T illamook THE “OREGON SYSTEM” DOUBLES LAND TAXES. U’Ren, in Speech Before Realty Board, Admits His Theory Will Cause Increase. headlight , S eptember 21. ion The Weekly Oregonian until Nov. 31, 1912, 75c. Leave orders at the Headlight office. ROYAL Scraps. AKING POWDER THE KING’S CHAMPION. Westminster Hall, Where His Chal­ lenge Used to Be Uttered. Westminster ball, in Ixmdon. was built originally by King William Ru­ fus (lOOtt-llOOi and tradition goes that the oak of its ceilings was brought from the forest of Shillelagh. In Ire­ land. timber which possessed peculiar properties rendering It hateful to spi­ ders and their webs. Richard 11. transformed the hall. Leaving the old walls standlug. he buttressed them strongly and raised over them the magnificent roof of oak which Is still extant and intact It la ninety-two feet high. The length of the hall Is 290 feet. Its breadth slxty-elght feet. It was large enough for mounted men to enter in order to challenge any who would dispute the rights of the king, a ceremony that Is quaintly described as follows on the occasion of the coro­ nation of Richard III. and Queen Anne In 1483: “In the afternoone the King and Queene entered the ball, and the King sate In the tnldle, and ye Queene on ye left side of the table, and ou every side of her stoode a Countesse. hold- Ing a cloth of Pleasance when she listed for to drink. And on the right hand of ye King sate ye Archbishop of Canterbury. The ladyes sate all on one side In ye mldle of the ball, and at the table against them sate the Chancellor and all the Lords, And at the table next the cupboard sate ye Mayor of London. * • * At the sec- ond course came Into ye hall Sr. Rob- ert Dlmmock. the King's Champion, making Proclamación that whoever would say that King Rlcbard was not lawfull King, be would fight with him at the utterance, and threw down his gauntlett. and then all the hall cryed King Richard. “And then one brought him a cttpp of wine covered, and when he had drunk he cast out the drinke and de- parted with the cupp. • • • At the end of the dinner the Mayor of Lon- dou served the King and Queene with sweete wine, and bad of each of them a cupp oi gold an(j a cover of gold, And by that time that all was done. It was darke nlghte. and so the King re­ turned to his chamber, and every man to his lodging.” The last time that the hall was the scene of the challenge of the king’s champion was at the coronation of George IV. Fedor Kosmich, the Hermit, (J Been a Ruiiian A curious legend fe »8^,1 the name of Alexander LgJ It Is to the effect that tbeeaJ 1825 was sojourning in ¿Tj When near Taganrog hi. t||Jj some means managed to «¿3 carriage of a court rourw J Markof. who was killed J peror, wishing to rid innJ*j cares of state, so the story J ed it to be reported that 7 J himself who was killed. The, J ried out a plan which he bM J conceived of retiring to 8lb«3 living there under an assume J Schilder, the historian, prtfj I have satisfied himself tint J events the remains la the cj of Peter and Paul are tbo«J courier. Schilder asserts that ha ed this much from the chllda Markof. According to the legend, I. of Russia died In Siberia k| but history records that lie J Taganrog In 1825. It aeemtk 1825 a mysterious stranget in in Siberia. He gave his nim»» dor Kosmich and never reread other or the place whence btf He lived the life of a hermitaj I received generally with respa 1856 he accepted the Invitation rich merchant to take up blaaU his bouse at Tomsk. Then h very retired and held commtit only with Mlle. Kromof and th chant, her father. Every oat saw him was struck with I* traordinary resemblance to tfc funct czar. The Grand Duksl olas Mlchallovitcb contribnM» de tn the Revue Ilistorique !|l be denied the sensational pant I story, but admitted that the I of Siberia might have been a) brother of Alexander L-L Globe. In charging that the Republicans In his address before the Port stole his political platforms Col. land Realty Board, W. S. U’Ren, Absolutely Pure Bryan does not indicate who it was of. Oregon City, asserted that a that stole his plank on government modified form of Henry George’s single tax proposal would prove ownership of railroads. practical and improve conditions It is popularly regarded as a good generally in Oregon In the same omen that the women capitalists NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE speech he admitted that if his the­ are obtaining control of so many of ory were adopted by the people and the big corporations. They are a single tax law were enacted, it thought to be less soulless than would be necessary to increase the acquire our homes and our pro­ Administrator’s Notice of Sale. men. present assessment on lands at perty but you would have all of us The two Kansas senators, both of j N otice is H ereby