Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 14, 1911, Image 1

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koi. xxiv
No. 15.
Report of the Condition of the
Tillamook County Bank,
t Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of
business September 1, 1911.
S and discounts.............................
rafts secured and unsecured
s and warrants .............................
and other securities ...............
ing house ..................... . ..............
itureatid fixtures.........................
r real estate owned.......................
rotn approved reserve banks
ks and other cash items............
on hand ............................................
$ 251,840.27
$ 384,999.46
| stock paid in................................................................ $ 30,000.00
[vided profits, less expenses and taxes paid ....
to bank and bankers....................................................
kits due State Treasurer..............................................
ridual deposits subject to check............................... 235,248.41
and certificates of deposit...........................................
|fied checks.........................................................................
certificates of deposit ................................................
Bgs deposit.........................................................................
ilities other than those above stated ..................
|*otal ...................................................................
$ 384,999.46
I of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS.
[ Erwin Harrison, Cashier of the above named bank, do
Lilly swear that the above statement is true to the best of
Fnowledge and belief.
E rwin H arrison , Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of Septem-
1911.—George Willett, Notary’ Public.
Correct—Attest : M. W. Harrison, Carl Haberlach, Direc-
ihrode for coal,
de will buy your cascara
I Glasses 35c. doz., at Lamar's
iy Store.
[Shrode about the “Best”
brheat flour in the city.
5. Kindred and wife of Toke-
were in the city, Wednesday.
I “Best” hard wheat flour in
ly. at the Tillamook Feed Co.'
irney Ben Riesland and fam-
> in from Portland on a visit.
Lett Bales and party left
lay in their auto for the state
James Walton, jr., has gone
m to visit relatives and the
t. Magarrell was in the city
Inday after pipe for a water
L. J. Haulters left last week
acago, to visit relatives this
I* Shingles delivered to any
bf the city for $2.25 M-— See
ard Miller, Jr. and wife, of
ta, Wash., were in the city
ou want the “Best” hard
flour in the city you can get
i chickens wanted at the Tilla-
Meat Company’s Market, 13c.
I. Goodspeed and wife and
iTrout and wife left for Salem
ky morning.
Ig your chickens to the Tilla-
fleat Company’s Market We
fc. per pound.
kale, 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the
For Sale, a choice lot of young
Canary Birds, prices $2.50 per pair.
—Inquire at this office, or address
P.O. box 227.
Sheriff Crenshaw with Mrs. Cren-
shaw, Clent King and Miss Ruth
Holtres left on Monday to visit the
state fair.
Lost, a black schviot ladies jacket
between Stillwell Avenue and C. A.
Elliott's place. Please return to
Headlight office.
“ Dement’s Best” iB made from'
selected hard wheat, and makes the
beet bread. Only $1.50 per sack.—
Tillamook Feed Co.
Revs. J. V. Milligan and Robert
I. Diven, of Portland, representing
the Presbyterian Church, were in
the city on Tuesday.
F L. Parker, C. H. Careson. P. A.
Stokes, F. H. Ludd, Malel Turk and
Hazel McGuire were in from As­
toria on Wednesday.
Lincoln County is getting next.
It is proposing to build a road to
connect with this county at the
county line near Slab Creek.
“Dement’a Best” Flour, fast get­
ting the lead. They haul it to Meda,
Woods, Nehalem and intermediate
points. Tillamook Feed Co.
I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for call
hides at my shop. Try me out and
The Old Reliable Hide and
Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir.
Married, on Tuesday, at the
Church of the Sacred Heart in this
city, by Father Geo. C. Chabet,
Peter Suter and Mary Horras.
County Judge Mason and wife
and Mr. and Mrs. Kelso left the
first of the week to spend several
days at the state fair at Salem.
Married, on Saturday, by Mre.
Dora Young, pastor of the U. B.
Church at Beaver. Stephen Thomas
it-» in the city for $300 each. — Oleson to Miss Adeline E. Sanford.
The county papers certainly did
n Mrs. C. N. Drew.
to this end of the county
purs, cheapest and best paper
in their write-ups of the visit cf
r in town.
Leave orders at
locsterEditors. — Cloverdale
text to Harris’ barn.
Ited] to buy, a good family
County Surveyor U. G. Jackson
resh, or to be fresh in short
t-Apply to Garrett Ward.
* returned from Astoria on Tuesday
and he expects to start work on the
pale, cheap. One wicker baby
survey of the road to Bayocean on
f in good shape.—Inquire at
■ice, or address P.O. box 227..
