TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER Notice of Application for License I Surr moni Summons. to Sell Spiritoua, Malt and Vinous Liquors, Btc. In the Circuit Court of the State of In the Circuit Court of the State of 5, 1911 WARRANT OFFICERS. YOUR CASH TALKS At the Second Hand Store. Oregon, for the County of Oregon for Tillamook County. Their Grade In the Naval Service and N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That T B. Potter Realty ] Tillamook. the Pay They Draw. a petition has been filed in the Louis Sondheim, | Company, aCorpo i The grade of warrant officer tn the County Court of the State of Ore­ ration, Plaintiff, I gon. for the County of Tilla­ , navy forms one of those naval castes Plaintiff, vs. mook. a true copy and transcript' Srethna S. Phelps, | which are puxxllng to the civilian, vs. I thereof and of the whole thereof, is L. H. Field and Jane says Searchlight Philosophy. Defendant. J We are introducing the New Francos WASH­ in words, letters and figures as In the Name of the State of Oregon: Field, his wife, Z. , The warrant officer holds his posi­ INGTON STEEL RANGE, at $35.00, the best follows to wit: C. Eldred and Jane You are hereby required to appear tion by virtue of a warrant Issued by To the Honorable County Court and answer the complaint filed Doe Eldred, his range in Tillamook County for the money the secretary of the navy. of the State of Oregon, for the herein against you in the above wife, A. C. Bioom­ The warrant rank Is next below Our line of the latest heating stoves are beauties County of Tillamook. field and Jane Doe entitled Court and cause, within six that of midshipman and consists of W e , the U ndersigned , hereby weeks from the 31st day of Aug. D. A. Bloomfield, and the price is RIGHT, they are so constructed his boatswains, gunners, carpenters, war­ allege and show to you the follow­ 1911, said date being the fiAtdate of wife, and C. C that you can burn large wood and we will take ing facts and petition you as fol­ publication of this sumutons, and rant machinists, sail makers and phar­ Bloomfield and lows : your old stove as part payment. macists. The pay Is graded according Doe Bloom- if you fail so to appear or answer, That we, and each of us are resi­ for want thereof, the plaintiff will his wife, to the length of service and nature We are prepared to furnish you with New or dents and legal voters within Gari­ apply to the Court for tH)e relief de Defendants. J l >f the assignment. baldi Precinct, in Tillamook County. manded and prayed for hi the com­ To I.. H. Field and Jane Doe Field. Second Hand Goods at living prices. During the first three years the pay i Oregon, and have been such for plaint filed herein, to-wit : his wife, Z. C Eldred and Jane oil sea duty is $1.500. on shore duty We Buy, Sell, or Exchange Goods. mure than thirty days next preceed- Doe Eldred his wife, A. C. Bloom­ For a decree and judgment irg the date of this petition, having against the defendant for the sum The New State Law VEHICLE LANTERN field and Jane Doe Bloomfield, his $1.125 and on leave or waiting orders peen and now are actual residents of three hundred and sixteen and wife, and C. C. Bloomfield and $875 a year. The pay rises with each which we are introducing in Tillamook is selling within said precinct for more than '25--100 ($316.25) Dollars the balance Jane Doe Bloomfield, hie wife. three years qf service until the time of at $1.25 and $1.50. thirty days next preceeding Sep­ due on the principal of said note, You and euch of you, the above service exceeds twelve years, after tember 22nd, 1911. named defendants : which period the pay reaches $2.250 and for the further sum of seven If you want your stove or furniture repaired, That we are an actual majority of ($7.00) Dollars, as interest due on In the name of the State of Ore­ while on sea duty. $2,000 on shore duty the whole number of the legal said note and for the further sum gon: You and each of you are or detached assignments and $1.500 changed, or set up. Come and see us about it. voters within said precinct. of one hundred ($100.00) dollars as hereby required to appear and an­ We are located next door to Patzlaf’s, in the That we hereby petition you to attorney’s fees for the institutiort of swer the complaint filed against when on waiting orders or when on Wade Building. frant a license to sell, in less quan- this suit to collect said note, to you in the above entitled court and leave. All gunners are not warrant officers, ities than one gallon, spiritous, gether with plaintiff's costs and dis action on or before the last day of nalt and vinous liquors for the bursements incurred herein. the time