TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 14. 1911 Taft Starts the 1912 Fight. Fairy Farm for Sale FOILING THE PICKPOCKET. Charging Democrats and Insur­ gent Republicans in Congress with Whit to Do When Your H»t 1» Tipped Over Your Eyes In a Crowd. having played politics in their at­ For a num there is ouly one really tempt at tariff legislation during | safe p.x*ket, and that is a pocket the extra session, and singling out which few uieu except experienced i La Follette, Clark and Underwood ruce go.rs have their salts supplied I for special responsibility, President with, it is a breast |>o. ket inside the | Taft unexpectively took the aggres- waistcoat, and It should have a but eive in the national campaign of toued flap, for without the buituu even next year involving his re-elec­ this hiding place Is unsafe. Absolutely Pure The second best place for carrying tion when on Saturday, the 26th, at Hamilton, Mass., he addressed a money is the trousers pocket, es|iecinlly if the owner is rather stout. And the gathering of the Essex County Re­ left hand pocket is better than the publican Club. After referring to right. A skillful thief standing be­ the passage of the reciprocity bill, hind you may insinuate bls right baud NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE with the aid of Democratic votes, into your right hand pocket easily, but IS the president voiced his views thus: the left conies awkwardly to him. "Our Democratic friends, how- > For safety’s sake the pickpocket sel­ ever, were not content to allow the dom works single banded. He usually Death of Mrs R. M. Wade. GENEROUS OFFERS. session to pass with the accomp­ works with a couple of "screens,’’ who . Word was received in this city on lishment of the purpose for which plant themselves in front of the in­ Property Owners Contri- Saturday that the mother of R. L. it was called. They assisted—most tended victim, if the "job” Is a dith Wade had died suddenly in Port­ of them—in the passage of the re­ cult oue they carefully Jostle him at bute Liberally Towards land that morning. Mr. Wade was ciprocity bill because they believed the critical moment in order to diB Bayocean Road. in that city at the time, and Mrs. in its usefulness, and in so doing tract his attention. This Jostling is usually called "working the ramp.” Wade and children left on Sunday they united with the Republican A favorite trick in a dense crowd is On Friday Mr. Irving B. Potter, for Portland._____ ___ support, and did not ‘play politics’ to tip a man’s hat over, as though ac­ of the T. B. Potter Realty Co., in­ Mrs. R. .'1. Wade, pioneer of 1852, in its passage. I am very sorry to cidentally. His bands naturally By up terviewed tlie County Court in re­ to set it right. Instead they should go gard to building a wagon road died suddenly from heart disease say, however, that having pursued straight to the watch and the money round the south side of tlie bay to yesterday morning at her home, 400 a statesman-like course with refer­ pocket. If your hat is knocked off in Holladay avenue. ence to reciprocity, they did ‘play a crowd make sure your money pocket Bayocean. He made a proposition Mrs. Wade was the daughter of politics’ of the most irresponsible is safe before troubling about the hat. to the Court, agreeing to construct shout three miles of the road on the late Jefferson Williams, a well character in respect to three tariff If you are quick enough you may their property, which would leave known pioneer of Douglas County. bills, which, by uniting with cer­ catch a hand there. five miles for the county to build, She was born in Sullivan County, tain Republicans in the Senate, they I The trained pickpocket’s Angers are and towards the county’s part of Missouri, in 1843, and at the age of were able to pass and present to almost as delicate and sensitive as tlie work his company would con­ ten crossed the plains to Oregon. the executive for his signature. The those of a skilled pianist To become tribute $5,(100. The court made no The family settled at a place now bills bear internal evidence of the an expert demands long practice. But the expert could with or without the promise that they would build the known as Looking Glass near Rose­ fact that they rested on a basis of shelter of a newspaper go through, one road, but thought that pissibly burg. She was one of 13 children not ’ tariff for revenue only,’ but by one. every one of a man’s twelve they could appropriate about $7,500 who grew to manhood and woman­ ’tariff for politics only.’ ’’ or sixteen pockets except that one In­ for the next two years towards the hood. The president then charged side the waistcoat if be knew it to be In 1857 Mrs. Wade was married to Leader Underwood with having worth his while. Three years ago a work. As the court had already decitied R, M. Wade and made her home made false statements about the man was sentenced for training young to have County Surveyor Jackson at Auburn, Ote. In 1865, with her revenues of the country in present­ pickpockets. He used clothes dum make a survey and estimate of cost, husband she moved to Salem, ing the wool bill to the House by mles with bells so arranged that they the matter was continued- for the which continued to be her home saying that the 20 per cent was rang when the picking was clumsily present, but it is the desire of the until 1883, when they came to Port­ purely for needed revenues in a done.—Exchange. property owners that if it is decided land. Mrs. Wade is survived by view of a deficit. Taft insisted that JUST A LITTLE GIFT. to build the routl that the contract her husband, two sons and two this was a mistake, and that there be let as soon as possible, so as to daughters—Walter S. Wade, of Olex, was in reality a surplus of $40,000,- get the road finished by next Ore. ; R. L, Wade, of Tillamook ; 000. Then tracing the passage of Th» Present an Economical Duchess Made to Her Rich Friend. Mrs. S. May Glafke and Mrs. Susan the La Follette compromise wool spring. Recently when the wealthy Mlle, de The T. 11. Potter Realty Co. have E. Newbegin, wife of Edward New- bill, Taft said it was a bill framed R. was to be married one of our good expended a large amount of money begin, of Portland. Mrs. Wade was in ignorance of its effect and the duchesses bad to make her a present. and ’employed quite a large num­ a member of the first Congrega­ product of political log-rolling. He Just a little present The duchess ber of men since they took over the tional Church of Salem. —Oregon­ asserted that earlier Clark, Under­ thought it would be useless to expend Bayocean property, and being large ian. wood and La Follette had agreed much money for a person so rich. She taxpayers as well, are entitled to a with him in demanding a scientific thought if she would look through her Pasture to Rent. public road to their property, ns tariff commission, and had depre­ vast mansion she would be able to find Pasture for rent. Inquire of Peter are other property owners on the cated revision without adequate something, some trinket to which south side of the bay, who have Newberg, Hemlock, Oregon. data, but now they had gone ahead the addition of her card would give sutheient glory. She finally found In paid tuxes for years. Beside» being with the old unscientific method of her writing desk an Insignificant heavy taxpayers, the company has revision. Nevertheless he wanted cameo that she had once worn. had one of the biggest pay roots in the country to understand that he Tlie following day she received from the county. and the Republican party fully in­ her young friend a letter of enthusi­ A subscription list has been tend to revise the wool schedule ns astic thanks: "Oh. you have been very started in this city, ami those who ROBERT A WAHLEN, soon as the board reports, and to foolish! This is too, too beautiful.” have contributed are : do it on scientific lines. The extra etc. D.O., T. B. Potter Realty Co. "She is making sport of my little session had afforded the country an I f. T. Bolts..... ....... present” thought the good duchess. opportunity to see the real purpose ut the storm was drawn Sept. 8th. 1911. t.i tile mountains, and the county eameo. It is of the era of Trajan, and We are ready to supply J. C. H olden , County Clerk. this trinket is valued at 200.000 i escaped. That afternoon the wea- francs." tliei was freakish in the Willamette whatever is needed in the line A Snap. A Snap. Ah. the poor duchess’—Cui de Paris Our stock \ alley, causing some surprise and in this vicinity. disappointment to thone who were tor the fall term is here and One lot. .50x103 feet, one block from A Novel Fine. attending the State fair, us the fol- our prices nre ns low as they public liiKk school. Price $375.000 An English woman in the Rivera Call ut the office. N. M elchior . lowing will allow : can possibly lie made. We l>e- stepped on the footboard of a train. Eugene llail piles 2 inches deep Intending to enter the carriage, but lieve we have provided amply, The mosquitoes who are now in streets; skylight» broken, cellers found the door locked. The train blit it’s impossible to be sure, making' their appearance in many ■tarted