TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911J Beef, pork, veal and lamb at the Independent Market, opposite Post Office. Vs soon as you can, and you will be glad of the facilities we afford you for trans- acting business, We give you the full- est security and with a liberal rate of interest that will please you. Hundreds of our best citizens find it to their advantage to bank with us, and it is no secret that our patrons derive considerable prestige from the connection. The Old Reliable OLDEST^ bank ■ ounty COUNTY TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. LLAMOOK JOTTINGS CAPITAL SUPERVISION “Dement's Best’’ Flour, fast get­ ting the lead. They haul it to Meda, Woods, Nehalem and intermediate points. Tillamook Feed Co. • R. R Roberts is putting in a stock of J. R. Watkins Médical Co.’s goods in the Tyler Building and is now ready for business. W. G. Dwight vs. William Hiatt and C E. Reynolds is a case where the plaintiff sues Io recover $286.87 from Hiaft on a promissory note. I will pay 8c., 10c. and lie. forçai) hides at my shop. Try me out and see. The Old Reliable Hide and Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. * A young man living on small ranch wishes to correspond with a working woman. Object, marriage. Address, “Rancher,” care of this office. Good team, wagon and harness for sale. Team is eight years old, weight 2700 lbs. True and sound in every way. E. G, Anderson. Hemlock, Ore. Rough spruce and hemlock lum- ber at $8.00perthouBandat the Faw- cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles aouth of TillamookCity. Goldsworthy A Dalpaz, pros. G. L. ¡Dick has bought out P. B. C. Lucas’ dray business and will take charge of it the first of the month, Mr. Lucas going on Riley Maxwell's farm. You will have to buy in smaller lots if you buy on the Morony place, if you don’t buy soon, the H acre tract will be made smaller. Easy terms to all. M. Morony. « lee Shrode for coal. cascara Ihrode will buy your « rk. lelly Glasses 35c. doz., at Lamar’s iriety Store. * Hiss Ollie Case will take a course music at Beaverton, fement side walks are increasing ite rapidly in the city. t. F. Larson expects to leave early xt month for Denmark. Born, oti Saturday’, to the wife of ant Thayer, a daughter. Isk Slirode about the “Best” rd wheat flour in the city. * Valter Claussen, brother of At- •ney Claussen, is in on a visit. Die “Best” hard wheat flour in : city, at the Tillamook Feed Co.* « A * Shingles delivered to any’ rt of the city for $2.25 M.— See rode • . f you want the “Beet” hard­ iest flour in the city you can get >f Shrode. * .ive chickens wanted at the Tilla- >ok Meat Company’s Market, 13c. r pound. • Jr. R. T. Boats and wife left on inday for Portland, to be gone out a week. Shner Allen will leave next week Portland where'he is attending • Dental College. Bring your chickens to the Tilla- >ok Meat Company’s Market. We y 13c. per pound. * For Sale, 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the A practical Dairyman would like st lots in the city for $300 each.— to rent dairy ranch and stock in 11 on Mrs. C. N. Drew. • Tillamook County. Reference given 1. Sours, cheapest and best paper if required. W. W. Dodge, Salem, nger in town. Leave orders at Oregon, R. F. D. No. 4, Box 111. * — yacM . . — ----------- ire next to Harris’ bam. • . The Bayoceao came i - j in on me T uesday, this t^i Wanted,—a sound, gentle saddle] niz her last trip lieing ny. Write to Elise Londershau- 'of the season. She will be tied up >, Hobsonville, Ore. ✓ at Bayocean for the winter, and will ra Smith and wife returned from ! furnish electric lights for that inland on Monday’, driving in place. er the Wilson river road. Wednesday, Sept. 27, a clam sup­ For Sale, cheats. One wicker baby per will be given by the Ladies’ KKY >n good shape.