TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 28. 1811 Pasture to Rent. Notice of Application for Ik to Sell Spiritous, Malt ¡2 or Bay City goggles. What the Pasture for rent. Inquireof Peter Vinous Liquors, Etc.*"- THROUGH LOOKING Newberg, Hemlock, Oregon. settlers in other parts of the ounty, N otice is H ereby " G iv », . I where they need good roads think WRONG GOGGLES Dairy Farm for Sale. a petition has been fiUd of the Fairview Bay City combina­ I will sell my dairy farm, either County Court of the State ” Bay City and Fairview tion to deprive them of good roads, as a whole or cut it up into small gon, for the County L we cun only imagine, or what the tracts, on the Wilson river, at a mook a true copy ;ll/d ™ Join Hands to Stop Road fair-minded, impartial and unpre­ thereof and of the whole th. greatly reduced price. in words, letters and - judiced citizens would think of a L. G. F reeman . in County Next Year. follows to wit: "Sure* I Apply to J. C. Bewely. County Court that would allow the To the Honorable County There was a meeting at Fairview roads to go to rack mid ruin for 12 of the State of Oregon’ Disgestion and Assimilation. County of Tillamook ’ on Tuesday, under the auspices of months after expending large sums It is not the quantity of food taken WE, THE 1' ndkrs 1 gxk the Fairview Grange to consider of money to make them fit to travel but the amount digested and assim­ ilated that gives strength and vital- allege and ehow to you the county affairs. It seems that the over are the other side of this ques­ facts and petition you „ . ity to the system. Chamberlain’s ing Bay City Commercial Club was in­ tion to De heard from. lows : J u “ i Stomach and Liver Tablets inviger- That we, and each of ug ar_ vited to take part, but no invita­ Ir the Bay City-Fairview coinbin ' ate the Stomach and liver and en­ tions had been extended to the Till­ ation succeeds in its efforts, it will able them to perform their func­ Ke?J®T?nJ legal vo,er8 within Precinct, in TillamookCo amook Commercial Club to partici­ be the spring of 1913 before the tions naturally. For sale by La baldi Oregon, and have been mar’s drug store. pate in the deliberations, although ¡county court will have any consid­ more than thirty days next the County Judge and Commission­ erable money to do road work, for irg the date of this petitioi A Dreadful Sight ers had been invited and were pres­ ' what little money is left from a six to H. J. Barnum, of Freeville, N. oeen and now are actual Y., was the fever-sore that had within said precinct for more ent. Quite a number of speeches mill tax next year after the out- plagued his life for years in spite of thirty days next preceediar were made, and resolutions were j standing indebtedness on the • many remedies he tried. At last tember 22nd, 1911. adopted with this object in view: • road fund is paid off it will leave That we are an actual majority he used Bucklin’s Arnica Salve and 1st To confine the road levy to only enough money for emergency wrote: "it has entirely’ healed with the whole number of the l! scarcely a scar left.” Heals Burns, voters within »aid precinct work. Just think of it. Allow the (> mills. That we hereby petition m Bods, Eczema, Cuts, Bruises, Swel­ 2nd—To put the County on a cash roads to go to rack and ruin and lings, Corns and Piles like magic. grant a license to sell, in !esiq dump a big pile of money into har ­ tities than one gallon, spin! bisis. Oniv 25c at Chas. I. Clough’s. malt and vinous liquors for 3rd—Close down on road work bor improvements. This is not the period of one year from the di rip lit system to run county affairs. n xt year. Have you tried the new said license, within said Ganl 4th—Not to undertake any new In regard to placing the county Precinct, and at Garibaldi, the I meat market? road work. on a cash basis, the plan which the to J. J. McCormick. The House of Governors seems to 5th—Employ a competent engi- County Court is now working on is Peter Byroin, Garibaldi. C. R. Sutton, Garibaldi. neer to have charge ot road work. be divided on the question of a to bring this about by reducing the W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. The resolutions to confine the outstanding indebtedness about presidential candidate. If the gov Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi road levy to 6 mills and not under­ $20,000 every year for the next few ernors can not agree there is little William Dowd, Garibaldi take any new road work was passed years, anil by careful management hope of harmony in the rank and Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. Ben Tillotson Garibaldi. at a meeting of the Bay City Com­ of the finances, this arra ngement The only Baking Powder made file. C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. mercial