, Garibaldi. Dated thia second day of Septem I for liver ami stomach trouble I had almost become a nervous wreck tures are the agencies to carry on said real property is described as )avia, Garibaldi. l>er, 1911. Ma«!ison II. II. I follows, to-wit : f. Best, Garibaldi, the relations between the nation Limi had tried many doctors, bnt could get no relief. Dr. E. W. S tanley , The east half of the southeast rge Perry, Garibaldi. Admistretor of the estate of Asa and the states ; that the initiative Smith's treatment gave me almost Inst.mt relief mid I 1 feel like a new quarter of section thirty-one, and G. Colder, deceased. . Campbell. Garibaldi, destroys the legislature and over­ ' woman. 1 fake great pleasure in recommending Dr. Madison 11. 11. the west half of the southwest quar­ larshal), Garibaldi, (Signed) M r *. L. R1TSON. throws one of the greatest safe­ Smith. ter of section thirty-two, in town­ ph Mitchell, Garibaldi. Tacoma. June 14, 1911. Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. ship three south of range ten west G Jacob, Garibaldi. guards against the abuse of the Dr. Madison H. II. Smith treated me eight «lays ago ut the Tucouia of the Willamette Meridian, situate . Alexander, Garibaldi. power of legislature, to-wit: the N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That Theater, and I am improved and hear us well ns ever. in Tillamook County, Oregon. . Johnson, Garibaldi, (Signed) W. M. L yon . Also, beginning sixty feet south the State Land Board of the State system of a dual legislative ussem e of Oregon, County of Tilla- of the southeast corner of Block No. of Oregon will sell to the highest bly ; and also does away with the SS. I employ this means to signify the gratitude I feel toward Dr. Madison in the Capital further safeguard of the veto power H II Smith and hi* successful methods of treating he underaighed, being first thirteen, in Park Addition to Tilla­ bidder at its office disease. I have Salem, Oregon, on Building, at mook City, Oregon, as the same ap ­ iworn, say:—That I am one of long been a sufferer from Chronic Rheumatism, an«l mv Niiffering _________ . 1911, at 10:00 o'clock by the governor. December 5th, pears of record at pages 624 and 625 for the past three years has been beyond endurance I corts’ilted titioners within named, and a. m. of said day, all the State’s It is to be regretted that this brief many physicians and spent large »uni* of money in my efforts to get circulated the same, and that of Book J., records of deeds of said a.tn., interest in the tide and overflow nd all of the foregoing named county and state, thence west to the lands hereinafter described, giving will not be largely circulated over ! relief, but instead of finding it I had to resort to crutches to enable me iners signed the same with center of Delmonte street in said however to the owner or owners of the United States. It has been j to move about. I am still womlering over wliai Dr. Maalisoti If. II rn hand in my presence ; that Park Addition, thence south to the any lands, abutting or fronting on studiously, intelligently and care- I Smith lias done for me. It seem* beyond human conception, but, line of the sub-division nevertheless, the fact remains that since Dr. Madison H II. Smith jtated hie name, («ostoffice ad- south such tide and overflow lands, and residence correctly, and kuownas Goodapeed’s Park, thence the preference right to purchase fully prepared and written, After treate«! inei in public at Beck’s Theater last Thursday night, my ach one is a legal voter within north to the place of beginning, said tide and overflow lands at the a careful reading of it, anyone who : Rheumatism is past history. Instead of bobbling about in pain, I visit nidi Precinct, and has actu- containing four (4* acres, more or highent price offered, provided such is a believer in our form of govern­ his office unassisted