5 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 14. 1911 I THE POCKETKNIFE SWITCHED THEIR VOTES. CLOTH IN THE MAKING. TAP DAY AT YALE Th« Incident That Won Tom Corwin’« First Fight For Congress. Th« Way th« Uncouth Product of the Loom Is Finished. Every woven fabric Is made by What It Means to the Juniors Who Have “Made Good.” The three great senior societies of "When I saw tbe oil paiutlug of Tom ' Tale-Skull and Bones. Scroll aud se ­ or interlacing two distinct crossing Corwin lu th*- treasury." said an Ohio ' Key aud Wolfs Head-chouse on tap mull. "I could uot but recall the »lory ries of threads together. When lbe day fifteeu members each from the (old In Corwin's old home of Lebauou yarn comes from the spinner It Is Junior clues, the fifteen members of of bow be wou his first election Io mounted upou lhe loom lu S|M>ols, the outgoing senior class making tbe lie was n young man uud ! writes Ru|>ert Bowers In I Harper's ART FORGING BLADES. congress, already noled as an orator, but he Weekly. So wonderfully automatic I choice. Each senior Is allottisl his man had a bard district and little eucour are these modern looms that when a of the Juniors aud must find him In lie was mitklug bobbin Is emptied It Is forced out and tbe crowd nt the tree aud tap him on To Become an Adapt In tha Delicate ugemeut for election without tbe shoulder uud give him tbe order Work of Tampering Edge Steal Ne- I Ills lour of the counties and one night a full spool Is put In Its place 'stopped ut tbe doable cabin of a farm stopping tbe loom. There are all to go to bls room. Followed by bls eSMitatse a Long Course of Training I er known to be a very fervent advo i classes of looms for all classes of ma­ sjionHor. lie obeys, and what happens and Years of Experience. ! cate of political policies of tbe U|>|>O terial. from tbe thinnest fabrics up to al the room no one but the men of the The labor of making a pocketknife slllon Corwin talked politics cit re tbe thickest felts. To attempt to de­ society knows. With shining face lhe is. us usual in every industry that is fully with the old man and bls sons scribe one of them or the principle:., on lad comes back later and Is slapped i on tbe shoulder and told. "Goc'l work, carried on by the aid of a great deal of before bedtime, but had little hope of which they are constructed would In­ volve tbe reader lu a wilderness of I old man." cordially and who e heart- winning a single vote in tbe house ­ machinery, much divided. Each bind« In tbe morning the old man technicalities. Tbe power loom Is one ly by every friend and acquaintance- must go through six separale proc- hold. took Corwin outside und announced of the most remarkable and complex i by lads who have "made" every honor esses-first, forging: second, laying that every voter lu the family would of mecbaulcol products, tbe growth of ! possible, by lads who have "made" on tbe "tangs." that part which is in be for him on election day. This many years of experience and Ingenui­ j nothing. Just as heartily, for that is aerted Into the handle «nd through astonished and delighted Corwin, who ty and tbe crystallization of Hie In : the spirit of Yale. which Ibe blade is riveted; third, Only juuiors room in Durfee hall. could not help but ask why the sudden ventive genius of many minds. marking or stamping with Ibe name Tbe cloth lu the sbog window resem­ i ! On tap day an outsider is lucky who change of hPHTt. of tbe manufacturer; fourth, "cboll- "The old uiao told how tbe opposhlou bles tbe cloth a» It comes from the has a friend there, for a window is a Ing." or tillug a depression lu the ueck I candidate bad stopped at bis house loom so remotely that there would proscenium box for the play—the play of the blade betweeu lhe sharp edge one night the week before and how seem to be uo relationship between which is a tragedy to all but forty-five and ibe heavier part or “tang;** fifth. the host and wife had watched the them. Tbe first product of tbe loom of tbe three hundred and odd Juuiors. I tempering: sixth, grinding candidate go to bed. To their disgust, Is usually uncouth, harsh and anything The windows of every story of lhe All this applies to tbe two ordinary be uctuully pul on a nightgown like but Inviting in appearance. It has to graystoue facade are crowded with a blade» of a knife. Nall blades are sub­ those worn by a woman This dis I pass through many processes before It deeply Interested audience. Grizzled jected to Mill another process— namely, gusted the rugged old pioneer. Then Is finished und made ready for the mar­ beads of old graduates mix with flow­ the cutting of tbe file, which Is a de­ Corwin wus told how the old farmer ket. it Is first mended so as to cor­ ery bats of women. Every one is watch­ partment of work in Itself. and bls wife had watched him go tc rect weaving faults as far ns possible. ing every detail, every arrival, in Should we inspect the material room bed. and as be bad not bothered about Then It Is scoured and thoroughly front of the hall are a drive and room of a knife manufactory we should find a nightie they determined he was not cleansed. Again It is looked over and for perhaps a dozen carriages next the heavy iron presses, which stamp out taken to frills, Corwin could see the mended before it passes to lhe fulling fence—the famous fence of Yale— from sheets of brass or iron the metal humor of the Incident, and In every or mining machine which, with soap which rails the campus round. Just scales and lining. The bright tips on succeeding speech he told that night­ and fuller's earth, produces tbe finish Inside it, at tbe northeast corner, tbe end of the knife, called "bolsters.” shirt story on tbe other candidate, that is required. Then it Is scoured rises the tree. People stand up in lhe are pressed out of German silver un­ bolding him up to scorn. The result again. carriages, women and men. The fence der another heavy weight, which does was a victory for Corwlu. and he Tenterlng is tbe next process. This is loaded with people, often standing, its work in one blow. Huge shears cut owed it all to that story of a shirt.”— sets the cloth at a satisfactory width too. to see that tree. from sheets of steel, used only for this Washington Post. and straightens It for the operations All over the campus surges a crowo— purpose, long Btrips that are afterward that follow, tbe first of which Is called students of the other classes, seniors fashioned under n press into springs raising. Tbe millions of tiny books on who last year stood in the compact OF THE for tbe buck of the knife. the gigging machine raise up the fibers gathering at the tree and left it sore Tbe rod of steel from which the on tbe surface of lhe cloth and leave blades are made 1» taken from the ma­ It May Be a Mats of Steel Some 5,580 them In an upright position. Tbe pile hearted, not having been “taken:" sophomores who will stand there next Miles in Diameter. terial room to tho forge. Here one end or nap Is the result This produces a Various conjectures have been made remarkable change* In the appearance year, who already are hoping for and is put into a bed of hot cools, the bel­ lows are pumped, and tbe end is soou from time to time by geologists as to and condition of ibe fabric. Shearing dreading their tap day; little fresh­ tbe possible condition of the center of Is the next thing. This cuts off all tbe men. each one sure that he at least red. The skilled forger then hammers tbe | tbe earth. Clue of tbe most populur raised fibers, leaving them of a uni­ will be of the elect, aud again the blade Inlo shape upon hla anvil, aud i Impressions seems to be that the form length. The required gloss and I iron gray heads, the Interested faces of old Yale men, and tbe gay spring ho accurate 1» Ills eye and so exact ills ! earth'» center, or core. Is a tlaming solidity are obtained by tbe presslug hats like bouquets of flowers. band that Hie blade does uot deviate I furnace. At a meeting of tbe Seis which follows. It is perhaps the most critical single a hair's breadth from the little brass Biological association ut Tbe Hague day of the four years' course at the pattern that Is before him and to Professor Weichert asserted that his A JOLLY TIME HOME. studies of tbe varying velocity of university. It shows to tbe world which each blade must correspond ex ; enrtbqtinke tremors passing through whether or uo a boy. after three years ■ctly. Adviee to th« Man Whos« Wife I« of college life, bus In tbe eyes of the The blade Is next dipped In wnter the Interior of the globe have led him I Away on ■ Vacation. student body “made good." It is a cru­ mid becomes as bard and brittle aa to the conclusion that tbe earth con During any time when your wife In cial test, a heartrending test for a boy glass. But tbe edges ore rough, it is slats of a central core of Iron or steel, nearly uniform in thickness and Is a about 5.580 miles In diameter, sur­ on on extended visit with her relatives of twenty years.—Mary R. S. Andrews rounded with a stony shell 030 miles , you can save money from your board in Scribner's Magazine. light gray In color. In thickness. Between the outer solid ' allowance by keeping bouse for your­ Again the forger's skill Is brought They Wore All “Pills.” Into phiy in the tempering. Laying rind and tbe inner layer of rock, cover­ self. Y’ou may And the following sug- ing the metallic core, he thinks there gestlons helpful: One of tbe fashionable east side the blades on a copper plate over tbe con churches recently witnessed a fuuuy Is a layer of liquid or plastic material, If you forget to order Ice yon fire, he watches them as they change lying a little less than twenty miles render the butter serviceable In the incident at a choir rehearsal. They their hue with the degree of beat, first I following manner: Tnke a cut gloss below the surface of the earth were preparing for tbe following Sun­ to straw color, then to darker straw Men sometimes dream of euormous I Auger bowl and fill It with cool water. day morning a beautiful selection, tbe ■ ud now to tbe dark purple which de wealth stored deep In the earth below Scrape tbe butter into tbe Unger bowl. first words of which were. “I am a notes that tbe proper degree of