—Inquire at Guild of the Presbyterian Church, is office, or address P.O. box,227.. served from 5:30 p.m. to 7 o’clock. _ i 1 Price 25c. at the Guild Parlors in the For Sale, a choice lot of young: inary Birds, prices $2.50 per pair. Williams building. B. C. Hadley was taken seriously Inquire at this office, or address sick on Wednesday evening and for p. box 227. • a time it was thought he would not There will be special vocal music recover. He has been suffering the Presbyterian Church at both with heart trouble. He is some “ morning and evening services what better this morning. tt Sunday. Riley Maxwell and family left >st. a black schviot ladies jacket this week for Buhl, Idaho, where leen Stillwell Avenue and C. A. he will make hia home. He will 'It's place. Please return to take hia dairy herd with him which flight office. was given a clean bill of health by lenient’s Beat" is made from Dr. Reedy before he left. ted hard wheat, and makes the There ha» never been anything bread. Only $1.50 per sack.— that could substitute sleep, food, uiook Feed Co. * i and raiment for the body. Nor has J. Mead and mother, relatives there ever been anything that could itnmiMionor H V. Alley, came take the place of the gospel of the the East on Sunday and left Kingdom of God. to satisfy the onday for Nehalem. •oui » C- °°vr * UAMAR’S variety store Located two Door» west of Lamar’» Drug Store. “DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” Re»t Room for Ladies- F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., has located next door to Lamar's variety store, and is prepared to de all kinds of shoe repairing at reasonable rates. All work guran- teed. Give him a call. * The Percheron stallion Ville will make the stand for the season at Rogers A McNamer’s Livery Barn, in this city, with the exception ol Mondays and Tuesdays, when the stallion will be at Beaver. • Work at Bayocean the coining winter will be confined principally to grading the boulevard a nd streets which, when completed by next spring, will give this summer resort quite a different appearance, when a large number of cottages will be erected. Attorney H. T. Botts returned from Portland last week. Owing to Judge Kelley being so busy, he will be unable to take up the Port of Tillamook case before the regu­ lar November term of the circuit court in this city. The case against Axel Nelson, charged by Chas. Pike with tres­ pass, was tried on Thursday and Justice Stanley fined him $5.00. This was the case which grew out of the trouble between the fisher­ men of the Garibaldi and Bay City­ canneries. Woodburn State Bank, a corpor­ ation, vs. James Walton, Jr., trus­ tee, Clyde Clements and Effie Clem ents, is a suit to recover $2,000 grow­ ing out of a deal in the purchase of the McIntosh property on 2nd Ave. East, which was bought by James Walton, as trustee for Clements. County Judge Mason, H. F. Good speed, Sheriff Crenshaw and Em­ mett Bales returned to the city at an early hour Saturday morning in their autos from attending the state fair, and owing to the wet weather were delayed on the road, but managed to get through with­ out mishap. W. H. Hoskins complains about automobilist and “joy ride” parties throwing empty beer and whiskey bottles on the public roads, which is the cause of so many automobile tires being punctured and cut in pieces. He has the names of sev­ eral who have been caught in the act. T. J. Ballantyne, 3rd prize, Uly2 points. The Maple Leaf Creamery, Clover Leaf Creamery and The Tillamook Creamery sent twelve boxes to the State Fair on the Goldeu Gate on 7th of September and they were turned over to the delivery com­ pany on the next day at Portland, but up to the 15th had nut reached Salem. The Sue H. Elmore came in on Wednesday with a full load of freight and the following passen­ gers: H. Nyman, Frank Kyle. Neva Maddux, Mrs. Hunt, Carl Zohner, Mrs Zohner, Lydia. Carl, Rosie and Ada Zohner, J. H. Hath­ away, Mrs.Hathaway, Gladys, Wal­ lace and Marie. Huthawuy, Geo. Green, Mrs. G. W. Green, W. J. Lindsey and wife, Mr. Dupont, C. Maney, .Mrs. Eckhorn, M. Lewis. Mr. Clough, I.. Jackson and R. Davis. Married, at Salem, Ore., on Sept. 12, at the home of bride’s cousin, Mr. A. A. Pennington, of Tillamook City, and Miss Edith May Chandler, of Salem, Ore. The bride is a dau­ ghter of W. M. Chandler, of Orofino, Idaho, and is a beautiful and accom­ plished young lady, and the groom is a member of the firm of Mason, Pennington A Co., being one of the highly respected merchants of this city. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. H. H. Hubbell, of Cor­ vallis, a former pastor of the bride. The happy couple have the con­ gratulations and best wishes of their friends. According to information secured from a reliable source the United Railway suveyors are heading down the South Fork of the Nehalem from the headwaters of Gales Cnek. Their object is not known, however, but it is quite probable that they intend to come down the Nehalem on a water grade rather than going ovei the mountains, and then follow the Wilson River to Tillamook Bay. Since all activities have been biis pended on tlie present terminus ol the United Railways there is reason to believe that something of this kind will be attempted before any further work is done on the line to get an easier grade.—Nehalem En­ terprise. A. C. Thompson and wife left Wednesday for a trip to California and Honolulu. Mr. Thompson lias been the genial and obliging man­ ager of the Bayocean Hotel, aDd so pleased whs the company with his service, that he has been invited to take the management of thht hotel a nd tent city next year. Under his management the hotel was run suc­ cessfully, and having the best ac­ commodations of any hotel in Tilla­ mook County, the visitors who went there this summer were well treated and entertained by Mr. Thompson, who has a happy faculty of making Ilia guests feel at home It is hoped that Mr. Thompson will return next year for he made good lust season at the hotel. As I am going to enter other bus­ iness I will sell either all, or a part interest in my barber business to a suitable partner. Best equipped shop in the city. Has good bath. Is clearing for present owner, from $35 to $40 per week. For further in­ formation write to or call on L. J. Haulters, Tillamook, Ore. * Mr. R. Davis, ¡representing the Timberman. ia in the city looking up lumber conditions in Tillamook County. Although Mr. Davis lias been a constant reader of the Head­ light since it was first started, this ia his first visit to this county, and he is greatly ¡»leased with what BAYOCEAN WILE START he has seen here. He will have WORK ON SOUTH JETTY some write-ups in the Timbermen about thia county. If Port of Tillamook will Fol­ The Golden Gate came in on Sun­ low Up the Work--Offers day with a full load and the follow­ ing passengers: John A. Ward, Use of Dredge for Harbor. Edna J. Ward, John Peel, Mrs. Eg­ gleston, Walter Claussen, A. Wertz, On Tuesday evening If. T. Botts, W. J. Mead, Mrs. J. Mead, Mrs. I James Walton, jr., and M. F. Leach, Wade, Miss Stackey. Mrs. J. J. I representing the Port of Tillamook, Longcor and Mrs. McSlvaine. She accompanied by Webster Holmes left on Monday with J. H. Goswick and Geo. W. Willett, president and and wife, L. E. Brown and wife, secretary of the Tillamook Com L. Schlesinger and about a dozen inercial Club, and Fred C. Baker, passengers from bay points. representing the Press, went to School will convene on Monday Bayocean at the invitation of Mr. next, when it is expect there will lie I. B. Potter, where the party was a large attendance in each grade, entertained and partook of dinner. . The object of the visit was to dis­ The faculty is composed of I L. Baser, principal, science ; cuss bay and bar improvements. R. U. Moore. Latin and mathemet­ Mr. Potter in expressing his views ics ; Miss Florence Lauflan, Eng­ on this subject, advocated the three lish'- E- E. Finley, short hand; Hth Ports getting together and deciding izrade Mrs Hans Hensen ; 7th grade. Mrs. Earl Ford ; 6tli grade, on some plan of action, and then ' Mi»» Verna beaten ; 5th grade. Mi»» go ahead and do the work without Ellen Bewley ; 4th grade, Mrs. Ethel waiting for the government. He Hayes; 3rd grade. Mrs. Carrie Kin- was strongly in favor of the south naman; 2nd grade. Mrs. Lena Leach; 1st grade, Miss Clara Im jetty being built first, and stated his reason for so doing. He made neratett. The fish cases against Bert Ray. a propositi«»» to tlie memtier» of the S. W. Southmayd and E. FL Barlier. Port of Tillamook that as soon as charged with stretching their nets the Port of Hayocean was organ­ across Nestucca Bay. on » com­ ized. they would bond lor >1'/«.G‘> plaint of Guy Allen, the water tisil- »nd appropriate that entire amount iff. was tried on Monday before to the bar and start work Mt owe Justice Stanley, and on