TILLAMOOK HhJADLIGßT, SEPTEMBER 28. X911 I I T. BO1TS, H I anil with it came better prices I of the second judicial district, is (STRICTLY IN ADVANCK.) for fish. The system of secretly I being rnent’oned as an oppo 1.50 nent of Senator Bourne at the Oneygar............ 75 paying a few of the leaders primary nominating election in Six months...... amongst the fishermen more for 50 Three months... T April. Judge Harris is well | their fish so as to induce the fitted for the high position and Entered as second class mail mat­ other fishermen to agree to ac­ ter July, 1888, at the poet office at cept a much lower figure, was he would be a strong member! Tillamook, Ore., under the act of one way whereby the fishermen in the Oregon delegation, ire! March 3, 1870. were buncoed by stool pigeons. well as a credit to the state. He It worked like a charm as long was one of the young progres-' republicans when he was G’bt Tillamook ìjeabligbt, as there was no opposition, for sive the fishermen were up against speaker of the house of repres a strong monopoly. In place of entatives, and Governor Cham­ Editorial Snap Shots. this there is now strong compe­ berlain elevated him to the tition in canning and cold store­ bench when that judicial dis­ trict was created. He is just A rural mail delivery from age, with the result that the the kind of man Oregon needs fishermen are more independ ­ Tillamook City was a good thing for the community and a postal ent and cannot be “worked” so at Washington, for he is quali- i tied by education, refinement savings hank will be another of easily. and the progressive spirit of the the good thing coming this way. Most everybody sees the need West to represent Oregon in Next please, a parcel post. of a first class hotel in Tilla­ the United States senate. Being a student of the law with a We look for the next incor­ mook City. The present hotels I judicial mind, he has proved have provided accommodations, porated city to b« at Garibaldi. himself to be one of the ablest The month of the Miami river but with the coming of the iron most conscientious judges in the horse anil the automobile, there is an ideal location, close to state. If the republican party deep water and in a pretty cove is a greater demand for better nominates and elects Judge and more up-to date hotels. It which could be improved at lit­ Harris United States senator it tle cost, with the railroad cir­ is something the city will have will not be making a mistake, cling it. That, along with mauy to have to hold its own. Last for he is one man whom all fac­ other locations on the bay, nre year number of automobile par­ tions in the republican party can destined to become important ties pulled out because they pin their confidence to. In I could not procure the accommo­ points. dations found in other towns. brief, he has always made good in every public trust the people A person advertised in this The hotel situation along Gari­ have honored him with. With baldi beach is another matter newspaper to correspond with our imperfect primary nomi­ a "working woman” with ob­ of great importance. With the nating law, which does not railroad bringing thousands of ject of matrimony. He does not i provide that candidates must appear to I m - very successful in . persons into the county, and obtain a majority of votes be­ arousing interest in Tillamook ’ running excursions, it is going fore they can receive a nomina­ as the word “working” must to be a difficult matter to find tion, it is hard to predict, with have scared the marriageable hotel accommodations unless probably a number of aspirants young women of this county, I something is done to meet the in the race, who would receive who, probably, would prefer ' emergency. But this city needs the nomination. The popular­ an up-to-date hotel|and a strong being an old man's darling to effort should be made to fill this ity of Judge Harris will be of a young man's slave. great service to him, for the long felt want. Willamette counties will give It is the proper thing for the him a big vote, and should it This is what the Bay City newspapers to boost the city Examiner say, speaking of the simmer down to a race between and county and to advice people Harris and Bourne the latter snap shot man : to patronize home merchants “He knows that there are certain may consider himself down ami and local industries. We say business men of Tillamook who have out. It is not know'n whether that it is perfectly proper for the been constantly knocking Bay City the judge would consent to run, home newspapers to help up­ and are doing so now. They do it but his friends appear to have build their own communities, because Bay City is going ahead of chosen him as the most logical the village up the slough. He knows but somehow it looks decidedly we have got the dirty deul every time candidate to represent Oregon wrong for business men to give we ever went to the county seat and in the United States senate, and advertising and job printing to I he has been the happiest one to we will be candid in admitting outsiders which should have hand it out.'