12. 1911 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCiOBER WHERE THE COUNTY . at oue time better results could be had and our entire road system PRESS STAND. could be constructed witbin a few - . 1 ! years and that the increased valu- North and South Parts of ! ation of Tillamook county would County Favors Progress reach that stage when the bonds came due it would not be a hard­ in Road Building. ship on anyone to meet the obliga­ tion. Thie is the plan as eet forth Nehalem Enterprise. In reading the report of the meet- ’ by enthusiasts on the bonding I ing held by the Fairview Grange at ! question. There is another element in the I their hall recently, at which time were also present members of the county who oppose the bonding County Court as well as representa- of the county, but who are ardently | fives of the Bay City Commercial in favor of road improvement and Club, one is prone to ask what has they argue that a higher rate of Be sure you have the correct time. really been accomplished by hold­ taxes for road improvements will Buy your watch here and you will ing such a meeting, since it is not be of no serious detriment to any­ have the best time alwayt—ever the first of its kind that has been one and ¡they favor at least a ten accurate aud dependable. Our stock 1 mill road tax. Their claim is that of Gold and Silver Watches tor held in the county to no avail. Then again, what interests have the timber will not always be here Ladies und Gentlemen includes Bay City and the Fairview Farmers and that while better than 75 per some of the best time pieces ever in corotron ? It is a most peculiar cent of the taxes come from timber made. All kinds of Jewelry of the move, to say the least; especially owners and speculators now is tlje best grades at the lowest market since Fairview is not kindly dis­ time to make road improvements prices. Jewelry repaired while you posed to harbor improvements, and to rush them as fast as pos­ wait. upon which will depend the future sible. At the present time every greatness of Bay City. They may rancher or resident tax payer in speak of their natural harbor and the county who pays 25 cents in the like, but it will never be any road tex receives in return $1 in Reliable Jeuieler, larger than it is today if the farmers i services and such being the case Next to the Post Office. in the T'airview district had their I there is no time for delay. And there is a third party in way about it. To prove thia, all that is necessary for our Bay City thie road argument. They are in brethern to do is simply to glance favor of lifting the county from in­ WORKER’S EYESIGHT No one more vitally needs over the election returns when the debtedness by ceasing all road good vision than the worker. Port of Tillamook was created. work for one year, then begin The difficulty is that almost They voted almost solidly against anew entirely free from indebted­ every kind of close work ag­ the measure. But for the over ness. It is well to explain that at gravates the troubles of the whelming majority in favor of it the beginning of road work this eyes. in Tillamook City it would not have year there was an outstanding in- j debtedn»-es of over $45,UUU. This been in existence today. The wise thing to do when iae |^ed • in eye defects are suspected, is Not satisfied with this, a number was paid and the balance ! road work until it was < ___ exhausted. to submit them to an expert of the Fairview farmers have re­ for examination. tained Attorney Duniway of Port­ The balance after the indebtedness land—one of the impregnable stum­ was paid, was so small that practi­ CHILDREN’S EYES, bling blocks to the wheels of pro­ cally nothing but a few repairs Especially demand special gress—to fight their case in the J could have been made had not the care and attention if future courts. If it is the desire of Bay court continued the work and as a good vision is to be ensured. City boosters to tie themselves down result at the close of the year the This is more than ever county will find itself in debt about to an anti-progreBsive element true in these days of ad­ when so much depends upon the the .same amount as when they vanced technical education, with ifs enormous tax upon improvement of their harbor and started. Looking at the case from a business standpoint, while we are the eyes. bar, then we have reason to doubt the sanity of Bay Cityites. They I indebt for what we have secured in R. A. WAHLEN. Registered Eve should join with the Port of Tilla- the way of road improvements, we Specialist has exceptional facilities have the goods, and so long as we »took and Bayocean for the work for dealing with children’s cases. that must be done to make Tilla- are able to meet the obligation ive should not feel that we are getting inook Bay a deep harbor for large sea going vessels instead of the behind. Tillamook Bakery To cease road building in Tilla­ smaller craft thnt now ply "'between OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. mook county for one year at this Portland and Tillamook. If Bay particular time would certainly be City can do this with the aid of the Corner Stillwell Ave. and First Fairview farmers, then there would an unwise move. Nothing could St. West, and both Phones. be reason to believe that they were materially effect the growth and on the right track. A b it stands development of the county with today, however, we doubt very detrimental results so effectually much whether she will profit by as could a move in this direction, 8PECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES this strange alliance. It has been end especially so at this particular ALL KIND OF BREAD said that politics makes strange time. We, in this end of the county, bed-fellows. This can be also ap­ plied to the present situation in have not been so fortunate as other Bay City, when she unites her for­ sections of the county in securing tunes with a district whose inter­ good roads and it would not be fair ests, and needs, and inclinations ! to us to have the sections already Don’t trust to luck aud nature are diametrically opposed to her favored with good roads cause to cure the ills of your horses the road work to cease for a year, own. and cattle. They need help when I11 regard to the expenditure of just when it is our turn to have anything goes wrong with them. somthing done for us. county funds, how can they say Timber owners and speculators The “ handiest thing” about the that it has been squandered if they are in the deal for the profits they stable—the surest and most de­ have not l>een outside of their own will get out of their investments pendable—is a l>ottle of district—and only a portion of that Watkins' Liniment and the profits will not be small — when the whole county comprises by any means and it behooves the R. R. ROBERTS, about 1120 square miles of territory residents of Tillamook county to At Tillamook Feed Co.’s and a total mileage of 600 miles of get the good roads now while the road to keep up, besides many im­ Store. county is rich with timber. provements that are contemplated [The Courier has made one mis­ for the Northern and Southern parts of Tillamook County and are take when it stated that the interest on $1,500,00) would be $35,00). At absolutely necessary next year 5 per cent the interest would amount FAMILY whereof they know positively noth­ to$75,000 and at 6 per cent $00,000 ing? It’s ridiculous in the extreme annually. It is thia big amount for RECIPES. to suppose for an instant that these interest which has caused the edi­ tor of the Headlight to disagree “Fair-viewers” should dictate to us with those who believe in bonding how and where we must build our the county for road improvements. The valued family re­ roads and the amount of taxes that —E ditor . ) should be levied for road purposes cipes for cough and cold in this district when they do not SOME FACTS ABOUT WHEELER. cure, liniments, tonics and understand our needs. Even school other remedies have as Wheeler is the new town on Nehalem boys would know better than to careful attention here as show their ignorance in this man­ Bay. the most intricate prescrip­ Wheeler is destined to be the largest ner, let alone a lot of “grown-ups” tions. city on Nenalem Bay. who desire to dictate to the County 1 Wheeler has the first railroad depot Court what they should do. Our fresh, high grade For one thing, we are thankful in Tillamook County. drugs will help to make Wheeler has free public docks and that Bay City and Fairview are not( these remedies more effec­ the whole county, otherwise it landing float for use of the public. tive than ever. Wheeler has the finest equipped would be a sorry day for the sub- cannery in Tillamook County. urbs of Tillamook County, More ; salmon 1 Right prices are also Wheeler has the U. S. postoffice. especially on the eve of the coming assured. Wheeler has a fine gravity water sys ­ of the ’ iron horse.” If ever there i was a time when we should get H tem of pure mountain water. Wheeler has deep water frontage together and boost, it is right now, but from indications it seems that and railroad shipping facilities. CLOUGH, Wbeeler has the largest saw mill in Bay City and Fairview will be retf- Reliable Druggist. ulated to a seat in the gallery H9 a Tillamook Counts, capacity over sixty thousand feet per day. matter of their own choice. Wheeler saw mill has about 100 men Cloverdale Courier. on the pay roll and pays out annually There seems to be considerable about $700,000 to laborers. Let us tell you more about Wheeler. agitation in some (Kirtions of Tilla­ mook County anent road building The future. The price of lots The and taxes. A considerable number terms on which they can now be of Tillamook County citizens be­ bought Read this paper_for future announce­ lieve it to the beat interest of the county to float bonds for $1,501,0)0 ments in regard to Wbeeler. to lie paid in ten years at 6 per I Callon Watoon A Stephens, Tilla­ <»ent. Six per cent bands in Till­ mook City, for particulars about the, amook county would sell st a pre new town of Wbeeler, which will be rb-um thus bringing the interest to among the large manufacturing and centers of Tillamook 5 or 5J* per cent. The interest on -ommercial • his indebtedness provided the County within the next few years. >Kinds sold at par would be $35.000| Biliousness is due to a disordered • year and as the regulation condition of the stomach. Cham- amount of texes collected for road berla in’s Ta blets are essentially a purpose is 1111000 it would leave stomach medicine, intended eepec a balance, after the interest wee ially to act on that organ ; to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and paid, of f77.an. or the taxes could invigorate it to regulate the liver be reduced practically this amount. and to banish biliousness positively They figure with the expenditure and effectively. For sale by La c. I. CUOUGH. Tillamook the amount secured by bonding mar's Drug Store. J. YAMHILL & TILLAMOOK Shortest and Quickest Route to EUGENE JENKINS, I Portland. LEAVES TILLAMOOK .................................... 4 p.m. ARRIVE YAMHILL .......................................... 3 p.m. Connecting with PORTLAND STRA1N. FARE, 15.00. MRS. J. C. HOLDEN, Ageut, Tillamook. Hotel Royal, Agent, Yamhill. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Laixe Stock of Hardwaro, Tinware and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County ^4 a “4 4, 4 '4 ft* ' ft* ft* v rrr K* FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS E JL for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pilla are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitute«. Chas- I. Clough, Tillamook. W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore.