í Heaìil iaht VA it TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 5, 1911 Have you tried the new FASHIONABLE WEDDING meat market ? Miss Hagel McNair Betrothed Surveyor Jackson's estimate to Elmer De Witt Paine-- the Bayocean road is $31,541. Large Gathering W’.t- The Shakespeare Club met on *ness Ceremony.^ Friday at the home of Mrs. Webster Holmes, whose residence, was taste—L A pretty church wedding was fully decorated with choice flowers. solemnized on Wednesday evening As usual the members with a few at the First Presbyterian Church, invited guests, had another enjoy­ which had been tastefully decorated able afternoon. for the occasion, when Miss Hazel soon as you can, and you will be glad Df the facilities we afford you for trans­ acting business. We give you the full- tst security and with a liberal rate of Interest that will please you. Hundreds jf our best citizens find it to their advantage to bank with us, and it is no secret that jur patrons derive considerable prestige from the connection. The Old Reliable CAPITA L & 'TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK « MTV TILLAMOOK CITY-ORE-___ MOOK JOTTINGS ■rode for coal. |e will buy your cascara a W. Phelps was in from «1 this week. ¡Williams, of Dallas, Ore., (he city this week. Bhrode about the "Best” teat flour in the city. * ) Boquist left for Portland d a business college. [Best’’ hard wheat flour in , at the Tillamook Feed Co.* Shingles delivered to any I the city for $2.25 M.—See jnond and Bert Mapes were Sandlake the first of the SUPERVISION SUPERVISION " Dement’s Beet” ie made from selected hard wheat, and makes the best bread. Only $1.50 per sack.- Tillamook Feed Co. * I will pay 8c. , 10c. and 11c. for call hides at my ehop. Try me out and see. The Old Reliable Hide and Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. * ■The Board of County Commis­ sioners composed of Judge Mason and Commissioners Alley and Farmer, is in session this week, De Laval Dairy Supply Co. vs. Jos. Von Rotz, is a suit filed in the circuit court for $486.67 for goods and wares supplied by the plaintiff Good team, wagon and harness for sale. Teain is eight years old, weight 2700 lbs. True and sound in every way. E. G. Anderson Hemlock, Ore. Rough spruce and liemlock lum- tier at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw- cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles South of TillamookCity. Goldsworthy A Dalpaz, pros. You will have to buy in smaller lots if you buy on the Morony place, if you don’t buy soon, the Mi acre tract will be made smaller. Easy terms to all. M. Morony. Married, today, at the Christian parsonage, by Rev. H. V. Hoven, Oliver A. Mattoon and Miss Edith W. Paul, both of Hebo. These young people are well known and very popular in the south of the county and we join in wishing them a long life of wedded bliss. I J. H. Dunstan and wife were in I from Pacific City this week. Mr. Dunstan has been recommended for postmaster at that, place, but he has yet received his commission. He is one of thosy who reside in the south part of the county who is in favor of a ten mill road tax. Prof. C. Raymond applied to the Executive Board of the Commercial Club to rent the hall on Saturday afternoons and evenings for a danc- , ing club, and the Board decided to rent it for one month, and bring •the matter up before the members at the club at its next monthymeet- . »ng. | Geo. W. Kiger has returned to »■«»%- y-uj VlOll to IV X Portland UllliU the city limit from « a visit I and while there Mr. E. E. Lytle i in­ formed him that a train ' service would be inaugurated about the 1st of November and that they would endeavor to keep trains running through the winter with as little de­ lay as possible. u want the “Best” hard lour in the city you can get rode. * [hickens wanted at the Tilla- leat Company’s Market, 13c. Ind. • t Taylor, the booster Editor Cloverdale Courier, was in Tuesday. ; your chickens to the Tilla- The Ray Feed Co’s store was leat Company's Market. We broken into Wednesday night. En- . per pound. terance was effected byforcing open He, 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the the back door. About $15 in change s in the city for $300 each.