T illamook but it seems to us that the Fair- view Grange is being worked to death by those who have a per­ sonal axe to grind because they cannot dictate and run the road Entered as second class mail mat­ work. Now own up. gentlemen, ter July, 1888. at the post office at own up, for this hits the sore Tillamook. Ore., under the act of spot square on the head and it March 3, 1879. goes right to the root of the trouble. And that’s why a few <¿b» Ííllaniooh Ijcaöligbt persons want the road work stopped.____________ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ( strictly in advance .) 1.50 One year......................................... 76 Six months...................................... .10 Three months......................... ...... Editorial Snap Shots. Oh, yes, pity the poor Gran­ ger who is ashamed to sign his name. It is generally those who are ashamed of their name who hide behind a non de plume when they start a personal at­ tack. _ ____________ County CommissionerFarmer told the Executive Board of the Tillamook Commercial Club the other night that they did not intend to expend money on roads which were not perma­ nently located. That is good judgment. The bond election in Jackson county last Saturday has made some of the back numbers in Jose­ phine county UOUIHY --- Bit sit . up anu and si.v rub their -- il.«.* realize that *4ia the tiroo time eye«. They -_____ ----- will soon come when it be de- " will *'* termined that bonds will be voted here for road purposes and tha there will be no escaping the re­ sponsibility. Two-thirds of the people in Josephine county will vote for building good roads be­ cause they realize we must keep up with the procession or be left in the lurch.—Rogue River Courier. It will be seen that the bond election in Jackson county is only the beginning of counties bonding themselves for road improvements. The above par­ agraph is a sample of the senti­ ment of the State Press, and we know that the bonding senti­ ment is rapidly increasing since the agitation was started to stop road work for eighteen months in Tillamook county. It maybe,before a great while, the Cirangers who are critizing the snap shot man. will be lined up with him opposing a bond issue for road work, and in that event they would consider him a tine fellow. It depends upon Women like it “straight” by whose ox is being gored. the look of their togs, for that is the prevailing fashion these \\ ith a vote of nearly two to days, some of them going to one in favor of bonding Jack- the extreme in straight, tight This is how the s< ri county for $1,500,000 for the clothing. purpose of road improvements, Sterling Journal puts it : Backward, turn backward, oh the minority will not abide by in your flight, and give us the will of the majority, hence a Time maiden dressed proper and right a fight is started and it will be We are so weary of switches and thrashed out in the courts. r its, Bill Burke clusters and peach A great many persons can’t understand why there should be any objection to building good roads and plenty of them when the timber men pay 75 per cent of the road tax and about $100,- (MM) annually go into the jeans of the farmers and business men who do the road work and furnish the merchandise. Who’s knocking ? basket hats, wads of jute hair in a horrible pile, stacked on their head t > the lieighth of a mile. Some­ thing is wrong with the maidens v e fear. Give us the girls as they rsed to appear. Give us the girlies we once knew of yore, whose curls didn’t come from a hair dressing store. Maidens who dressed with a sensible view, and just as'Dame Na­ ture intended them to. Give us a girl with a figure her own, and t shioned divinely by Nature alone. Feminine styles getting fiercer each year—Oh, give us the girls as they used to appear. Reading between the lines Several Grangers have come one would infer that the presi­ to this office to congratulate the dent of the Tillamook County snap shot man for the stand he Booster Editors’ Association has taken in regard to good was the cause of all the discus­ i roads, while, on the other hand, sion about road work, because | there are just a few Grangers he recommended that $150,000 1 who severely criticise us for ad be expended on roads each year I vacating that each road district for the next four or live years. | be given $50,000 annually for the We stand by our guns and still i next four or five years as a pro­ contend that $50,000 annually per solution to the good roads for each of the three roads dis­ agitation in this county. We tricts is little enough when the mention this simply to show needs of the county are taken how often the snap shot men is into consideration. between the devil and the deep blue sea. It matters not one iota There is a great deal of specu­ whether