TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEP 1 EMBER 21. 1911 * upon petition of ten per cent of the Summons. Notice of Sale of Tide Lande. NAPOLEON’S TAILOR. voters of the county. BASECALL SCORES. roads urged . Resolutions of thanks were Ona Man Who Dared to Disobey Hie In the Circuit Court of the State of N otice ia H ereby G iven ,—That Odd Way ths Plays Were Recorded Oregon, for the County of imission Decides to Ask adopted in courtesy to the Com­ the State Lind Board of the State Imperial Master. Rack In ths Sixties. i Tillamook. ot Oregon will sell to the highest mercial Club, which had placed its governor to Call Solons The diary of Poutnles de la Slboutle Tbe baseball public of today, accus­ Louis Sondheim, bidder, at its office in the Capital convention hall at the disposal of ! (born 1789. died In 18t>3>. recently tomed to tbe minute reporting of Plaintiff, Building, ut Salem, Oregon, on to Act on Highway the Commission, and in courtesy of I translated into English, has something games, w herein each run is compound vs. October 3rd, 1911, at 10:00 o’clock Bills. u.tn., of said day, all the State’s in­ W. C. Bristol, who had given the ■bout Napoleon, that remarkable man ed an l many a play analysed, is of­ Srethna S. Phelp», Defendant. in the tide and overflow ,t Governor West be asked to use of his office and the services of . wbo continues to be the most iuterest- fered the account of a game played In In the Name of the State of Oregon: terest land» hereinafter described, giving I Ing figure In European history. Here his stenographers to the committee special session of the Legis- Syracuse tn 1868. Tbe contestants You are hereby required to appear however to the owner or owncs of . at once to act on the four which drafted the billB. A resolu­ 1 Is one about Napoleon's carelessness were the Central City« of Syracuse and answer the complaint filed any land» abutting or fronting on ' in dress and what came of it: and tbe Athletics of Philadelphia, and herein against you in the above such tide and overflow lands, the bills drafted by the Oregon tion was also adopted commending entitled Court and cause, within six preference right to purchase «aid In 1810, when Napoleon went to tbe score was 41 to 12. 1 Roads Commission was the the citizens of Jackson County for weeks from the 31st day of Aug. D. A. tide and overflow lands at the high­ Compiegue to receive Marie Louise, his Tbe game was delayed a half hour mmendation made in one of | the activity they have shown in the i sister, the Princess Borghese said to 1911, »uid date being the tijnrt date of price offered, provided such by tbe difficulty tn finding an umpire. publication of this suinntons, a ad est offer is made in goodjaith, and ul»o resolutions adopted by the J past year in road improvement by ' him: Then tbe report goes on to state: if you fail so to appear or answer, providing that the land will not be mission yesterday after the . availing themselves of the clause "Your clothes are badly cut and do “The game opened loosely upon both for want thereof, the plaintiff will sold for nor any offer therefore ac­ in the constitution permitting coun ­ , of the debate on the proposed not fit you. You are so obstinate about side«, and at the end of tbe first in- apply to the Court for tile relief de cepted of less than $7.50 per acre, ties to bond themselves to raise I ' not wearing braces—your trousers al­ ulngs the score stood Athletics 5. Cen­ manded and prayed for in the com­ the Bourd reserving the right to plaint filed herein, to-wit : reject any and al^bid». Said lands I C. Bristol and his committee funds for road improvement and ways look as If they were falling off”— tral City 4. each side making its tallies For a decree and judgment are situated in Tillamook County, “Well,” answered tbe emperor, promptly from the loose