TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SBPTEMPER 28, 1911. ressions of the I south side would have to pass through Mohler to reach Nehalem. halem country . Mohler is on the south fork of the • They have but recently eff «ted the OREGON SYSTEM FIGHTS Notice ot Sale of Tide Lands. organization of of a « i'rxr». Summcaa. organization Commercial Club, ' with a charter membership of 59. F3R ITS LIFE- N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That In the Circuit Court of the State of river, but it is proposed to dredge : The oflicern are Henry Tolil, presi- the State Lind Board of the State Oregon, for the County of out an arm of the bay extending to i dent; M. J. Gersoni, secretary, and j Initiative and Referendum cf Oregon will sell to the highest Tillamook. bidder, at its office in the Capital Louis Sondheim, Mohler by which it is thought deep i S. G. Reed. Dr H. C. Randal' D. V. 1 Attacked. Building, at Salem, Oregon, on Plaintiff, I water facilities for vessels can more Leabo, Hugo Effenberger and C. FL | October 3rd, 1911, at 19.99 o’clock Washington, Sept. 24.—The con- a.m.. of said Jay, all the State's in­ « va- r easily and cheaply be secured. Morrison, directors. Srethna S. Phelps, | Thia stretch to Mohler is three- These officers are ihe representa­ ttitutionality of the initiative and terest in the tide and overflow Defendant. J BY L. A. FERNSWORTH. fourths of a mile from the main tive men of Nehalem. Henry Tohl, referendum, the famous* “Oregon lands hereinafter described, giving In the Name of the State of Oregon: however to the owner or owners of very short time Tillamook channel, and it can be put through You are hereby required toappear the president, is one of Nehalem’s system’’ of popular government, any lands abutting or fronting on v will fling wide her gates at an 18-foot low tide depth for $3569, and answer the complaint filed will be the subject of a decision — pioneer boosters, having for years such tide and overflow lands, the herein against you in the above mg-waiting world. The way according to the estimates of those conducted a large mercantile estab­ with far-reaching consequences— preference right to purchase said entitled Court and cause, within six i and steel and steam will interested. and overflow lands at the high­ weeks from the31st day of Ang- D. A. lishment there. Another of Nehal­ by the Supreme Court of the United tide est price offered, provided such 1911, said date being the first date of the breach. Thither Portland Two miles down the river from em’s big boosters is Joseph Effen- ■ States in the approaching term. offer is made in good faith, and also regon and the whole Pacific Mohler is Wheeler, the second larg­ The question of the constitution­ providing that the land will not be publication of this summons, and berger, the Justice of the Peace. if you fail so to appear or answer, will send their emissaries est town in the Nehalem Valley. A ality of these expedients of govern­ sold for nor any offer therefore ac­ for want thereof, the plaintiff will Messrs. Effenberger and Tohl are ley may bring back to them big lumber mill is maintained here ment forms the basis of a suit be­ cepted of less than $7.50 per acre, apply to the Court for the relief de­ of the very first white settlers at Ne­ the Board reserving the right to and impressions of what they by C. H. Wheeler, atter whom the tween the State of Oregon and the manded and prayed for in the com­ halem, and have borne the brunt of reject any and all bids. Said lands plaint filed herein, to-wit : [¡«covered. town is named. The mill employs tlie hardships encountered in her Pacific States Telegraph A Tele­ are situated in Tillamook County, For a decree and judgment ire reigning in her moat 40 men, and cuts 50,000 feet of lum­ early struggles and onward march. 1 phone Company. As the case is Oregon, and described as follows : against the defendant for the sum eous and prolific moods will Beginning at a point which is the ber daily. A fish cannery also is They have many early remisiscences near the head of the docket, it will Meander Corner between Sections of three hundre«! and sixteen ami them with rich profusion of 25-100 ($31fi25) Dollars the balance here. The town and its industries to relate, and sometimes tell of the be reached in time to insure a de­ 8 and 9, T. 1 S., R. 10 W..W.M., and due on the principal of said note, cision before the end of the term ,'erings. running thence along high water are long established, but it has uot day’s when they lugged flour to Ne- ■ and for «the further sum of seven Tillamook—and by Tillamook ($7.00» Dollars, as interest due on yet been in touch with the rest of halem over the mountains on their 1 The case originated in the com­ line the following courses : S. 89 «legs. 49' K. 153.63 feet. stand 1122 square miles, ex- pany ’ s challenge of a law enacted said note and for the further sum the county by wagon road. A road backs, M. J. Gersoni, the secretary, S. 56 degs. 99' K. 1169.99 »» of one hundred ($190.00) dollars as g from north to south along by the Oregon Legislature under s. 22 degs. 17’ E. 553.76 I» is nearing completion to Wheeler, is a lawyer, who has recently settled attorney ’s fees for the institution of th“ initiative plan, by which a tax ast for 60 miles—is a land en- s. 79 degs. 38' E. 287.66 I > however. The railroad tuns there, and Hugo Effenberger, of the thia suit to collect said note, to* N 89 degs. 59' E. 445.99 »• of 2 per cent was placed on the by nature with much oflove- gether with plaintiff's costs unddis­ through Wheeler. board of directors is a son of Judge s. 79 degs. 99' E. 207.75 *1 gross earnings of telegraph and There she has prepared a bursements incurred herein. Effenberger and editor of the Ne­ Access Formerly Difficult. s. 59 degs. 17' E. 152.99 »> And for a further decree herein •ound for her admires. telephone companies. Taking the s. halem Enterprise. 29 degs. 37 ’ E. 469.99 The struggles with which the that the mortgage ou till of Blocks » I those who love solitude, where position that the initiative and ref- S. 52 degs. 91 ’ E. 645.80 4 and 17, in the town of Netarts Hay In Samuel G. Reed, Tillamook • • Nehalem community has had to s. 44 degs. 48' E. 300.90 »I erendum, which are coupled in the the waters of some virgin Park, situate in the County of Tilla­ contend can be appreciated when it County has secured a big man. He s. 35 degs. 10' E. 516.35 »• Oregon law, are inconsistent with i they may coax from the mook, State of Oregon, according s. 43 degs. 51’ E. 638.09 ♦ I is known that only a few years ago was formerly manager and treas­ the republican form of government to the pint theieof on fie in the i depths the trout, or hunt s. 09 degs. 04’ E. 64.57 „ to line offi«e of the County Clerk of suiil that great portion of it on the north urer of the old Portland General guaranteed by the Constitution their forest haunts the larger of lot 3, then county, said mortgage having been side of the Nehalem River, and its Electric Company, manager of the the United States, the company N. 9 deg. 26’ W. 220.00 _____ ,, to _____ here they will find it; the low given to secure payment of said re- forks was almost completely cut off Portland Railway, Light <1 Power fused for four years to pay the water line and then along low water promissory note, na set out in plain as- Bin climber will find lofty line the following courses : from the rest of Tillamook County, Company, and more recently presi­ sessments. tiff's complaint, be foreclosed and ains with jagged cliffs and N. 79 degs. . ........ 28 ’ W. 208.94 feet. said property be sold, aa upon and that the only means of com dent of the German-American Bank. State Courts Decide for Law. ng crags. There one will find N 48 degs. 44’ W. 350.30 • * execution, to satisfy any jn«lgment munication with the outside world Since February he has been an out- I The state thereupon brought a N 37 degs. 52’ W. 481.83 1 * broad and still, cataracts which may be secured by the plain- and-out Tillamook County* rancher, offered was irregular boat service, N 39 degs. 20’ W. 441 95 tiff in tin- above entitled suite, nn«l suit. There was a hard tight in the f themselves along in foam, N. 33 degs 42’ W. 371 90 • » for n ileficiency judgment mrainst and mail service over a dangerous good roads enthusiast, and a Ne­ trial court, bu» the decision was y waterfalls hurling them- N. 29degs. 98 W. 637.26 said defendant in said cause, in mountain road to Seaside. No halem Valley boost >r. Mr. Reed favorable to the law. A like con­ N. 28 degs. 27’ W. 1335.50 feet to cas- proceeds of said sale do not froin the heights. bridge spanned the river to put Ne­ owns the Neah-kah-nie resort on clusion was reached by the Su­ | North line of Lot 1 extended, ___ _ __ Sec. 9, cover the amount of suid judgment. hose that desire to combine halem in touch with the rest of the the beach, about and including preme Court of the state, and the T. 1 S.. R. 19 W., then This summons is served upon pleasnres with urban com- West 1929.59 feet Necarney Mountain. _____ v.. to vou by virtue of an order made by ! company, still unsatisfied, carried re excellent roads for motor- county. place of beginning and containing Monoruble Homer Mason, Judge of The city of Nehalem has ample jjie case to the highest tribunal 1 on A hard struggle was that which 47 94 acres of tide land fronting und the County Court of the State of any deep rivers and bays business establishments, such as “ “ 1 *- *- - a wr jj o f error . abutting on lots 1 und 2 of |See. 16 Oregon, for the County’ of Tilla­ res for every form of aquatic was waged to secure the bridge, stores, a restaurant a bank, a news­ j Senator Norris Brown, of