Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 28, 1911, Image 1

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SEPTEMBER 28, 1911
$1.50 per yecr
Beef, pork, veal and lamb Monday* evening was the monthly
at the Independent Market, meeting of the Tillamook Com-
! mercial Club, over which President
opposite Post Office.
As soon as you can, and you will be glad
of the facilities we afford you for trans­
acting business. We give you the full-
est security and with a liberal rate of
interest that will please you. Hundreds
of our best citizens find it to their advantage
to bank with us, and it is no secret that
our patrons derive considerable prestige
from the connection.
The Old Reliable
Arthur Hunt and family has re-
| turned to the city and will take
« | charge of hie father’s place on the
e Shrode for coal,
rode will buy your cascara Trask river.
For Sale, a choice lot of young
lly Glasses 35c. doz., at Lamar’s Canary BirdB, prices $2.50 per pair.
—Inquire at this office, or address
lety Store.
P.O. box 227.
torney T. B. Hanley has gone
Lost, a black schviot ladies jacket
brtland on business.
Inker Frank Rowe, of Nehalem, between Stillwell Avenue and C. A.
Elliott's place. Please return to
in the city on Monday.
ik Shrode about the “Beet” Headlight office.
John Amort vs. L. R. Maine and
I wheat flour in the city.
e ‘Best’’ hard wheat flour in j E. P. Maine, is a suit filed in the
:ity, at the Tillamook Feed Co.* | circuit court to recover $112 on a
promissory note.
v. J. T. Moore has been re-ap-1
“ Dement's Best” is made from
ted to the M. E. church in this
selected hard wheat, and makes the
best bread. Only $1.50 per sack.—
X * Shingles delivered to any
Tillamook Feed Co.
of the city for $2.25 M.—See
The Anvil came in on Monday
with freight for this port, which in-
. R T. Boa Is and wife returned
eluded a car load of pipe for the
i a visit to Portland the first of Necarney oil well.
A. Finley & Co. is a suit filed
you want the “Best” hard
against Frank Withrow in the
it flour in the city you can get
county court to recover $101.28 for
goods sold to defendant.
Te chickens wanted at the Tilla-
I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for call
k Meat Company’s Market, 13c.
hides at my shop. Try me out and
The Old Reliable Hide and
B. E. S. Abbott and Mrs. C. j. Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir.
(erg was in the city on Monday
W. D. Stillwell lost his pocket
I Seaside.
book on Monday, which contained
"ng your chickens to the Tilla- $20.00. It was found by Rev. E. L.
t Meat Company’s Market We Jones and returned to the owner.
13c. per pound.
Good team, wagon and harness
E. Hadley and wife, with Mrs. for sale. Team is eight years old,
. Case and Elmer Allen, left weight 2700 lbs. True and sound
’ortland this week.
in every- way. E. G. Anderson,
r Sale, 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the Hemlock, Ore.
lots in the city for $300 each.—
Rough spruce and hemlock lum-
on Mrs. C. N. Drew.
ber at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw-
Sours, cheapest and best paper cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles
(er in town.
Leave orders at south of TillamookCity. Goldsworthy
' next to Harris’ barn.
A Dalpaz, pros.
inted, a sound, gentle saddle
You will have to buy in smaller
Write to Elise Londershau- i lots if you buy on the Morony place,
Hobsonville, Ore.
if you don’t buy soon, the Mz acre
C. Hadley was well enough to tract will be made smaller. Easy
I the streets today, after a ser- terms to all. M. Morony.
attack of heart trouble.
Fred C. Skomp was down from
t Sale, cheap. One wicker baby , Trask on Tuesday and he was per­
y in good shape.—Inquire at plexed to know what they would do
>fflce, or address P.O. box 227.. | for mail in that section of the
«ntion, Rebeckahs. Something ■ county when the stage is taken off
r next meeting night, Oct 4. in November.
F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash.,
tvited—Come. Good time as-
has located next door to Lamar’s
k J " • Bolin and children left' variety store, and is prepared to do
mday for the southern states ’ all kinds of shoe repairing at
-v... ■-1 <> rates. All work guran-
t she will visit her former reasonable
I teed. Give him a call.
B reported that the P. R. A N.
•• made a bid to carry the
commencing on the let No-
The schedule on the railroad is
changed again, the passenger and
freight train leaving here at nine
o’clock in the morning, going ae
far ae Wheeler, returning here at
ement s Best” Flour, fast get-
in the afternoon.
