TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 5, 1Ô11. MAYONNAISE. The Enterprise “Mixed Up.” “*-ir Th« Way th« Qanuin« Dressing 1« Pre­ WHEELER is the New Town on Nehalem Bay. An excursion oven railroad will be given office of W ataon 4 Step to be announced deaires to go on this® see the townsite, can a ments by calling at the signifying their intem desire to accompany | special car will be trip. To E ditor T illamook H eadlight . parad by French Cooks. nousewives concoct all sorts of Carl Haberlach of Tillamook, the Secretary Salesman for u number of dressings — cooked and uncooked — the cheese factories in this county, which they call mayonnaise, but which is seemingly trying to boycott the are not properly entitled to that name. Nehalem Dairy Ass’n judging from The genuine mayonnaise as prepared self evident facts. The law requir­ by French cooks is made by combining ing the inspection of cheese is not applied to this factory by Inspec­ olive oil, egg yoke and vinegar without Located where Water and tor Christensen for some reasoi cooking in such a way that the mix­ Rail Transportation now and therefore by instructions of ture will not curdle. The proportions Mr. Haberlach, every case of cheese Join in the Future Dis­ of these ingredients and the method of that is shipped out from this fac­ putting them together may be varied, tory is marked in large stenciled tribution of the Wealth letters: NOT INSPECTED. It mustard and similar seasonings of the Fertile Nehalem stands to reason that the sale of be added, but fundamentally the tins cheese will be greatly impared Valley. mayonnaise is always the same, because of this fact and the patrors following rule will be found a and stockholders will be the losers. good one: ANNUAL PAY ROLL IS It Inspector Christensen fails to do oq Have ready one egg yolk, one scant Ilia duty as such officer there are NOW OVER $100,000. We are ready tn others that will, and it is to be cupful of olive oil, three leuspoonfuls hoped that some action will be of vinegar, a saltspoonful of salt, a whatever is needed ¡m taken in the matter for the benefit saltspoonful of sugar, a debt dust of Watson & Stephens are Rep­ in this vicinity. On of the farmers in Nehalem. —Ne­ cayenne and a level half teaspoonful resenting this Townsite in halem Enterprise. of powdered mustard. Break the yolk this County—-The Future of for the fall term is Dear Sir,—The above article np1 with a fork, beat the mustard, salt, Wheeler is Assured Owing our prices are as low; peared in the Nehalem Enterprise, pepper and sugar Into it and when a to the Advantageous Loca­ can possibly be made, issue of Sept. 29 The editorof that $mooth mixture has been formed be­ tion and Immense Wealth lieve we have provide paper seems to be misinformed. gin adding the rning at ten o’clock sharp. Par­ ■nook. j be ushered from tile presence of the Foley Kidney Pills ents, come and bring the children. Confinement, $21) and mileage Supply just the ingredients needed ' commissaire de police with as much slopping land and every lot is guar­ Men, we have at Inst found a place (normal case). to build up, strengthen and restore I ceremonial politeness ns would be anteed to be a perfect buildiug lot, for you. Everybody come and en. the future of Wheeler is assured in the natural action of the kidneys shown at n diplomatic Interview. City visit, $2.00. joy u time of good cheer. The arid bladder. Specially prepared If it Is boiling hot or freezing cold the fact that there is sure to be a Visit out of town, $2.5G for backache, headache, nervous- v. hole morning will be given over Visit out of town, three miles, nene. rheumatism and all kidney, and you are in need of Information, large town on Nehalem bay and to the rally. We want 200 in at­ bladder and urinary irregularities. go to the nearest policeman, address the location is such that Wheeler tendance, an offering of $10, and $3.00; one dollar for each mile over Chas. him as "monsieur" and raise your hat. will be that town. Look where you I. Clough. three miles as usual. everybody happy. He will Immediately return you a mil­ will, up and down the coast and Be sure you have the> R. T. BOALÄ'. itary salute, listen attentively nnd give Y. 1*. S. C. E. at 6 45, preaching you will see the future that is sure Buy your watch here a« Gives Aid to Strikers. I. M. S mith . you. as carefully as possible, the nec­ at 7:30. Sermon subject: "More Sometimes liver, kidneys and to be Wheeler’s ; just as sure as have the best time sb 8. M. K errcn . t liu.cli or no Clinch.” bowels seem to go on a strike and essary Information, saluring you again Aberdeen on Grays Haibor or Ta­ accurate and dependable, as you raise your hat to leave him. -F. refuse to work right. Then you Berkeley Smith, "Parisians Out : of coma on Puget Sound. of Gold and Silver W- You are not experimenting on need those pleasant little strike Patronise Home Industiy. yourself when you take ChamDer- breakers—Dr. King’s New Life Pills Doors.” Large Pay Roll at Wheeler. Ladies and Gentleroes l'atronize Home Industry ! And lain'a Cough Remedy for a cold ns —to give them natural aid and The pny roll at Wheeler is ap­ some of the liest time i Couldn’t Fool Him. help boost the liume products I that pre pn rut io n has won its gre.xt gently compel proper action, Ex- proximately $100,000 per year from made. All kinds of Je» reputation and extensive sale by it * cellent health soon follows. Try Serving in the capacity of collector James O. Hutchings tins started u remarkable cures of colds, and cun them. 25c at Chits. I. Clough’s for a local bank is a colored man who the fishing and lumbering industry best grades at the lo* < igar iiiiinufuct tiring cstablisinent always be depended upon, it is spends his evenings playing in an Oak­ alone. This year the Wheeler sal­ prices. Jewelry repaired equally valuable for adults and in this city, and lie turns out a A Snap. A Snap. mon cannery will pay its fishermen wait. land band. superior quality of home made children and may b e given young in excess of $30,000 for this season’s One of the clerks in the bank, know ­ children with impVicit confidence us One lot, 50x105 feet, one block frnm cigars. He in located near Vierick’s it contain« no liailulnl drug. Sold public high school. Price $375.00. ing of the clerk’s musical attainments, catch ; the large saw mill of the Bakery. Give him n trial. Ilr asks uv I.umar’s Drug Store. Call ut the office. N. M elchior . said to him, “Joe, I went to a vaude­ Wheeler Lumber Company and tor n share of the patronage on uc- ville show last night, and" one of the flogging camps, which crews are all couut of being a home product. • Reliable Jeufi fellows there played ’Traumercl’ . paid off at the Wheeler office, ap- great F* j proximates $70,000 annually. Now Next to the Post Hunting Notice. Joe looked nt him suspiciously for a I then, this is some pay roll fora new moment and then said: "Yon tell é town. And what is more, a larger IFUÚB HDHHaa .. I If". 'LU. " 1 I» r ' ■ T W The undersigned have leased the that stuff to Bonny. You don't get me pay roll is assured, with the in­ hunting on Mark Harrison's place WORKER 'S EYE to bite, ’cause Ah knows they ain’t no south east of town. Anyone hunt stallation of new manufacturing es­ No one more vitally lug thereon will lie prosecuted. such Instrument.” — San Francisco tablishments that are contemplated. I. c. S mith . Chronicle. good vision than ther gakina Powder AbsolutelyPure To Think < School B Where the finest biscuit cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions School Supi r» — The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar --CLOUG NitAX EUGENE ® ALL HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES E rwin H arrison . R oy M apes . Railroad Will Advaace the Town. A jimp!. Antidote to Poison. E. N. I'Ri’isoN, N II KVPKR. V. E. H oven It is a valuable thing to understand thoroughly what simple antidote to take If one Is so unlucky as to swallow poison of any kind Sweet oil Is to be found lu nearly every house, however humble, and half a pint of It taken Im­ mediately ta an effectual antidote to almost all poisons. Any one with a strong constitution should take a lar­ ger quantity of this simple remedy.— London Family Herald. J ohn H athaway . •0 Acree Timber for Sale. I have Ml acres titulier, with iilxtut 4.Ht>. feet of fir anil hemlock, which 1 w ill sell nt XK |H*r Irik) tert. J acob H lvn Beef, pork, veal and lamb at the Independent Market, opposite Post Office. Biiiouane«« in due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Cham­ berlain'« Tablets are essentially a • ioma>*h medicine, intended eapec tally to net on thut organ ; to cleanae it strengthen it. tone and invigorate it. to regulate the liver and to banish biliouane«« positively uud ettectively. For «ale by La- uiar'a Drug Store. Never «a) again that woman can’t keep secrets. There in now in ses- aion in St. Louie a national conven­ tion of delegntea of a woman'a se­ rrât society. the P. K. O., with gripe, peaa-worde, and perhaps a goat Iconoclasm 1« amaahmq all of our old deluaioaa. I I I The completion of the railroad ’ will advance the town of Wheeler as practically all shipments of freight, the passenger travel and the U.S. | Mail will be distributed through i Wheeler. Wheeler is the port by ! rail and by water which accoino- dates the traveling public over the docks. Deep water and river craft have commodious landings and wharfs at this place, , where pas- eengers and freight for Nehalem city and the people of the Nehalem valley will have to be accom­ modated. The difficulty ia that every kind of close» gravates the trouble* eyes. The wise thing to <► eye defects are sum * to submit them to ** for examination. CHILDREN'S I Especially demaad’ care and attest«*“ good vision ia to be e* This ia more tin* Household Debate. A N HOCK saved in **i immoning the plumber by true in these day» * “I conld have done better than to vanced technical ehone keeps the Household in constant touch with al town of Wheeler. It will be but a for dealing with chiM**1 the resource of civilisation and is instantly' available in any emergency. cussion."—Pittsburg Poet. very short time until all of the lota Suffieirnt Proof. of this property will be bought up It also keep* the hou«elicltl in cnonatant couch with the broader out l-ady—And yon gnarantee that the by investors. The chance for safe •ide world by nia-ans of the Long Din tance Service of the Bell yste*». Bi parrot talk, quit* a lot? Desler- investment is now offered i n the OPPOSITE THE ALU* Rather His last mistress sold him be­ platting of Wheeler and no mistakes cause »be couldn’t ret a word In edge can be made at this time. The price Corner Stillwell A« ways.—FUegende Blatter. of the lots are low and the terms St. West, and bath 1 are such that you would never misa Quite e Linguist. "My husband epeats three languages the small payments you would have •tnently." to make. Watson A Stephens, of A "English. French and German’" Tillamook City, are representing FECIALTY in ALL <•*’ Every.Bell Telephone ia the ot I « "No. Baseball, golf and aviation."— this new town and will be glad to ALL lUNOAf N Okteace Record Hsrald. [answer all question relating thereto. Tillamook THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE Ì & TELEGRAPH CO. - I