Club and was introduced would not stagnate road work Champ Clark has been holding a Axel Nelson, Garibaldi. lrom Royal Grape Cream oi Tartar by the Buy Cityites at the Grange nor hold back the county a year. It conference in St. Louie with his Ben Center, Garibaldi. meeting, the purport of which is to is for the citizens to say whether lieutenants. The thing Chanip will H. Champlie, Garibaldi. N. W. Smith, Garibaldi. oppose the building of a road from th -y prefer the County Court’s or j need most to gel the Missouri dele- A. N. Bolting. Garibaldi. this city to Bayocean. the Bay City-Frirview combine plan i gation is piivates. A. Aubrey, Garibaldi The reasons that Buy City and to place the county on a cash basis. J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi Hardly a day passes that a patent Fairview have joined hand in a Sam Johnson, Garibaldi, is not taken out for a safety device movement to suspend road work Ben Johnson, Garibaldi A Question to Be Asked. Vote of Condolence. for aeroplanes, and hardly a day A Hard-Working Man. H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. next year is told in few words. In What is the matter with Pennsyl­ passes that an aviator is not killed Wm. Renick. Garibaldi. the ease of Fairview, there are no Whereas it has pleased the all­ People who thought that the late vania ? Our good old Scotch-Irish for lack of one. J. B. Mather, Garibaldi. better roads in the county and they wise heavenly Father to call unto G. G. Luddock, Garibaldi. David Graham Phillips had a strain of people, diffused through Col. Roosevelt will be glad to will not need fixing for a longtime. Himself our beloved sister, Mina John Miller, Garibaldi. rapid, fluent and even at times so many states, but nearly all of note that President Taft is doing Wm. II. Franklin, Garibaldi These* roads have cost considerable l ong Campbell ; and overhasty pen, were far from the whom hark back to the Keystone, his best to stimulate the movement M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi money and the farmers there have Whereas the passing of her truth, says a writer in the Bookman. H. I. Sheldon, Garibaldi should arouse itself. It is an ele. from the city to the farm. No one been paid more money for road sweet spirit has left a deep shadow Mr. Phillips himself admitted I A. F. Goff, Garibaldi. can make farm life so attractive as work than any -»tiler district in the of grief, not only upon her family freely that he always found literary i inent with the faculty of doing these citv chaps. Geo. Meshlc, Garibaldi. things when it gets started, and it Chas. Morgan. Garibaldi county. Other localities have had and her lodge, but the community composition a labor—a labor of love should start now to rescue the old lohn Matson,•Garibaldi. to wallow through almost impassa­ in general, therefore be it, that he could not have shirked if he , Commonwealth from an increasing H. Thiessen, Garibaldi' ble roads because of the lack of Resolved that we, the members would, but none the less a labor. D. W. Johnston, Garibaldi odium. funds although they have paid ns of I’11 ity Rebecca Lodge, No. 51, Thomas Quinn, Garibaldi. A story which he sometimes told It is oniy a few weeks since a much taxes as those residing in extend our heartfelt sympathy to Carl Loll, Garibaldi. at his own expense illustrates this. wounded prisoner, charged with, J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi other parts of the county. We nip the sorrowing ones of her family It was shortly after liis graduation but not convicted of a killing, was I B. S Thompson. Garibaldi pose it is human nature, however. circle^; and that we commend them from Princeton that he sought work burned at the stake in Coatesville, Joseph Hauxhurst, GaritaMi One section having obtained all the to Him who has said, “I atn the Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi as a reporter, and finally, by offer­ Pa., while a 1110b danced around good roads it needs, it cares little or resurrection anil the life ; he that Frank Hadley, Garibaldi. ing his services for nothing, ob­ the pyre in barbarous fashion. This ( F. L. Sappington, Garibaldi nothing whether other sections ob- believeth in me though he were tained a chance to show what he ' seemed bad enough, and it still Ora Miller, Garibaldi. t tin good roads. dead yet shall he live again.” could do on the leading daily in a may seem to many that a worse Wm. Keys, Garibaldi. Bay City, too, has gone on record Resolved that the charter of our Western city. O. Perdue, Garibaldi. thing could not be. But what to stop road work next year as well lodge be draped in mourning for M. Morony, Garibaldi. The weather was cold and the Peter Schrantz, Garibaldi. na opposed to uuy new work being thirty days ns a token of the deep temperature of the office somewhere seems to us even worse comes now j Alfred Johnson. Garibaldi. 