Ìillaiiwk No. 19 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 12, Her Weight in Gold 1911 Ucciòliobt The Star has a drama and THE FIRST THROUGH comedy reel every night. TRAIN ARRIVES. John Ford, brother to Mrs. C. E. Trombley, who has been working at the Herald office, left to-day for Michigan. Tillamook City Turns Out and Gives Rousing Reception to Officials. *1.50 per year I I Do You Know a Single Successful Business Man Mrs. William Hoover was shot *n the hip last Thursday while picking black berries in the rear of Mrs. McGhee's residence in the PASSENGER TRAINS THE west part of town, which might FIRST OF NOVEMBER. have resulted in a most serious ac­ Who does not do business with a bank. cident. As it was tlie bullet pene­ trated her thigh about two inches Road is in Good Condition— Just follow the “ procession to and caused her considerable pain. Portland Business Men to It appears that Mrs. Hoover warned several boys to be careful about our bank and open an account to day. Visit Tillamook City. shooting, and immediately after she was shot. Mrs. Hoover was Tillamook City gave the first unable to see or identify the boys Through train on the P. R. A N. for they ran away. 'John Harter, who was one of the Co'8. road front Portland to thia committee on rights of way for the ity a rousing and enthusiastic railroad, when the P. R. & N. Co. welcome on Monday afternoon, not­ proposed to build to this city, witli withstanding the weather, which ' Fred McKinley and Howard Ed- inunds, were the first "dead heads’’ was exceedingly inclement, with a I to take a free ride to Portland on the drenching rain falling all «lay. The I railroad on Monday. No wonder Tillamook mist did not dampen the i the train was delayed on its return peoples' interest in this ling looked trip when Tillaniookers start in to beating their on the railroad. Word for event. Business houses closed ■ was received from Honest John after and the people tlockrd to the depot i The Only Government Examined Bank in the he reached Portland, and he made to welcome the train and the rail ■ i the admission that it was much road officials. As the train ap­ more enjoyable to ride in a car than Countv. hit the ties, but he was undecided proached the city whistles were kept blowing, and on reaching the whether he would be able to hobo his way back to Tillamook. depot the band played and the * A * Shingles delivered to any crowd cheered,and notwithstanding part of the city for $2,25 M. that it was an unofficial visit of the Church of Christ. “Best” hard wheat flour $1.40 sk. I railroad officials, Tillamook City railroad something to do. He prom­ ised to return with Mr. Lytle and $5.50 bl. Ridly Day was a happy time last gave them such a rousing reception party when the roiul was officially Potatos. I.urd’s day. The Bible school at­ that it surprised them. The train opened for travel. Elaine, Pearl and bulk coal oil. tendance went up to 127 and the Chicken supplies. consisted of a locomotive and two President Holmes called for three Feed, all kinds and prices as low passenger coaches and followed the offering was $9.39. Some new cheers for the railroad officials mill as any in the city, at the TILLAMOOK regular passenger train from the club men made the club room scholars were enrolled. The even­ F eed Co. ing attendence was good. Nearly Wheeler. The party consisted of J P. echo with their cheers. every seat in the choir was occu­ O’Brien, vice-president and general The officials were then escorted pied, and the music was the best manager of the Harriman lines; to the depot anil boarded the train, we have had for some time. E. E. Lytle, president of the Pacific when the first through train to Till­ Next Lord’s «lay morning the Railroad and Navigation^Company, amook City pulled out on its return sermon subject will tie, “The Men who conceived the Tillamook pro­ to Portland. it stopped at Bay ject and carried it to successful City for about five minutes mid «lid and Religion Forward Movement— completion ; George W. Boschke, not reach Portland until three What la It?’’ Thia will be of spec­ ial interest to men. Come. Regu­ Tillamook City should do assistant general manager and chief o'clock the next morning. lar services in the evening. things in up-to-date style when engineer of the Harriman lines ; The distance to Tillamook by the opening of the railroad is C. E. Lytle, general manager of the rail is 91 miles from Hillslioro mid A Good Position inagurated and a crowd of Pacific Railroad e., or Memphis, I'enn individuals to room, and a few brief speeches the road reaches the summit of the progressive shoulder all the work, Every were made. Coast Range its bed follows a nat in this city Mr. E. E. Lytle was the first to re­ ur.