G iven to all least 100 per cent. In other words, put on an equal basis. Such a whom it may concern that the un­ them Republicans and elected by a the people owning the lands would thing is absurd. What have the dersigned as the Adminstrator of Republican Legislature, are as far, have to pay taxes twice as high as pioneers and early builders of Ore­ the estate of Mary E. Phelps, de­ apart on political issues as ever a I as they now are paying, he gon suffered to acquire and main­ ceased, was by an order of the Republican and Democrat were County Court of Tillamook County, said. tain their homesteads. Look how Oregon, ordered, directed and Under tlie federal publicity law i’he speaker contended that a per- they have made great sacrifices and licensed to sell, at private sale, , s ?n was entitled to all the product undergone privations and suffering which said order was duly made $10,000 is all that a candidate for of his labor and that it was morally to preserve what they honestly ac i and entered of record in said United States senator can expend wrong to compel men to pay taxes quired. Think of the years of toil. county court on the 19th day of in chasing the office, While pro. September, 1911, the real property on what they have saved or created and expense that were requ red to ’ of said estate which is hereinafter hibition to a poor man it must look either by manual or mental activ­ improve their properties and keep | described, upon the following cheap to a millionaire. terms, to-wit : At least one-third of i Mrs. Helen Dixon, who once led ities. By this process of reasoning, them intact for later generations. the sale price of the property sold lie would exempt from taxation all “These farmers who have strug in cash on the date of sale, and the the suffragist party in Colorado, personal property end improve- gled for years you would now com­ remaining two-thirds to be secured and after female suffrage was at­ ments, he would have land taxa- pel to endure more hardships. You by a first mortgage on the premises tained, drifted into politics, has tioii alone pay for city, etate and would double the taxes on their sold, due in not to exceed three just died of alcoholism. What’sthe National Government, he would umd so that the fellows who own years from the date of sale, bearing answer ? It is, of course, that interest at the rate of not less than pievent licenses from becoming a nothing and produce nothing can six many men who drift into politics per cent per anuuni. source of revenue except only for be benefited. The honest laboring Notice is hereby given therefore die the same way. meeting the cost of license certifi- men would not be helped. In fact that I will, as said Administrator, The mosquito is relieving the fly cants, and he would eliminate the you would destroy all hope in him from and after the 19th day of condition which he believes is the in securing a home and a compe­ October, 1911, proceed to sell said for the affliction of mankind, to real property of said estate, which those who watch the outposts for cause of the "unearned increment” said real property is described as tency in life. approach of new afflictions, Next Tax Land Only is Plea. to-wit : ■“ Let me say furthermore that follows, The east half of the southeast must come the coal man. After "My idea would be to incorporate you have already foisted upon the quarter of section thirty-one, and which both the fly and the mos- the most important principles of the people of Oregon a system that is the west half of the southwest quar­ quito will be held in grateful meni- Henry George doctrine in tlie single wrong in principle and in opera­ ter of section thirty-two, in town­ ory. tax proposal," said Mr. U’Ren. ship three south of range ten west tion. Can you look with any degree of the Willamette Meridian, situate Mr. Kipling has just written his "At first that is all we could expect, of satisfaction on what has resulted? in Tillamook County, Oregon. opinion for Canadians as to their! but later the entire theory could be Also, beginning sixty feet south IRISH BROGUE We all can’t be lawmakers. Look applied with success. To begin right action in the reciprocity case, at the great amountof vicious legis­ of the southeast corner of Block No. with, it would be best to exempt thirteen, in Park Addition to Tilla­ and he advises them to vote it It Is Really the Old Tinu M«M lation thnt has resulted, and there mook City, Oregon, as the same ap­ personal property from taxation. down. But Canada has had a Pronouncing English. I is no end yet. We need honest, pears of record at pages 624 and 625 Improvements on land, chiefly grudge against Kipling ever since Perhaps nothing illustrate a thinking men, substantial citizens of Book J., records of deeds of said the vicissitudes of pronuociidJ buildings, should also be exempt. he called it "Our Lady of the >r business men, to determine the county and state, thence west to the English than a study of wbitba .1 .nbor in all its forms, mental or Snows." center of Delmonte street in said big legislative »piestions for tlie Park Addition, thence south to the the “Irish brogue.” This Unguxlal manual, should be relieved of the Col. Roosevelt thought he had jood of the whole state." south line of the sub-division for It Is scarcely to be called iM burden of taxation. known as Goodspeed’s Park, thence settled the peace question before he is usually presumed to be « tai "My contention is that a man is north to the place of beginning, left the White House, but President tlon of language due to lack old Presbyterian Church. entitled to all he produces, all he containing four (4) acres, more or Taft reopened it for the purpose of j tlon .and contact with legfdi Bsll With ths Wail of ■ Child. saves and all he earns. The in- Evert L. Jones, pastor Sunday lesB, all situated in Tillamook offering an amendment. As a' A queerly shaped gong which occu­ sources of English. It prow a vestment of labor is best but its re* services. Sunday School, 10 a. in. County, Oregon, at private sale, result the dove in Col. Roosevelt’s pies a position of honor in the center little study to be a preservatiMf upon the following terms as fixed ward is not increased by the pre­ Morning service with sermon 11. by the said County Court, to-wit: make-up has changed to a hawk. of the city of 8eoul. Korea, is said to old method of pronouncing EM sent assessment laws to bring about Subject: "How three men met At least one-third of the purchase be one of the largest in the world and which has come down to a pal There is much paragraphing the kind of taxation that 1 advo­ sin." is called '‘the bell with the wail of a gree unchanged in Ireland from St i Christian Endeavor, 7:15 price in cash on the date of sale, about a man named O. Hell, who and the remaining two-thirds of the cate. child in its voice.” When first cast spea re's time. p m. Evening service with sermon purchase price to be secured by a has petitioned a court for a change the bell sounded with a harsh and In Elizabeth’s time, however,m "All the land, the earth, should 8. "How a wealthy first mortgage on the premises sold, Subject: be owned by all the people and farmer fed hie soul with corn, a to become due in not to exceed of name. A man with such a name cracked note, and the superstitious em­ to be realized that if there vs I therefore the land should pay ull perverted estimate of life." A cor­ three years from the date of sale, as that must be forever thinking peror. fearing an ill omen, consulted any real affiliation of thetwocoN bearing interest at not less than of himself, and the ccurts should with bis magicians. These gentlemen then the Irish language must hel the tuxes. There are three classes dial invitation is extended to all. six per cent per annum from the relieve him of his self-conscious- held a long confab and finally stated planted by English, and a delok of people who are directly inter­ date of sale until paid. that the bell would never sound right fort in this direction was made. I ness. Notice. ested—those who own land for Dated thia 21Bt day of September, until a live child was given to 1L The change of speech, resented and ■ 1911. The hobos who have reached mass was then melted again, and a ed. was nevertheless successMIl purely speculatively purposes, Beginning with the 1st of Septem W. C. K ing ,- Washington to attend the conven­ live baby was thrown into the molten compllshed all over the island a those who own personal property her, the following prices will be As Administrator of the Estate tion of the unemployed appear to metal. The wall of agony uttered by in the west within a decade l and those who own personal prop­ charged by the physicians of Tilla- of Mary E. Phelps, deceased. have made a detour to avoid Scran­ the little tot as the bronze engulfed Shakespeare’s death. This txtl erty »nd iiuprovements. ■nook. ton, Pa., where there has been a It seemed to be repeated every time on a new significance when ve< "From tin to 65 cents on the dollar Pasture to Rent. Conti ncment, $20 und mileuge snow and consequent danger of the bell was tolled, and today the what we now call the Irish is paid by the improvements and (normal case). Pasture torrent. Inquire of Peter enow shoveling, and perhaps ice Koreans still claim that the wall of a connection with what is ImowoWl the most of the residue by the land. City visit, $2 IK). child can be heard in the voice of the been the pronunciation of F. hjn Newberg, Hemlock, Oregon. * cutting. To remove assessments from im­ Visit out of town, $2.50. metal. that time. The two are found*1 provements