,he lead. They haul it to Meda,
5H*. c. King returned laat week
“*• Nehalem and intermediate
from Ashland, where he baa been
®* Tillamook Feed Co.
r->ung man living on small for over two months. He has traded
J wishes to correspond with a his property there for acreage land,
,ng woman. Object, marriage. which he will plant to fruit trees,
***• Rancher,” care of this where he expects to reside thio
Located two Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store.
Rest Room for Ladies.
Webster Holmes presided. Several
Dancing School,
matters fame up and were acted
K. of P. Hall,
upon, but that which concerned
Every Friday Night.
this city was a committee, com­
Prof. C. Raymond,
registering home savings banks, call and
Of Portland, Or.
posed of E. J. Claussen. W. Spauld­
Married, on Thursday, at Blaine, I ing, U. G. Jackson, W. G. Dwight
let us show you. The point of having the
at the home of Mrs. Dee Moon, thei ■and W. C. King, to take up the
exact amount you have saved able to be
bride’s sister, Louie H. Krake and; . matter of sewerage.
and yet safely locked up, keeps up the
Sarah E. Gray, the ceremony being
A new hook and ladder truck for
performed by the Rev H. A. Wal- the Tillamook Hose Company ar­
interest in THE SAVING HABIT. Get
ter, of the M. E. Chu'ch.
rived this week, which is to take
one of these banks and see the HABIT
The Percheron stallion Ville will the place of the old truck which has
make the stand for the season at been in service for so many years,
Rogers & McNamer’s Livery Barn,
in this city, with the exception of | “ man killer” by the fire boys who
Mondays and Tuesdays, when the j who had to pull it. The new truck
is a swell looking affair, costing
stallion will be at Beaver.
and will be a valuable addi­
T. Sarchet’s colt shied going I'
tion to the fire apparatus of this
across one of the bridges north of
town on Sunday, throwing him out
The Sue H. Elmore came in on
of the cart. He was cut about the
Wednesday with Mrs. M. Boss, J.
head and bruised up and the cart
Allinger and wife, fC.TSmith and
was damaged.
wife, O. C. Johnson, C. C. Johnson,
It is expected that a train will John King, Miss Boviard, C. F.
The Only Government Examined Bank in the
leave this city in a few days to par- Jackson, P. C. Holmes, J. S. Allen,
ticipate in the ceremony of driving M. T. Johnson, ,S. W. Crow. II. i
the last spike on the P. R. & N. Riley, I’. Diercks, L. Hodge, S.
Co.’s railroad and a train will also Shepherd, O L. Pigg. S. S. Thon p-
be run from Portland as well.
son, C. Gates, H. W. Price, J. J.
A. A. Pennington returned to the Rumcker, J.
A. Smith, C. E.
city on Tuesday, accompanied by Rumcker, A Rude, Mr Oliver, Mr.
his bride, and he is receiving the Hannenkrat, R. L. Wade and child.
Tannler-Kunzc Wedding.
Perjury Charges Fall.
congratulations of his friends. On
A divorce suit was filed in the J One of the prettiest weddings of
were issued on Sator-
Wednesday evening they were ser­ Circuit Court on Wednesday, by
, the season was solemnized Sunday dav for the arrest of Chris Hansen.
I enaded by a large party of young Sarah E. Smith,
These parties evening, Sept. 17, at the home of Charles Pike. John f.ongcor and
i people.
were married *t Vancouver, Wash., ' the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bodie, charged with perjury,
The Port of Tillamook has been on December, 18U4, and fivechild.ren Gustave Kunze, at Buhl, Idaho, Which grew out of the evidence
granted a permit by the govern­ were born to
the union.
The when their daughter, Lennora Hen­ given in the case against Axel Nel-
ment to use the dredge, and having grounds upon which the divorce is rietta, was united in marriage to son, who was convicted of tress­
several thousand dollars on hand, sought is cruel, inhuman and abu­ Mr. Arnold Tannler, both of whom passing on the tide hinds of the
this money will be used in making sive treatment on the part of the are well known here.
W hitney t o. The case against Nel­
improvements on the water front defendant, who, caring nothing for
The beautiful home was tastefully son centered us to whether certain
and in the slough.
his own life, was ready to die. and decorated for the occasion.
islands connected with the tide
Walter Ridelaugh sent a peti­ told plaintiff that when he did die
Promptly at six o’clock the bridul lunds, and each of these parties
tion to the Master Fish Warden to he was going to take his wife with party desended the stairway under went on the stand and positively
the strains of the wedding march, swore there were no channels be­
have Deputy Fish Warden Ed. him.