— was taken and a ham was cut into. Mrs. C. N. Drew. • In the case of Ayer vs. Moon, which tins, cheapest and best paper was appealed to the supreme courL in town. ] Leave orders at I a decision has been rendered con- * ! terming the decision of the lower ixt to Harris' barn. ' court, which was in favor of Ayer. Hl, a sound, gentle saddle The music for the dance in’ the Write to Elise Londershau- concrete building on Main street ibsonville. Ore. next Saturday night will be furn­ r C. W. Talmage returned ity on Wednesday after be ished by a full piece orchestra. Everybody come out and enjoy Bide for several weeks. yourselves Beals and wife have arrived land from the East where l F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., re been spending the sum- has located next door to Lamar’ e I variety store, and is prepared to do all kinds of shoe repairing at id Marolf, administrator, reasonable rates. All work guran- iam J. Carver and wife is a teed. Give him a call. 1 in the county court to re- The friends of Howard Drew will 4 80. be pleased to hear he has finished Pfaff, while workin his course at the University of Ore­ i the Golden Gate, on Satur- gon, and is now assistant principal eived a nasty gash on the j at the Cove High School in Eastern a hook. I Oregon, with a good salary, i Hughey vs. William J: i The Percheron stallion Ville will and wife is a suit filed in make the stand for the season at linty court to recover $350 Rogers A McNamer’s Livery Barn, promissory note. in this city, with the exception of ent’s Best” Flour, fast get- ( Mondays and Tuesdays, when the lead. They haul it to Meda, stallion will lie at Beaver. Nehalem and intermediate A surprise birthday party was Tillamook Feed Co. • given on little Miss Sarrette De •olden Gate came ¡non Wed- Lillis, (it being her 8th birthday,) her passengers being Mrs at the home of her parents, Mr. and ’’all, Frank Nelson and a Mrs De Lillis, on Saturday by Lola ' of workmen to work at the De Lillis and Florence Johnson. Little Miss Sarrette received many een Milla vs. Albert HI | useful presents, there l»emg over Refresh J et al is a suit filed in the ■ 20 little folks present. court to recover judgment I menta were served and games were the defendants for the sum played and the little ones had a good time. AMOR'S VARIETY STORE -a ted two Doors west of Lamar s Drug Store. “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND Rest Room for L*dies. Mae McNair and Mr. Elmer De Witt Paine were united in marriage. Rev. Henry Marcotte, of the West­ minster Presbyterian Church of Portland (an old friend of the bride’s parents), performed the ceremony. The bride entered the church with her father, and looked charming in her bridal attire. Her gown was of white crepe meteor with panuls of lace and court train. Her veil wus gathered with clusters of lilies of the valley and on her arm was artistically arraanged a cluster of brides rosea, combined with orchids. The bride was attended by ber sister, Miss Blanchard McNair, who acted as maid of honor, and Miss Grace Noyes as brides maid. Miss McNair was gowned in pink mes- saline with overdrape of crystalled chiffon, and Mies Noyes in blue messaline with overdrape of the same material. They carried shower boqnets of brides roses. The groom was attended by Mr. Teary Beck, of Portland, Ore., who acted us'best man. Messrs. R. L. Howe, Burr Beals and Roy McNair acted ¡in ushers. The wedding marches were played by Mrs. C. W. Campbell, when the rev. gentleman in a few appropriate remarks solemnly tied the nuptial knot. The ceremony was performed according to the ring service. The church decorations consist of evergreens and white, and th“ church was well filled with both home and out of town guests After the ceremony a few intimate friends of the family, with the bridal party, assembled at the home of the bride's porents and partook of a dainty wedding supper. The house decoration» were in the autumn shades. The bride ia the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander McNair, and a popular young lady of this city, who was a graduate from tbe Tillamook High School and the University of Oregon, where she was also very popular with her class mates. The groom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Paine, of Eugene, who ie also a graduate of the U. of O. and popular with the young people of Eugene. Mr. Paine and his bride left by auto the same evening, and after spending their honeymoon in Cali fornia, will be at home at the Os­ burn House, Eugene, Ore., after November the first The happy couple were the reci­ ! pients of a large number of valuable i and useful presents and they left carrying with them the best wish.s of a large number of friends for their future happiness $1 50 per yes A cheeking account is a sensative indi­ cator which tells you, at all times, HOW YOUR BUSINESS RUNNING. IS Knowing how much help such an account will be, if you haven’t one already, reme tn- ber we will gladly accept a small account in order TO START AN ACCOUNT FOR YOU. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TILLAMOOK, The Only Government Examined Bank in the Countv. AS OTHERS SEE IT. ■ are entitled to equally good ronda ‘as those found at Fairview und Opposed to Fairview Grange vicinity, a » Tillamook City mcr- Running the County. Chants are good roads boosters and John Blum, F. W. Robitch and advocates, they must tie the worm James Christensen were in the city ‘ friends of those who want to see the on Wednesday und raised their pro- roud work in the county continue, test against the action of the Fa r- as it would aPow the rouds to get view Grange and the Bay City into a deplorable condition if allow- Commercial Club wanting to shut ed to remain for eighteen months. down on road work. I Therefore trade in a citv and with Janies Christensen was outspoken the men hunts who advocate good and said he did not want to be rond„ Hnd Wl, will guarantee thut C. B. Hadley was stricken with classed with the Fairview Grangers j.OM ro.((j8 good gcaals, paralysis on Sunday, and it ’ was who, having obtained all the good i an(| good sutiafne ion, for Tillamook feared that he would pass in his roads they needed, wanted to de- C ity Ims shown a niagnanimona checks. He was stricken in the prive others sections of the county spirit in Wl(nling to u(| p„rtB of right side and lost his speech, He to good roads and bridges, ’ the p county'get a square deal in road --- obtain --- rallied on Monday and there are He said the Fairview Grangers improvements, should visit Blaine, Sandlake nnd'| now some hopes of his recover, at least for a time, for he has been other parts in the south end of the in poor health of late. county and see how they needed' CONSIDERS ROAD WORK good roads and more bridges. He ' A disgraceful fight took place on was opjioaed to closing down on Executive Board Takes Sen­ Main street soon after six o’clock on load work. He was satisfied that sible View of the Situation. Wednesday evening, which grew the County Court would do the right There was a meeting of the Execu- out of a gambling dispute. This is thing, for it was in a position to five Board of the Tillamook Com­ prim a facie evidence that gambling know the needs of the county. mercial Club ou Monday evening is going on in this city. We should John Blum also raised a protest, and after some routine business have said have been going on for a and sarcastically remarked that the Board took up the matter of long time and it is about time the they had better allow the Fairview road improvements, expressing it­ gamblers and gambling houses Grange and Bay City Commercial self strongly in favor of the contin­ were "pinched.” Club to dictate and run county uation of road improvements in a!! In the case of George N. Hodgdon affairs. Although his tax amounted parts of the county and where prop­ vs. L. D. Krake. appealed to the to only $19.<10, he would be willing erty owner» were willing to donate supreme court, the court, believing that it be raised to $50 so that road larger »urns of money toward* the judgment brought up to the work should proceed. He said tnat building roads they should be given circuit court for review was void, whenever the Fairview people first consideration. The opposition no error was committed in annull­ wanted any road or bridge improve­ to the building of the road to Bay­ ing the entry and in remanding ments they would come to his dis­ ocean was considered, the board the cause with directions to fix a trict and have the taxpayers sign coming to conclusion that it would time in which the answer should their petitions. He had signed the recommend its constriction ii the be filed, it followed that the judg­ petition circulated by Marion cost to the county did not exceed ment appealed from should be af- Chance for the Johnson bridge $15,000 to $20,000, — r-r^ ,—, but should till firmed. ~____________ across the Trask river, which was coat be a great deal more than that a benefit to a few settlers, and helsuinjt would not recommend it. Augast Buttïr Fat Prices. felt hostile to think that the Fair-j ! The Board favored the pro|ioaitlon, view district, having ob ained every-1 so as not to put too much money 32c. Maple Leaf............. 33c. Tillamook............... thing it wanted in road and bridge into one project und deprive other 32c Fairview improvements, should tie opposed sections of needed road improve­ 32.1c. South Prairie ... to other parts of the county obtain, ments, that whatever amount was 32c. Clover Leaf ........ . 31.7c. Three Rivers.......... appropriated that part tie taken from ing them also. 30.7c. Elwood..................... We understand that Charles the taxes collected next year and the Another Fishing Trouble. 