TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEP 1 EMBER 14. 1911 Theo. Jacoby ............ 3 90 [ Ben Johnson ............................. 66 00 Joe Cason .................................... 17 50 Citation. Sun; moat. D. W. Rhodes............... 3 00 I Frank Illing »worth .......... ... 71 00 Alex Imlah................. ............. 24 00 W. H. Hoskins, Foley 3 00 Wm. Kennedy ........................... 81 00 Carl Curl ................................ .. 12 50 In the County Court of the State of In the Circuit Court of the State of Bayocean Port W. H. Sales ................. 3 00 |G. P. Wheeler............................ 109 00 P. J. Trobough ......................... 15 00 Oregon, for Tillamook County. Oregon, for the County of D. F. Thompson......... 3 00 i Geo. Eichinger......................... 139 75 Alvis Curl.................................... 10 00 In the Matter of the) Tillamook. in---Salaries of L. H. Kenney............. 7 20 j Joe Harrison................................ 97 75 1 Abner Griest................................ 12 50 . Estate of Mary E. > Louis Sondheim. H. Deacon........... ................... 3 00 ' Herb Perry.................................. . 41 00 Geo. Dunham............................. 2 50 Phelps, deceased. ) Plaintiff, ties Raised. N. McMillan, Garibaldi.......... 5 40 i F. Illingsworth, gravel.......... . 59 30 I. C. Smith.................................. 38 75 1 To Gladys Danley. Willard L. vs. Otto Shearer................................ 3 00 J Mrs. Alegg, gravel................... 9 051 John Rock .................................. 42 00. Phelps and George R. Phelps, Srethna S. Phelps, rd of County Com mis I. M. Harrison ........................... 3 00 Fred Kabkee, gravel .... ... . 18 20 Gilbert Rock................................ 32 00 heirs at law of the above named Defendant. 3 00 ; Pete Jacobs ..................... ........ decendant : Bposed of County Judge P. W. Lingley............................. 9 50 John Redberg............................. 46 25 In the Name of th* State of Oregon: E. Kabkee ................................... 3 00 G. V. Stoker ..................... ......... . 12 00 A. Peterson................................. 46 25 lx the N ame of the S tate of You are hereby required touppeur 1 Commissioners Alley A. S. Bent .................................. 3 00 ! Dr. Hawk..................... . .......... . 10 (X) Frank Folett................................ 45 75 O regon , You and each of you are and answer the worn plaint filed Farmer, met last week John A. Biggs, Barnegat.... 4 80 Jones A Kundson..................... . 13 45 I. C. Smith.. ................................. 25 ■25 hereby cited to appear iu the above herein against you. in the above 3 00 D. L. Van De Weal ................. . 33 94 Lester Ray ................................. 57 (X) entitled court rted the following busi- S. W. GrabeL............................... and matter on entitled Cdurt and cause, within six James Bibby ............................... 3 00 John Alegg, damages............. . 5 00 Ole Redberg ............................... 38 25 or before four weeks from the weeks from the 31st day of A ng. D. A. F. D. Mitchill................... ........ 3 00 A. E. Clark ................................ 38 •25 date of the first publication of 1911, said date being the fiyfctdate of Fred Burton for $300 work John A. Biggs, Jr ................... Road District No. 2. ! 3 00 Fritz Uhlig.................................. 32 75 this citation, which said first publication of this summons, and Continued. A. C. Robinson........................... P. B. C. Lucas, hauling ........ 3 00 5 00 John Saling................................. 19 25 date of publication thereof is the if you fail so to appear or answer, I Long & Son, lumber . .......... I. H. Moore, Carnahan .......... 5 00 . 78 (Xi [Barthold Barg Co. for Oran Wallace............................... 16 25 17th day of August, 1911, and said for want thereof, the plaintiff will Elmer Hall............. .................... 3 00 Long A Son, lumber ............ . 338 52 , Will Christensen ....................... 10 oo ; last date will expire on the 14th day apply to the Court for ths relief de­ jtinued. James Christensen ........... 3 00 Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co., A. Commons............................. 5 00 i of September, 1911, at and during manded and prayed for iu the com­ htter of fixing salaries of Chas. Desmond........................... lumber ...................................... 141 06 Frank| R. Kodad . ..................... 3 00 2 50 i the regular September, 1911, term of plaint filed herein, to-wit : Duties, the salaries of the G. B. Crane ................................ 3 (X) Plasker Bros., inch ............... . 2 50 Grant Dawson............................. 31 75 the above entitled court and on or For a decree and judgment 3 00 W. B Aiderman, supervisor. . (Ml 00 Andy Hess ................................... 39 00 1 before said last named date and against the defendant for the sum brk, deputy sheriff and Alwin Blum ............................... 4 20 King A Smith, meh................. 109 95 F. D. Beckwith........................... 37 00 term of court show cause, if any of three hundred and sixteen and lessor were fixed at $75 B. O’Hara, Netarts................... Janies A. Biggs I 3 00 James Christensen, piling . . 31 46 Lile Craven.................................. 42 50! exist, why an .order of sale of real 25-100 ($316.25) Dollars the balance ......................... and that of the janitor I M. (. Cone 3 00 A K. Case, meh. and work. . 68 51 Cal Parker ................................. 17 50 1 property of said estate should not due on the principal of said not», honth. A. A. Yager................................ 3 00 W. Hadley, hauling............... . 86 67 T. R. Wilson........... .. ........ 140 75 i be made as in the petition of said and for the further »u«i of seven 73 Frank Wilson............................ 62 00 administrator of said estate for the i$7.00) Dollars us irtereat due oa J.|J. Longcor, deputy sheriff 3 00 Goldworthy A Dalpaz, lumber htter of the plat and deed A. L. Perry, hauling............... 8 75 O. Kellow...................................... 104 25 sale thereof is prayed for, and said said note and for the further sum M. A. Shearer .............. ............ 3 00 bn of the town of Gari- George Wilke.............................. 3 00 L. J. Tittle, piling..................... 217 56 O. W. Fredrixon......................... 100 00 I real property is described r.s fol­ of one hundred ($1(1100) dollars as ■me was approved. 6 50 Henry White............................... 22 00 lows, to-wit : C. C. Todd.................................... 3 00 I. F. Larsen, meh..................... attorney’s fees for the institution of 3 00 McNair Co., meh ................... 92 (il J. D. Pearson ............................. 20 00 1 The east half of the southeast this suit to collect said note, to­ latter of the petition to George Parrish........................... •> W. E. Southwick, work 50 W F. Wessener......................... 11 Z5 quarter of section thirty-one, and gether with plaintiff'a costs andd«»- ■in steets in Ocean Lake Coroner’s Inquests. Dolph and George Tinnerstet, — Huffman................................... 29 25 the west half of the southwest bnrsements incurred hsrein. ¡was continued. Unknown Dead. gravel contract ..................... 424 80 T. C. Schmeltzer..................... quarter of section thirty-two, in And for a further decres hersiu e 00 Chas. Kunze.............................. 16 25 Jack Ollis .................................... 36 6 75. htter of the F. J. Kumm L. C. Ward, box ....................... 75 township three south of range ten that the mortgage on nil of Blocks 3 00 L. Carver, team ......................... Claus Christensen ................... 27 50 west of the Willamette Meridian ; Ed Webb........................................ 33 75 4 and 17, in the town of Netarts Bay nued C. Gilmore, burying................. 2 00 Chas. Christensen 13 75 Frank Bowles ............................ 41 oo : and also beginning sixty feet south Park, situate in the County of Tilla­ L. D. Rush, for $4.25, was W. M. Orewiler, ,, ................... 2 00 Wm. Christensen 8 75 John Bickenbach ................... 17 (X) . of the southeast corner of block mook, State of Oregon, ¿ccording Albert Golstrom, ,, ................. 2 00 W. B Stubbs....... 82 80 A. Arstill................................. .. 50 IX) number thirteen in Park addition to the plat thereof Hie theieof on h'e fi'e in die 3 00 F. F. Snyder......... 63 75 Ed Dooney ................................. I H. S. Davidson, for $90 L. C. Miller, witness .............. 3 73 1 to Tillamook City, Oregon, as the office of the County Clerk of said Will Penter.................................... 3 GO F. F. Snyder, Jr.. 23 00 Fred Broody .. ......................... 9 23 same appears of record nt pages county, said mortgage having been be, was continued, I. W. Hiner, •, investigating. investigating.. . . 20 00 J. E. Zimmerman 63 4.) C. H. Waymire........................... 110 10 1 624 and (125 of book "J," record of given to secure payment of said matter of organizing a Inquest on body I of George _ — Fessler. C. E. Himes.......... 67 oo George Jonson ......................... 15 (M) 1 deeds of said county and state ; promissory note, ns set out in plain­ ■yocean, the court dis Coroner’s fee .......................... 5 00 H. F. Osburn ..... 35 ( k ) John Fleck.................................... 71 50 thence west to the center of Del- tiff's complaint, be foreclosed und Mileage from Bay City ............ 10 00 125 T. D, Lucas ........... 50 Martin Jenck................................. 50 25 inonte street in said Park addition; said property be sold, as upon (petition on the ground 67 50 Virgil Kellow ............................. 64 50 thence south to the south line of execution, to satisfy any judgment )rere only 22 votes for in- Auto hire...................... 20 00 L. Diercks............. J. C. Dunn, witness................. 1 50 Albert Wilks ........ 50 00 John Imlah ................................. 102 25 the sub-division known as “ Good­ which may be secured by the plain­ : r and 37 against. 1 50 M. J. Edwards H. F. Holden, witness ........... 144 00 James Imlah................................ 40 75 speed's Park" ; thence east to the tiff in the above entitled suite, and after of incorporation of W. A. Knight, witness........... 1 50 Z. Wells................. 128 (X) G. A. Cook.................................... 15 00 west line of lot number four of said for a deficiency judgment ngainst F Bay City, as 21 votes O. V. Wallace, witness........... 1 so Wilber Booth .... 77 50 I W. R. Lawrence ....................... 42 50 " Goodspeed's Park"; thence north said defendant in said cause, ia 1 50 A. L. Perry......... 113 00 Henry Lawyer............................. 102 25 to the place of beginning, contain case proceeds of said sale do not n the territory to be em- J. M. Weiss, witness................. 1 50 J. H. Mapes ........... Thomas H. Clark, witness .. 75 00. Wesley Lawyer......................... 4(1 75 itig four acres more or less, all cover the amount of said judgment. 118 against annexation, James D. Ward, juror 1 50 J. H. Tucker ....... 65 00 Frank Owens ............................. 38 0i) situate in Tillamook County, State This summons is served upon < i »nd 0 against in the pres- C. D. Ward, 1 50 L. L. Stillwell .... 45 00 D. Brooten ................................... 62 25 of Oregon. vou by virtue of an order made by 75 1 This citation is served upon you I 1 T. Pedlow ............... 50 25 Wm. Ward, 50 119 S. C. Woods................................. i Honorable Homer Muaon, Judge of iy. the court declared that 4 4 1 50 J. Ebbsen............. F. M. Franklin, 7 50| J. T. Davis.................................... 91 (10 by order of the Hon. Homer Mason, the County Court of the State of rritory had been legally L. C. Miller 44 1 50 T. Ebbsen ............. 7 50 I R. A. Bunn................................. 109 00 County Judge of the above entitled Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ 18 75 i John Creecy................................ 55 (10 court, made and entered of record mook, duted the 29th day of August O. T. Hellenbrand, Z*1 50 Gus Peterson........ F. Redding ........... 22 75 Elmer Davie................................ 48 25 herein, on th? 31st day of July. 1911, A.D., 1911, and which order pre­ $tter of a petition for the Thos. H. Clark, watching in the Tillamook Headlight as and scribes that summons in this suit __ ______ _ 3 00 F. Hanenkratt....... 