The Spectator says : “ When Mr. played by Mies Charlotte McQuown, tween them, whereas the defence
Leach removed and there is liable
to be trouble as it is claimed that Lytle turns over the completed road of Buhl, Idaho, and took their contended there were. An exami­
several signed it after being told from Hillsboro to Tillamook to the places in the colonade under a nation was made at low water on
that Leach was out and that it was Harriman system next month, the beautiful arch of pink and white Saturday by Deputy District At­
for the appointment of H. B. Kerr. rumor is generally current that he decorations, from which was sus- torney Willett, Sheriff Crenshaw,
Justice Stanley
In regard to a petition for divis­ will build a new railroad out to perrded a huge wedding bell.
The ceremony was performed by Holmes, when several feet of water
ion of school districts so as to make Portland 150 miles long, and begin
Brighten Beach the center of a dis­ work here in the near future. He the Rev. Mitchell of the Presbyter­ were found at low wuter which di­
trict, the petition was continued i is too young to retire, and is also ian Church, and the impressive vided the islands from the tideland.
The cases came up for hearing
with the understanding that adjoin too mixlest to make announcements ring ceremony was used.
The bride wore a beautiful gown Saturday evening, and in tilecourse
ing districts furnish money for a in advance. Mr. Lytle's popularity.
six month’ajBchool, whiehjwas satis­ is unbounded, and he is a prince of cream silk panama trimmed with of the hearing Attorney Johnson
of good fellows among railroad white satin Irish point band lace accused Deputy District Attorney
factory to the boundary board.
and carried a shower bouquet of Willett of being in the employ of
Invitations are out announcing men. It is said that his genial
white carnations and asparagus the Elmore Co , which the latter
the marriage of Miss Hazel Mae
fern. She also wore the becoming indignantly resented, when an al
McNair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. smile can win for him a right of
way or a valuable franchise where 1 bridal veil held in place with a tercation between the attorneys
McNair, of this city,to Mr. Elmer De
another man’s money couldn't pro­ wreath of orange blossoms.
took place, lx.-th of whom regretted
Wilt Paine, of Eugene, which will
The bridesmaid, Miss Bessie it after it wua over. On account of
cure a meal.”
take place at the First Presbyterian
Married, on Wednesday morning, Schomburg, of Hillsboro. Oregon, this Justice Stanley adjournedcourt
Church on Wednesday evening,
at the Catholic Church in this city, wore 11 dainty gown of flaxen lawn until Monday, when he admonished
October 4. at 7:30.
by Father G. C. Chabot, Clement I with a pink girdle and carried pink the attorneys. After hearing the
Married, at McMinnville, Tues­
evidence the Justice dismissed the
Plasker and Mary Ellen Harrison. sweet fleas.
day, Sept. 19, Mr. Herbert Harper
The groom was attired in n suit cases
The bride is the daughterof Mr. and
and Miss Beryl Craig. These young
of conventional black and was at­
Mrs. M. W. Harrison, and she has
tended by Mr. Rollo Wright, of
people are w*ell known here. Miss
Charclt of Chriat.
been the assistant cashier in the
Craig being «he eldest daughter of
Chicago, Ill.
Don’t forget that we keep open
Tillamook County Bank, and the
Immediately after congratulations
Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, who have
bouse all day next Lord’« day and
groom is a young business man of
were offered, the guests were led
resided in this city for more than a
are prepared to accommodate nil
this city. It was thought the mar­
into the large dining room, which comers. We are
year and Mr. Harper worked in this
here to nerve the
riage was set for Tuesday morning,
county last summer.
when quite a number of jiersons
The Shakespeare Club resumed went to the Catholic Church ex­ and green, and enjoyed an elabor­
Bible school at 10 a. in. We are
its meeting after the thinner vaca­ pecting to witness the marriage and ate supfier which had been pre­ hustling for Rally Day.
tion, and the first gathCTing being at were greatly surprised when the pared.
Preaching at 11 anil 7:90. Sub­
the home of Mrs.G. W. Willett, when contracting parties failed to put in I The evening was very enjoyably jects: “The life on Bali Bearings,
another pleasant afternoon was par­ an ap;>earance. The happy couple
and Jacob the Redeemed.”
ticipated in by the ladies, the hos­ will make their home in Tillamook jokes given for the future happi­
Christian Endeaver at 6 15
tess serving a dainty lunch. The and they have the best wishes and ness of the young couple.
“Whosoever will, let him come.”
They were the recipients of many
next meeting will be at the home of congratulations of their friends.