* that they made a wise selection We want to deny this, for we when they chose Judge Harris been kept at home. do not know- of any business to be the standard bearer of the The newspapers appear to be men in this city who nre knock­ republican party of this state. ing Bay City. If Bro. Trom­ opposed to holding a special session of the legislature to pass bley has proof of this then he The resolutions passed at the on certain road bills under the should roast them and not us. Fairview Grange on Tuesday exacting conditions laid down It is simple imagination, and may be classed good in some re­ by Governor West, one of which we hope that the good people of spects, bad in others and decid­ was that the state legislators Bay City will not be influenced edly non-progressive when the were to go to Salem at their or believe such absurd state­ interests of the entire county own expense. They balk at ment, which is one thing above | is taken into consideration. We this, for having passed several all others to create strife and , call it decidedly poor judgment road bills nt the last session of: bad feeling between the two i to retard the progress < f Tilla­ the state legislature, which the places. Bro.Trombley has made mook county at the present governor see now he made a n number of broad insinuations time when people should be mistake in vetoing, there is no but failed to prove one of them I boosting and not ‘‘knocking” disposition whateveron the part | It is up to him to do so, and not the development of the county. of the legislators to help tbe make the snap shot man the i When we see any body of men governor ùnït’üf'the hole he fell Ye,u,m 0,1 I in favor of closing down road Tillamook S City. We do not be­ into. Another thing, the auto-I JGlamook *D’- Wedonotbe- work next year and opposed to eratio, dictating disposition of lieve Bro. Trombley’s insinua­ i any new projects in road build­ it ions are the sentiment of the the governor is something that ing, then it must be for sinister, I citizens of Bay City. should not tie overlooked. 1 personal or Bectional reasons , that a tnossback feeling have V’Wen will endeavor to make come over them. Here is a The end of this week will see1 tht* completion of track laying his land tax fallacy a state-wide glaring fact : There are splen­ ou the I*. 1< & N. railroad, and tffair, and having succeeded I did roads in the vicinity of Fair­ it will not be long now before in getting the people of Oregon view, and having obtained them it train service will be establish­ to pass a lot of pernicious laws, nt considerable cost, other parts ed. This is joyful news for the there is not the least doubt in of the county and heavy tax­ people of Tillamook county our mind that he will have a payers where road work is most after waiting patiently for so large following and may suc­ urgently i aided, will have to many years for railroad connec-| ceed. It will mean this if he wait for many years before they lions. The coming of the iron does: Every farm in Tillamook can obtain them if those living horse will bring about many county will have to pay double where there are good roads have important changes and develop­ the taxes they are paving now. I their way. And when we hear ments. New money, new peo­ This is not n very bright out­ of the commercial body of Bay ple and new life and energy will look for those who own farms City passing a similar resolu­ come into the county and trims or fruit lands,and a poor induce­ tion opposed to starting any new form many place Industries will ment for |H-ople to locate in this road work and line up with spring up here and there, and state or for city folk to get back those who are ’knocking” the although the farmers raise only on the farm. The Oregon sys­ proposed road from this city to cow feed, there will lie a radical tem is doing a great deal to un­ Bayocean, for which the pro i change, for small fruits and settle affuirs in this state, for I perty owners have agreed to garden truck will find n ready it would not surprise us much I shoulder half the cost, it can be | if the people curried it, for the plainly seen that the commer­ market masses in the cities and , ' - ---------- — those • — x-acss cial vzxrxaj body of Bay City is taking I 1 We hope that when the three who have no huid are going to a selfish, , narrow view of the Suppose, for illus­ Ports get together they will de­ vote, and vote strong, to make situation. cide upon some plan of action the land owners pay the taxes. tration, that Bay City was on and then go ahead. It is a move For instance, when this consti­ the other side of the bay with­ in the right direction, for it is tutional amendment was sub­ out a wagon road and it offered by united local efforts that the mitted to the people it carried to put up half the cost to obtain tuir, bay uml channel to thiscity by a majority of 1,655 in the it, we think they would be en­ will be improved. Enough have state, ami in Tillamook county titled to a road, and every fair, liven said and written already, the vote was 234 for and 216 minded person would think so so now is the time to make the against. This is too near the as well. However, the County I effort in getting started. We danger line to pieuse us and is Court will have to consider the still think that one Port is suf­ a serious matter, fur having needs of the whole county, but ficient and that all land in the been so successful in fooling the having heard from the localities water «bed of Tillamook Hay people of Ortffjon with his ''sys­ where they have plenty of