106 00 Reed Farmer................................. 44 75 in body >n of a Port of Bayocean, ' 64 50 I Abner Griest........................... .. 45 00 for the length of time made and should be served upon you by pub­ Wolf ............... I. L. Craven, transferring V r more than eight per provided for in said order. 50 00, P. J. Troubaugh......................... 50 75 lication once a week for six con­ 1 50 Gove............... body Witness the Hon. Homer Mason, secutive and successive waeka iu i legal voters signature A. H. Ruger, suit of cloths Glen Zimmerman 41 50 Joe Cason ..................................... 91 5(J Judge of the County Court of Tilla ­ 114 75 (X) H. A. Zimmerman the Tillumook Heudlight. a news­ Ray Aninson............................... 27 boti, a special election and assisting burying.«... 44 00 Robert Huston............. .......... 43 25 mook County, Oregon, with the paper of general circulation, printed Inez Bozorth, stenographer.. 4 50 J. S. Miner............... d for October 26. 2 50 Henry Farmer ........................... 81 25 seal of said court affixed thia Slat and published in th« County of A. B. Dentel..... giatter of purchasing a Justice Court Cases, 30 75 James Rhodes............................. 27 75 day of July, 1911. Tillamook, State of Oregon. W. M. Hill............ id for the purpose ofcon- E. W. Stanley, Chris Hansen Attest: J. C. H olden , 35 50 C. Curl............................................ 43 25 G. G. S chmitt & F. R. M ills », W. Arrance .......... County Clerk. 2» 75 Alex Imlah............. case........................................ 44 00 Fred Lyster................................... 53 25 Attorneys for Plaintiff. i store house for county By K. M ills , E. W. Stanley, D. A. Sanborn [SEAL.] 6 25 H. V. Wallace......... ................... 45 00 Mat Weber ............. Inery, the court decided K Deputy. case.............................................. 12 17 50 John Hielmyer ....'................. 12 00 Albert Darby......... Notice of Sale of Tide Landa. e a lot on Second Ave. G. H. Ward, juryman.............. 1 20 Marion Darby....... 20 00 H. Tohl.......................................... 15 00 1 20 W. K. Webb.......... let by :i05 feet, for $300, D. M. Oliver, 75 4 50 H. Nordstrom ............................. 2 Sheriff's Sale. í i N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That 1 20 Rus Johnson......... 5 00 Gilbert Rock................................. 1 00 id a warrent drawn for J. S. Diehl, 1 20 H. B. Johnson .... H. A. Kinnaman, 4 4 9 00 G. W. Hielmeyer....................... 22 50 In the Circuit Court of the State of the State Lind Board of the State 4 4 of Oregon will sell to the highest 2 00 Earl Pearson......... A. A. Apsley, 3 75 Alex Imlah.......... ................... 32 (10 Oregon for Tillamook County. bidder, at its office in the Capitul latter of prohibiting the G. G. Goeres 1 20 A. L. Blackburn . . 5 00 Fred Lewallen............................. 42 25 Clay Daniel and Dora ] Building, at Salem, Oregon, on 1 70 Edd Creecy ............ 73 50 if signs and notices on Nick Melchior, witness 27 50 Claud Lewallen ......................... 4 4 Daniel, October 3rd, 1911, ut 10:00 o’clock 1 70 G. W. Smith .......... 8 75 Jerry Lewalien................ .......... 63 00 I other public structures, Jonas Olson, Plaintiffs, | a.in., of saidduv, nil the State’* in­ Mrs. D. A. Sanborn, witness 1 70 — Goldsworthy..... 12 00 A. S. Lance................................... 91 50 [Clerk was instructed to D. E. Dawson, constable........ vs. terest in the tide and overflow 9 40 Gus Wicklund . .. 5 00 Clyde Lane......................... .... 45 00 H. Kenney, Hallie j lands hereinafter described, giving b to the county news- E. W. Stanley, Bartrock case 8 80 Carl Kümmerte 17 50 I. ucious Lane ........................... 62 00 L. Kopieske .............. . and \Vtn. however to the owner or owners of 10 25 Amos Vaughn ....................... . 20 75 Lee Lane ...................................... 36 50 “ “ Leo Wilson “ lat no sig*na or other Kopieske, Gust Nel­ any hinds shutting or fronting on Andrew Anderson, juryman 1 40 Roe McFalls............................. .. 5 30 Ola Lane........................................ 20 00 Ito be placed on them, son and Petet Nel ­ such tide and overflow lands, ths 1 20 Ross Mcfialls......................... .. 12 75 Joe Lawrence ............................. W. S. Hays juryman............. I) 50 son, Defendant*. htter of the petition of S. C. A. Swenson, juryman........ preference right to purchase said 1 20 Dock Walling....................... . 12 50 Ernes tfl.ightfoot......................... 4 00 N otice i « H ereby G iven , — That tide and overflow land* ut ths high­ I et al for a county road, Dan Oliver, juryman .............. 1 20 Henry Nelson......................... .. 10 75 Wallace Warren .. ............... . .51 (M) in pursuance of ail execution and 1 40 Ed. La Era nee......................... .. Peter Norberg, juryman........ 7 50 Franc Lightfoot......................... 12 CXJ order of sale duly issued out of und est price offered, provided such Mas continued. offer is made in good faith, and also 90 1 4 00 Wm. Rogers, witness ........... .. 12 50 Will Peacock ............................... latter of the petition of — —• - <4 1 90 Ernest Himes ......................... .. 12 50 R. O. Richards......................... 75 25 under the seal of the Circuit Court providing that the land will not be H. Eadus. I Hayward et al for a Van Des Jasdin, 4 t 2 30 Bert Boyles.............................. . 12 50 Ed Kastie .................. ................ 89 75 of the State of Oregon, for Tilla­ sold for nor any offer therefore ac­ to me duly directed, cepted of lews than $7.50 per acre, 2 30 Alvin Wells............................. kd, the same was con- A. S. Emmerson, ft 7 5) E. E. Roland... ......................... 93 62 mook County, the 9th day of August, 1911, the Board reserving the right to 1 50 Erank Hanenkratt ............... .. 10 (X) R. B. McClay............................... 54 37 dated Chas. Pike, issued in pursuance of a judgment reject any and all bid*. Said hinds 4 1 50 T. E. Epplett......................... . 3 OJ G. P. Mills .................................. 23 37 1 and decree of foreclosure Chris Hansen, and order ate situated in Tillamook County, illaneous Bills, 50 1 OJ 72 .. 56 50 A. O. Poland ............................. George Higgenbotham ... Abe Simmons, lyfelt, board of 45 (» ) Abe Cundert ............. ................. 22 50 of sale duly rendered in the above Oregon, and described as follows: 1 50 M. M. Todhunter.................. . Magnus Hansen, 4 4 cause and suit, wherein it Beginning at a poiitl which is (lie 10 00 Walter Ridehalgh, 4 4 1 50 J. M. Todhunter................... .. 25 (X) < arl Jensen ........ ................... 31 07 entitled decreed and adjudged that the Meander Corner between Sections 3 00 E. W. Stanley, Balmer case.. ted Co., livery.... 7 20 W Hadley .............................. 50 00 Alvis Curl.................................... 31 87 was 1 50 D. E. Davidson, serving pa­ IcNamer, livery. . 1 25 plaintiff* recover from the defen­ 8 and 9, T. 1 S.. R. 10 W..W.M., and Earl Patclien........................ .. 12 50 Carl Curl .................................... L. II. Kenney, Hallie Ko- running thence along high water Tass, gasoline, etc 102 93 2 50 Charlie Wooley........................... 31 S) 1 dants pers ............... ........................... 21 30 A. M. Myers.......................... »ting......................... 14 50 8 (X) Ixiyd Woods................................. 5 87 1 pieske and Wm. Kop'ieske, the sum line the following cour*«* : H. B. Johnson ....................... S. 80 (legs. 4ÍF K. 15.3.(tl (•< printing................. 29 n Salaries. 7 50 1 of $IMMI.(MJ, with interest thereon 2 50 Oscar Johnson ........ ............... G. Edgar ................................ .. S. 50 degs. (Ml* E. 1160.90 * I 207 08 H. Crenshaw, sheriff.............. 133 33 Russ Johnson......................... .. arg Co., mrch 10 001 from July 1st, HMM), at the rate o- 2 50 fired Dunham ........................... a. 8 percent per annum, for the furf !t2drgs. 17’ E. 559.7(1 1 » 4 75 J. C. Holden, clerk ................. 133 S3 W. M Miller............................. .. 