The school board has rented the
ties Ray and William Owen
tloverdale visitors doing buai- old opera house for a school build­
ing. which is being remodeled and
in thia city the first of the
fixed for the Sth, 6th and 7th grades,
and as the building will not be
Ladies’ Guild of the 1>wb> ¡finillhed by Monday, the date of
[Church resumed its meetings |
u pn, off uotil the
jdnesday, after the summer .
Drtig Store.
rocated two Doors west oi
Rest Room for Ladies.
>1.50 per year
Beef, pork, veal and lamb
The Weekly Oregonian
at the Independent Market, for 12 months for 75c.,
opposite Post Office.
for a few weeks only.
Good team, wagon and harness
for sale. Team is eight years old,
weight 2700 lbs. True and sound
in every way. E. G. Anderson,
Hemlock, Ore.
Rough spruce and hemlock luin-
ber at $8.00perthousand at the Faw
cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles
south of TillatnookCity. Golds worthy
V Dalpaz, pros.
lou will have to buy in smaller
lots if you buy on the Morony place,
if you don’t buy soon, the 44 acre
tract will be made smaller. Easy
terms to all. M. Moronv.
John Hathaway ami wife, together
with their children Marie, Wallace,
Gladys and Bennie left the first oi
the week for Ashland, where they
will remain for a time in the in­
terest of Mr. Hathaway’s health.
A. B. Robinson, who has been
druggist in Lamar’s drug store, left
this week for Independence, ami in
about two weeks will fill a similar
position in a drug store at Dallas.
A practical Dairyman would like
to rent dairy ranch and stock in
Tilla mook Count}. Reference given
if required. W. W. Dodge, Salem,
Oregon, R. F. D. No. 4. Box 111.
For An Ideal Investment,
Leave orders at the
Headlight office.
The case against Axel Nelson,
who is charged by Chas. Pike with
tresspass on enclosed land, which
was set for trial this morning, was
continued until this afternoon,
This is one of the cases growing-
out of the trouble between the fish­
H. A. Lowry, who has been work­
ing for the Southern Pacific Rail­
road Company for the last two
years, with the exception of spend­
ing eight months last winter and
spring at Telegraph College in Oak­
land and San Francisco, is now
agent for the S. P. Co. at Barlow,
S. G. Reed was down from Ne­
halem on Tuesday. He expects to
continue improving Neiih-kah nie
during the winter, putting in the
water system and doing other work.
Mr. Reed has not been able to ac­
comodate the large number of per
eons who came in over Necarney
Mountain this year.
Study income, safety of principal,
and quick convertibility. iuterewt
without bother or attention on your
Open a Savings Account
The Only Government Examined Hauk in the
Conn tv.
Next Sunday will be the last time
that Rev. James T. Moore, of the
Methodist Church, will deliver a
sermon to the people of this city
before going to conference. He
has only been pastor of the church
at this place for a short time, but
he is so universally liked that it
is the desire of all that he return.
Warrants were issued on Wednes­
day for the arrest of H. W. South­
mayd, Bert Ray, Eugene C. Bar.
ber and Henry Brooten, charged
with stretching theirnets more than
one third across Nestucca bay. It
seems that the law permits fisher,
men to stretch their nets across Nes­
tucca river but not entirely »cross
the bay.
found that Justice Warrati hau at home at Bar View, Tillamook,
made a mistake in binding the boy Oregon.
F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash.,
over to the grand jury on account
Marion Chance is circulating a
has located next door to Lamar’s
of his age,and he was given a hear­ petition to have the road tax cut
variety store, and is prepared to do
ing before County Judge Milson on down, which, if acted upon by the
all kinds of shoe repairing at
Saturday, who ordered Davis sent , county court, will mean less road
reasonable rates, All work guran-
to the reform school. Sheriff Cren­ work and no more road improve­
teed. Give him a call.
shaw taking him there on Monday. ments for those who are without
The Percheron stallion Ville will
A surveying crew have been busy work and road improvements. On
make the stand for the season at
the past week laying out the vil­ the other hand, it is contended that
Rogers & McNamer’s Livery Barn,
lage cf Cloverdale and surveying Fairview and vicinity having had
in this city, with the exception of
into smell tracts the bofflmi lands large umounts of money expended
Mondays and Tuesdays, when the
of the Chas. Ray, rarlMi.1 ’ a " land in giving that part of the county
stallion will be at Beaver.
scape artist is among'/li'e’party and plenty of good roads and bridges,
Mrs. G. W. Kiger returned to the
it is proposed to layout the village it would be unfair, when settlers in
city on Wednesday from attending
in a most picturesque manner. other purts of thecountv need some
her mother, who is somewhat re­
There is not the slightest reason needed road improvements, to de­
covered from the accident ehe met
why Cloverdnle cannot be the pret­ prive 'them ot it by cutting down
The fire wardens under the em­ tiest little city in the state, the the tax.
with some few months since, al­
Where the settlers have
ploy of the Whitney Co., Ltd., wer- slimmer home for many Portland good roads, there are quite a num­
though not able to walk yet.