au«l en joy sll the pleasure* and happiness of lie iltb. t-ided therein for more than less, all situated in Tillamook offer is made in good faith, anti ment as framed and expounded by I I cannot say too much in praise of what Dr. Madisain If If. Smith lias ‘done for me. M rs . L. J. WRKHIT, 7<)M Knox St., Bellinghaiii, Wash «lays next proceeding Sept. County, Oregon, at private sale, also providing that the land will 11. and that all of the facts set upon the following terms as fixed not tie sold for nor any offer there­ our great statesmen, will fully ap­ I was helpless from flint giant disease. Rheumatism. I inannged to in said petition are true as I by the said County Court, to-wit: to! accepted of less than $7:50 per preciate that, should the Supreme .make my way on crutches to the Everett Theater. When Dr. Madison II. At least one-third of the purchase ' believe. Court uphold the initiative and H. Smith called for cripples, I went to the platform and he treated me price in cash on the date of sale, acre, the Board reserving the right J. J. M c C ormick . referendum amendments of the 1 for 39 minutes, after which I walked off the stage an«l went Imine with to reject any and all bids. Iress. Garibaldi, Tillamook and the remaining two-thirds of the lout crutches. I went to work for If. II. Vollann on March I, anil feel Said lands are situated tn Tilla­ y, Oregon. Subscribed and purchase price to be secured by a mook County. Oregon, describe«! Oregon constitution, while its etween Sections of the American people, to the land he broke my cruti lies and I walked out of the Theater. I continue I) W ebster H olmes . Notary Public for Oregon bearing interest at not less than 16 and 15 and running along high spirit of the National constitution, to walk without the ai«l of ttie crutches and mil feeling fine ice is F urther H ereby six per cent per annum from the water line the following courses M rs E. C DEAN, 2trft Wetmore, Everett. and to the genius of our intitulions. I,—That said petition will be date of sale until paid. Dr. Madison II. II. Smith treated me for deafness seven yearn ago. N. 50 degs., 04' W 490.00 feet. Dated this 21st day of September, F rf . oru k H olman . I I am improve«! and hear as goo«l as ever. ited to the County Court of N. 57 deg«., 45’ W. 359.60 feet. »te of Oregon, for Tillamook 1911. ... (il.an.l WAIiDKLL Everett Wash. N. ______ 69 den».. 04' W. 606.62 feet to W> C. K ing , y on the 1st day of Novem the line ofLot 2, then the following A b Administrator of the Estate ,James C. Dahiman, "Cowboy ” 1911, anil based thereon said James C to low water line. of Mary E. Phelps, deceased. course IcCormick will at said time N. 0 deg., 26' W. 220.00 feet, then Mayor of Omaha, “Thr we the Lariat. ” late, apply to said County along low water line the following for a license to be granted to Notice of Hearing of Final Ac­ courses' Mayor Jas. C. Dahiman started ■ J- McCormick to sell within hie career as a cowboy, and is at count. degs., 44' E. 219.8« feet. s. 61 ...................... Garibaldi Precinct, and at , present Mayor of Omaha and has Thia is to certify that I have been a helpless cripple for two an<1 one- S. 87 deg«., :cr E. '294.92 feet. ildi therein, in less quanti the following record. Sheriff of half yei.rs from that giant disease Rheumatism and was in bed part of 276. *1 feet. 3. 50 degs.. 5T E N otice is H ereby G iven .—That than one gallon, spiritous. Dawes Co., Neb., three terms ; 218.64 feet. E. the time ; for two years was i-ompellcil to walk with crutches. Dr. S. 68 dette.. Ind vinous liquors, for a per­ the undersigned has filed his final Mayor of Chadren, two t-rms; Madison II. II If. II. Smith treated Heated me at the ofiera houae August 6, IIMD 3. «2 deg a., »• E. 188.80 feet. one year from the date of account as administrator of the Democratic Nat ’ l Committeeman, 275.96 feet to the I walkr«t out of the opera house H a»' and broke my crutches on the stage deità- S. 72 ------ ----- • -- estate of Louis Blattlar, deceased, (cense eight years , Mayor of Omaha, nix without them ; and I to walk nnd alii feeling; fine haw no Section line between 15 16 then and that the County Court of the «1 thia 28th day of September. I take pleaeure in recomnirn«bng l>r. S. 0 deg . 