TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 14, 1911. take much interest in the pre-'would build a main road in gress of the county, hence they front of their property by united 1.50 “knock” most everything of a ' effort a road suitable for auto One year........................................ 75 Six mouths..................................... 50 public nature which is a benefit mobile travel would be a valua- Three month«............................... to the county. It is gratifying ble acquisition to that beach, Entered as second class mail mat­ to know that this class is getting ter July, 1888, at the post office at less numerous. There is a gen- j Those who work on the roads Tillamook, Ore., under the act of eral opinion that before many are now expected to put in full March 3, 1870. sections of the county can pro­ time and do a good day’s work. gress as it should there will Quite a number of men have ^iliaiiwoh Äjcaiilig^i, have to be a number of funerals been “fired” this summer for being tardy and loafing, and as Every once in a while we are the custom of putting in a half | Editorial Snap Shots. told .......... ' pay rolls. " day’s work for a full day's pay this county needs We believe it. Did it ever occur will not be tolerated by the Hardly any public improve­ to our citizens that two of the County Court, no doubt is it ment is suggested but what largest pay rolls in the county 1 cruelty and a hardship to make someone bobs up and registers are situated where they cannot a man put in a square day’s a ‘knock” instead of giving it be reach by wagon road. There work when he was in the habit is the Wheeler mill on Nehalem of holding down a soft job and a boost. bay and the Bayocean resort on I doing as little work as possible. Another election is to be held Tillamook bay. Notwithstand­ In future, all road work should to incorporate a Bort of Bay ing that they have given em­ be stopped whenever the couti- ocean. We still contend that ployment to a large number of | ty cannot get a fair day’s work For in­ that one Port is the proper pro­ men, disbursed large sums of for a fair day’s wage. money in pay rolls, and have stance, some teams were work­ cedure. paid considerable tax money to ing recently for private parties Help boost the road to Bay­ build and improve roads, they and putting in ten hours a day. ocean. Every business man are both without wagon roads. Directly they commenced work­ should put his shoulder to the This is not giving these places ing for the county, why, they wanted to work seven hours wheel and help out, for it will a square deal. and draw ten hours pay. The be a great benefit to Tillamook The Bay City Examiner has taxpayers willingly pay their City. ______________ taken sides in the trouble with I taxes for road improvements The next time the Booster the fishermen of the Oregon and they have a right to de­ Editors visit the south part of Fisheries Co. and the S. Elmore mand that those who supervise the county they will tie able to & Co., and as one would natu­ the work see that every man visit other interesting spots, for rally suppose, thinks that the ¡does a fair day’s work. One of Sandlake, Blaine, Beaver and Bay City cannery fishermen are the reasons that more and bet­ other [»arts need a boosting and little angels and the fishermen ter road work was done this a helping hand in the good for the Garibaldi cannery little year was because there was less roads movement. devils, with the state officials a tardiness in getting to work and lot of rascals favoring the little a fair day's work demanded. A No matter how many obsta­ devils. But, say, Bro. Trom­ few persons may get in and cles may be placed in the way, bley, whose goggle were you roast the officials, but they Tillamook County is bound to looking through when you made know full well that the loafing push to the front ns one of the such misleading statements ? system working county roads most progressive counties in the Or is Bro. Walter deputy editor was the cause of general com­ state. With new money, new and the man behind the gun plaint from one end of the coun­ people and new ideas, a great intenton raising hell ? The Ex­ ty to the other. Another thing, aminer had better get its facts it was unfair to those who did change will take place. correct before it essays to jump a good day’s work. The Commercial Club of Bay onto people in the dark. The snap shot man is a good City is advertising its watch­ roads enthusiast. His recent word thus: “Boost for Bay City TillampfO.R ÎÇounty is on the and Tillamook.” We are glad eve of a great event—that of investigations convinced him to know that Bay City is boost­ railroad cquuections after many that should the County Court ing for this city as well. Pro­ years of patience. It seems to, levy a 10 mill road tax there will bably the watchword was in­ us that this city should cele-1 not be enough money to do the tend to end up with “Tillamook brate the coming of the iron needful road work next year. County.” horse in a fitting manner. We We thought at one time that all feel like shouting and re-j $150,000 expended on the roads There is some amount of sel­ joicing, and are ready to