83 (M) R. O. Richards ......................... (¡0 42 I nann, mrch .......... tlier »urn of $75.00 as attorney ’ s fees, 7(J deg*. 38’ K. $87.06 1 » s. Electric Light Co. 17 45 Homer Mason, county judge 100 (MJ John Blum ............................... 76 20 Miscellaneous. and for the costa and disburse­ N. 80degs. 59" E 445.00 »• 4 50 A. M. Hare, assessor............... 1 4 Tel. Co............... 17 40 B. L. Beals, treasurer............. 83 33 C. R. Funk ............................. .. 132 50 Studebaker Bros., mcli......... 131 25 cution ami order ol sale command­ s. 50 (legs. 17’ E. 152.90 » * [ Hanson, eighth 1 ing me to sell the premises and W. S. Buell, school supt........ 83 33 C. Pearson ............................... .. 70 00 H T. Botts, preparing deeds, s. 20 deg*. 37’ E 4JMMXJ 4 9 00 H. M. Farmer, commissioner 84 00 \\. Turner................................ .. 30 75 iminations............ etc.................................................. 17 50i reul property therein described ss s. 52 deg». 01' E. 645.NO • » S, freight, etc........ 47 85 C. A. Johnson, deputy sheriff 75 00 B. Turner ................................. .. 25 75 follows, to-wit : The South half of S. 44 deg*. 48’ E. 3(M>.(XJ (* adhomme, mrch.. 57 96 K. Mills, deputy clerk ............ 75 00 George Dorr............................. .. 129 01) Lot 3, und the South half of the IS. 35 dega. KJ’ E. 516.36 4 4 W, refund of taxes J. H. Johnson, deputy asses. 75 00 C. A. Dorr................................. .. 10 00 Forced To Leave Home North liust quarter of the South 8. 43 t 1 of Sec. 9. T. 1 S., R. 10 W. 8 70 Pete Cassidy ............................. 50 50 Chester Worthington 0 00 at Chaa. I. Clough’*. had in and to the al»ove described of W. M. 3 25 digging grave O. K. Emery................................. 37 25 E. Landingham ...................... Bids should lie accompanied by a reul property, to satisfy »aid execu­ 2 50 8 (JO Chas. Easom, jr......................... 10 00 Thomas Edwards..................... For bowel complainta in children tion. judgment, order and decree, regular application to purchase and examining W. aiwaya give Chamberlain's Colic, Wm. SchoHmeyer..................... 32 50 Cloverdale LumoerCo., lum­ exchange for the full amoant intereat anti costs, and all accruing 5 00 Fred Large ................................... 45 00 ber ................................................ ! 346 ■ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and offered and should be addressed to coats. 38 73 Thun Bros., lumber ................. er, care of W. castor oil. It ia certain to effect a 25 00 Ed Womeladorf. ......................... H. CRENSHAW, G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land 3 00 W. Laxton ................................... & .10 Thun Bro*., lumber ............ 1 196 07 cure and when reduced with water Sheriff of Tillamook County, Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked 107 30 and sweetened it ia pleasant to Cloverdale Mer. Co , meh ... 1 insane, county 15 00 E. H. Geory................................. "Application to bid and purebuse Oregon. ealth officer .... 27 00 F. J. Smith ............................... .. 41 50 Baxter A Stillwell, gravel .. I 297 00 take. No physician can prescribe tide land»." Dated August 10th, 1911. 6 IX) expenses Asp Bert Cornel ................................. 12 50 A K. Case, gasoline.............. 43 50 I a better remedy. For sale by La- G. G. B sown , 5 50 F. j. Smith ................................... 12 50 John Imlah, work............ . ; mar’s drug store. Clerk State Ijmd Bound 16 00 W. A. Gage, meh ..................... 51 75 Not • Word of Scandal F. J. Smith ........................... Duted thia 37th day of July, 1911. ig and Viewers. 2 50 3 75 E, A. Lane, hauling.............. G. A Thompson ........ ........ __ _____ No Need to Stop Work. marred the call of a _____ neighbor r on >n. Little Ne»- 60 (MJ Eugene Roland, meh ....... 25 60 S. Scovell ..................................... Notice to Creditor*. ...... W. ..... Spaugh, of Manville, P. T ....... 30 00 4 00 When your doctor order» you to Mrs. 87 00 ¡ohn Hielmeyer, wood .......... 