we are commended or lation what the decision of the centured, we have nailed our United States Supreme Court colors to the mast and shall fight will lie in regard to the initia­ for a policy which is for the best tive and referendum law. The interest of the entire county. matter at issue is whether the Those who do not want to get law is constitutional. There are into the "Tillamook County those who contend that it des­ Booster-Editors’ Good Roads troys a representative ami re­ i Band Wagon” don’t have to, publican form of government, 1 but it is poor judgment to ob­ depriving the legislative body, struct the progress anddevelop- oi even the people, of discussing • merit of the county. ________ or amending a bill proposed by this system. Here is where the Banker Rowe, of the Nehalem si stem is defective. Should the Valley Bank, has sent the fol­ system lx1 declared unconstitu­ lowing letter to the city papers, tional. what a lot of laws it will invalidate, but it will put a stop which shows there is a progres­ sive spirit in the north end of to the legislative mix up Ore county : gon has fallen into. Nehalem. Ore., Oct. fl, 1911. I he matter of the road to Bay ocean is still up to the property owners ami others interested. Besides building nearly three miles of road at a cost of above $'..*0,1X10, it is proposed to raise $15,000 or $10,000 in cash, and il this is done it will make a good showing for some assis­ tance from the county nt some future date. To say nothing about the taxes paid by other property in that vicinity for so many years, the Potter Co. have p lid $.>.tXXt in taxes up to date, a d will pay $3,500 next year. Considering, also, that thecom- p-iny is building three miles of road and subscribing $5,000 to wards building the remainderi oi the road, every fair minded iH-rson will say that Bayocenn is jiiatlv entitled to n road and way out. W e do not doubt but what the snap shot num is n pretty bad kind of n fellow in many ways, mid ns his hide is about us thick as that of ti buck hippopotamus it matters not how much a few individuals may assail him, but to uncover and expose to light the re til cause of this agitation, the principal agitators are those whose services have been dis- panted with building roads for the county, and for good and sufficient reason. We do not wmit to cuter mto personalities, To the Headlight Readers: There are several things that I want to talk to you about. I can’t see you all personally so I’m going to talk to you by means of tnis newspaper. The year 1912 will be Tillamook County’s Banner Year. The com­ pletion of the railroad within the next few years will bring great changes. To take full advantage of the op- |H>rtunities which will be presented to us during the coming year we must be Progressive. We must support every proposition for de- xelopnient that comes up fo. eon- «ideration without giving thought headlight , october 12, 1911 breaker, swindler and hypocrite, ' tax. We are not blind to these ( ............ .......... , lover i points, and rather than see the every carping v and « notoriety • • • who 1— critic — is * —~ ignored —* — o every «4 x in and, ■ progress of the county retarded, ; fact, by all persons who do not agree with him on public and pri­ ■ of the two evils, we would vate questions. The newspaper prefer bonding the county, man who expects to go through life and we find this is the senti­ without being resented and unjustly ment of quite a number of our censured should make arrange­ j citizens. We do not want to ments to die young. The above was taken from ' see the county bonded for road one of our exchanges, and we work, if it can be avoided, and are sure our readers will admit we believe it can be if people there is some truth in it. It is would use good judgment and amusing, however, how some not endeavor to stop road work. people change, for they will This is the reason why we op­ It will take pat an editor on the back one pose bonding. $45,000 to pay the interest on week for saving something they » . • 1 agree with and cuss him up and the above amount, which is down the next week for publish­ quite a large amount to raise - —------ creating a sink- ing something they disagree every year, and ti ’ ing fund as well, it would take with. An independent, out-,’*"” spoken editor takes no i notice' considerable money to refund of praise or criticism, but goes, the money, -• and while this pro- . ahead and advocates what he 1 cess was going on theroads considers to be best for the peo-1 would liable to get into bad ...v. come shape while paying off the in- pie or community. . They who across many men wno have nave sei- sei-, , debtedness and the expense of fish and personal designs, per- ; keeping the roads up at the; sons who want to dictate or have . same time, We will mention i an axe to grind, and whenever, also in passing, j, suppose a fire an editor butts in and exposes i should , - J sweep ■ - ; * through _ the coun- that kind of thing he is apt to.ty and destroy the timber which come in for more or less con- ■ *9 paying '•* Per cent of the taxes demnation. No editor can *t would fall upon the farmers please everybody, but whenever and others to pay off the bond- some carping critic assails him cd indebtedness. We still ad­ it brings the editor more notor-1 vocate a ten mill road tax^ for ity and prominence and more the next few years as a solution business, for the general pub­ ! to the situation. ___________ lic like a game, out-spoken edi' I tor Col. Bryan is devoting himself to the theoretical side of politics. The question of bonding the' County for road improvements' possess strength and ch We are experts » and posing, and oUr is complete. Come i our line. Monk’s Stui Next to the PostOffict Reliable Route Steamer The Sue H. Elmore' (CAPT P. SCHRADER)] Tillamook & Portia Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillam Wednesdays, Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. The The first through train over; mathematical side has floored him the P. R. & N. Co 's road rolled 1 so many times that he has no further into Tillamook City on Monday interest in it. afternoon, which caused gene-i ral rejoicing, and notwithstand-I More lives have been lost in try­ ing that the atmosphere was ing to perfect the aeroplane than moist and the rain had a pene­ in any new interprise in recent tratingeffect, a large crowd was years. The aviators are brave be­ present to give the train and the yond the point of decretion. officials a hearty welcome. The J. Pierpont Morgan complains arrival of the train, the cheers that the country is at this time of the crowd, with whistles [ without a safe avenue for the in- blowing and the band playing, i vestment of surplus money. This is the beginning of a great will be shocking news to the deal­ future for all parts of Tillamook ers in real estate. County. Tillamookers have had President Taft’s arguments on to contend with many difficul the trust question are unanswer­ ties in transportation in this able, but lots of statesmen will at­ bottled-up, monopolized section tempt to answer them. They will of the country, which puttheir also endeavor to show that the Su­ patience to a severe test for so preme Court is not made up of many years, yet with true lawyers. Western grit they persistently Senator Kenyon did an act of persevered, and today see the simple justice when introducing dawn of changed and better con­ the president at Fort Dodge, in say dition of affairs. The big crowd ing that his administration has cheered lustily on Monday, and done much progressive work along it did so because it knew that the lines of trust regulation. These the advent of the iron horse had things would not have been so much to do with immediate quickly forgotten but for his own development of the county. action in changing the subject. Railroad connections will cause Karl Grey has been telling the a renewal of confidence in the Canadians that talking about the county, and new life, new en­ terprises, new money, new peo­ 1 Monroe doctrine doesn’t alter the ple and new ideas will come fact that, if Canada were imperilled, here, creating business activi- ■ it would be the British fleet that tives that will surprise many i would save her. If the delusion settlers who have resided in the that we want Canada badly enough county for years. From now on to forcibly annex it is as strong in Tillamook County is going to England as in Canada itself, the boom, not a spasmotic boom,I Dominion should remain a British but a steady, upward growth possession. They are one people and development for many in their foolishness. years to come. The undevelop-1 ed resources of the county, as1 Averts Awful Tragedy. well as its rapid growth, will Timely advice given Mrs. C. Wil­ mean millions of dollars placed loughby, of Marengo Wis., (R. No. in circulation and many for­ 1) prevented a dreadful tragedy and tunes being made by those who saved two lives. Doctors had said frightful cough was a “con­ take hold of the opportunities. her sumption” cough and could do We rejoice with the citizens in little to help her. After many rem­ seeing the railroad nearly com­ edies failed, her aunt urged her to pleted, and as the pioneer rail­ take Dr. King’s New Discovery. “I been using it for some time,” road iuto Tillamook, we wish have she wrote "and the awful cough the P. R. & N. good luck and has almost gone. It also saved my hope it will be a paying invest­ little boy when taken with a severe ment to those who had confi­ bronchial trouble.” This match­ less medicine has no equal for dence enough in the future of throat and lung troubles. Price Tillamook County to sink the 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. large sum of $5,000,000 into a Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clougn. railroad. That of itself is suf-1 Lame back is one of the most ficient importance *to show the common .......... .... forms of muscular rhsu- faith money interests have in mutism. A few applications of I Chamberlain’s Liniment will give Tillamook County. | relief. Store. Us are Child-i^ Just as our portraits of PACIFIC NAVIGATION COiPffl Il B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE 4 CO, Lamb’s Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Aston* I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GAT Sailing Days for iDonth of OCTOBER FOR TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, CARIBA HOB SON VILLE, And all points- on Tillamook Bay from PORTLAND, OCTOBER 3, 9, 14,19,24, Ä LEAVE TIÜUAM00K, OCTOBER 6, 11, 16, 21,26. Freight Keeeived Daily at Foot of Washington Street. J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Till* ONE WEAK Will not mar the a new Harness but it it very unsafe. Iff* HARNES Here you may rest you are getting uc: ness that presentstw appearance, but “ well made in ever)' W.A, Willi Next Door to Tilla“’0'1' For sale by Lamar’s Drug ------- -------------- " Tkm’l trifle with a cold is good ad is lieitnx ndvcM-nted mid d;«,-,..„ i vice for imprudent men and women. i t .*? an? discuss- ; h I(e vitjl in case of a child, A- SAN BURN ed by those who contend that There is nothing better than Cham- tliis is the wisest thing to do. 1 berlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children, "it They argue that if $750,000 were were “ •• is safe - - "j , ” ’ French Speei“1' t'xPell,'w' next year that many Drug store For sale by Lamar's as to whether it will especially bene- part« of the county would re­ it our own selves. ceive immediate aid and would Foley Kidney Pills Let us all discourage any moves enjoy the benefit forthwith, and Supply just the ingredients needed that will returd our growth. A Greater Tillamook county instead of making the present to build up, strengthen and restore hould be the aim of every Tills- i taxpayers pay for these improve- the ,,a,llr‘d action of the kidneys •Hooker Get together and help. ' ments, saddle some of the cost and bladder. Specially prepared Respectfully, for backache, headache, nervous­ F rank A. R owe . upon posterity. This is a strong ness. rheumatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary irregularities' Mr. Rowe is one of those who point in favor of bonding the Chas I. Clough. is opposed to stopping road county we are ready to admit, for the present generation is work, tis he resides in a section Gives Aid to Strikers. •f the county which demands a building new roads all over the Sometimes liver, kidneys and county for the next generation, ¡urge amount of road work to ■ bowels seem to go on a strike and develop it. He is in favor of u as it is laying out and founda­ , refuse to work right. Then you tion work which takes large need those pleasant little strike •en mill road levy, opposed toa sums of rnouey. And ‘ unotller breakers—Dr. King’s New Life Pills loud issue and is satisfied that • that' - '—to give them natural aid and they advance is progressive citizens will back argument j gently compel proper action. Ex­ the many road improvements the County Court in its endea­ cellent health soon follows. Try which are needed will have to them. 25c at Chas. I. Clough’s vor to give the county good , i road*. And wesav ‘‘Amen" to < wait many years before they can I ! lie taken in hand on account of i Foley’s Kidney Remedy ▼«. a Hope this. lees Case. scarcity of money. These nre' Hon., Ark., J. E. Freeman says: ’■If a newspaper man knew how the strong cards advocated by many knocks he receives behind bis these who advocate bonding the "I had a severe case of kidney trou­ ble and could not work and mvcase back he would sdopt snother call 'ng. ' remarked a citiaen the other county, and many are forming! seemed hopeless. One large bottle day The citiaen was mistaken. The the same opinion when told that of Folev's Kidney Remedy cured newspaper man who succeeds ex­ it would not be necessary to me and I have never been bothered since. 1 always recommend it.’ pects to be maligned by every law make a »ix or a ten mill road Chis. L Clough.' I treat successfully all <- *iroD**’. sexes with Imported Herbs. • j so-called magnetic treatment* most stubborn cases without OVER 40 YEARS EXI’ e RI •a j£r CONSULTATION OFFICE HOURS, 9 TO 12 Office over Star I heatre- The Best Hotel- THE ALLEN HO11 J. P. AULiEfi, Propt'i«*0’’’ Headquarters for TravelU®® Spécial Attention paiii t° A First Class Table. Contfortalle Beds