shake j annually for the next four or fishness in regard to roadwork. off straight, conventional styles ! five years would be sufficient. The person who resides in a and get in and make this ai We want to say this that this is district were there are good rousing event. “Invite and1 not enough money to carry out roads to town and the creamery welcome visitors to Tillamook the growing demands for good don’t want the road tax raised County” should be the slogan. roads in all parts of the county. to improved other parts and to The Tillamook Commercial $150,000 for each road district open up new roads for the fel­ Club should “blow” itself on , next year is none too much and lows who have beep paying that occasion and -have “open would come near satisfying the taxes for years on property with house” for visitors. This is ai demands of the people. This no roads. good opportunity to give Tilla­ may be a large amount, but we mook County a boost and ex­ want to say this that if any dis­ Mayor Talmage did the right tend the glad hand to visitors. 1 interested person will go over thing when he vetoed the drug­ It behooves everybody to get in 1 the county and ascertain the gist ordinance permitting them and put their shoulders to the| needs of the different localities to get into the liquor business. wheel, ami make this the big" j they will say that it is none too It threw down the bars for some gest jollification, get together, much and the settlers are deser irresponsible person to get into gathering ever held in Tilla- ; ving of these road improve­ the drug business with the idea mook City. ments How to raise $300,000 of making a specialty of selling or $500,000 above the 10 mill tax I is a perplexing question. We liquor. Anyway, it don’t look If the County Court decides are not advocating bonding the good to see n lot of toplers hang­ to accept the proposition of the county, but should each of the ing round a drug store. property owners the county will three roads districts want cer­ have to put up about one half tain specified improvements Anyone can see the injustice of the cost for a road around of making those who improve the south side of Tillamook bay. done next year, then the only their land pay a much larger The T. B. Potter Realty Co.’s way to raise the money is to proportion of taxation than the offer to build three miles of the bond the country or wait seve­ person who owns the same kind road and donate $5,000 towards ral years before the work can of land, but which remains idle building the other five miles is be undertaken. Two counties! and unproductive. This is a a generous offer, and what can in Oregon, seeing how impor-1 tax or industry. We think that be raised in other ways will taut it is to have good roads, ' u large number of our readers amount to $10,000, with free are proceeding to bond for j will agree with us that the idle rights of way from the property $1,500,000, and the only thing agricultural land should I m * owners. Geo. Higgins and H. which is delaying this i% com­ ing to an understanding so that made to pay more taxes. T. Botts have each subscribed each road district is to have an $500. By the next term of equal amount of the money on There should lie u Tillamook the court it will be known what specified work. County High School for the cen­ amount of money can be ob­ tral part of the county. This tained by public subscription Disge«tioa and Assimilation. would enable the scholars in and contracts for rights secured, It is not the quantity of food taken each of the school districts who Those who are willing to help but the amount digested and assim­ desired it to obtain high school themselves in road building are ilated that gives strength and vital­ credits close at home, for the certainly lieserving of more con­ ity to the system. Chamberlain'« and Liver Tablets inviger- country pupils should have the sideration than those who will Stomach ate the Stomach and liver and en­ ■nine advantages us the city not give any assistance and able them to perform their func­ pupils. Ant way, one good claim damages whenever they tions ----- , naturally. ---------- For sale by I.a lliar'd mar's alrll.r drug store. high school in the center of the have a ghost of a show. county is sufficient and most I • I have a world of confidence in economical. Garibadli bench is in need of Chamlterlain'« Cough Remedy for two things hotel accommoda­ I have used it with perfect success ” Governor West saved a cold- tions and a wagon road. Next writes Mr«. M. I. Basford, Pool«, ville, tMd. For sale by Lamar'« blooded, deliberate murderer year the railroad will convey drug «tore. from the gallows last week, the thousands of visitors to that man who decoyed another man beach and something should be ▲ Orest Advantage to Working to an hotel for the purpose of done to provide accommodo- Men. killing him for his money. tions. The whole aim of those J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St, Steub­ No wonder that life is being who have platted property is to enville. O . says. ' For years I suf­ cruelly pummelled out of our I dispose of lots, but it seems to fered from weak kidneys and a sc. vere bladder trouble. I