good should equally liear the cost. tem,” it would not surprise us roads, it is only fair that those As it is now, one Port may be in the least if he was success­ living in localities where there willing to go ahead, while ano­ ful in making the land owners are no roads or they are badly in So many need of improvement, will be ther Port may not favor doing pay double the taxes certiuu work, consequently the of the farmers in this county opposed to such selfish and un geographical situation of the Iterarne infatuate«! with the just treatment at the hands of three Ports may jeopardise the Oregon system that they were those who have splendid roads. improvements. It is of vital ready to down, politically, any What does the south and north i importance that the commis­ cundidste who did not agree euds of the county, where they As it it will have patiently waited many sioners be broad minded and with them. affect their pocket books they fur seeing. years for road improvements, will not lie so enthusiastic now think of those who would stop tlu»t they see that the cities and Fishing conditions have taken tbe large class of non-land road work next year ? a change on Tillamook bay and owners are now making an at­ Diarrhoea is always more or less for the better. The old mono­ tempt to make the land owners prevalent during September. Be poly regime, when fishermen pay the whole of the taxes. ^red for it. Chamberlain's Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-, were |Miid but a small amount , t-dy ia prompt and effectual. It cun for their fish, have passed away. always be depended .U|>on and is The name of Lawrence T. Competition is now the order, Harria, of Eugene, circuit judge pleaaant to tate. Fur sale by La- 1 RATES OP Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. SUBSCRIPTION. Monk's Studio, A ttorney - at - law , Complete set of Abstract n office. Taxes paid torn* Just as our portraits of adults possess strength and character. We are experts in lighting and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see our line. Residents. Tillamook Block. Both phone». C/ARL HABERLACH 1 i Next to the Post Office. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Çcuteclier «Abvokût, Tillamook Block. The Reliable Route Steamer ÇAJÎ0RGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook Counts Bank, T illamook - O rkgox . Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER) /-JA Tillamook & Portland. H. GOY NE, A ttorney - at -L aw . Office : Opposite Court Hoi Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays, T illamook , O regon . T. BO ALS, M.D. Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. PHYSICIAN & SURGEO! PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Lamb’s Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, x Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. g M. KER RON, PHYSICIAN & I OREGDNAÜRICULTURAL COLLEGE Í DioNirriNG THE INDUSTRIES” J Tills la the title of a beautiful ks-page book, vhlcb will ahow any boy or girl how to SUCCEED. Drop a poatal In tbe mall TODAY and It wlU be sent FREE. The alm of tbe College le to dignify and popularise tbe industries, and to aerve AU the people. It offers courses Ln Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engln eerlng. Forestry. Domeatlo. Science and Art. Com mere», Pharmacy and Music. Tbe College opens September 22d. Catalog free. Address: REOISTRAR. OREGOM AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oregon. SURGE« Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Oregon. ns I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGE«®. Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook, Ore. C. HAWK, J PHYSICIAN & SURGE« THE MAN’S JEWELRY. BAY CITY, OREGON. jq' R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. p- J- sharp , DENTIST, RESIDENT May not be so costly or so varied as that of my lady, but he is-—or ought to be­ particular about having it of the best ___ quality, exclusive in design and neat in appearance. We cater to the dressy man’s jewelry needs andean please him in variety, quality and prices. We solicit a call of inspection to post you on our offerings in rings, fobs, scarf pins, tie-clips, etc. Eugene Jenkins, Reliable Jeweler. Next to the Post Office. Tillamook-Forest Grove STAGE LINE. Leaves Daily at 5 a.m., arriving at Forest Grove at 6 p.m. FARE, $5.00. mar’a drug etore. • DR D. A. SANBURN, Office across the street frorrl Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. SARCHET, 1 . The Fashionable Ti Cleaning, Pressing an¿ ing a Specialty- Store in Heins Phot' Gallery. J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, Çrutechcr 213 Tillamook Bled. T illamook - On®*’ M. AUSTIN, CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR, T illamook .... ’S aot Tillamook Bl«* Main 44«- French Specialist I treat successfully all Chronic Diseases of both sexes with Imported Herbs, and with my hands so-called magnetic treatments. I will cure the most stubborn cases without the use of the knife. OVER «0 YEARS EXPERIENCE. CONSULTATION FREE. OFFICE HOURS, V TO 12 AM. TO 8 P.M. Office over Ed’s Garage, Tillamook, Oregon. Chamberlain; mor» efftectual in Coufhs. Colds ind G Ulan Cbsmtwrlsln-s many honra« 11 is re: le® W*. P-Mtly aathafWmlly pbjH*. taina no epluu or o:h»r s«*® n«y ba rtvan aa eonfld«**®*. MMuMuS. Prisa a>«¡