Married, on the 31st Aug., at discharged from the service Satur­ people, and the resort headquart­ bers who are complaining about ex­
Beaver, Oregon, Elmer E. Davis day for this year, owing to the in- ers for autoists to the coast.—Clov­ pending so large sums of money on
and Miss Edna J. Reddaway, at the climency of the weather. Very little erdale Courier.
roud improvements, while those
home of the bride’s father, D. Red­ trouble has been experienced by
The gaSoline schooner ¡Gerald C, living in districts where roads have
daway, the ceremony being per­
when leaving Nestucca Bav on Sat­ been neglected, not only favor a 10
formed by Rev. Mrs. Dora Young, Chief Forester Munson, of the urday at noon, was struck by sev­ mill road tax but some, and quite u
Whitney Co., is well satisfied with
pastor of the U. B. Church.
eral heavy Vreal(er8 118 she was number are in favor of bonding the
the work done by his men.
county so that they can enjoy the
Herbert Parsons left on Monday
leaving out, which headed her on
Although taxpayers who preferred to the sand spit where she stranded good roads and fine bridges which
by way of Nehalem for Dallas,
where he has the position of dis­ to pay their taxes, one-half at a with a cargo of salmon. There was have been constructed in the neigh­
trict supervisor of public schools time, have until Monday, October 1 a heavy sea at the time an«l she borhood of Fairview and the cen­
for Polk County. Will Snow ac­ t<> pay the last half, there are many was washed up on the spit high tral part of the county.
“Repent ye, fo» the Kingdom of
companied him, who will attend people coming in and paying up and dry when the tide went out
now. The advertising of the de­ All the cargo was taken off without Ilesven is at hand.’’ This consti­
the Dallas high school.
R. R. Roberts was given another linquent tax list lias proved that I injury and the schooner Patsy will tutes the gospel, the only thing that
trial on Monday charged with vio­ it has been a most valuable means take the house moving plant from Christ ever preached or ever auth­
lating the county peddlers laws and of bringing in delinquents and the this city and the Gerald C. will be orized any one else to. J. C. G ovk .
the jury found him guilty and the unpaid tax of 1910 promises to be hauled across the spit.
justice fined him $5<).
Attorney less than many preceding years.
County Surveyor U. G. Jackson
Webster Holmes has given notice
The Golden Gate had a full pass­ left for Tillamook, Saturday, having
of appeal in repard to the constitu­ enger list when she left on Wednes­ completed the survey of the Ne­
tionality of the law.
day’. Those taking passage from carney City road, also a preliminary
The steamer Sue H. Elmore came here were: J. E. Reedy and wife, survey of the Neah kah nie road to
connect with Clatsop. According
in on Wednessday, her passengers
being: Mrs. G. W. Kiger, Lillian C. H. Woods and wife, Vesta L. to their findings it is possible to
Anderson, Emma Goyne, M. Ricen, Batt, R. E. McKruater, C. Cleveland make a road around the base of
For several weeks past those who
Ora Parkhurst, Viola Harden, Mrs. and wife, Mrs. M. A. Morton, J. Neahkahnie Mountain to
Hutchings, F. Johnson and Mieses Edee and wife, C. Haye»; C. E- I county line on a four percent grade are interested in the building of the
She will leave Friday Reynolds and several from Buy besides shortening the distance United Railways to Tillamook City
considerably. In face of these fact» have bean anxiously waiting to hear
morning for Astoria and Portland. City.
Mr. O. J. Morris and Miss Hilda it is not so difficult to build this the announcement that work was to
The Golden Gate came in on
road as has been expected by the commence,
for it had l>een ofticiidly
Tuesday with a full cargo oi freight Westerman of Yamhill were married
most enthusiastic supporter» of thia stated that the Tillamook project
atid her passengers were: A. J.
highway. —Nehalem Enterprise.
would be the first work undertaken
Smith and wife, H. Goldstrom, P. lorn of the Eberton Hotel Monday,
A large number of the young by the Hill people, and from many
W. Barrett, Carl Commons. Mre. Sept. 5, at 3 p. m., in the presence
other sources it was learned that
Rolls, Mrs. R. Taylor, Miss Taylor, of a few invited friends Both of people of the city went to the
everything was in readiness and aM
F, L Kelley, Mrs. McKinney, Mre. the young people are well and fa­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Good­
vorably known in their home town, speed north of town Tuesday even­ plane made to commence work at
Konaha and U. G. Jackson.
any time.