9 30 •top work, it stagger» you. "1 Wyo.. who «aid: "»he fold me Dr. I, Walters road 45 00 W. H. Brobet............................... «7 50 . C. Foster, gravel.................. Estate of Asa G Cobler, Deceased. Otto Kolher................... ............ 4 90 can’t" you any. You , Neatucca cut- ” ‘ know you are King'» New Life Pill» had cured Notice is hereby given by the un­ 00 Alex Frazer, gravel her of obstinate kidney trouble, and ............................... 22 50 H. Scovell.................................... 72 2 40 run-down and failing " _ in dersigned. E. W. Stanley, adminis­ Basil Scovell ............................. 72 50 C. J. Crook A Co., meh .......... 20 00 weak, i, Kumm road 5 ■ i. Elmer health, day by day, but you muat made her feel like » new woman." trator of the estate of Asa G. Coll­ «1 00 Ed. Webb, labor ....................... Scovell ............................. Ea»y. but »ure Remedy for »tom (it 5 i, Wilson road . ier, deceased, to the creditors of, 12 50 Peter Jenck. gravel ............ . 10 <<• work a» long a» yon can «land. 7 50 L. Graal7.................................... 43 90 I. M Wei»» A Sons, meh....... 11 3» What you need i* Electric Bitter» ■ch, liver and kidney trouble». and all |>ersons having claim* i, Walters road A. Grasly ..................................... Only 25c at Cha». I. Clough's. 1 50 to give tone, atrength and vigor to i. traveling ex- against, said deceased, to exhil.it F. J. Ayer, wood ....................... 7 00 Elmer Rhodes ......................... 27 .10 Spring your ayatem, to prevent breakdown Hill Lumber Co., ium them with the necessary vouchers, Ludtke ............................. 27 90 2D a* and build you up. Don't I* weak, i, Walters roar ailing when Klectric Bit­ 4 (Ml Oren White......... . ...................... IO (Ml D W. Gilbert A Son», meh , Necarney road iml>h< atloii of thia notice. Io said :•» (Mt ter» will Iwnefit yon from the first Still retains its high place nx the E. W. Stanley. at Itieoft'o eoi (rewrite 1.1 (Ml Dan Alley .... ....................... 12 90 C. D. Denny ............................. Wiiaon road ( m *»( homu-hold remedy for all ■ oug ha 1 25 Lester Pitts ................................. 16 25 C. H. Harne» ........................... 12 2D dose. Thouaan«!» bl«-»« them for ami cold*, either for chifilreii or Willett, attorney ,il law, Tillamook ilaon road ..... 1 25 C. Butcher ................................. 56 511 Charlea West .......... their gtorioun health and strength. grown Jreraoua. Prevents srtious Oregon, which ofth r the mid«! ilson road..... ........ Warren Hoskins ..................... ;n Try lhein. Every bottle guaran­ result« from a cold. Take onlv the •igrie i I. Clough's. Nehalem road 22 ■i I J. A. Johnaon . .............. ................... 71 00 iieorge Lyme» Compound, amt refuse sul>*titutes. said estate. 10 (Ml Little Neatucca Dated this aecond day of Septen» 51 .10 C Curry ................................... Cha» 1. Clougli Co. 2 an Andy Hayden ................... 75 238 1er. 1911 ■ ........ ............ « so A. Huger A Dreadful Right Clark Smith ..................... (MJ 15 Little Nea . 32 !» Ijee Lyster ................ ............ 3 75 Buckle» to H J Barnum, of Freeville, N 51 75 Ted Lyster .... . Aa usually treated, a wav the fever-*ore that had 25 JI) 13 06 J»P ........ Iters road .... . M 00 E. G. Anderson ankl<- will disable a man • I ajlGeor Hoakma. . .... plagued hia life for year» in »pile ol V Cha*. Wooley ......................... ry. Walters road 153 75 in »5 [F. Crane ----- - At last or four weeks, but by (Ml many remedies he tried. Faley Sidney Pilla Caaoa ................................... bere road Chamberlain's l.miment . TO 25 H. Ho»kin» and team (Ml he used Bu kl“n • Arnica Salve and 17 Will reach your m1 «Ider trouble or urinary no gu­ 30 (MJ Geo. Helmeyer......................... 4 40 1 Hiram Cmae..'. .................. Bod*. Kczema. Cut». Brume». Swel ­ 1O(M> la -iti»» Try them. Ila». L Bay . «6 fD E E Dao* ............................. 3 001 Herb Thompson................ ling* t orn» and Pile» like magic- 5 <» Vlattgb.Ua. . 73 90 a B Dunham ......................... O.ily 39e at Cha»- I. Clough a. 3 (MJ S- Barber ............................... M <■> sr*... . si an Kmil Wooley .... SOOiRam Johnson .......... Y BUSINESS Y.. •■■■■■■