motion of on the south jetty, provided the Deputy District Attorney Willett Port of Tillamook would carry on these cases w«re dismissed a» the the work where the Port of Bay complaining witness failed to prove ocean left off. He also agreed that that they had violated the law The ' the Port of Bayocean would open case against Henry Brooden was i up the Sturgeon channel to the proved and the Justice fined him jetty and meet the Port of Tills- I mook there, the T. B. Potter Realty too. ' Co. turning over their dredge, free The following ecoree we e re i of charge to the Port of Bayocean reived at the State Fair. Salem, this I to carry out the harbor improve '"^"’smeltzer. let prize. point» meet. The question of the north Hugh Barnet. 2nd prize, «point». t < jetty, which is favored by the • $1.50 per ycaâr The bank ia the financial HEART COM THE OF MUNITY Upon its circulation depends Do your part your prosperity. toward keeping it throbbing and we will do ours. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ! TILLAMOOK. The Only Government Examined Bauk in the County. to government engineer was freely discussed. As there if no assur­ ance when the government will make an appropriation lor that project, and as Engineer I.ockwood advised the Port of Tillamook not to sink any money in a north jetty, there is a little hesitancy on the part of the Port of Tillamook, which would place nil the Ports in a bad light with their constituents should it prove a fnilute alter the money had been expended. It was decided to get the three Ports to­ gether as soon as the case against the Port of Tillamook is decided. In returning to the city the Hen rietta ran into a thick fog, and went ashore near the old wreck Lily and Mattie, where she struck fast Fishermen came to her assis­ tance, and the Tillainookers, with Bevera) persons from Bayocean, were taken off and brought to thia city in a motor fish boat, arriving here at three o’clock in the morn­ ing. ________________ Kills a Daring Cougar. A cougar, for the last month, has been making things lively in the upper Miami Valley and at tire head of the Foley. Last week he became rather bold and attacked a hound owned by George Wilks, at the head of the Foley, when the dog was chained up in the wood shed close to the back door of the bouse and when the dog commenced to howl, Chester Wilks rushed out with a club to drive the intruder away and found it to lx? n cougar. The next evening he followed W. W. Sales some distance and would have attacked him but for his ar­ riving at tils home before the favor­ able opportunity for the blood thirsty creature to make his attack. Last Saturday afternoon he took possession of the county road and caused one team to whirl around and run awa , but still he did not leave tti«. road and continued his way north anil met George Wilks The cougar on a i straight road. came up towards him and Mr. Wilks walked facing him until within a i few yards and as he stop (>ed to raise his rifle to shoot, the cougar ■ stopped and crouched down and lashed bis tail, and he gave a low growl, whereujion the ntle in Mr. Wilks' hands proved the most powerful of the two and closed the chapter of Mr. Cougar’s worldly events. Mr. Wilka brought the hide to the county seat on Monday and received $10.00 bounty and sold the hide to K. F. Rogers, V.S , who will take it to a Taxadermist at Salem and have it mounted. Notice. N oticb is HBkBBY GlVlM,—That on Monday, Octolier IH, 1UH, the County Board of Equalization will meet at the Court House, of Tills mk County, Oregon. an<1 publicly Slamine the asseaament roll for sani year, and correct all errors in valuations, rlescripltons of lands and other property. Said board will continue in session from day to«lay, until the «lamination, cortei lion and equalization of the assessment roll for said county shall l»e com­ pleted Dated at Tillamook, Orerfon, Sep- tvinlxr 18, NHL A. M. Hm. County Assessor. Conrad Thorall Married. Miss Hazel I.eota Meeoh, a «harm­ ing young lady of Chico, became the bride of Conrad Luther Thorall, of Iliis city nt a ceremony performed in the par'ors of the Episcopal Par­ ish House S iturdny eveninj’. Rev. Mr. Holt officiating. The witnesses to the cereinonv were Ainos Lewis an