A report was current
Miss Lennora Henrietta Kunze, Mr. Morris is the popnlar rural ing, and spent a few hour» of met thia morning that work on the road
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav
will start in a few days.
Thia in­
Kunze, of Buhl, Idaho, will be niar- hill to Tillamook. -Telephone Reg son, who left for college Thursday. formation came from parties in
ried on Sunday, Sept. 17,
Portland, and when the official an­
Rev. R. Y. Blalock writes from graduate» of the T.H.S., in thecla»» nouncement is made it will 1» good
Arnold Tannier.
Both are well
known here and th«ir Tillamook Condon. Oregon: “We all arrived
news for Tillamook county.
friends will lie glad to know that here Friday, Sept. 1st, and arc well out this section. Mr. Dawson will
this happy event ia to take place on to «lay. We have had some goo«l
Presbyterian Church
rams since we came Had a heavy year, while Miss Dawson will be at [
Evert L. Jones, pastor. Services
As I am going to enter other bus­ shower this morning. We like it as their graduation from the high
iness I will sell either all. or a part well as we expected here, but there school here Mias ¡Dawson lias fol­ on Sabbath, Sabbath School 10». m.,
interest in my barber business to a is no place like Tillamook County, a lowed the , profession of teaching, morning servi» e with sermoo, 11
suitable partner.
Best equipped We haven’t time to write to all our j while her brother ha» been em­ O’clock, subject. “The Gospel the
shop in the city. Has good bath. friends that Baked us to write, so we ployed as one |of the book-keeper» power of God Christian Endeavor
7:15. Evening service with sermon
Is clearing for present owner, from thought we could inform al) we got at the Tillamook County Bank.
8 o’clock, subjec t: “Making sport
$35 to $40 per week. For further in­ here safe by writing to the Head
A very pretty wedding took place for the Philllatines ; u Perverted
formation write to or call on L J. light.”
at the home of Mr. awl Mr». J. W. I ! Purpose.” Prayer Meeting Wed­
Haulters. Tillamook, Ore.
Jackson, ot Portland, Ore., on Aug. 1 nesday, 7:30 p.m.
Map» of the Morqney Place can telle Miles, of Woods, was united in 31st, when Mias Elizabeth Terwilli- i
marriage to Clarence Bonn, of
' be Been at Todd’» Hotel, Hotel Ram
Meda. The ceremony took place at ger w»a married to Raymond K.
M E rhtirch.
eey and at the Allen Houae. Thia
the Christian Chnrrh parsonage, Jackson, Rev. Father I-eMl.ler offi­
place ha» been surveyed in H acre
The bride, who is Hiei 10 •a.m., Sunday Reboot, The
Rev. Hoven officiating Mi»a Elsie ciating-
tracts and for sale if you want lieach
daughter ot the late Joseph Tervril m’hool ia increasing in interest us
property, Come and learn what a
nesoea to the event. Both the tiride iger. was lieaiitihilly gowned ini nt the i season advances. Come, re*
bargain vow can get. Matt Moroney,
and groom are much respected liraidered matqiti»<il« mer while calve, , communicate.
Rockaway post office. T ilia mooli
11 a.m , Last ol the »eri«-» of »•r-
yonng people
an«l have ninny silk, and the bridesmaid was Miss
County. Oregon.
friends who wish for them s long Eva Wheeler, of Tillamook, who nions on Ttie Lite of < hriat.
7 p m . Epworth 1.» •agne. < onie
Owing to tbe need of another Io and happy married life. They left wore pink. The gr*»om wa» attended
comotive to hurry up the work on laamediately after the ceremony for by hi» brother, Karl Jackson, as early and receive the fall iiiapwa
best man. The wedding march was turn of the hour.
the railroad, the schedule of the Meda their future home.
pl»ye«l by Mis» Dorothy Mali lieater.
ftp.tn., Song and t
passenger and freight train from
Elmer Daria was lodged in the After the ceremony, which wa» wit­ ject, “A stu>)y ufl Livi
thia city wa» changed the firaf of
county jail on Friday, bound over nessed by relatives and intimate
tbe week
Instead of leading in the
to the grand jury ty Justice War friewla, ■ <leli< i«xia lun< lieon wa»
morning, the train will arrive here
rrn, of Boy City, for an attempted
The young couple de
about nine o’elmk in the evening aaoanlt upon the eight year old a»rved.
The Star h«s a drum!' ’ ■
l»srte 1 <»n a wrdt'ing trip to t ali
■t ten
from the north and
reel every ui^ht.
liaughter o< 1 homsa *| star. It
Unnia awl »Ho then 1» !»■ n ail •»
’clock the same night.
Report that United Rail­
ways Will Commence
Work in Few Days.