30c. Central ................... Kunze, when shown how the south remainder the following year. 31c. Long Prairie......... Deputy District Attorney G. W I side of Tillamook bay had been As that part of the cortnty bad paid 30.7c. Pleasant Valley .. Willett was called to Nehalem on 29. lc. East Beaver Monday to settle a dispute between ' paying taxes for many years to taxes towards building roads in build roads in other parts of the other pari» of the county for n.any the set net end sein net fishermen City Council Meeting. county, and that the taxes there years, and as it was shown that the on Nehalem bay, the latter claim­ At a meeting of the City Council ing they could not drift with the were greatly on the increase, ex­ l»audspit property, which paid taxes on Monday evening, after allowing set nets stretched from the shore. pressed an opinion that if the j amounting to a few dollar» live or bills, two ordinances came up for The official decided in favor of the County Court would allow a reason­ I six years ago, that same property able amount of money for the next will pay $3,3U) taxes next year, with discussiou and were passed to tlieir set net fishermen On Saturday, two or three years, he waa in favor a large increase every year, and with second reading, via : however, the fishermen, were to An ordinance to prohibit the rid­ hold s meeting, but previous to of giving the people over there a the large amount of taxes paid by entitled it. It property owners on the south aide ing of bicycles on »ide walk». that a fight was participated in, by road, for they were to him that of the bay, the Executive Board An ordinance creating a cement the different fishermen. It seems was also explained being a fair icame tn the conclusion that they Bayocean property includes »ide walk district, which that one of the Nehalem saloon for where that I were justly entitled to some of their all streets within the following keepers and his bar tender took illustration of thia, a few dollars .tax money fora road aud a way out. boundaries : Beginning on Front some part in the proceedings and property only paid taxation it is gradually crawling up ' The autiscription list »how» that street at corner of 2nd ave. E., the renowned Justice of,the Peace I $8,<£M lias lieen subscribed with the running W. on Front street to 3rd Joe Effenberger, who was a witness and now amounts to three or four possibility that it will amount to thousand dollars. ave. W., S. on 3rd ave., W. to 4th ! to the proceedings, arrested and $10,000 which does not include the street, E. on 4th street to Stillwell's fined both, taxing the saloon keeper ave , S. on Stillwell ave to 7th st.. n larger amount than the bar tender. FAVORS SQUARE DEAL three miles of road the T. It. ¡Potter Realty Co. will construct flee E. on 7th street to 6th ave. E-, The saloon keeper wanted to know thence N. to First street, also takes from the justice why he was taxed Tillamook City and Business of coat through their property. By tbe end of the week it will be known in E. on First street to Park street, more when Effenberger med* this Men Show Intercet in what th* surveyor’» estimate of coat reply : “ You mad* more noise and Good Road*. will be. There is about lour mile Presbyterian Church I you rattled your money " of ordinary road work to ronatruct Good roads advócale» should trade Evert I- Jones, minister. Sufi- with »lioitt I', miles of rock work, Team for Sale in a city which la in favor •>! geiog one horse sod one liestdes to help butkl new rond*. is more than probable that a roitd tlie Time« ” The evening aervice mare each weighing upward» of Tillamook City went rm records this can Le built around the ris ky |«»inl» will be under the anspiees of (he I.VMI lb»-, and if taken at once, will week in favor of road work bring at « much less coat. Christian Endeavor Society, and a -ell aame for 8375 <«. The owner continued in all parts of the county opposed to cloaing down, and special program has been arranged. of this team, leas than one year , Ths first plaster. A piece o4 I the merchants contributing »eve I’raver meeting, Wednesday, 7 30 ago. reluaeJ **" for nme * D auibl H kisv . nal dsin|«er»ed with Chamberlain's ral 11 i«,ouod on over the Notice to Hnntera The Weekly Oregonian ly above that Tillamook CMv is aw- affected fturts is superior to a plas­ thusisstic over the good road» move- ter anti c«aH» only one tenth a* This to to give notice that hunt­ until Nov. 31, 1912,75c. ing is prohibited on my place awl aw nt. end that all outlying die mneh. For ante-by l-amar'e Drug Leave order* at the |trmta th«Ue who do •«> will be pronccntcd and each end ul the county Mors. to the full estent of the law. Headlight office. J. H HaTuawaY.