learned of Citiaens mid murders are on the I us that they should exert some Foley Kidney Pills and their won­ increase when Governor West little energy and invest their derful cures so 1 begun taking them ' ■ as good re- steps in and defeats the ends of money in accommodations as and sure enough lb * 1 had «ults a» anv Miieard ( about. My justice, lu a few years, proba­ well. They should get toge- bachache left ini if _________ _ of t my and to one bly, the man will be paroled, , ther and do something before business, expressman, that alone only to commit another atroci­ ! the summer season opens next is » great advantage. My kidney« ous crime. And this is what is ' year. And us to a road, the acted free and normal, and that commonly called “Justice!" property owner all see the need saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where it used to To our way of thinking it is a of that. There is one thing be a misery. Foley Kidney »'ills huge farce or burlesque. | which will make Lake Lytle at have cured me and have my high­ tractive, there will be a 100 foot est praise.” Chas. I. Clough Co Quite a number of men who boulevard extending the whole Diarrhoea is always more or lees hare been conspicuous in their length of that property, with prevalent during September. Be efforts to retard the progress of the railroad in the center of it, ,‘or «• Chamberlaia’e the county have removed front and as part of the grading is Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ Tillamook. Those who figure already done, it is giving that edy ia prompt and effectual. It can be depended upon and is on selling out are not apt to »roperty a superior appearance, always pleasant to take. For sale by La- but if the adjoining property mar' e drug store. RATES OF / Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. SUBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) A ttorney -*!.! Complete set of Abstr« n office. Taxes paid f, Just as our portraits of adults possess strength and character. We are experts in lighting and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see our line. Residents. Tillamook Block. Roth phones. Monk's Studio, i CARL HABBRUCH, Next to the Post Office. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, geutechev Tillamook Blqpk. Reliable Route Steamer The Q.EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw Sue H. Elmore” Next to Tillamook Cow Bank, T illamook (CAPT P. SCHRADER) - Qm H. GOYNE, Tillamook & Portland. A ttorney - at -L aw . Office : Opposite Court H« Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays. T illamook , O eegok . T. BO ALS, MJ), Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. PHYSICIAN & SUE PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Lamb's Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. I g M. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGI Tillamook Block, lniawiimnaiiMiiWMiiHHM DIGNIFYING THE INDUSTRIES 7 Tillamook, | Thia 11 th« title of a beautiful M-page book, which will show any boy or girl how to SUCCEED. Drop a postal In the mill TODAY and It will be sent FREE. The ntm of the College Is to dignify and popularise the Industries, and to serve ALL the people. It offers courses In Agriculture. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engln eerlng, Forestry, Domestlo. Science and Art, Com merce, Pharmacy and Music. The College opens September 22d. Catalog free. Address: REGISTRAR, 0RE00V AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oregon. On U M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGE« Office over J. A. Todd & Ct Tillamook, Ore. ^7^ c- IIAWK> PHYSICIAN & SURGI THE MAN’S JEWELRY. BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial AGEift Tillamook, Oregon. I j2)R> p' j‘ sharp’ RESIDENT DENTIL Office across the street fror* Court House. May not be so costly or so varied as that of iny lady, but he is-—or ought to be— particular about having it of the best quality, exclusive in design and « — neat ------ "in in appearance. We cater to the dressy man’s jewelry needs andean please him in variety quality and prices. We solicit a call of inspection to post you on our offerings in rings, fobs, scarf pins, tie-clips, etc. Dr. Wise’s offi«- I________ .____ — Ì Cleaning, Pressing and ing a Special»?. Eugene Jenkins, Store in Heins Photi-giM* Gallery- Reliable Jeweler Next to the Post Office. : Tillamook-Forest Grove STAGE LINE. I treat succerafully all Chronic Diseases of both •rxe. with Imported Herbs, and with my hand, so-called magnetic treatments I wi|| c,lre |he most stubborn case, without the use of the knife. J. CLAUSSEN, lawyer , geittedter 213 Tillaruook Block- T illamook : Leaves Daily at 5 a.m., arriving at Forest Grove at 6 p.m FARE. $5.00 DR. D. A. SANBURN, Fneneh Speeialist. SABCHET, . The Fashionable - M. AUSTIN, CIVIL ENGINEER V SURVEYOR. i T illamook .. • • 20t Tillamook Main 441- Charo berlaio.’ Cough Re®« Dv ring »be pa«'» 36 r O\ ER 40 YEARS KXPKRIENCK. CONSULTATION FREE. OFFICE HOVRS, 9 TO 12 A.M. TO 8 P.M Oflict over Ed’, Garage. TUIamoot. Ore^ ‘Coughs. Colds than Ctiambsrlsl n« many homes It pllcttly as the «sK* talnano opium or —,tyl»' way b- given neto du adult. Fr'.c*-'“