Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 14, 1911, Image 3

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    T illamook headlight , S eptember 14, 1011.
Influence of Intoxicating Liquor Upon Spectacular Feats of the Daring Ring-
Ono’e Mentality.
ore of Seville.
Every person who drinks alcohol ta 1 The ringing of a bell Is uot. as a
London Duelist Who Forced His excess, says Dr. Alexander Lambert ; rule, a performance particularly trying
in Success Magazine, will not show ev­ J to the nerves, but there Is oue set of
Way Into Brooks’.
ery form of mental deterioration that bell ringers the members of which
may be produced by excessive Indul­ must know no fear, for a moment of
IETOED HIS OWN REJECTION. gence. and the degree of deterioration tremor would in all probability be for
In Intelligence which goes to make up them the moment of death. They are
the sum total of mentality varies the bell ringers of the Giralda. In Se­
Blficr Having Been Balloted For and greatly in different individuals.
When the city Is to make merry on
Unanimously Blackballed He Made
All who drink alcohol to excess,
jm Every Member Deny His Vote and however, show some diminution in feast days the ringers climb to the
their Judgment Judgment means the belfry, and then by the aid of a ro|>e
■ Then Declared Himself Elected.
power of recalling various memories and steps cut lu the wall of the tower
B It was a witty bishop who once dc- of perceptions through the senses, each mounts to tbe bell he is to ring
Bu<-<] a club as a place “where women which have come in from the outside and stands astride the shoulder of the
Hease from troubling and tbe weary world, memories of Ideas, memories of brazen monster. Then he presses the
Bre at rest." Another amusing definl- emotions and all the complicated asso­ bell with bls feet, holding on the cross
Bion was that given by George Au- ciation of ideas that these bring up, piece on which tbe m iss of metul Is
Bustus Sain. "A club.” said be. “is a and in the recalling of them weigh each swung.
Gradually the great bell sways to
■weapon used by savages to keep the one with the other and judge of the the muscular movement of the nuiu
■white woman at a distance." N'owa-
astride it uutll It acquires a momen­
■lays. however, as Ralph Nevill re­ reasoning and decision for action. This tum that swings tbe hammer, first
Kuarks in bls book.
Ixmdon Clubs."
gently and then with Increasing force
Bthings are different. 'Within the last weakened In the alcoholic, and In any as tbe sweep of the t>ell widens until
■twenty five years or so tbe spirit of brain long poisoned by alcohol It is an the air Is trembling from the giant
■London club life has entirely changed. Impossibility to exercise It. Memory It­ blows that strike tbe massive sides of
■The old fashioned clubman, whose self Is also weakened. There Is exces­ the monster.
■whole life was bound up with one or sive forgetfulness of the recent past,
The mere vibration of tbe atmos­
■ other of these institutions, is now s id In some cases of advanced alcohol­ phere as the huge bells ring out would
ism there Is absolute forgetfulness of
■practically extinct”
be enough to make an unpractlced
I Perhaps the most striking story wide gaps of years; a man mny be ringer turn dizzy and fall from his
■ which Mr. Nevill
perch. But this Is not all. for many
■ Brooks' club is that concerning the last five minutes back for twenty years bells are ringing In tbe belfry at tbe
I famous duelist, George Robert Fitz-
same time In obedience to tbe move­
The memories of childhood are more ments of their riders, and the
Igerald, who was executed for murder
I In 1786. No first class London club easily stamped on the brain than are deafening.
I would admit him. His name does not those of adult life, both because It
Notwithstanding all this, the riders
I appear In tbe club list, though be must takes less to Impress a child and be­ bend and rise and fall with the action
I lu a sort of way be regarded as having cause there Is not the complexity of of the bells, now appearing to the ob-
I belonged to tbe club. He was. how- ideas crowding Into the brain, nor the I server from below to be in a horlzon-
| ever. In It only once, though It was his complexity of association of Ideas to tai position as the bell reaches the
| boast that be bad been unanimously be recorded. Therefore memories of limit of its swing and again riding
I chosen a member.
childhood make a deeper Impress and gracefully to an upright position as
| Owing to Fitzgerald's well known last longer, and so the complex memo­ the monster sways backward with an­
' dueling propensities no first class ries of the ndult are the first to be for­ i other thundering note.