playing of Lven, after working late into the maintenance. against the defendant for the sum “what do you advise me to do about the out club. After the first iuulng the of three hundred uud sixteen and Oregon, and described as follows : Begmuiug at a jioint which is the Ljing night, presented at the it ? Can you recommend another Athletics played more carefully, while 25-160 ($316.25) Dollars the balance Meander Corner between Sections The Big Cheese Ready. Ling of the morning session tailor?” i tbe Central Citys grew more careless due on the principal of said note, 8 and 9. T. 1 S., R. 10 \V.,\V.M., and L of four bills embodying the The cheese factoryman, Nik Li- “Have a talk with Constant.- until the fifth inning, when they be­ and for the further sum of seven ruuuing thence along high water [cstions the commission had mon, at Appelton, Wis., and hia Constant, the emperor’s valet, was came more demoralized than was tbe ($7.60) Dollars as interest due on line the following courses : S. 80 degs. 40’ K. 153.63 feet. [red to them With the excel - assistants have finished last week, sent for and named one Leger. wbo Union army at tbe battle of Bull Run. : said note and for the further sum | of one hundred ($10(100) dollars as S. 56 degs. ÛO E. 11ÜÜ.UO ,, [of the state-aid bill, there was the big cheese for the Chicago Na­ was tallop to Murat. Prince Eugene. “Considerable dissatisfaction was attorney’s fees for the institution of S. 22 degs. 17’ E. 553.76 ,, L debate on their adoption. tional Dairy Fair or Exposition 26th Joseph and Jerome Botiapurte. A mes­ I manifested and expressed, and in two this suit to collect said note, to- S. 70 degs. 38’ E. 287.66 „ senger was sent to summon him, and innings rightfully so. at tbe evident N. 80 degs. 59 E. 445.60 ,, I gether with plaintiff's costs and dis­ | in the forenoon and afternoon of Oct. to Nov. 4th. The cheese be arrived at Complegne tbe next day. bursements incurred herein. S. 70 degs. 09’ E. 207.75 ,, sue sided decisions of tbe umpire. Ln. however, argument waxed will be sent there in a special made And for ii further decree herein S. 50 degs. 17’ K. 152.90 ,, From that moment be made every "We will not particularize, but suf hi between the faction repre ice cheat. The cheese has a weight thing Napoleou wore. He consistently 8. 20 deus- 37’ i: 4<4>.UU ,, tice to say that severul of tbe players 'that the mortgage on all of Blocks S. 52 dega. 01' E. 045.80 Ing the grangers and the ma- of 12.361 lbs. and represents a value Iguored bis lni|>erlal patrou’s sugges- ou both sides did well, while others, I 4 and 17, in the town of Netarts Bay S. 44 de^a. 48’ K. 3KI.CO „ L faction which favored the of $6000. It took 70 tone or 18000 tlons concerning his clotlies. For In especially the Central City side. were, Park, situate in the County of Tilla­ b. 35 dei*«. 10’ E. 516.35 ,, mook, State of Oregon, according [-aid bill as presented by the gallons of milk from 8,000 full blood stance, tbe emperor wished the skirts not fully up to their standard efforts. to the plat theieof on tie in the S. 43 degs. 51' E. 638.90 .. -of bls Lnittee of seven. tunics to he turned back, like Tbe following is the office or the County Clerk of said I S. 09 degs. 91’ E. 64.57 ,, to line Holstein and Guernsey cows. They lot 3, then those of Frederick tbe Great. “1 county, »aid mortgage having lieen 1 Harmony Found Necessary. SCORE. are worth 1V4 million of dollars and N. 0 deg. 26' W. 22U.0U ,, to low Athletics. O R given to »eepre payment of s.iiil ; [arp as the argument became, the farms where they are on are should not think of allowing such a | Central City R O 3b . 1 3 Hayhurst, rf ... 2 6 promissory note, as set out in plain 1 water line and then along low water ¡nembers of the entire cotnmis- worth 10 million dollars. The thing, sire! You would look absurd. Cruttenden. Porter, If........ . 3 1 McBride, p.. ... 1 1 tiff's complaint, be foreclosed und i line the following couraea : and my reputation would be lost. The lafter the close of the session, cheese hoops for this cheese has a N.70degs. 28’ \V. 298.94 feet. Boswell, cf.... . 1 3 RadclifTe, c.. ... 1 6 said property be sold, us upon i eyes of tbe whole world are upon your Adams, as...... . 1 2 Wilkins, ss.. ... 6 2 execution, to satisfy any judgment ' N. 48 degs. 44’ W. 3.10.30 ,, ed on the necessity of harmony weight of 3,000 lbs. They used majesty, and If you were seen wear­ Dodge, p......... . 2 3 Filler. 2b ... ... 1 ti which may be secured by the plain-j N. 37 degs. 5 give tone, strength and vigoi to t of salaries and needful ex- man largely interested in the bus­ hunter, wbo keeps a keen eye on bis cinctly said she would sins oue num­ acre, the Board reserving the right your system, to prevent breakdown ‘and build you up. Don’t be weak, to reject any und al) leds. lea. iness of preserving vegetables and prey. Is able to approach still nearer ber for $200. and that it would be a Said lands are situated tn Tilla­ sickly or ailing when Electric Hit­ ie second bill calls for the cre- fruits is quoted as saying: ‘‘One by dragging himself forward on bls Wagnerian selection. mook County, Oregon, described ters will benefit you trom the fiiat 1 ilo-e. Thousuud- bless them for "Tbe prlce-we will not haggle over." as follows ; » of "a fund to be known as the of the chief obstacles the canner elbows. Tills maneuvering continues distance be­ said tbe visitor, “but instead of that Beginning ut a point which is the I their glorious health and strength. t Highway Fund,” and makes has always faced in maintaining a for some time until the bus been re grand opera selection I want you to Meander Corner lietween Sections | Try them. Every bottle ia guainii- tween man and beast rieion for “an annual levy to sufficient output has been his ina- dneed to a few yards. render one of tbe light and popular 16 und 15 und running along high teed to satiety. (July 50c at Chas. luce revenue therefor, a dis- bilityto grow enough raw materials I. Clough’». When near enough to make a sure ditties of tbe day!” wuter line the following courses : Jtion of license taxes and dis- near enough to the factory to bring ■hot tbe Eskimo takes his .bow and N. 50 deg«., 04 W. 490.00 feet. “For the Wagnerian song. $200; for N. 57 degs., 45’ W. 359.60 feet. Ition and apportionment of the it from the field, prepare it and get arrow from bls side and ■ends a swift tbe popular ditty. $300.” was tbe firm Sv" N. 09 degs.. 04' W. 096.62 feet to I among the counties of the it into the cookers while fresh and abaft through the head of bis outwit­ reply. tlie line of Lot 2, then the following ted companion. Sometimes Instead of I, for road construction.” “But. madame." expostulated the so i course to low water line. crisp. the bow and arrow a barpooti la used ciety leader, “your classical song t« N. 0 deg., 26’ W. 220.00 feet, then fly-six and two-thirds per cept With farmers dependent on hotse- much more exacting on your power», along low water line the following ie license taxes on vehicles, etc., drawn wagons for hauling their with equal effect-Harper’s Weekly. so why should you charge more for courses: I be turned into the highway produce to the canneries stuff S. 61 deg»., 44’ E. 219. »8 feet. Th» Parent«’ Joke. tbe lighter and easier song?” I. and 75 per cent of the fund would wilt and be useless for can­ E. 294.92 feet. Some parents seem nnsble to resist “Ah." replied the lnde|>endent one. ' S. 87 degs., 32' We «re ready to supply created is to be divided equally ning purposes if grown more than tbe temptation to make a Joke with tbe ‘•the harder song Is all fun to me; the : S. 50 degs., 53’ E. 276.86 feet. s. 68 deg»., 40’ E. 218.04 feet. Ing the counties of the state. three or four miles from the plant. Christian names of their children, nays easier one all work 7' whatever is needed iu the line 02 deg a., 55’ E. 188.80 feet. s. Iremaining 25 per cent is to be It has meant restricted acreage on tbe London Chronicle. The Somerset Bo the price was fixed at $300. s. 72 ______ degs., 38’ E. 275.90 feet to the in this vicinity. Our stock prtioned among the counties the one side or supplementary House registers testify to the existence Just as tbe bangbty visitor was Section line between 15-16 then for the fall term is here and S. 0 deg . 04' W. 300.00 feet to the Lrding to their area. plants in scattered centers as the of a Mr. Mineral Waters, a Frosty about to depart, »he turned to the beginning, and containingfkO acre« our prices are as low ns they Winter and an Alfred Days Weeks. • rtist and said: State Aid Debate Brisk. alternative. There 1« something to be said In favor “Of course. I shall not expect you to of tide land in front of Lot 3 of can possibly Ire made. We iic- • Le bill also requires that County This difficulty is being very effec­ of naming children In the order of Section 16, T. 1 S., R. 10 W. of W.M. mingle with my guests." Bids should lie accompanied by lieve we have provided unijily, I ft* shall make a certificate to tively met by the advent of the mo­ their arrival—Primus. Fecundus. etc.— “Ah.” was the biting retort. “I shall a regular application to purchase but it’s impossible to be sure, I highway commissisn of all work tor vehicle of great capacity. Farm but It is unfortunate for a well known throw off $50."—Life and exchange for the full amount 1 bnstruction, improvement and produce can be quickly transported Canadian named Cumber tbat It ' offered and should be addressed to so we would advise curly pur­ i G. G. Brown, Clerk State Laud htenance of roads under state to the canneries in a motor car and should bare fallen to bls lot to be Extremely Polite. chasing. The forms of Mexican politeness to Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked now it is being received in perfect Quintus, for hl« name is always ap­ “ Application and bill to purchase pearing in the pa|»ers as Mr. Q. Cum the stranger are sometimes embarrass­ Le third bill, entitled an act "to condition from distances which ing. Miss Mary Barton, wbo visited tide land».” G. G B rown , ____ fide for procedure for construc- were undreamed of a few years ago. ber. the country to paint iatidsi spes and i Clerk State Land Board L maintenance, improvement The growing radius has been in­ A Boston 8treet tells her experience in "Impressions of i Dated this 7th day of September, creased many miles, which is not repair of public highway» out It wax one of’the older conductor» Mexico.” say« that "people seemed 1911. ________________ in _ a — new recruit wbo bad anxious to help me iu all ixieaible Le State Highway Fund in thia only an advantage to the owners of breaking _ shown that te was nut particularly preserving plant, but to the farmers Our stock is unusally com­ r and out of fund» provided by Notice to Creditors. . . iri.... ¿'tir /»ilirli* ways, from the railway conductor. I Several counties therefor,” was of the district, as it greatly en­ quick to catcli an Idea. Tbe car came who invited me to dine with him, to plete this year. It includes I Estate of AsaG. Cobler, Deceased. to Webster street, and tbe older con­ tbe very smart young man that I met L>ne that provoked the sharpest hances the value of farm lands. Per­ ! Notice I» hereby given by the un- every item that will lie needed. haps this will have the effect of re­ ductor whispered 'He name to tbe re­ In the postoffice when I hsd a numtier !der»igned, E. W. Stanley, admims »went in the afternoon. cruit Tbe latter did not understand, of Invitations io my band and who of­ Many of the items nre in wide trator oi the estate of A»a G. Cob- pad« made under these provi- ducting the cost of canned goods ; and tbe conductor, losing patience. fered to Ikk tbe stamps for me.” ! ler, deceased, to the creditors of, variety. Take pencils, for this case in certainly thia should be the caae R. according to the bill, ‘‘»hall said. Webeter- ---------- Webster’» dictionary.” ¡and all person» having claims instance. We carry all the known as State-Aid road».’