flooded. suddenly and Bhe recognized cities after the drought, are called Albany' — Five telephone poles so we would advise early pur­ that she would have to travel on the “country mosquitoes." The rush footboard until the next statiou was knocked down by lightning; one chasing. to the cities seems to be universal. reached. A man who saw her plight telegraph pole »truck. crept backward on the footboards, At Woodburn—Barn destroyed by stepping from carriage to carriage lightning; hophouse reported with some peril and supported her burned. I the cough with hl« nrm until the next station At Portland- Wind attain» veloc was reached, half an hour later. The and CURE thk LUNGS ity 40 miles ail hour; heavy thunder woman was fined several francs for I and lightning. Our stock is unusally com­ “Illegally traveling outside the train.” At Salem—Heavy rain drenches plete this year. It includes WITH The rescuer disappeared without leav state fair visitors , electrical effects every item that will lie needed. tug name or address. unusual. At Gervais Woman receive» light­ Many of the items are tn wide Earning • Spanking. vuriety. Take pencils, for ning »hock, but live» ; hay is «lam Mrs. Brown—I was downtown yes­ aged terday. I didn't know but I might instance. We carry all the meet you -Mrs. Greene—I was down Al Roseburg — Much damage done best makes in the various de­ AND ALL IHROAT MID LUNB TROUBLES, town. too. and I’m awfully sorry I tru k gardens and orchards grees of hardness. Other didn’t see you. Little Johnny Greene- GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY goods in like variety— Ma. don't you remember we saw Mrs OK MONEY REFUNDED. 80 Acre* Timber for Sale. Brown’s dog aud you said: ’Come, Pens. Inks, Pea Holders, * let’» burry away from here. That old 1 have 80 acres timber, with u I miu I Writing Tablets, Drawing Tablets, 4.UIIWI feet of tir and hemlock, cat must be somewhere near.” What which I will sell at 5l)v. per IUD feet. old cat did you mean, toil Colored Peaeils, J acub BWN. THE OEAMEST 0EAME5T j m THE MOST ROYAL BAKING POWDER The only Baking Powder made from Royal C rape Cream ofTa rtar To Think of School Books School Supplies For Every Pupil KILL I will sell tny dairy farm, either as a whole or cut it up into" email 1““" tracts, on the Wilson river, at a greatly reduced price. I.. G. F reeman . Apply to J. C. Bewely. Common Colds t ust be Taken Seriously. For unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital resist­ ance to more serious infection. Protect your children and yourself by the prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and note its quick and decisive results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and affections of the throat, chest and lungs, it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. Chas. I. Clough Co. Before You Reach the Limit of physical endurance and while your condition is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will de­ light you. For backache, nervous­ ness, rheumatism, and all kidney, bladderand urinary troubles. Chas. I. Clough Co. Tillamook Bakery, OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. Stillwell Ave. and Firs Corner St. West, and both Phones. PECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES ALL KIND OF BREAD Notice. Beginning with the 1st of ber, the following prices charged by the physician. Of T uiook. Confinement, $20 aud «¡i (normal case). City visit, $2 00. Visit out of town, $2.5(1 Visit out of town, three m $3.00; one dollar for each mile three miles as usual. R. T. B oau . I. M. S mith . ____ S- KkRkox Foley Kidney Pi TONIC IN ACTION . QUICK IN RES! Give prompt relief from BACKA c KIDNEY and BLADDER TR0U[ RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of * BLADDER and all annoying URIN an IRREGULARITIES. A positive boa, MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLj PEOPLE and for WOMEN. HAVE HIGHEST RECOMMENDATI« & A. Davis, 627 Washforion St., Connemjk fed., is in his S5th year. He writes lately suffered much from my kuioe-siedH der I hae, blit she is in close toil', her world for ail that. The phone enables her to make as many calls a- «u, pleases. 1 m all sorts of weather. ’gj For ntfcM^rtp^have ttieir place, but it is the maey little ini youngi “Wintwlw °V" *’’* ,elt’Phone ,h»‘ kceP I *'*•’** Gm; wnfIO1J!!’‘r? te’$Ph°n* visits do not stop with her own toi takes bar t\ ‘A'..* Dl*ta"« Service of the Bell TelephV* chat with • er Bn<1 allows relatives and friend» N> J “1,ho««h hundreds of miles away. ■HE PACIFIC TELEPHONE fi Ä TELEGRAPH CO. F'ery^Bell Telephone ia the Center of the System.