■ '" S" . .............. »
beautiful and costly presents, in­
Mrs. Webster Holmes.
cluding linens, silver ware, band
A message from Washington last
Beginning with the let of Septem­
. Over 300 Pupils in School. i painted china, etc.
week informed us that a |>ostal sav­
The guests departed in the wee ber, the following prices will be
ings bank would be established in
School commenced on Monday
hours of the night leaving their charged by the physicians of Tllla-
the Tillamook post office on the 24th with a large attendance of pupils.
best wishes for a long and happy inook.
October Since then word was re­ As the school building was not
Confinement, $2-) and mileage
ceived by Postmaster Baker that large enough to accommodate them,
(normal case).
the date would lie the 25th October, the old opera house was rented and
Presbyterian Church.
City visit, $2(1).
and previous to that date an inspec­ converted into school rooms, for
Visit out of town, $2.5G.
Evert L. Jones, pastor. Sunday
tor will be sent here to instruct the the Sth, flth and 7th grades, and it is
Visit out of town, tin« miles,
Services: Sunday School, 10 a in. ; $3.0(1; one dollar for each mile over
found necessary to move the fourth
post office staff.
•ing service with sermon II three miles as usual.
m genii
Lew A. Cates has sold the I grade there also There are over «St a. in*
> subject, ’The Man of one
I. M. S mith .
Cottage Grove Sentinel to Elbert
s. M. Kt.VHOX.
Bede. He was in Tillamook county ' eighth grade makes altout 100 pupils p. rn. ; evening service with sermon
atiout two years ago before he took
7:30; subject, “How the Wisest of
A Snap. A Bn»p.
charge of the Sentinel. Mr. Catea • of the entire school being 301, which Kings Became the Greatest of
.Tortiti IM,i>nrhknli<r-in
made a great mistake when he ad­
Fools ; a Perverted u«e of Gifts. ”
public higt. school. Price $375.(0,
vocated the division of I.ane county weeks.
Prayer Meeting nest week, Thure- Call at the office,
Officers of Senior Class elect«*!
and fought the appropriations for
7: HD (». m.
Myron Blanchard, day
the State University.
M) Acre« Timber for F»®U
Pres.; Clent King, Vice-Pres.; Eva
The T. B Potter Realty Co. has Wheeler, Sec. and
•as. ; and
I have Mil acres timtrer, with about
commenced condemnation proceed- Horace Sappington.
4,<1/1.1111 feet ol tir and hemlock,
argent at
a. in , Sunday School,
which I will sell at 30c. per Kill feet.
ings for water rights, against L. H. Arma.
H a.in.. Sermon, subject. “U r»n«l-
Field. Z. E- EMred A. C Bloom
Officers of Student
erful things."
field and C. E. Bloomfield, in the !
•7 p.m.. Kpworth league. Come
Tuesday were Joseph
circuit court, which is to complete
in lo this hour o( sludy ut I ve,
Benly Statu, Vicel
the water system to Bayoceon.
Blanchard. Sec. and T
spiritual issues.
company was unable to tome : to,
H p.ni., Song ami sernion, sili-jet t.
Don't tiust •<> In- k and naf'tre
terms and this suit is brought
Elbert Ginn, Yell I ra-trr and Clent •■Jesus' Guests.”
to cure the ill« of your tioraes
that a jury can assess damages.
King, school representative for Gil-
The music is a dietim live feature
.■nd cattle. The» nerd help when
The Golden Gate had a full cargo f<»rd Stillwell park board of tiu-tr* - of eri vice morning ami ewning.
anything goes *rong *'••» them.
on Saturday and the following pas
Officers of Tillamook Athletic A «ekomr lo all Slrangers esp«-c
The ' hamliesf thing” »bout the
H. Block. C. Raymond. Asars latwm of the high
s< bool iall) invited.
■Malate—lite surest and most de-
Jessie I- Mathes, O. J Pettis. If B. elected Monday are Horace Sap
J »Hits T M oors , pastor
l-endat-le -ta a l>o«tie ui
Hales. W L
H. B. McEwen. pington. Pres. ; Benly Siam. Vk»-
H. O. Nygoard. E- M
Nygoerd Pres ; Clent King. Sec.; Myron
Small Ranch to Rent
and Mr. Allender. She left on Mon Blanchard. Tree.
a small rsn-di to rent,
day with T. A. Mercer. E D Stout.
Teed Co.'»
rk, conveniently Joi ated
Mrs. M. L Dtming. O. T. Pe
The SUr has a’dtama and
X C. Knight, F. Welling,
a SrarusKs.
cjmcdy reel every nigtot.
tholdi and Joe Cuntngham.
Keep It Handy.
Watkins' Liniment