London club would admit him. Never­ gotten in the alcoholic, and those of i Tbe most extraordinary part of the
daring performance Is the sight of a
theless he got Admiral Keith Stewart. childhood remain.
bell ringer calmly swaying the bell
- who knew that be must fight Fitz­
while it hangs far out of the belfry
gerald or comply, to propose him for
over the city, for the outward swing
sends the counterpoise with the ringer
Accordingly the duelist went with
Their Inquests Covered a Wide Variety Into space beyond the arch.—Success
tbe admiral on tbe day of tbe election
of Subjects.
to tbe clubhouse and waited down­
It has been supposed and legal his­
stairs while tbe ballot was in progress.
torians have told us that tbe office of
The result, a foregone conclusion,
coroner was originally instituted by
was unfavorable to the candidate, not King Alfred with that of tbe sheriff,
even one white ball being among the both being designed to aid In keeping Their Relation to a Mati’s Chances For
Long Life.
black, tbe admiral having been among tbe peace when the earls gave up the
tbe first to deposit his. Mr. Brooks wardships of the county. The legal
The ideal insurance risk, from the
eventually went to tell Fitzgerald, who historians are wrong, according to Dr. point of view of height 1» said to be
was waiting In tbe hall, that there F. J. Waldo of the British Medico- from five feet seven Inches to five feet
was one black ball and that therefore Legal society, who has traced the hls- nine Inches tall. According to the Na­
his candidature had failed.
tory of the coroner and his ancient tional Fraternal congress, longevity
Thrusting aside Brooks, who pro­ I office as far back as the year 11IM.
and build have a close relation: the
tested that nonmembers might not en­
in early days the coroner had a greater the variation in height from
ter the clubrooms. Fitzgerald flew up­ wider and more general jurisdiction the above figure the greater the risk.
Brockbank says that tall men are
stairs and entered the room. Walk­ than he now enjoys. Coroners were
ing up to the fireplace, he thus ad­ wont to "hold their views" not only not so long lived ns their brothers
dressed Admiral Stewart.
upon deaths where an investigation whose heads are nearer to the ground.
"So, my dear admiral. Mr. Brooks In­ was considered necessary, but also Men who are both tall and stout are
forms me that I have been elected upon various serious crimes which not as good risks ns stout men of me­
three times."
were treated as occasions for the rals- dium or below medium height, says a
“You have been balloted for. Mr. ing of revenue for the crown. The writer In American Medicine. They do
Fitzgerald, but I am sorry to say you mission of tbe coroner to the state not bear acute illness so well, and ac­
have not been chosen." said Stewart was not alone to Investigate crimes cidents to them are likely to be more
“Well, then.” replied the duelist, “did and bring felons to justice. He super­ severe.
intended tbe forfeiture of money and
Risks over the allotted limit of
you blackball me?"
“My good sir." answered the admiral, personal property by criminals to the weight are especially liable to dia­
“how could you suppose such a thing?" crown, for tbe recording of which he betes, heart affections, apoplexy, gout
These forfeitures diseases of the kidneys and arterio­
“Oh. I supposed no such thing, my was responsible.
dear fellow. I only want to know who were not confined In cases of violence sclerosis; excessive eating nnd abnse of
It was that dropped tbe black ball in and death to the property of the per­ alcohol are common among this class,
son who could bo held directly respon­ ft is stated that stout men under forty
by accident, as it were.”
Fitzgerald now went up to each In­ sible. but Included animals and Instru­ are worse risks than those over forty
dividual member and put tbe same ments to which loss of human life un­ and under sixty, nnd that men who
question to all In turn. “Did you black­ der any circumstances might be trace­ were unduly fat while they were boys
are considered poor risks, especially If
ball tae. sir?” until he made tbe round able.—New York World.
the tendency is hereditary.
of the whole club, and in each case lie
Jackal Broth.
Stout men are better average risks
received a reply similar to that of tbe
There are parts of Morocco, we are than their very thin brothers who are
When he had finished his investiga­ told by a French visitor, where jackal liable to tuberculosis and disorders of
tions he thus addressed the whole broth Is highly esteeemed as a table the nervous system. But for eve« th«-
body: “You see. gentlemen, that as Jelleacy. A friendly sheik dissented featherweight there is much consola­
none of you have blackballed me 1 vehemently when it was Intimated tion. He fiears acute illness bettar
must be elected. It is Mr. Brooks who that as jackals fed on carrion the than the heavyweight, and most of
broth must have a horrible flavor. the people living beyond the allotted
has made tbe mistake.”