«l water grade the entire dis business man should be in the progressive spond, and he received a royal re­ tance to the sea. For 16 miles it The Headlight ception. He expressed himself as follows the Salmonberry River and band wagon, has great faith in the future of well pleased _ __ here that at its conflux with the Nehalem in _ getting 80 Acr, a Timber for Sale Tillamook City. The time is ¡day, and hoped that by the first River takes up the course followed now ripe for its development ” ----- •—*-• — November to ------ have • trains running by that stream to the ocean, another I have 81) acres timber, witli atsiut and improvement. So get to­ tietween Portland an«l Tillamook 21 miles. The road runs through 4,000,000 feet of fir and hemlock, gether on a common platform City. They had taken about five KI of its 13 tunnels within a distnnee which I will Hell at Mr. per lilt) feel. lACOH BLUM. and all pull together to make and a half hours to get through, of seven miles. Tillamook City an ideal, busy, but this included several stops. There is one thing which is lie tile Beef, pork, veal and lamb business town. He said they would endeavor to to cripple the service, and that is give the best service they could snow, should it come early in the at the Independent Market, Progressive Busin: ss Methode during the winter, which would be mountains this year. The company opposite Post Office. on a slow schedule. He said it is not equipped with a rotary plow, ■ ■ A pproved. was a great satisfaction to him to but one is ordered an«l will be avail­ I President \\ nllace, of the Ameri. The continued success of the pro­ see the road nearly completed, for able in the new year. cun Conservation Society, speaking gressive S. W. Miller Piano factory it had been a long and diffi« tilt un to the great meeting at Kiito/i* City, Team for Sale. in placing their popularlineof high dertaking. UriK'liexI a live wir<- in the intricate grade pianos and player pianoes Mr. O'Brien was the next to sav The undersigned administrator n«*twoik of our social and «•«■unomic with those of the best known and a few words. He said the last time of the estate of John Hickey, de­ I system*. He was speaking <>l waM«- beet rated business men on the Pa­ that he was a guest of the club he ceased, desires to dispose of th I in ngriciiltury. and <>. Iiow, tlnougli cific coast has now extended to Till­ made the remark that ttie next time team of horses belonging to said > conservation of the I.mil. the ol«l,old amook. Oregon, anil the fact ttiat he came to Tillamook City it would estate, being one horse and one ' soil* of Europe are made to yield theJJones-Knudaon Furniture Co. be on the railroad. He was gla«l to mare each weighing upwards of twice, or, mor«- than twice, ax much has secured this valuable agency say that he had done so that day. 1501) lbs., and if taken at once, will as the soil of this country which is means that the high class S W. He fell highly pleased with the way sell same for $375.(10. Ttie owner still comparatively virgin. In doing Miller line of instruments will tie the work had progressed, anti wax of this team, lesa than one year this he touched upon the protligality taken care of in Tillamook anil the surprised to find the road in such of “statesmanship” in giving uwny ago, i, refused $0«) for same. surrounding territory. The Jones- gcxxd condition. Considering they millions of acres of our lies! la ml to D a Nir. I. H kkky . Knudson Furniture Co. are well had made many stops they made railway corporations, resulting in known as honorable business men, good time, with nothing to cause constant promotions of emigration Notice to Hunters. and the same high standard of fair them delay. He did not wish them aud immigration which have This is to give notice that hunt­ brought, in their turn, increases in and square dealing that has alwaya to consider thia as an official visit. been a feature of thia store will of Mr. Lytle had been trying to get ing is prohibited on my place and land values out of proportion with course be applied in their new him to go over the line for the last those who do so will be prose« uted increases in^their fertility and pro­ Scores of six weeks, and they were simply to the full estent of the law. piano department. ductiveness. The inevitable result J. H. H athaway . prominent musician* have voiced out on an inspection and did not has been a constant tendency to­ their approval of the long lasting, know when they left Portland ward higher prices. Mothe sweet sounding S. W. Miller piano. whether they would get through, and the Jones-Knudson Furniture The formal opening of the line Nones is H f . behy G ivkn ,- That Ttie treat plaster. A piece of flan­ Co., who are the only dealers in would take place later. and Mr the County Court of Tillamook nel dampened with Chamlierlnin's Liniment and bound on over the pianoes. dealing direct from maker Lytle woul ami Tar ( < < oiii|s>unta, Corns »In« i. (.lough. seemed hopeless. One large bottle vested and the fixed chargee He i Burns. ttoVBO, Chaptied of F ©lev's Kidney Remedy w numbers 320 pupils. on the nine year son of Dave Per- Iches only 50 cents, at egoy of Nehalem on Monday in this wahlen, Jeweler and Opti- city. The boy was in a bad condi­ tion when he was brought to the city, and did not survive the opera­ Peregoy and wife were tion, as he died on Wednesday even­ m Nehalem on Wednes- ing. Rev. Evert L. Jones has gone to Ickens wanted at the Tilla- Portland to attend a meeting of the it Company's Market, 13c. Presbytery and will be away over next Sunday. Mr. Jones is a fluent [nds of Mrs. Wooley will and gifted orator, and since he has bo hear that she is quite been in Tillamook his sermons have been much appreciated. Mrs. fill. Jones and chil«l will accompany lage license was issued on him on his return. [George R. Schaffer and Captain Emmett Jenkins towed b Wilson. four fish boats to Netarts on Thurs­ lour chickens to the Tilla- day, crossing the bar in safety. U Company's Market. We The boats were well loaded with ter pound. provisions. It is somewhat of an 118 size Waltham or Elgin experiment fishing for salmon in $3.25, at Howard Walden, Netarts bay, but the fishermen think they will make a success of nd Optician. k 3 lots, 50 X 100 feet, the it. The Sue H. Elmore came in on In the city for $300 each — Wednesday with the following pas­ I ts . C. N. Drew. ♦ sengers: Roscoe Booker, J. T. IB, cheapest and best paper Moore, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. W T. John­ I town. I-eave orders at son, Anna McCune, Miss M. Hen­ I to Harris’ barn. * derson, Mrs. R. A. Henderson, J. lore Non I^akable Foun W. Rogers, W. H. Cramer, O. C. B. only $1.65, at Howard Hyatt, Mrs. Anderson and Captain Hirch of the yacht Bayocean. Leading Jeweler. / I Hatton, <" district grand / Geo. W. Gravson. the mail con­ came in from Trask on ma, is in Ji Biited Artisans, — th®' —- tractor, Wednesday morning and expects I interest of that order. to be out of a job in a few weeks. ke milk and butter begin George is thinking some of pre­ torn Tillamook, the great senting the county with the stage ■ty of Oregon.—Oregon- coach, to be kept as a relic of by gone days in Tillamook county, as ra Henderson and Miss the passing of the stage is an nderson, of Walker, Iowa, important event in the history of le city on Wednesday and the county. James J. Hill was in Portland malem. last week and he encouraged the Ida Rogers left for a belief that wore on the United Rail­ m Sunday and Miss Nellie way extention to Tillamook will not ■tt has taken her place at be long delayed. ‘ We have started parket. to build that road,” he de< lared IH. Ward was operated with a wave of his hand, “and we I Boa Is on Monday for expect to finish it. It’s not our rith any- any­ sis. and she is improving policy to go backward with That Till- . thing that we undertake, t «--« tiii las possible. I believe B* 8c., , 10c. ________ and 11c. for call amook line is all right, r. Try me out and its a good thing.’* |y ■‘hop. auu . A. J. Schmelxer, cheesemaker at I Old Reliable Hide and « the Red Clover Creamery, carried r, N. E. Melchoir. off the first prise at the Oregon id* of C. B. Hadley Arili *ill 2 State Fair with a score of *i and know that he is able to since that date has been awarded Ind about the house but first prise for hie cheese at the »ntly recovered to be out Washington State Fair with a score have to buy in smaller of 951-» points. That is going some [buy on the Morony place, when a cheesemaker carries off [t buy soon, the H acre first prises at two state fairs the ke made smaller. Easy same year and Mr. Schmelser is to be congratulated on hie honors p M. Morony. • and Red CloverCreameryon having btted Moroney town on bench. I.ake Lytle joining ( such a prise winner. L Moroney's canal and the I now for sale in lots on basonable terms and low M. MOttONBY. I Lake Lytle. Rockaway Post Office MOOK JOTTINGS The Weekly Oregonian until Nov. 31, 1912, 75c. Leave orders at the Headlight office MAR’S VARIETY STORE d two Doors west of Lamar’» Drug Store. “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” Rest Room for Ladies. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK GET BUSY ! Everybody Should Help Boost the City. F OF