und personal property The royalists of Portugal have Visit out of town, three miles, Common Colds Aust be Taken form In practically every 1« it would t>e necessary to double the organized an army and are ready Seriously. But 8hs Wasn’t Satisfied. Irishmen pronounce English »1 $3.00; one dollar for each mile over present taxes on the land. I con­ three miles us usual. to fight for the return to the throne Lady Jekyll, who was fond of puz- forefathers learned it and tani For unless cured they sap the tend that this would have a tend­ vitality and lower the vital resist­ of Manuel—and Gaby dee Lys. Yet ling herself and others with such ques­ served its pronunciation becau»l R. T. B oa lb . ance to more serious infection. only the other day it was said that tions as had been common enough a have been away from the mill ency to cause the speculative own I. M. S mith . Protect your children and yourself generation before her, in the days of rent of English speech variatkll era to improve their holdings. S. M. K ekkon . by the prompt use of Foley's Honey wars can be no longer fought be- the “Athenian Oracle.” asked William Hearer Attacks System since.—Harper’s Magazine. cause the plain people and the and Tar Compound and note itB Whiston of berimed name aud eccen­ The speaker was of the belief that quick and decisive results. For common people will no longer Notice tric memory, one day at her husband’s coughs, colds, croup, whooping fight them. Uncalled For Courteey. , «'»ch a system as tie proposes would table, to resolve a difficulty which oc­ N otici » is H ereby G iven ,—That cough, bronchitis ami affections of The Vicomte Toussaint ■ llaveu matked effect on land activity I A court ut Dea Moines has sum ­ curred to her in the Mosaic account the throat, cheat and lungs, it I b an I ly a colonel in the Frenrt und thut foreign capital in almost the County Court of Tillamook ever ready and valuable remedy. of the creation. moned a reetauranteur for contempt mayor of Toulouse. He 1 unlimited amounts would be County, Oregon, ut the last session Chas. 1. Clough Co. “Since it pleased God. sir.” she said, man and a dashing office»- j in failing toobey an injunction com­ bi'ought to tlie slate lor investment. of suid Court, made un order "Pro­ manding him to suppress the odor “to create the woman out of the man. one of the hottest .'iigagenM Diarrhoea is always more or less In the course of his speech. I''Ren hibiting" the Painting of any signs why did he form her out of the rib a terrible year of war. notkW when cookingoniona. When courts Be whs interrupted frequenttv by or other notices of any nature upon prevalent during September. rather than any other partT’ his troops were bending command impossibilities, contempt Chamberlain’s Whiston scratched his head and an- der a grilling fire to escape R pointeil question», it being clearly any Bridge or other public struc­ prepare»! for it. I Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ is certain. An order to cease cook­ tures of Tdlumook County. swered: “Indeed, madam. 1 do not lets of the enemy wblia »! shown that he was not speaking to edy is prompt and effectual. It can By order of the County Court, always be depended u|K>n aud is ing onions might have commanded know, unless ft be that the rib Is ths malDtnln»*d nn erect i>o«id* J u symputlietic audience. Immedi most crooked part of the body.” i pleusunt to take. For sale by I.a- respect. ulely niter be tiniahed, William Sept. 8th, 1911. claimed. "Since when. ‘ “There.” her husband said, “you know, has so much pod*JR A jury in the State of Washington J. C. HOLDEN, County Clerk. i tuar's drug store. Killingsirortli, ex president of the have it now! I hope yon are satisfied. ” composed of six men and six women shown to the Prussians?" Realty Board, sprang to his feet casm took Instantaneous aWjl A Snap. A Snap. having disagreed overnight, were, —Southey’s Doctor. in reply to some of Mr. I 'Ren's soldiers rushed forward ** N of course, quartened in separate statements. One lot, 50x110 feet, oneblix k trcni The Retort Sarcastic. everything before them. dormitories. The court of last re­ ” You may be honest in your con­ public high school. Price $375.011. “That new family next door borrow­ N. MELCHIOR. sort in Washington and other states ed our ax again thia morning,” his victions. Mr. U’Ren. but 1 wunt to Call ut the office. Devoted to Duty. with equal rights—and duties—laws wife told Jones. any right now thut such n proposal "Are yon ever coming to *• 83 Acres Timber for Sale. will have some new and interesting us you made is moat radically “Well, why did yon lend It to them," called out _. questions in jury jurisprudence to he complained. wrong It adopted it would prove l have St) acres limber, with about “I don’t know,” »be rep“7| determine in the next