After this nothing more was said by “It is only a question of knowing bow threescore years and ten arc of light
the members, who determined to Ig­ to prepare IL” he said. “You put the build. A slim. wiry, small framed man
nore the presence of their dangerous Jackal, skin and all. for two hours Into is said to be a better risk that a thin
visitor, who drank three bottles of s vessel of boiling water, then transfer but big boned one.
champagne in enforced silence, for no It to another vessel. This process is
repeated three times. After ten hour«'
Ore Deposits.
one would answer him when he spoke.
Men sometimes dream of enormous
When he had gone it was agreed boiling In Ove different waters, the
carrion flavor disappears and tbe broth wealth stored deep In the earth, below
“that half a dozen stout constables
la delicious."—London Chronicle.
tbe reach of miners, but experts aver
should be in waiting tbe next evening
that there is little or no ground to
to bear him off to the watch bouse if
Burglarious Crabs.
believe that valuable metallic deixmlts
he attempted again to Intrude, but
Sand crabs in the West Indies dor- lie very deep In the earth’s crust. Such
Mr. Fitzgerald, aware probably of tbe
Ing tbe summer live In holes on the deposits. It 1« said, are made by under
reception he might get. never did.”
Apropos of blackballing. Mr. N’evlll senshore Just above high tide mark, re­ ground waters, and owing to the pres
mentions tbe greatest Ins'ance of tiring Into them during the day and sure on the rocks it great depths the
blackballing probably ever known, coming out at night They have a "in waters are rrnfitied to a shell near the
which took place some years ago at a gular habit In their nocturnal excur surface With few exceptions, ore de
ladles' club, where one candidate re ( »ions of entering bouses, tbe doors of posits become too le-iu to repay work
ceived three more black balls than tbe ' which In warm weather are usually Ing below 3.000 feet. Nine mines In
number of members present—« case left open, and taking possession of ten. taking the world a* a whole, are
I small articles of clothing, such as cri
poorer in the second thousand feet
of excessive zeal Indeed!
The practical joker Is naturally not lars. neckties nnd stockings, which than In the first, and (sorer yet In the
unknown In the moat solemn of dubs, they effectually conceal lu their holes third thousand
and "some irrepressible jokers have on the beach.
A Stationary Growler.
paid for their love of fun by having
“Well, how are you making It now?“
Why Sha Couldn’t
to resign their membership. One of
“«till in the low grounds."
The elder Booth, tbe tragedian, had
them, whose escapades were notorious
■Why don't you climb higher?”
in London twenty years ago. sitting a broken nose A woman friend once
“High climbin' makes my
half asleep In a certain bohemian remarked to him. “1 like your actlaa
•wlm "
club, became annoyed at a very red very much. Mr. Booth, bat to be per
“Well. then, get a move on you.'
headed waiter who kept buzzing about fectly frank with yoa I can't get over
"Oh. no! I never move ontll the rent
Ida chair. Tbe right of tbe fiery locks your nose!"
“No wonder, madam." replied Booth; ts due!"—Atlanta Constitution.
was eventually too much for this
wild apirit. and. darting up and seiz »the bridge is gone '"
Steen weus.
Ing tbe man. be emptied a bottle of
“Was the play exciting?"
black Ink over bls bead before be
■Oh. very! The management had
could escape. The result, of course,
«Wrav<“1 two leading ladles, and there
was expulsion from tbe club, besides
was a constant struggle for the center
which very substantial compensation
of the stage."—Louisville Courier jour­
was rightly paid to the waiter"
I AM II 11.1
LEAVES TILLAMOOK ................................. 4 p.m.
ARRIVE YAMHILL ...................................... 3 p.m.
Connecting with PORTLAND /TRAIN.
FARE, $5.00
MRS. J. C. HOLDEN, Agent, Tillamook.
Hotel Royal, Ageut, Yamhill.
We carry a Large Stock of
and China
Oils, Paint, Varnish. Doors. Window
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t L ul
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularitlaa.
Foley Kidney Pill* are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitute*.
Chas- 1. Clough, Tillamook
i pathetic
W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore.