TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 28, 1011. THE MARINE BAND ' YEGGMEN SERVE “SOUP. BUDDHIST CREMATION. I Its Queer Recipe Is In Possession of, the Secret Service. | ■~——— The Funeral Pyro and the Disposition of the Ashes. YOUR CASH TALKS At the Second Hand Store. A Buddhist cremation is a strange Here 1» a redpe for soup served only . • y)e pjfjfu| Tragedy and uncanny event, and it is not often nightfall, preferably in the early History of Uncle Sam's Famous after that a foreigner is given to witness at Lake Stranberg. morning hours. I one. I saw some of the preliminary We are introducing the New Frances WASH Musical Organization. “First ti^e about ten or a dozen ceremonies at a temple in south China, INGTON STEEL RANGE, at $35.00, the b« lmpwri bz xug. crumble It up tine und but found myself apparently becoming range in Tillamook County for the money put it lu a pan or washbowl, then pour SLEW Hft FRIEND AND DIED pensona non grata as tbe time for the STARTED BY A KIDNAPING. over it enough uswhohs (either chhx or Our line of the latest heating stoves are beauties cremation proper approached and did iakyl to cover It well. Stir it up with I and the price is RIGHT, they are so constructed not care enough about seeing it to in ­ The Mad Bavarian Monarch Beat your hands, being careful to break all Tradition Says That the Original Band tbe lumps; leave it set a few minutes; Faithful Dr. von Gudden to Death trude. I have since beard aud read that you can burn large wood and we will take Wat Spirited Away From Sunny then get a few yards of cheesecloth Before Heart Diseaae Stopped His several descriptions of tbe grewsome your old stove as part payment. ceremony. Sicily by Captain McNeil of ths and tear it in pieces aud strain tlie Own Daeh For Liberty. We are prepared to furnish you with New or The priests are dressed in white sack ­ mixture through the cloth into another American Frigate Boston. Second Hand Goods at living prices. vessel, wring tbe sawdust dry aud For mouths preceding the tragedy cloth.' similar to that worn by the One of tbe best known and most throw it away. The remains will be on June 13, 1888, that ended his life mourners at the funerals of tbe lay­ We Buy, Sell, or Exchange Goods. popular musical organizations in this the ibid ugx uswhohs mixed. Next King Louis II. of Bavaria had re­ men. and their brows are bound with The New State Law VEHICLE LANTERN country is the United States .Marine take the same amount of water as you vealed many unmistakable signs of white bandages. Tbe corpse, dressed band. It Is always selected to furnish u ed of uswhohs and pour it in; leave mental derangement. He beard mys­ in a cowl aud with the hands Used In which we are introducing iu Tillamook is selling- the music at Important government tlie whole set for u few minutes.” terious voices in the air around him an attitude of prayer, is placed In a at $1.25 and $1.50. This Is the "soup" employed by und believed that he was constantly- sitting position in a bamboo chair and functions, such as inaugural balls and If you want your stove or furniture repaired receptions at the White House, and is yeggmeu, and a single portion of It is pursued by dangerous enemies He carried to the funeral pyre by some of guaranteed to open tbe door of the his fellow monks, all the other monks changed, or set up. Come and see us about it always assigned the post of honor In withdrew entirely from the world, his notable parades. Indeed, It Is tbe stoutest safe, provided an aperture cabinet ministers were unable to ob­ of the monastery following lu a dou­ We are located next door to Patzlaf’s, in the ble line. As the procession advances ablest aud most famous military baud cun be made sufficiently large to pour Wade Building. tain access to him, aud his domestic the walls of the monastery echo with lu the country. i in the stuff. The names of tbe in­ There Is uu interesting tradition that gredients are written in a crude sort servants were forbidden to look at his the chanting of prayers and the tin­ the original Marine band was kidnap­ of cipher commonly used for preserv fuce, being comi>elled to approach him kling of cymbals. ed from the sunny slopes of Sicily. lug such secrets. This and dozens with averted eyes. The old valet When tbe pyre is reached the bearers The story goes that one Captain Mc­ yiore of the same transparency of Meier was obliged to duu a mask to place the corpse upon it. and the fag­ cover his features whenever he went meunlng are in tbe possession of the Neil of the American frigate Bostou ots are kindled by tbe head priest was «raising in tbe Mediterranean, United States secret service men. the near the king, and many other strange and while tbe flames are mounting tbe when bls goul yearned for tbe sound police, detective agencies and others things happened at the magnificent others prostrate themselves in obei­ of real music, an art that had been who deal with the cooks of such pulace which Louis bad built for him­ sance to the ashes of their departed little developed in tills young republic. dishes. By a substitution of letter for self with reckless extravagance. Wearing his crown and purple royal brother. When the tire is burned out When ashore lie beard a regimental letter—the first six for the last six of mantle, with the scepter of sovereign­ the attendants collect the charred band play so tunefully that the bluff the alphabet, the second six for the i bones and place them in a cinerary old seadog became Inspired. The in­ third six, with G nnereeptible motions of the the name of Kuaeea. but upon re en n prolonged use of the eyes for close remained at the castle when the king plummet, and in still weather delicate and Dr. von Gudden failed to reap ­ work l.omlou Iutucet llstinent he gave the name of Sousa, pear after an hour had elapsed. Search vibrations of the crust of the earth width he continued to use thereafter. parties wen- organised, and during tbe otherwise unpeeeelved are registered Sousa left the service July 30. IRtrj. Odd Bargain of Dumas by It. to organise a band of hla own. and The library of Carpentras poeaeoaea night one of the royal footmen found Fran eaco Fanclulll was appointed, among Ita treasures a curious collec­ the ktng'a bat. coat and overcoat close Blood Thicker Than 8omo Water. Foot of Washington Street. lie served until Ort. 3. t«H7 When tion of autographs One Is the signa to the bank of tbe lake and Dr. von "Blood is thicker than water"— h*.* term expired he was not reappoint- ture of Alexandra Dumas pere to an Gudden’s umbrella close by on the J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. ed. ami the tend was without a leader old burgs lu which he proposed aud grauud. The bodies of the king and though not much thicker—and not so thick as sea water. The water of the until the following March, when Wil- which was accepted. This strange con­ bls physician were found not far from tract was that tbe author should pre the shore of the lake. In shallow wa­ ocean contains thirty five parts of sa­ llnt> Il Hnnteluiann was appointed. lu 18;« the tend was again reorgan- •eut to the library of t'avalllou copies ter. both heads projecting above the line material a thousand, while the I ,-d In order t<> bring It up to tbe of all his works, those already pub surface. Dr. von Guddeu'a face and vital fluid of tbe human body contains st tiding to which It was eutltled as listed aud others which be might bead bora the marks of heavy blows but seven parts a thousand or one- the lending military tend of this conn write In return for a supply of melons which tbe king, a mau of Immensely flfth as much. In the human body Will not mar tbe powerful build, bad showered upon each of its myriads of cells Is bathed try a law was passed, which President to lie sent to him as lung as he lived new Harness but it will . him. with this seven tenths per cent saline McKinley slgued March 3. 1««. tn Westminster Gaaette. it very unsafe. If y on The position of the bodies and the fluid -Dietetic and Hygienic Gaaette «•reaslng the tend to seventy three articles of clothing foand near them member«. onalstlng of a lender with Th. flperm Oil Tank. Profem,>r Tl C. Andrew, believe« made It possible to surmise. with prob­ Pie pay nnd allowance of a first lieu- Tte Comebaek. Here you may rest assured j 'You used to aay.” she complained, tenant of the marine corp*. a second that tbe oil tank In tbe bead of tbe able ««-curacy. the details of the trage­ dy It Is likely that the king lutended you are getting no1 oD "that you counted that day tout when I pier at 175 a mouth aud allowance«, sperui whale Is a provision of nature ness that presents tbe vet? . thirty first class umalciaus at WO. to aave tbe monster from starvation to escape from his prison for as such you did not hear the sound of mv "firtv aecond claaa muak'lan* at $50. when food Is «carte He says that hla he regarded the castle lu which he voice." appearance, but Harness j "Yes. I know." be replied, "and 1 l-n twlvatea ami a drum major The • xpertmeuts show that the oil from was kept as a madman—and that be well made in every detail- metuters are eulleted for four yeara.— tbe tank Is absorbed by tbe whales divested himself of overcoat aud coat ahail never cease to long for those dear John It Cox In Washington Star body at times when adequate food la to awlui across the lake. Dr von Gud lost day a."—London Answers. dec. It appears, closed with him at tbe unobtainable - London Telegraph w*tafa edge and tried to prevent bls IdentiFeatien. For the Wheels Next Door Io THIainook toast» flight, but tbe king killed him and died “I shall try to leave footprints on the Mr. Wick w tra-1 bar« tunt a Anecdote«. from bean disease at the niomeut sands of time." said the man who Is What la an anc-dote’ queer humming noise tn my bead all wbeu he was on tte polut of begin earnest, but not original. An anecdote la a story of extremely day. Mrs. Wkkwtra Why dun t you nlng bls swtin for liberty. The poet A« usually treat««. • J. “Very good." replied tbe absent mind Foley’a Honey and Tar Compound try a little machia« oil I-India««polls uncertain age that Is founded on ftc wortetn examination revealed that rd criminologist, "but thumb prints ate g**1! rrtaine ita high place aa the anklr will disable a Journsl tlon and embelltsbed by fancy After lying dormant for years it la ivlther had died from drowning, but now considered more reliable. "-Ex beet houeehold remedy for all coughs or 'four week«, but b and coIde. either for children or Cb amberlain’e Uxiin’ent This »ort er teiptag tte worK dug np and credited to an eutlraly ta- tte king from heart failure and Dr r tenge grown person«. Prevent« eerioue •r-on as the ward happily doe« «et watt le be •*■1 and uuauape, ting United States von Gudden from tbe I nJ ai tea Inflicted results from • cold. T«ke only the Asbservinir the directio .*««4 * on him tn the straggle Berlin Cor Tte beautiful la beauty a by perfect —r Osnrgj tHrt •eoator -Clavetead Plate Dealer With genuine Foley's Honey and Tar bottle, a cure can t* St Jarnos' Gaaette. I PAGE BROTHERS, Props. Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GATE Sailing Days for month of SEPTEiDBER TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSON VILLE, FROM PORTLAND, SEPT. 5, 11, 16, 21, 26, 1st OCT. TILLAMOOK, SEPT. 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 3rd OCT. Freight Received Daily at Dock ONE WEAK SPOT HARNESS A.W. Williams*** ite eye of tte aoul - Joubert "ny ’*)«•* «ubetitute«, <. lias. I. c lough C«k> from two to four day«- 1 auiar'« drug «tore-