1 in a story out of Allentown, Pa., a We are ready to supply undertaken The object of this is to sorrow in the hearts of each re below 00 ; yet hour after hour Mr. Joe. Snetsinger, Garibaldi i city of 50,000 people, with railway ' whatever is needed in the line put a stop to the building of the maining number of our fraternal Fred Hart, Garibaldi. Phillips would sit at his dest with lines, telegraphs, newspapers, ' in this vicinity. road to Bayocean, an 1 for a selfish order; and that we earnestly en­ Martin Hart, Garibaldi. Our stock the moisture rolling from his brow schools, churches, and all of the ac­ reason, no doubt, for it will not ben­ deavor to follow our departed sister G. M. Gunderson, Garibaldi. in the anguish of trying to make for the fall term is here and S. C. Frost, Garibaldi. cessories of modern civilization. A : efit Buy City, for we understand in her faithful examplification of literature from such materia! as H. Lindsay, Garibaldi. poor seamstress whose eyesight our prices are as low as they’ that someone in that city has hit on the teachings of our order. M. M. Mend, Garibaldi. "Yesterday afternoon John Jones was failing had gone to Allentown can possibly be made. We be ­ a scheme to construct a dyke road P. L. Frost, Garibaldi. Resolved tliut a copy of these res­ fell off a stepladder and dislocated across the mud flats on the bay and olutions be sent the family; one to take the Ktieipp cure for nervous lieve we have provided amply, John Kostner, Garibaldi. his shoulder.” J. N. Kateisar. Garibaldi and put in a draw bridge to cross inserted in the minutes of the One day—it was the tenth of Mr. derangement. She led a secluded but it’s impossible to be sure, Lee Mead, Garibaldi. the channel so ua to reach Bayocean lodge; and one given the local Phillips' services—the presiding life in a cheap rooming house, and Joseph M. Brandet'burn.G® that wav. What the cost of thia pro- paper for publication. when one of the children in the so we would advise early pur­ J. Haverman, Garibaldi. genius of the paper happened to chasing. j“ct would be or whether the whois Committee, place fell ill, she was suspected of A. Logenbaker, Garibaldi Cora Pike, pass through the city room and James S. Walters, Garita* of a ten mill road tax would lie suf­ Marie Wade, stood for some minutes watching witchcraft, driven out of the house, R. Smith, Garibaldi. Bessie Williams ficient to construct it bus not been thejstreet and the city, even being him. - J. H. Thompson, Ganta® stoned during the process of figured out yet. It ia safe to say How we long, O sister Mina, H. M. Davis, Garibaldi. "Who is that young man ?” he For the sight of your sweet face. that the Bay Cityites did not broach banishment. Chas. Fonger. Garibaldi. In our dear fraternal circle, presently asked of the city editor. this to the Fairview Grangers, for A. Davis, Garibaldi Time was when to hail, or derive, Where ia none to fill your place. The city editor explained C. W. Best, Garibaldi. it would immediately have caused But ourteur-dimmed eyes are lifted from Pennsylvania, was to be "Get rid of him,” came the court George Perry, Garibaldi Our stock is unusally com­ them to have the blind staggers or To that circle bright above ; known as one free from all of the Wm. Campbell, Ganta® edict. Where vour yearning heart has set the leaders on the war path for old shackles with which super­ plete ibis year. It includes G. Marshall. Garibaldi "But,” expostulated the city ed­ found them — the scalps of their new allies. It is, Joseph Mitchell, Ganta® Perfect "Friendship, truth and itor, 'we are getting him for noth­ stition, bigotry and cruelty had every item that will be needed. P. W. Jacob, Garibaldi very remarkable that Bay City bound the ages. That time is not love.” Many of the items arc in wide ing.” C. F. Alexander, Ganta® should want to close down on road past if the spirit of Pennsylvania M arie W ade . J. A. Johnson, Garibaldi "1 don't care,” rejoined the higher variety. Take pencils, for work next year, when the Fort of State of Oregon, County * power. "I don't care if he is pay­ will assert itself now, rising above instance. We carry all the that place pledged itself to go the Notice. mook, SS. ing for the privilege! Get rid of the winnings of pothouse politicians limit of ten |>ercent in bonding the I, the undersign«. ' N otice is H ereby G iven ,--That him nt once. X can't bear to see seeking to serve their own ends in liest makes in the various de­ sworn, say:—Tn«1 Port tor $2MUU*> and for running the County Court of Tillamook serving the ignorance and brutality grees of hardness. Other duly any human being work so hard! ’ the petitioners within 1 expenses, maintenance, interest and of those whose ideals are not those goods in like variety— County, Oregon, nt the last session that I circulated the sa' sinking fund to pay off the princi­ of said Court, made an order "Pro­ of the real and genuine Pennsyl­ each and all of the fojff Pen», Ink», Pen Holders, Forced To Leave Home. pal, $3li,UlD to $35,IKK) will have to be hibiting" the Painting of any signs vania colonial anil revolutionary j I ? petitioners signed the Every year a latge nmnlier if raised annuall) 1») taxation, and his own hand in my l>” or other notices of any nature upon poor sufferers, whose lungs are days. If this ia not done it will be I Writing Ta inet». Drawing Tablet», each stated his name, p moat of tins money is to go for a time to ask : " Is Pennsylvania a I Colored Pencil«, any Bridge or other public struc­ sore and racked with coughs, are dress ane, Asthma, out check for four months, we have (Seal) ,, jjj- Croupe—all Throat and Lung trou­ vail here and to purchase all living then forced to go the limit of derful cures so 1 began takingtheni bles. Notary PnM* 50c A $1 11). Trial bottle free as the descendants of a single hib­ your supplies of us means a ten mills for n Port tux, Huy City 1. nd sure enough I had as good re­ at Chas. 1. Clough’s. ernating individual 214.557,844,321),- N otice is GIVEN,—That said I ought to ehow a more magnanimous mits as any 1 heard about. My 000,000.OU).OU) flies. Now, a horse substantial saving. bachachc left me and to one of my presented to the v spirit towards other (lortioiM of the business, expressman, that alone Common Colds Knst be Taken fly measures exactly one-fourth of the State of Oregon. Seriously. county, especially when roud im- is 11 great advantage. My kidneys an inch in lertgth ; the distance County, on the 1st ' For unless cured they sap the pr ivcinents in all parts of the conn, acted free and normal, and that TIIE RELIABLE around the earth at the equator is her, 1911. ,t ty lire as cesentiul, mid more so, • aved me a lot of misery. It ia now I vitality anil lower the vital resist­ said to tie 24.800 miles. It would I. J. McCormick *1» Druggist and Bookseller. 11 pleasure to work where it unid to ance to more serious infection. and date, apply’ than the improveiuent of the bur. l>e a misery. Foley Kidney ’’ills Protect your children and yourself take, therefore. 3.688,312,000 flic* Court for a hiense» The Headlight ia udviicsting a ten have cured me and have my high­ by the prompt use of Foley's Honey | placed end to end to go around the said J. J. Mccorai and Tar Compound and" note its mill road tux so that the county can est praise.” Chas. I. Clough Co. said Ganbaldt quick and decisive results. For . world once. Using thia number as get on u cash basis in a few years Ganbaidi therein, coughs, colds, croup, whooping n denominator, and the number of ' I have a world of confidence in cough, and continue road improvements in ties than one I bronchitis and affections of j flies produced in four months from malt and vinous nq all putts of the county, mid to do Chamberlain'» Cough Remedy for the throat, chest nnd lungs, it ia an . one mother ns a numerator, we find I have used it with perfect aucceM ” th!» $IM la letter remedy. For sale by La- MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY ROBERT A after contributing JNUto|<«v a Port " lint you need ia Electric Hitters mar's drug store. PEOPLE and «or WOMEN. p land a Home v to bust up the Port I • give tone, strength and Vigor to OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. ■AVI HICHEST RECOMMENDATION t<> prevent breakdown law, with fS.iU) to be pungted up to Before You Reach the Limit build you up. Don't be weak. of physical endurance and while Corner Stillwell Ave. and Fira take the cese to the Vnited State» and *ukl? “r •ill"/ when Electric Rite Bit is still curable, take supreme court Gee I li e more ViL"1 St. West, and both Phones. iou ,rum ,1‘* tìr»« Ïour condition Kidney Pills. Their quick than laughable. It looks ridiculous o Thouaand» bieca them for •x oley ’ tion and ooaitive résulta will de- G'aduaK This is a curious condition of their glorious health aud strength. light you. For backache, nervous- affairs, as well ss quite atuusiug, Try them Every bottle is sad SOW f-« all mStfmJy ywy B i and Bat neee. rheumatiem. and all kidney, FECtALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKE* dy. Only Mr at Cha. bladder when not looking through Fairview and urinary troubles. Chas. I. I lough Co. ROYAL BAlCfNG’POWDE Absolutely Pure MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts The Weekly Oregonian until Nov. 31, 1912, 75c. Leave orders at the Headlight office. “i It’s Time To Think of School Books School Supplies -C L O U G H- Foley Kidney Pills Tillamook Bakery, ALL KIND OF UUAM. C. I. CLtOUGH-Tillamook, j ”