prescribed in tile order ot hilt when a gunner has attained a war­ >eriod of one year from the date of And for a further decree herein publication of summons herein rant officer's rank he has. under the mid license, within said Garibaldi that the mortgage on all of Blocks whjph said order was made and roinmlssioned ordnance officer, charge ’recinct, and at Garibaldi, therein, 4 and 17, in the town of Netarts Bay- dated on the 25th day of September, of the ordnance, magazines, etc. The i I o J. J. McCormick. Park, situate in the County of Tilla- 1911, and if you fail ao to answer, warrant officer gunner is usually an Peter Byrom, Garibaldi. mook, State of Oregon, according for want thereof the plaintiff will apprentice with a good record, ap­ C. R. Sutton, Garibaldi. to the plat thereof on file in the take judgment against you and pointed after examination upon the W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. office of the County Clerk of said each of you for the appropriation recommendation of the commanding Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. county, said mortgage having been and condemnation and the assess officers. William Dowd, Garibaldi. given to secure payment of said ment of your damages in the above When the ship’s carpenter is a war Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. promissory note, as set out in plain entitled court of the following Ben Tillofson, Garibaldi. tiff's complaint, be foreclosed and described real property belonging rant officer he is chief of all the arti­ V. Stoker, Garibaldi. sans and mechanics. This force Is said property be sold, as upon to you, to-wit: Axel Nelson, Garibaldi. Beginning at the quarter section called the carpenter's gang and con I execution, to satisfy any judgment Ben Center, Garibaldi. which may be secured by the plain­ corner common to sections 17 and sfsts of shipwrights, plumbers, pipe­ II. Chiffnphe, Garibaldi. tiff in the above entitled suite, and and 18, in township 1 south of range fitters. blacksmiths, painters and car N. W. Smith, Garibaldi. for a deficiency judgment against 10 west ot Willamette Meridian in penter's mates. After ten years' serv A. N. Bolting. Garibaldi. said defendant in said cause, in Tillamook County, Oregon, and ice the carpenter was formerly com A. Aubrey, Garibaldi. case proceeds of said sale do not running thence north 101.75 feet; J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. cover the amount of said judgment thence north 42 deg. and 40’ west missioned chief carpen ter. with the I Sam Johnson, Garibaldi, This summons is served upon 728 feet ; thence south 47 degrees rank of ensign. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. The boatswain I.« one of the most you by virtue of an order made by 38' west 599.42 feet ; thence south H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. Honorable Homer Mason, Judge of 163.9 feet ; thence east 1019.9 feet Important of the warrant officers. lie Win. Renick. Garibaldi. the County Court of the State of to the place of beginning, contain­ has, under the executive officer, charge J. B. Mather, Garibaldi. Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ ing 9.06 acres, more or less, all of of the rigging, anchors, cable, cord­ G. G. Luddock, Garibaldi. mook, dated the 29th day of August this described tract being in the age. etc. He summons the crew at John Miller, Garibaldi. A. D., 1911, and which order pre­ S.E. quarter of the N.E. quarter of all general evolutions and acts as as­ Wm. II. Franklin, Garibaldi. scribes that summons in this suit said section 18. This summons is served upon sistant to the executive in carrying on M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi. should be served upon you by pub­ H. I. Sheldon, Garibaldi. J lication once a week for six con­ you by order of the Honorable the general business of the ship. The A. F. Goff. Garibaldi. secutive and successive weeks in Homer Mason, Judge of the County badge of office of the boatswain is his Geo. Meshlc, Garibaldi. the Tillamook Headlight, a news- Court, of Tillamook County, Oregon, call or whistle. Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. paperof general circulation, printed dated the 25th day of September John Matson,(Garibaldi. and published in the Couuty of 1911, ordering that summons be served upon you by publication in COLORS AND NERVES. H. Thiessen, Garibaldi. Tillamook, State of Oregon. the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly D. W. Johnston, Garibaldi. G. G. S chmitt & F. R. M iller , newspaper of general circulation in Red and Yellow Are Said to Have a Thomas Quinn, Garibaldi. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Tillamook County, Oregon, for at Carl Loll, Garibaldi. Stimulating Effect. least once a week for six consecu­ |. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. That colors have a profound psycho­ Administrator ’ s Notice of Sale. tive weeks. B. S Thompson, Garibaldi. The date of the first publication logical effect on human beings is a Joseph Hauxhurst, Garibaldi, N otice is H ereby G iven to all hereof is the 28th day of September, fact that should be emphasized. Used I. loyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. whom it may concern that the un­ 1911, and the date of the last pub­ In Btnall quantities, either in the cloth­ Frank Hadley, Garibaldi. dersigned as the Adminstrator of lication, and the last date upon ing or in household decoration, the F. I.. Sappington, Garibaldi. the estate of Mary E. Phelps, de­ which you are required to answer color red, for Instance, Is most stimu­ Ora Miller, Garibaldi. ■a ceased, was by an order of the on or before, is, and will expire on lating. both In the way of helping to Win. Keys, Garibaldi. County Court of Tillamook County, the 9th day of November, 1911. I). Perdue, Garibaldi. overcome depression and quickening W ebster H olmes , Oregon, ordered, directed and M. Morony, Garibaldi. the intellectual processes. But when Attorney for Plaintitf. licensed to sell, at private sale, Peter Schrantz, Garibaldi. used In any nmount It tends to over- i which said order was duly made Alfred Johnson, Garibaldi. stimulation, with resultant nervs and entered of record in said Joe. Snetsinger, Garibaldi. Notice to Creditors. strain According to a leading Eng- county court on the 19th day of Fred Hart, Garibaldi. lUh authority who has made a care- September, 1911, the real property Martin Hart, Garibaldi. Estate of Asa G. Cobler. Deceased. of said estate which is hereinafter G. M. Gunderson, Garibaldi. Notice is hereby given by the un­ ful study of the psychology of colors, described, upon the following dersigned. E. W. Stanley, adminis­ there are some people so constituted S. C. Frost, Garibaldi. terms, to-wit : At least one-third ol trator of the estate of Asa G. Cob that they become violently excited, fall H. Lindsay, Garibaldi. the sale price of the property sold ler, deceased, to the creditors of, into convulsions or faint If obliged M. M. Mead, Garibaldi. in cash on the date of sale, and the and all persons having claims even for a short time to look at any­ P. L. Frost, Garibaldi. remaining two-thirds to be secured against, said deceased, to exhibit thing vividly red. John Kostner, Garibaldi, FOR by a first mortgage on the premises them with the necessary vouchers,, The same effect has been noted from j. N. Kateisar, Garibaldi, sold, due in not to exceed three within six months after the first i.ee Mead, Garibaldi. yellow In one instance, the case of Joseph M. Brandenburg,Garibaldi. years from the date of sale, bearing publication of this notice, to said interest at the rate of not leas than E. W. Stanley, at the office of George a man operated on ut the age of thir­ J. Haverman, Garibaldi. six per cent per anuuni. A. I.ogenbaker, Garibaldi. Willett, attorney-at-law, Tillamook ty years for congenital cataract. It Is Notice is hereby given therefore Oregon, which office the under­ recorded that "the first lime he saw James S. Walters, Garibaldi. find all points on Tillamook Bay. that I will, as said Administrator, signed selects as his place of bus yellow be became so sick that he R. Smith, Garibaldi. from and after the 19th day of J. H. Thompson, Garibaldi. iness in all matters connected with thought he would vomit." And that from October, 1911, proceed to sell said said estate. H. M. Davis, Garibaldi. yellow has a uerve stimulating effect real property of said estate, which Chas. Fonger, Garibaldi. Dated this second day of Septem fully comparable with that of red Is said real property is described as ber. 1911. A. Davis, Garibaldi. curiously evidenced by the statement follows, to-wit : E. W. S tanley , C. W. Best, Garibaldi. of a friend of mine, a shrewd observer, The east half of the southeast George Perry, Garibaldi. Admistrator of the estate of Asa ; I who says: quarter of section thirty-one, and G. Cobler, deceased. Wtn. Campbell, Garibaldi. “Whenever the day Is overcast or I the west half of the southwest quar­ G. Marshall, Garibaldi. have Io do a piece of work calllug for ter of section thirty-two, in town­ Joseph Mitchel). Garibaldi. Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. ship three south of range ten west unusual mental exertiou I always wear •4 P W. Jacob, Garibaldi. of the Willamette Meridian, situate C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That a red or yellow necktie. 