Ne- and Lot 1 of Sec. 9, T. IS., R. 19 W. mook, dated the 29th day of August on, and resorts provided Finally, with a special 8-mill tax paper, etc. A bad fire visited the of W. M. A. D., 1911, and which order pre­ rery comfort for the lover of imposed by the Nehalem people town last Fall and completely wiped braska, a stanch believer in the in- Bids should be accompanied by a scribes that summons in thia suit upon themselves, with the permis ­ itiative and referendum, has been regular application to purchase and should be served upon you by pub­ And for that vast army for out two blocks, but the structures the call of the sea and the sion of a solicitous County Court, are again rising from their ashes, engaged by the state of Oregon to exchange for the full amount lication once a week lor six con­ offered and should be addressed to secutive and uucceaaive weeks in nents they hold out possess the bridge was bnilt at a cost of and on a larger and better scale. argue this case before the Supreme G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land the Tillumook Headlight, a news­ , Court, and supporters of initiative $5009. Not more than five years ago «test fasinetion, there are Among these is a commodious, and referendum realize that their Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked paper of general circulation, printed is it that the bridge wae opened. “Application to bid und purchase and published in the County of b of surpassing loveliness, first-class hotel, just opened by H. • cause must stand or fall according tide lands.” Tillamook, State of Oregon. Prior to the opening of the bridge at large section of Tillamook W. Tohl. A sawmill and a cannery G. G. B rown , G. G. S chmitt a F. R. miller , as the Nehalem Valley, con- there was scarcely a road worthy of are among Nehalem's industries, ’ to the decision of the Supreme Clerk Stute Lund Bouud. Attorney« for Plaintiff. Court in this suit. Because of the the name in that section of the Ne ­ Duted this 27th duy of July, 1911. ' which so much has been and a well-equipped high school importance of this case, it was ind so little known, Nature halem Valley, and not more than offers educational advantages. A Administrator’« Notice of Sale. ’ deemed advisable to secure the ser­ three wagons. The farms were all Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. in particularly kind. water system with a five-inch main vices of Senator Brown, who is a N otice is H ereby G iven to all >rt time ago the editors of located along the waterways, and at the intake and a90-pound gravity N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That whom it may concern that the un­ 1 lawyer of recognized ability and atnook County newspapers commerce and social, communica­ pressure is being constructed by the State Land Board of the State as the Adminstrator of one familiar with precedure before of Oregon .will sell to the highest dersigned the estate of Mary E. Phelps, de­ tve formed a body as the tions were conducted by means of the Nehalem Water Company from I the Supreme Court. bidder at its office in the Capital ceased, was by an order of the >r Editors’ Association,” ac- rowboats on the river. An occa­ a stream on Necarney Mountain, Building, at Salem, Oregon, on County Court of Tillamook County, • ——————— liefby several visiting news- sional luckless wayfarer was ferried two miles away, at a cost of $5090. December Sth, 1911, at 10:00 o’clock Oregon, ordered, directed ami Summons. en, visited this section as across the river. a.m., of said day, all the State’s licensed to sell, at private sale, Now the Nehalem Valley has ex- Bts of the Nehalem folk, and ■ In the Circuit Court of the State of interest in the tide and overflow which said order was duly made lands hereinafter described, giving and entered of record in said roads. A road is within 2H igs they saw there amazed cellent 1 I Oregon for Tillamook County. Communication however to the owner or owners of county court on the 19th day of , T B. Potter Realty) miles of completion around the Ne- any lands, abutting or fronting on September, 1911, the real property | Company, aCorpo i carney Mountain trail to Seaside, jarty consisted of Fred C. such tide and overflow lands, of said estate which is hereinafter Bay City, Ore., Sept. 23, 1911. ration, the preference right to purchase described, upon the following editor of the Tillamook which, when finished, will be one Plaintiff, Dear Sir; I am enclosing you a copy • | said tide and overflow lands at the terms, to-wit : At least one-third of [ht and president of the as- of the most scenic roads in the of a letter I have this day mailed to > V8- highest price offered, provided such the sale price of the property sold , L. H. Field and Jane n; C. E. Trombley, editor world, A fine road taps the coun- the County Clerk. offer is made in good faith, and in cash on the dste of sal», mid the ! Field his wife, Z. also providing that the land will ?illamook Herald and the try north of North Fork, eastward, remaining two-thirds to be secured It seems that an article recently ; C. Eldred and Jane not tie sold for nor any offer there- by n first mortgage on the premise« -Editors’ secretary; Hugo almost to the county line and be­ appeared in your paper that was in i: Doe Eldred, his ]■ fot accepted of less than $7:50 per sold, due in not to exceed three >om -J iberger, of the Nehalem En- tween the forks and on the south of some way a misconstruction of one of ■ j wife, A. C. Bloom acre, the Board reserving the right years from the date of sale, bearing Doe] field and Jane T them fine roads give access to the ; Edward L. Stockton, of to reject any and all bills. interest at the rate of not lees thnu the items of my official report of the Bloomfield, his Sai action on or before the last day ot County Court, S. »12 ilegs., 55’ K. 188. HO feet. Mr. Holden, Clerk fall of the coast make the and south forks, and about five pears of record at pages 624 mid 625 • the tune prescribed in the order of S. 72 «legs., 38’ E. 275.96 feet to the of Book J., records of deeds of said ik land the best dairy land miles from the ocean. It is 28 miles Tillamook, Oregon. I publication of summons herein Section line between 15-16 then county and state, them e west to the Dear Sir: You will note that on I which said order was made and irld. “ From one and one- from Tillamook, to which railroad S. 0 deg . 04’ W. 390.00 feet to tlie «enter of Delmonte street in *ii.| ro and three acres accord­ facilities now give it ready access, page ten of my official report of the ! dated on the 25th day of September, lieginning, and iontainingO.9 acres Park Addition, thence south io the 1911, and if you fail so to answer, le management, keeps a and 26 miles from" Se-s.de, from I inquest over George Fessler that there j ior want thereof the plaintiff will of tide land in front of Lot 3 of south line of the sub division Section 1«, T. 1 S„ S., R. 10 W. of W.M. known as (liMslspeed'A Park, thence a ijood cow bling's in $100 which place it receives its mail over is an item that reads as follows; ¡take judgment against you and Bills shouhi be accompanied by north to the place of ' beguiniII«, A. H. Ruger, Neskowin, Oregon, tor ’ ¿j p,u for thV appropriation ir. i mountain trail. The Pacific Rail a regular application to purchase containing four <4* acres, more or taking charge and assisting to bury and condemnation and the asaeas- atid exchange for the full amount lass, all situated in Tillamook mber speaking with one : road & Navigation line from Port- body, and one suit of clothes. i ment of your dainag«-*« in the above offere«! and should be addressed to County, Oregon, at private sale, who kept a very small land to Tillamook runs within 1V9 You will alro note that there ia no <7nt*t!iiijCOurJ "i ,,le fo,,”wmg G. G. Brown. Clerk State Land upon the following terms as fixed le had two cows, and he 1 miles of Nehalem and to the south •mount set after the item. The item pT'you. Vo wR-- longing Hoard, Salem, Oregon, and maiked by the said County Court, to wit: hat each cow brought in ! of it, with the river and contingent “ Application and bid to purchu«e At least one-third ut the purchase lieginning at the quarter ! tide lands ” " ' —*-- section — The all except the last part, is payabla to: corner E« of $16 every month. A I bottom lands intervening. price in cash on th* date of m .’ i , cdtumon to sections 17 and I G. G. BlIOH'X, and the remaining two-thirds ot the ilked about eight months i closest point is Mohler, the present Mr. Ruger, but the last is due to a and is. iu township 1 south of range j Clerk State I_aiid Board. purchase price to I m * secured by a it , so that would be $128 a ' end of train service on the Tills- gentleman whose name is to me, at 10 west of Willamette Meridian in Dated thia 7th day of September, first mortgage on the premises sold, present unknown. Because of the fact : Tillamook County, Oregon, and 1 mook end of the new railrosd. 1911. to become due in not lo exceed running thence north 194.75 feet ; — three yearn from the «late of sale, re many instances where | It is prov-oeed to build a dike road that I did not know what Mr. Rugers thence north 42 deg. and 40 west Notice to Cieditora. bearing interest at not leas than t County farmers are do- from Nehalem directly across the charge would be or the charge for the 728 feet ; thence south 47 degrees Estate of AsaG. Collier, Deceased. six |>er cent per annum from the ■ than $100 from x>ne cow j river and bottom lands to Mohler, suit, by the gentlemen whose name is »<■ west 'AM. 42 feet ; thence south Notice is hereby given by the un­ date of sale until p »•id. 163.9 feet ; thence east 1919.9 feet unknown, I joined these together and thus overcoming any handicap ■sent time. With the little Dste<1 thin 21st <1 lay of September, to the place of beginning, contain- dersigned, E. W. Stanley, adminis­ >911. • in filing my report calling your atten ­ ir cultivation now the Ne- which might ensue from the failure : ing 9.06 acres, more or less, all of I trator of the estate of Asa G. Cob- W. C. K ing , Hey supports four cheese i of the railroad to enter Nehalem. tion to this fact this described tract being in the ler, deceased, to the creditors of, A« Administrator of th ■ Estate It seems now that ersona having claims Much of the untilled The people of Nehalem argue that of Mary E Bhelps. decease«!. against, said deceased, to exhibit »ed for grazing purposes 1H miles is reslly a very nice dis­ these two items in one has caused a said section 18. them with the necessary vouchers, This summons is served upon illamook County land is tance to be from a railroad when misunderstanding upon the part of yon by order of the Honorable within six months alter the first Notice. y and grass, which will there is ready means of access to it, several persons and it is for this pur­ Homer Mason, Judge of the County tiublication of thia notice, to a.iid N otice is -H kremy G iven . —That sdant fodder for cows in and that Nehalem with her position pose. that the misunderstanding may Court, of Tillamook Count -, Oregon, i. W. Stanley, at the office oi George dated the 25th day of September Willett, attorney-at-law, Tillamook, on Monday, October 16. 1911, the » mentioned without the as the commercial center of at least ba cleared, that 1 am writing this that 1911, ordering that summons tie Oregon, which office the under­ County Hour«! of Equalisation will it may be appended to my official re- ot additions! hay or feed, all the country from the Nehalem served upon you by publication in signed «elects as hi« place of bus­ meet at the Court Hou««, of Tills- River northward and eastward to ' port, already on file, and in the future the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly iness in all matter« connect««! witi> mook County, Otegon.and publicly w Townsite Formed, examine the ansenament roll tor ( newspaper ot general circulation in said estate. the dairy land of the Me­ the county line, together with op­ I prevent such a mistake being made. listed this secon«] «lay of Septem­ said year, and correct all errors in I am now informed that the • lit was Tillamook County, Oregon, tor at dley is tributary to Ne­ portunities tor a harbor not to be valuation«, deacriptton« of lanua least once a week for six consecu­ ber. 1911. lli of that portion of it on • surpassed on the Oregon coaat out I never furnished, and that part of the tive weeks. and other properly. Said Imard will E W. S tampe y , Admiatrator of the estate of A m continue in session from day today, The date of the first publication Fork will pay tribute to ' side M the Columbia River, will al- [ item will now bare to be withdrawn. until the examination, correction When I left there I wes assured by th« hereof is the 2Mh day of September. G. C obier, deceased. aa naturally as water i ways be thf queen city in her own ,in«l eqiiali’alion ot tin* aaarsanient I gentleman, name unknown, that he 1911. and tile date of the last pub­ n a hill. This is by far little empire- Five thousand n pleteil. * portion of it. But on lars have already been p edge, by which you are re«piire«i to anawtr Will reach-your individual r< M' if Dated .it Tillamook, Oregon, Sep­ »ide of the North Fork subscription for the bml«hng ot tn« bill later. The burial dal act take on or liefore, is. an«l will expire on yo.l have any form of kiflnry .«nd place until a day or se after I left and the 91 h day of November, 191L bladder trowble or nrinary H legit tember 18, 1911. t the South Fork there is ] Nehalem Mohler road. A. M. ItA'RE, W Kta>TKR H u UUC, laritie« Try them. Cliaa 1. I assumed that the suit had been fur­ hwh will tap the railroad Nehalem ia an incorporate«! town, Covifty Asses«« r Attorney lor Plaintiff. C mgh Co nished an! include.! the item along one-half miles before it i Aa to aixe it i« not large, but acitix ■ — "»t......... 'ehalem, and a townsite enship animated with grt*«.er gnL with Mr. Rugers charge that I might Not a Word of Bcanda’ Noti- e. Foley’s KMaey Remtdy, Liqaid ly sprung up st what is determination -nd progreaaiven««* have something on which later to marred the call of s neighix» on All l>artiea knowing themselves predict s claim. • | la a great medicine of proven value Mr*. W. I’ Sfmugh, of Man I a logical |>oint to catch of the practical. dea, and the |>erma- E «vy. but «»ire Remedy tor atom reieipl for the ««me, •«•tween now would increase their greatneaa of their own communHy- nent relict and comtort it give« a*~'i liver and kidney trouble« an