TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 12, 1911. A GAME OF BRIDGE. BEST BANKNOTES. Boulder Creek =«e ÍF little | Mrs. Elsie Kinnaman and WE DISTRIBUTE THE daughter, Reta, came home Satur­ day' evening from Tillamook, where had been visiting Mrs. Kinna-1 I John W. Gates' last office was in they man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-! They Are Produced by American the Trinity building, He called his man Dye for a few days. firm Charles G. Gates & Co. Others “E P. Mills made a trip to Tilla­ OF THE Talent and Methods. termed It "the house of the twelve mook last week for a load of pro­ apostles," as a dozen partners were In visions. He reports his new house it. Gates was considered a good bridge to be nearing completion. HARDEST TO COUNTERFEIT. whist player. Often after f p. m. Carl Jensen visited relatives down I I bridge was played lu the office. One the river last Friday and Saturday. , Rev. H. A. Walter and family and From th. Tim. of Paul R.v.r., th. _‘here_ " Pre, I A young man of good family, but not Mrs. N. Smith and Miss Fannie First American Banknot. Artist, spent a few days last week at the ; I wealthy, came In. Our. Have Been Mor. Difficult to j "Sit down.” said Gates agreeably. beiich and visiting Mrs. Smith’s ! daughter, Mrs. Ear) Ayer, at Woods. ' Imitate Than Thooo of the Old World. “I hate to play with a dummy.” Little Janie Johnson is seriously j DIRECT "How much a point do you play? ” To say that Americans make the best ill at the present writing. Drs. j banknotes In the world may sound at asked the newcomer. Smith and Boals have been in at- j "Fifty," said Gates. first rather boastful, and yet any his­ tendance and the latest report “I can’t afford it,” was the rejoinder. names the trouble to be brain fever, tory of the art aud industry of note iwemyuve is in n a big wig game ivt for me.” and a very dangerous case. engraving which failed to record that ■ “Twenty-five fact would be Incomplete. Paul Its- I "Well, make up the rubber. .” said Mr Antoine Borba has been vere was the first American banknote ■ Gates disappointedly, "We’ll play for spending a few days with his brother, John Borba, the past week. artist, and from the time of the char­ 1 twenty-five.” Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Chopard, tering of the Bank of North America f The young man played well, had luck Norman and Neva, ’returned last under the direction of Robert Morris, and won. This Up to-Date and Sensible Way of marketing In 1781, up to the present American i “We have a sort of clearing bouse Saturday from South Prairie, where they hail been visiting, Mrs. Chop­ engravers have excelled not only in the here,” said Gates when the game end­ ard Pianos represents a wonderful saving in price to the ’s brother,!.. E. Gitehell and her artistic quality of their designs, but In ed. “I’ll send you your check in the cousins Mrs. H. P. Coghlan and tlieir provisions against counterfeiting. : morning.” Mrs. Chas. McDivit, Master Nor­ Marco Polo found banknotes In Chi­ I The young man got a check for $13,- man visited his cousin, Cranston 600. Astounded, he took It to the na ages ago, printed on paper made Goddard for several days before his parents went out. from the bark of the mulberry tree. signer. “What does this mean?” he asked. One of the noteB upon which the great The many friends of M. T. Suares Do not Confuse Our Piano With the Boston Miller Venetian traveler himself may have “I circulated that I won $130. We were much pleased to read lrs in­ gazed Is on exhibition at this day in were playing for 25 cents a point, teresting letter in the Headlight a I few week- ago, and to know that the office of on American company. It I weren't we?” "We were playing for $25 a point,” though “ the ocean rolls between,” is one of a series Issued by the Ming his heart is still true to the land of dynasty about 1399 A. D.—“current returned Gates. adoption, and that he is long­ “Wha-at! Why, if I’d lost I couldn't his anywhere under heaven”—mid seems ing to see the “flag of the free” to have been printed from wooden have paid.” once more floating above his head. “If you hadn’t paid we’d have run blocks on a sheet of paper nine by H. P. Coghlan hauled about 28e opened and read either lie (normal case). are easy to counterfeit. The Bank of hire or after breakfast, but never at City visit, $2.00. Spain has of late abaniionetl Its own the table during the handling of food. Visit out of town, $2.56. plant because its notes were Imitated To Restore Leather Binding». Visit out of town, three miles, so successfully that counterfeits were accepted by the bank without ques­ To restore the leather bindings of $1.00; one dollar for each mile over We are introducing the New Frances WASH­ books wash them first very lightly and three miles as usual. tion. A private concern now does the carefully with clean warm water tn INGTON STI$EL RANGE, at $35.00, the best work The Bunk of Greece now use. R. T. B oals . which a tiny piece of soda has been range in Tillamook County for the money the American methisl. having hnnge squeezed aa dry as Bakery. Give him a trial. He asks at $1.25 and $1.50. ’ , for a share of the patronage on ac- returned to the bank and Issue «noth possible. If you want your stove or furniture repaired, I count of being a home product. • er In Its place This and the practice changed, or set up. Come and see us about it. of keeping a record of the numbers of H»r Dear Husband. all bank notes »«I'd tn every biistnroa We are located next door to Patzlaf’s, in the "Why." exclaimed a newly married Hunting Notice. establishment keep alive a keen sense woman to a bunch of friends, “for Wade Building. The undersigned have leased the of responsibility which adds to secu­ three months after our marriage my rity. The custom of circulating soiled dear husband made me lurks hot bis hunting on Mark Harrison's place south east of town. Anyone hunt­ banknotes. of course, gives the eoun mlts for hint every meal " ing thereon will be prosecuted. terfelter his beat opportunity. Forgery "And yet your husluiud Is a strong, I. C. SMITH. 1« much more readily detected In a healthy looking fellow," answered her E rwin H arrison . crisp. «HIT. new bill than In a rumpled friend, in astonishment. "Doctors say R oy M apes . snd dirty one E. N. C ruson , that such a die* is terrible, and”— N H K uper . The American style of banknote has “Oh. yes. this husband Is healthy. I V. E. H ovkn . tssaime llie standard In I he countries 1 was referring to my first husband!"— J ohn H athaway . of Central and South America The 1 (levelsud Plain Dealer. exi>erience of the Rmzlllan government Ia the World Growing Better T led the way in this after various dls She Und»r»toed. npiHilntments. Fir«t the much vaunt­ Many things go to prove that it is. Mr. Misfit — It’s no use trying to ¿XPORT BEER, ed Austrian system was tried, the The way thousands are trying to notes Is-lug engraved aud printed tn I explsfn things to a woman, She can’t help others is proof. Among them understand scientific terms. No; there is Mrs. W. W Gould, of Pitisfiekl. KAISER BLUME. England under that system. They 1» Mrs. Misfit — Oh. yes. can. N. H. Finding good health by tak­ proved a complete failure. Counter (Tisrlee! Heredity Is what a I man ing Electric Bitters, she now ad­ Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating fellers flourished The Brazilians tried blames his father and mother for. and vises other sufferers, everywhere, Imnknotes made tn France, «nd those Sbvlrvuuient Is what hr blames his to take them ’ For years I suffered MALT TEA. were promptly and extensively trnftat wife and children for Exchange with stomach mid kidney trouble." cd ss soon a« the counterfeiters could she writes. "Every medicine I used STAR BREWERY failed till I took ’Electric Bitters. ret their plate« and paper ready Rrs The Logical Lunatic. But this great remedy helped me zil tried German and English eatabllsh A lunatic was In the habit of catch wondcrfullv. ” ” They'll . help snv I inent«. hut still without «eeurlnr pro In« Imaginary Alee. When asked to woman. They're “ the ‘L? 1-est tonic teetien to the banknote circulation, tiueat liver and kidney and at last turned to the Vailed Rtstca explain her strange action she pointed and Special Brew ...... ■rdcr her cloak and replied, "Ths remedy that's made. Try them mid found a type of bills practically j You'll see. 5tV at Chua. I. LTough’s files are to feed this mongoose.* lm|s««|ble to counterfeit. So It la no "But there 1» ne mongoose ” BOlTLEl) HV THE You are not ex|>eriuientinii on Is-ast. but a mere rwcord of fact, tn "Well, there are no files.’’ vouraelf when you take Chaiutier- state that Americana make the beet | lain'« Cough Remedy tor a cold as banknote» tn the »rortd iMtrolt New» Flattery. • that preparation has won ita great "Odd thing shout flattery | reputatiun and extensive sale bv its Th» Paeeimitt. -What’” reiuatkable cure« of colds, and 'can Tommy-Pop, what la a peeetmtst? "It makes •‘wvb.xiy ____ _ Mck ___ __ «XCbpt always be depended upon. It is Tommy a Pop A peoslmtat. my aon. those who swallow It "- Exchange. t'D'any valnable for adults and children and may be given voting ia • man who lore» himself for the :«od* Water«. Nlpihog«. Bartlett Mineral Water children with implicit confidence as enemies bo has made Phils.lelphta it containa no harmful drug. Sold r»v Lamar’e Drug Store. John W. dates Sprung a Surprise •n His Young Friend. T_T T. BOTTS, A ttorney - at - law . Complete set of Abstract Book, n office. Taxes paid fornoa’ HIGH CLASS PRODUCT Residents. Tillamook Block. S. W. Miller Piano Both phones. j From Maker to User From Factory to Home PIANO BUYER Piano the S. W. MILLER Jones Knudson Furniture Co. haberlach , ¡C arl Factory I I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tillamook Block. Q.EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook County Bank, T illamook H. GOYNE A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court Hou«, T illamook , O regon , T. BOALS, M.D, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK Tillamook Block. M. KER RON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, Tillamcok, Leaves Daily atSa.m., arriving \ at Forest Grove at 6 pan. FARE, $5.00. YOUR CASH TALKS At the Second Hand Store. PAGE BROTHERS, Props. I Hop G-old Beer Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, Oregon Oregon. R. 1. M. 8MITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office over J. A. Todd & Co., Tillamook, Ore. B l Tillamook-Forest Grove STAGE LINE. O rrcos . U. HAWK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. J^JR. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street fro»' th« Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. 8ARCHET, •- . The Fashiouable Tailor- C.cauing, Pressing and Rep*'1’ ing a Specialty- Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. J. CLAUSSEN, • LAWYER, 213 Tillamook Block, T illamook A. M. - O rkgok . AUSTIN, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, T illamook .... O reg °*- 2 oi Tillamook Block. Main 441 Chamberlains Cough Remedy During tbs PMt »« year« no sdy bos proven more promp« " more stteoMal In Ita cures of Coughs, Colds *nd Croo® than Chamhnrlatn's Cougb Be’n****„,. many bornee I» to relied upon s. plleitly os the family Phxa,