1 find that in Tillamook County, Oregon. J A. Johnson, Garibaldi. the State Land Board of the State either color has a lieneflcial effect on Also, beginning sixty feet south State of Oregon, County of Tilla- Oregon will sell to the highest my thinking apparatus."—U Adding­ of the southeast corner of Block No. of 100k, SS. bidder at its office in the Capital ton Bruce in Alnslee a thirteen, in Park Addition to Tilla ­ I. the undersighed, being first Building, at Salem, Oregon, on aly sworn, say:—That I am one of mook City, Oregon, as the same ap­ December Sth, 1911, at 19:(J0 o’clock pears of record at pages 624 and 625 Bursting Steel. le petitioners within named, and a.m., of said day, all the State’s lat I circulated the same, and that of Book J., records of deeds of said interest in the tide and overflow I An erperlment that demonstrated the ich and all of the foregoing named county and state, thence west to the lands hereinafter described, giving capacity of steel to endure greater Foot of Washington Street. ititioners signed the same with center of Belmonte street in said however to the owner or owners of pressure than the hardest stone was s own hand in my presence ; that Park Addition, thence south to the any lands, abutting or fronting on made In Germany. Corundum was cho­ J R. GLADDEN, Agent, TiHumuok. line of the sub-division such tide and overflow lands, ich stated his name, postoffice ad- south sen for the stone, and small cubes of Bl ■ess and residence correctly, and known as Goodspeed s Park, thence the preference right to purchase both substances were placed under at each one is a legal voter within north to the place of beginning, said tide and overflow lands at the pressure A weight of six tons smashed iribaldi Precinct, and has actu- containing four (41 acres, more or highest price offered, provided such ly resided therein for more than less, all situated in Tillamook offer is made in good faith, anil , the corundum, but forty two tons were la the World Growing Better? irty days, next proceeding Sept. County, Oregon, at private sale, also providing that the land will | required to crush the steel When the ! Many things go to prove that it fa. upon the following terms as fixed 1911, and that all of the facts set not he sold for nor any offer there­ steel did give way the effects are de I The way thousands are trying to rth in said petition are true as I by the said County Court, to-wit- to! accepted of less than $7:50 |»er scribed as remarkable. With a loud help others is proof. Among them At least one-third of the purchase rily believe. acre, the Board reserving the right explosion the metal flew Into powder, ■is Mrs. W. W Gould of Pitisfield. price in cash on the date of sale, to reject any and all bids. J. J. M c C ormick . audita sparks are said tn have bored IN. If. Finding good health by t«k and the remaining two-thirds ot the Address, Garibaldi, Tillamook Said lands are situated in Tilla­ minute boles in the crashing machine ling Electric Bitters, she now nd mnty, Oregon. Subscribed and purchase price to be secured by a mook County. Oregon, described -New York Tribune. j vises other sufferers, everywhere, ’orn to before me this 27th day of first mortgage on the premises sold, aa follows : to take them ’ For years 1 suffered to become due in not to exceed ptember, 1911. Beginning at a point which is the with stomach and kidney trouble," three years from the date of sale, Meander Corner lietween Section» Seal) W ebster H olmes , Rt.nty sf Stability. she writes. "Every medicine I u»ed Notary Public for Oregon bearing interest at not less than 16 and 15 and running along high A western mining prospector wat failed till I took Electric Bittern. N otice is ‘F urther H ereby six per cent per annum from the water line the following courses : paying bls firat visit to New York. But this great remedy helped me ven ,—That said petition will be date of sale until paid. -—*- ‘|v." They’ll help any N. 59 deg»-. (M W 490. tn feet. •Wbat do you think of Itf asked the i wonderfull Dated this 21st day of September, esented to the County Court of the l«est tonic N. 57 deg»., 45' W. 359.60 feet. t They're , proud Gothamite, as be pointed out the woman, t State of Oregon, for Tillamook 1011. N. 69 deg»., 04’ W. 696.62 feet to skyscrapers. land finest liver and kidney W. C. K ing , Hwty on the 1st day of Novem remedy that's made. Try them. the line of Lot 2, then the following “ Waal. ” replied the miner, “ It looks As Administrator of the Estate f. 1911, and based tliereon said >urw to low water hne- course lo^r jrater IL I You’ll see 5OratChaa. 1. Clough’s of Mary E Phelps, deceased. N. 0 deg . 