heat I the reach of miners, but experts now When ready to spread your bread ex pilgrim." It so happened that the baa been obtained. They are plungvd aver that there Is little or uo ground tract your butter la quantities as need i music divided tbe word "pilgrim” aud Into cold water us fast aa they reach to believe that any valuable metallic ed with the cucumber lifter. That's made a pause after tbe syllable. Tbe this point. deposits lie very deep In tbe earth's that flat silver spoon with tjples In It effect was most amusing. The soprano If the blades were allowed to remain crust regardless of Professor Wei If you smell smoke you will doubt sang in a high key "I am a pll" aud longer over the fire tbe steel would chert's beliefs to the contrary. Such less find tbe lamp is smoking and the then stopped. Tbe teuor acknowl­ change to a light blue and become so dc|k>slts. It Is said, are made by under room Is covered with soot First turn edged that he was a “pll," and soft that (be blades could be bent grouud waters, aud owing to the pres the wick down to save oil. then get a when the bass came thundering in easily. This Is perhaps the most im­ auro on tbe rocks at great depths the dnmp cloth and go over everything with a like declaration, "1 am a pH.” i portant process in the manufacture. waters are couflued to a shell ueur tbe carefully, rinsing out the cloth from it was too much for tbe gravity of The blade» are taken next to tbe surface With few exceptions ore de time to time. When cleaning the walls the singers, and they roared. No grinding room. Tbe griuder must also posits become too lean to repay work use only a downward motion, so that amount of practice could get them defiend upon the accuracy of hla eya Ing below 3,000 feet. Nine mines In the streaks will all run vertically. past the fatal pause without an out­ aud tbe training ot hla hand, for aa be ten, taklug the world as a whole, are Not having your wife's social charm, burst, and the piece bad to be given presses the blade on the rapidly re­ poorer In tbe second thousand feet you will doubtless be given tough steak up.—Musical World. volving stone, turnlug It on both aides than In the first thousand, and poorer by your butcher. One way to make and grinding all Its edges, he prac­ yet III the third thousand tliuu lu the ' steak tender Is to run It repeatedly tically finishes It. though afterward, lu second.—New Y'ork World. Clever Dwarfs. through tbe sewing machine. Use a tbe cutler's room, a higher finish 1» Richard Gibson and bis wife, who coarse needle, but no thread. The bob­ given It bin trough will catch lhe Juke, which flourished In tbe seventeeth century, To Stop Hiccoughs From tbe “Wheel room" I lie blades were a remarkable pair of dwarfs, Simple cases of hiccough are often can tie usi-d Inter for gravy. If you go to tbe culler's room. where they quite apart from their inches, which relieved by such measures us sucklux tnke out tbe boblilu flrat you will have find the other pnrts of tbe knife and combined barely made up seven feet. Ice or taking salt and vinegar says the more room for the Juice.—Walter A. where all tbe pnrts are put togelher. Both were clever painters of minia­ Dyer lu Delineator. New York Medical Joururtl I'ulllug Each workmull here 1« nt work upon tures. and Gibson was drawing master the longue forward and holding It for a particular lot of knlven. all ut one to the daughters of .lames II At their some time Is an effective procedure A Washlsss Washboard. imtlern Upon hla work beui-h are tbe ( weddlug. which was arranged by Sometimes obstinate hiccough la re "Women haven't tbe artistic temper larlous part« of tbe knives, prepared ; Henrietta Marla. Charles I. gave the lleved when the piitleut is strong by ament,” complained the orchestra mu by other band» -the center scales that timing him hang with the arms ex slel.m to tbe Cleveland Plain Dealer. bride away. the queen placed a valu­ separate the blade». Ibe outer brass tended and grasping some twiini ot "Tlint's why I am unmarried. Ob. able diamond ring on her (Inger, aud i a. ules of lilting. with the German sil­ pole, so that his feet do not touch yea. I whs married once I thought to Edmund Waller, the court poet, wrote ver bolsters, which have been secured a poem in honor of the occasion. Gib the floor, With all the h I h I oui I uii I acquire a woman who could lake care to lhe ends by a heavy drop hammer; muscles tense, have him hold Ma of my home, make a little domestic son was seventy-four when he passed the wood. Ivory or pearl scales, lhe breath as long as possible. Sneezing place of refuge for me and all that. away, while his widow died at tbe springs and lhe wire rlveta. advanced age of eigbty-nine years. Is very etflclent In certain cases, sine« but the dream soon fled Each bra»» llulug. with Its covering. It Is th« exact op|M>slte to hiccough, “ A few days after I was ma rrlcd I., put In a vise, and boles nre drilled Madagascar's Two Climates. being a sudden expiratory act. my bride cam« to me and sold 'Dear, In It for the rivets A brs-ut wlra l* ' Tbe Island of Madagascar has two j that uew washboard you got for me Is thrust through th« middle of the hull no good at all. I enu't wash your distinct climates, two classes of ua-1 die toward th« back This ««cures tbe tires and two classes of fauna and J Douegnl. socks on It.* spring, and It Is then broken off with 1 Near lloru Head. Ct flora Tbe Island Is about tbe slie of | "'Washboard!' says I. *Wby. I never Ireland, there is a boli the rockt nlpiH-ra aud headed down with n hum France. Z ' Along tbe coast It Is tropical ¡ bought you ■ washboard ' But she led called McSwIuey ’ s guu I« on tbe user. Thia liolda tbs scales and aprlngs. and malarious, aud the natives are me out Into the kitchen and showed Another rivet through the bolster se­ seacoast uud Is said to have cornice When the aortt me what she'd been scrubbing away darker thau In the interior. The In­ cure« one blade or two blade» If th« lion with a cavern on all “ tbe morniug Great ties reus! terior Is a high tableland and uioun kult« baa more than one blade hung wind blows and tbe sen la at hull taluous. There the climate is cooler It was my uew xylophone." tlissi the wind and the waves entei ut enertoru>ance tbe edge» ara rounded and smoothed, aud Excited Author (rushing behind tbe ctar started a conversation with an then the kulvev ara carefully eiamlu Mors Worry. ed to see If tb« cutter ban dona bls “I didn't know you admired that of aid de-camp. IJatt stopped playlug at scenesi —Why are you cutting out tbe once. The caar asked what was the second and third acta of my play? wor>b4>roi>erlv Be lai." I If tbA spring works easily and tbe "I don't.“ replied the political man I matter. “When the «mperoe »iwaka," Manager—I am not cutting anything said t.lsxt “every one must be silent.'* out. I m merely varying the order of blade« close without striking tbe ager Several Influential persona knlm ara sent to th« blade polisher. "Theo why do you Instat on crediting Tbe csar smilingly took tbe hint, aud th« acts In the audience have asked me If it tbe playing prvewded On a wooden whe«l covered with him with a presidential boom’" would not be possible to have tbe hero tue leather tb« ordinary blades ara "Merely to make bls life harder by die tn the next act.-Chicago Tribune. Didn't Have Te. glveu a polish called a "glsae thitab “ j glvlug him something more to worry “Did you hear tbs rain In the night F Finer grades of knives ara given a! about.**—Klebs ngs “Yea" "crocus fl ala li“—a u»*rrvrltk« surfsco Philosophy. “Pleasant musk-. wasn't It F teara to lie pleased with everyth.ng— nti a leather wheel which revolves j Bs Slaw ts Indorse. “1 didn't notk-e the musk* _____ ___ 1 was ___ with wealth, so far as it makes us of »ery slowly. In order that tbe blades | “A man should think before be too busy bustling «round closing the benefit to others; with poverty, for not •ball not bscoms heated aud lose tbslr •peaks." said tbs prudent youth. I windows Didn't It keep you busy having much to care for. and with i«uip«r "Tea." replied DuaUn Bui. "And tooF 1 The knives ara now taken to another , obscurity, for being uuenvied—Tlu should think MUI harder before “Ob. no! W» rest a furnished btmw. tarch. room, where on an oilstone, tbs ke«u ’S Many Machines and Processes Used In Its Making. IN THE CORE FIFTIETH ANNUAL V. g) OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, September 11-16, 1911. HOME COMING WEEK / LIVESTOCK, POULTRY AND AGRI­ CULTURAL EXHIBITS. RACES, FREE ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS. Ferullo’s Greatest Band. Reduced Rates on all Railroads. Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks. FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. EARTH ¿XPORT BEER, KAISER BLUME, Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating MALT TEA AT rutting edges ara "set" This done, tb« btedss are closed, and tbe "buj ing wheel" gives tbe Bnal polish te tbe ontse «Ma-Philadelphia Record writes hla asms oa the hack of a ( sort of documsat "-Washington st you know "-Cleveland Plain Dealer "How do you know «b» s older than you araF “Why «b» admitted It herself." "Honestly? What did she «ayF “Mbs said, 'Too and I ar» just the same a«s. dearie -- Toledo Blade Hee Own Intrsductisn. **VS ben did you Bret become ac­ quainted with yoor wtfeF “Tbs first time I disagreed with her after we wera married.“-Puck BOTTLED BY THE Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- Soda Waters, Sipthons, Bartlett Mineral Water. » The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ALLEN, Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class 1 able. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. The Fast Steamer I GOLDEN GATE Sailing Days for month of SEPTEmBER FOR • TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, hobsonville . Bnd a11 points on Tillamook Bay. from PORTLAND, SEPT. 5. 11, 16, 21, 26, 1st OCT LEAVE ___ TILLAMOOK, SEPT. 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 3rd OCT Freight Received Daily at Dock Foot of Washington Street. __________ J- R GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them We Sell Them. a I W. A. WILLIAMS S CO •» Door to Tillamook Cosaty beak.