few years. "How could I help ltr most disastrous Thia innocent 4,UX).UM) teet of fir and hemlock, promised Mrs. Jones “You might have given them some track of her husband little idea is onlv an entering wedge w hich I will sell at 50c. per KM) feet. . At the conclusion of the recent J acob B lum . kind of an excuse. ” to Henn George’s whole theory away, and I'm going l0^ gj public hearings at New York on the Mrs. Jones waxed sarcastic. ' on »»id in tlie lieginuing of your Foley’» Kidney Remrdy, ‘Liquid time he comes home if question of adding a parcels carry, “Yes.” she snapped. “I might have up all night”—Detroit Freer1* speech that it was your object to ing service to the postal service, Is u gretit medicine of proven value told them that you were going to use use only some of his theories bnt for both »cute and chronic kidney Postmaster General Hitchcock it—or some other craxy. Impossible Went Furthen u before you concluded you w inted »nd blinlder ailments. It is espec­ made it known that he had decided thing.”—Youngstown Telegram. “Didn’t I tell you that • to use them all and a«>me of yout ially recommended to elderly |>eople to ask Congress for the authority to for its wonderful tonic and recon­ met a man In hard luck y<* own. structive qualities, and the perma­ Tha Ignorant Patriot. organise a parcels system on cer­ greet him wtlh a smile? W hy would you want to tear nent relief and comfort it gives A very raw recruit was being put and good counselor. tain rural routes, with the proviso down the state? Why would you them. Chas. I. Clough Co. through an examination in geography that parcela be carried only from “Yea,” replied the flinty ( want to destroy the buaineas ot point to point on the routes them­ wherein be proved himself astonishing­ ■ oil “I went even A Great Advantage to Working ly Ignorant At last after a failure I gave him the grand la«^ those engaged in attracting capital Men. selves. Later on the service might on bls part of unusual flagrance, the here am! of aiding in building up iBgtcn Star. J. A. Maple. 1'25 S 7th St., Steub­ gradually be extended to the cities examiner scowled at him and tbonder- the state. 1 want to any to you that enville, <>., say»: "For years I auf- tonic in action • quick miulti tonic IN ACTION . QUICK in IN nisult « and include railroad transport« ed: the leal estate men of the United 1 fared from weak kidney« and a se­ Fsrgat Giva prompt taliaf from BACKACHE, *ion. “Idiot you want to defend your States have done more for the up vere bladilrr trouble. I learned of If you would Increase y«® "Tj KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE,' =^=—--=-=^.■- --------------------------- - country and you don't even know ’ ’ uley Kidney Pill« and their won- hnUding ut labor and creating ■nd prolong your life where It tar « ertul cure* so I began taking them tars’ fault*. Forget tta*«^ wealth than any other class. Now » nd eure enough I had as good re RHEUMATISM. CONGESTION of th» T111 rt inn r»m Iz kidneys , inflammation of J llHamook have ever heard you would destroy all thia by your • ulta as uny ( heard about. My finding and five a little tks^l OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. revolutionary propaganda Hy your bachache left me and to one of my BLADDER and all annoying URINARY Kn- cause which provoked IL business, expressman, that alone plan you would ---------- have the --- Ge-.r: Uovern is a great advantage. My kidneys IRREGULARITIES. A poaiuve boon tn ' Corner Stillwell Ave. and Fira ment conduct the real «alate bui isi acted free and normal, and that middle aoed and elderly A taw* Sts*. St. Writ, and both Phones. ne»B and own the land und u. we saved me a lot of misery. It is now FBOPLE and for WOMEN. “ My wife has j n pleasure to work where it used to would have to leaoe it then. if be a misery. Foley Kidney »'ills ■AYK HISHtST KKCOMMCNOATIQN “What does »be propo—^*.* could. PECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKE« have cured me aud have mv high­ Plan Deemed A ba u rd est pcuiae." Chas. I. Clough Co. “Get some reliable ’’ You referred to the ’ unearned ALL KIND OF «awAu. car« of ba by .”-Httsturg r* increment.’ Why Mr. U’Ren we I "I hava a world of confidence in can t live long enough to receive Chamberlain's Cough Rem«dv for halt tlie pay the • unearned lucre 1 have need it with uerfect •tweeta," Hare yon tried the new .'Mr*. .M Hiisford, «nent ’ ehould bring ue. We heve _____ _ . meat market ? Ville, Md. Fur anle by Lamar’a WHde great eecntkee in our Uvee tn i drug store. C. I. CLOUGH. Tillamook Thc Star a .’drama and The only Baking Powder made f ro m Roy a IC ra pe C rea m of Ta rt a r ROBERT A WAHLEN, D.O., Eye Sight Specialist, Graduate from Largest and Best Optical College in World. Foley Kidney Pills Bakery. J comedy reel every night. I