26' W. 23100 feet, then like a permanent camp all right—«se­ J- McCormick will at said time *• ** — following cern Magazine. <1 date, apply to said County along low water line the '‘Cowboy" James C Dahiman, Dahitni •urt for a license to be granted to Notice of Hearing of Final Ac­ courses: Mayor of Omaha, l ‘‘Throws the id J. J. McCormick to sell within S. 61 degs . 44' E. 219. H» feet. count. Object Unebjected To. Lariat" id Garibaldi Precinct and at S. 87 degs.. ÏT E. 2ÍM.92 (set Doctor You are now convalescent Mayor Jas C. Dahiman started Iribaldi therein, in less quanti S. 50 degs.. 5.T E . 276. H6 feet. and kU you need is exercise You NOTICE is H ereby «•\W‘.-That ----- *---- and io at his career as s cowbov, * than one gallon, spiritous, the undersigned has filed hie final S. 68 degs.. *>' K. 218 64 feet. «t.onld walk ten or twenty miles a day, present _________ E. 1*. Hl I feet. Mayor of Omaha, , and has 55’ -------- 9t and vinous liquors, for a per account as administrator of the S. 62 degs.. — sir. but your walking should have aa the following record. Sheriff of TONIC IN AOTION . QUICK IN HISULTB S. 72 deg»., 38' K. 275.96 feet to the I of one year from the date of estate of I-ouis Blattlar. deceased object. Patient-All right doctor: I’D Danes Co.. Neb., three terms; Section line between lYlW thrn d license Otve prompt relief from BACKACKK, and that the County Court of the “ * , two terms; S 0 deg . 04' W- 3BO.00 feet to the travel around trying to borrow enough Mayor of Cbadren. vated thia 28th day of September. State of Oregon, for the County of K1DMBY .nd BLADDER TROUBLE, Natl Committeeman, Democratic beginning, and containing«.9 acre« Tillamook, has appoint«! Monday of tide land in front «4 Lol 3 of to pay your bill.—Boston Transcript. eight years ; Mayor of Omaha, six BHEUMATIEM, CONOUTION of ibe ]. J. M c C ormic «. the 6th day of November. 1011..at Sectibn 1A T. 1 S-. R- » W. of W Jt vears. and in 1919 Candidate for 10 o'clock a m. of said day. at the Governor of Nebraska. Writing to KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION of th. Hida »hould he accompanied by Notice. ¡rtroom of said court in Ttlhv a regular application to purchase ________ ____ x______ Foley A Co.. Chicago, he save. "I ■LADDER and all ennoying URINARY :<>T1CE is HkRkBY GIVEN.-That mook City Oregon, as th* J'"“ have taken Foley Kidney Pill, anil and exchange for the full amount Monday. Octolier 16. 1911. the | place for hearing of ’ offerral and should be a.ldre-sed to they have given me a great 'leal of IKREOULARITIFS. A poarttv. boon I n relief ao T cheerfully recommend MIDDLE AOBD and KLDKRLY >nty Board of Equalization w.ll ; any there are. -> “VLml G. G. Brown. Clerk State I-and, « •« the Court House, of Tilla and any and all i*/*»ns interested Board. Sslem. Oregon, and marked 1 (bein ' Your, truly. ok County. Oregon, and publicly ■ in amd estate are hJ^£’r,™’U'£d ” Application and bid to purchase (aiynedr JAMEM C. IlAHLMAN. FBOPLK and for WOMEN. -„e the a^.ment roll | to MATE MIOMSNT NCCOÀ MCHO.VION Chae I. Clough. tide lands ” „ errors m G. G B rown . 1 year, and correct all errora in I place to present the.,,*° « A Dart*, er Ws*Meetre CanoamBln It's Equal Dru't Exist. of lands such account if any «• . . Clerk State 1-and Board nations, descriptions c.-------- I m . » I < bl« tak >rer. wii're m ' I bare Dated at Tilla mooli. Oregon, tnia Dated thia 7th day of September. 1 other property. Said board will * No one baa ever made a aalve. Etelr reflated a>arb trow mr ki >»•■ « a»-l bl»4 f be-l re»arob.«va«l*reaa4 «re krtsre active tinue in session from day today. 5th day ot October, 1911 ointment or balm to compare with 4», 1911 _________ we. >«■> Irei- as*. «a.»!,.. sm In Sre .1res M. ABPLANALP. >1 the examination, correction Bucklen • Arnica Salve. It’a the a* s«4 la sir »la-'dai llwaa «aar,o*>aal Administrator ot the above j After exposure, and when you : .al* I l*-k rate* EUtrer rlUa ’ -a a,are <|a>», 1 equaliutkm ot the assessment one fwrfect healer of Carte. Corns rea aa> ano fra» »I al' irnablaaad «aaa «Ma <4 named Estate. feel a cold coming on. take Foley s Burn», BrtGaea. Sores. Chaptr Piles. Try it. Only 25c I ■ted at Tillamook. Oregon. Sep- C. 1 CLiOUCH. Tillamootc as:- -M" i zx. xrtiu” • iber 11 1911 I at Cha*. I. t lough'*. A. M. H arb . County Aasessor PAGE BROTHERS, Props. ¡ The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GATE Sailing Days for CDonth of OCTOBER I TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSON VILLE, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 3- 9, 14, 19, 24, 30 LEAVE TILLAMOOK, OCTOBER 6, 11, 16, 21, 26. Freight Received Daily at Dock . .