04’ W. 390.00 feet to the years, and in 1910 ( an«1i«late for more use lor my ci State of Oregon, for the Cojintyof ptiblir. ppointed Monday beginning, and contaming6.9 acres ! Governor of Nebraska. Writing to Madison II H Smith to the public. Tillamook, has a J. J. M c C ormick . (Signe«1> M. T. < HARTON, lloiae, Idaho, August •>, IKK me 6th day of _ November, 1911. at of tide land in front of Lot 3 of ¡Foley A Co.. Chicago, he save: ”1 the -■ IS.. . —. R — 10 ____ 16 T. W ot W M have taken Foley Kidmy Pills an«l treated by Dr. Ma«llson H II Smith at the opera li< 10 o’clock a m. of said day. at the Section Bids should I* accompanied by thev hsve given me a gteat deal of Notice. , IW5. for deafness Hace been inipioving ever ein« « courtroom of said court in Tilla_ ■ - ------- i ---- otnm^n'l a regular application to purchase I relief so I cheerfully as well ss I did an«l shall ever lie greatfnl to Dr. Mad ice ib H ereby G iven ,—That niook City, Oregon, aa the time an<1 and exchange for the full amount them.” Yours truly, onday, October 16, 1911, the place for hearing of objections, if offered and should lie addreaeea Io «signed) J ames t IMHI.MAN. If II. Smith for curing me. «Signed) M II. t ullinb . Boise. I«laho, Augpstd. I»“. y Board of Equalization will anv there are. to the said account, G. G. Brown, Clerk State I_an«l ( has I. Clough. st the Court House, of Tills and any and all persona interested Board. Salem. Oregon, and marked The voice <«l the *kepti< is now hushed, tor they must now lielieve County, Oregon, and publicly in said estate are hereby required “ Application and bid to purchase Take Your Common Colds Ser* this man is a wonder, tor they can n«»w see what hr really cai do, and Be the assessment roll for to be present at such time and tide lande." wtiat the eyes see the heart must belirie. ivnly. ear, and correct all errors in place to present their objections to G. G B rown . Common colds, severe nn«l fre ­ such secount. if any they have. lions, descriptions of lands Clerk State Und Board quent. lay the foundation of Dated at Tillamook. Oregon, this lher property. Said hoard will Datml this 7th day of September, chronic «liaeased conditions of the ne in session from day to day, Sth day of October, 1911 1911 ______ __________ nos* and throat, and may «levelop M. A bplanalp . the examination, correction Administrator ot the above After exposure, and when you into bronchitis. pneumonia, and )ualization of the assessment and named Eatate feel a cold coming on. take Foley's consumption For sll coughs l>er< * said county shall be com Honey and Tar Compound. It colds in children an«1 in grown Tar Pasture lo Heat. checks and relieve«. Use no eub- sons, take Foley's Honey and "1 at Tillamook. Oregon. Sep- I. Compound promptly. < has r 15. 1911 Paetare for rent Inquire of Peter stitute. The genuine in a vellow | C lough. ( ackage always. CfeMi L Clough. A. M H are . Newberg, Hemlock, Oregon. County Assessor. Stay in Tacoma IS PROVING A BOON TO AFFLICTED HUMANITY. _______ ___ _____ I The Mason Hotel at Tenth and tt Streets Is the Scene of Miraculous Cures—Given Upto Live as Cripples or Die—All These Have Been Restored to Health and Happiness by Dr. Madison H. H. Smith's Pure “ Essence of the Green Plant9 9 and His Bloodless Surgery. Read What the Patients Say : Are These Cures Permanent?—Read and Be Convinced. Office at Hotel Todd The Treatment is Medicine and Bloodless Surgery. I>r. Madison II. H. Smith will be in Tillamook until Thursday, October 19th, closing at 5 p m.