* the nature of things. And tbe passengers were amazed to against, said deceased, to exhibit Shutting Him Off. bear tbe new man bawl out. Web Icost of their construction is , to best makes in the various de­ Tbe Dad-My sor.. I want to tell you them with the necessary vouchers, ■ter*s dictionary."—Boston i’ost. kid out of the state fund, and Forced To Leave Home. tbat tbe s« ret of my succe««. It within six months after the hist grees of hardness. Otl»cr publication of this notice, to paid of Every year a laige number must be of any man ’ s, is bard work Pad construction in the coun- E. W Stanley, at the office ol George gotxis iu like variety— poor sufferers, whose lungs are Yearned Fer Excitement. I — Tbe Son-Sb. dad! I don't care to lunder the supervision of the Willett, attorney-at-law, Tillamook. sore and racked with coughs, are “Yes. tbe great society leader is ab- hear other people's secret» ani 1 sm » Oregon, which office the under­ e Pen» Ink», Pen Holder», F aid bill, must be done subject urged to go to another climate. too much of a gentleman to take rd signed »elects a» hi» place of bus­ k »upervision of the state com- But this is costly and not alway« •olutely ennuied " Wriliag Tablets, Drawing Tablet», vantage of Information gr'ned In tbat iness in all matters connei ted with “Tired of everything, eb?" sure. There’s a better way. Let han. Colored Pencil», •Tositi rely. The last time I i »aid ertale. way. Say no more.—Toledo Blade k issue raised, of whether the! Dr. King'a New Discovery cure you ber »be »«" faintly wondering In ■ flateil this second day of Seplrm- Erasers, Ruler», at home. "It cured me of lung ber, 1911. ptenance of state-aid roads trouble.” writes W. R- Nelaon, of bewildered way whether she'd better Tasty Pel»«". Pencil Sharpener», K. W. STAXI.F.V, Cnslomer—Ttie poison may I* exc^l- pld be left to the state or the Calamine. Ark., "when all else take op aviation or get a divorvo. - Admistrator of the estate of Am Crayons, School Water CoUrs, ler.L but l be rats won't take It. Yon II G. Cottier, deceased. P'y. while of minor importance, failed and I gainer! 4? pound« in Cleveland Plain Dealer. weight. Its surely the King of all bare to make It more tarty Drug- School Satchel», yoked a urisk interchange of cough nnd lung cure«. Thou­ rtwt-1've tried »hat slmoily. 6«»» tbe A Quick Recovery. School C»mpa»>o«», pment. L. R. Well«ter leading sands owe their lives and health to apt»rentto.. wbo »aid “«be told me Dr p r”'i«ions of article XI of the piaguerl hia life for yean, m •I’“' King’« New Life Pill» had rmed girt make» a good catch io «•*.-*» many remedies he tned- At last r ' °*>stitution. as amended by her >>f obetinsle kidney trouble, »nd ”e used Bin kl-n » Arnica Salve and t bangs _____. ir.T THH REI.IAHLI! marie her feel like a new women.” Mtire petition at the last elec rote it has entirely healed with P. >»y. but »ore Remedy for e‘om Ltruggiat »tn«l B«x»l<«elh r. r It permits counties to create JZrr.lv a acar left ' One may rula blmself by fmokueu»- Heal» Burn. liver and bidnev trouble». ['»sue bonds for tbe proaecu | l Boils, ferzema C W ~ --.y ffisfo^r. W—f — ’----- (July Z5c attbae 1. Ciuugh’e. r r"»d work, at a ape-'ial elec I I lings. Coma »nd File» !'■* ms«>< - duplicity - VteiMart. I OnCZk »1 Ch- L < hiugh m T ‘ «Hed bv tlie iminfv iiitlrt ;CIAL SESSION FOR It’s Time To Think of Srhool Books i School Supplies For Every Pupil -C L O U G H- I