TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 7, 1911 to obtain a PROPOSED WAGON ROAD TO BAYOCEAN. first step in the proposed wagon road from Tillamook City to Bayocean were taken on Thursday, when County Judge Homer Mason, Commissioners Alley and Farmer A GRANITE BOMB. road the full ROY length of the beach to connect with Property Owners Give Rights of Way---Citixens and the Potter Co. Will Assist. The wagon the road just started from Mohler, for these roads will be of inesti­ mable benefit to the county. Council meeting was in the held City Wed­ Hull Absoiuie/y with Mayor Talmage, Councilmen Wilt, Vantress and Hathaway present. An unusual amount of business Attorneys Holmes, Botts and Wil­ was brought up for consideration lett, and John R. Harter and Carl among which were a number of or­ Kundscn, accompany by Fred C. dinances. Baker and C. E. Trcmbley, of the After the usual bills had been al­ Tillamook County Booster-Editors’ lowed the veto of the mayor on the Association went down the south druggist liquor license ordinance side of the bay in the launch Comet was read. The veto was accepted and looked over the equation. unanimously. The proposed road is eight miles An ordinance to license trancient in length, five miles of which is on auctioneers $50 per day was given property belonging to the T. B. a third reading and voted down. Potter Realty Company. It was An ordinance to have 2nd and 3rd thought possibly that the east dyke Aves. West graded down from First on what is known as the Elmore to Front Streets passed. ranch, now’ owned by John Hatha­ The third reading, an ordinance way, could be used, but after the to install a city sewerage,was given delegation looked over the aitua- tion'today^itfwas thought the best the first reading. C. E. Trombley and Will Spauld- route would be by the side of the ing, a committee on improvements mountain through that part of the representing the Commercial Club, ranch from the bridge across the waited on the council with a matter Tillamook river, using the south dyke pertaining to the improvement of to get across. From Hathaway’s side walks with concrete in the city. place the road would skirt the side i The City Attorney was ordered as of the mountain and follow a water level around the south side of the tbe result of this to draw up an or­ dinance which would fix a district bay to Bayocean. There are sev­ in which tio walk should be built eral places on the route where heavy work is necessary planting rock, other than concrete. It was pro­ which is not of a hard nature, and posed that the driveway in the res other than that there are noditlicul- idence districts be made twenty feet ; that the walks be six or eight foot ties in the way of building the road and giving that long neglected por­ concrete and that a distance of about ten feet be left between the tion of tlie bay an outlet. Neurly all the property owners oi curb and the walk for a park. In answer to the petition of prop- the route reside in this county, and they have signified their willing erty owners on First Street to have ness not only to give free rights of a concrete walk put in on both sides way, but to donate money to help of that street eight feet wide, the The only Baking Powder made from Roya IC rape C ream oH a ria r NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE Foley’s Pasture for Rent. helping the county's end of tlie Beginning with the 1st of Septem­ road. In this way it is thought somewhere near $10,000 can be ber, tlie following prices will be Tilla- i raised, if the business men of Tilla­ charged by the physicians of mook. mook City will help out. Confinement, $20 and The cost per mile fot building this road is variously estimated (normal case). City visit, $2.00. from $3,000 to $5,000 a mile, to be Visit out of town, $2.50. built on a water grade four or five Visit out of town, three miles, feet above high tide. There is probably a mile of rock frontage | $3.00; one dollar for each mile over William Fletcher Mary, will open Diarrhoea is always more or less Be Monday, Sept. 11th. Special atten­ prevalent during September. prepared for it. Chamberlain’s tion in music and stenography. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ Terms reasonable. For particulars edy is prompt and effectual. It cab always be depended upon and is apply to Sr. Superior. pleasant to take. For sale by La­ mar's drug store. Dairy Farm for Sale. I will sell my dairy farm, either as a whole or cut it up into small tracts, on the Wilson river, at a greatly reduced price. TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS L. G. F reeman . Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, Apply to J. C. Bewely. Foley Kidney Pills KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, Colds Aust be Taken RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the Seriously. For unless cured they sap the KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the vitality and lower the vital resist­ BLADDER and all annoying URINARY ance to more serious infection. Protect your children and yourself IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to by tbe prompt use of Foley’s Honey MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY and Tar Compound and note its quick and decisive results. For PEOPLE and for WOMEN. coughs, colds, croup, whooping HAVE HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION cough, bronchitis and affections of B. A. Davfa, 627 Washington St., Connersville tlie throat, chest and lungs, it is an I*d., is in his 85th year. He writes us: *T have ever ready and valuable remedy. lately su lie red much from my kidnevs and blad dor I had severe backaches aud my kidney action Chas. I. Clough Co. Common bladderand urinary troubles. I. Clough Co. Chas. was too frequent, causing me to lose much sleep at night, and in my bladder there was constant pain. I took Foley Kidney Pills for some time, and arn now free of all trouble and again able tc be up and uround. Foley Kidney Pills have my highest recommendation.'' FOLEYKIDNEY PILLS FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS FOR RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS AND BLADDER Kieuvvq Aim Hi.ADOi« Announcement. I $ LOTTIE ROGER, II I will speuk nt the United Brethren Church, Sunday evening on Sal­ Hear property ownersand a subscription vation Army experiences. hat started so us to ascertain what Capt. Fletcher, he is a good story can be raised in that way. When teller. Sunday School at the United tliut is done, the County Court will ' Brethren Church, 10 a. nt., and then come to n decision what to do, | The theme Thus far tbe County Court has nut preaching at 11 u.m. stated that the road will be built, will be ’’ Moving Pictures of the but should the Potter Realty Co., Gospel or God’s Love in Action.” meantime contracts for rights of wuy will be obtained from all the tlie property owners and the citiz­ ens of Tillamook City come up with n good donation there is no doubt but what the County Court will take On account of a change of plans, has decided to remain in Tillamook City for an­ other month and perhaps for the winter, if I remain all winter will take up different branches of the Art Work, such as teaching China Painting, Pastell and Water Colors ; Wax Work, Bisque Work, Japanese Art, &c., of which I have taught for over 20 years. Notice the students work in various show windows in the business section of the city. I ROOMS OVER TIÜUAM00R COUNTY BANK* Mutual Telephone I Have you tried the new meat market ? year«, with no road to get to their property, they are justly entitled to some outlet utter contributing to building road* in other parts of the reason why the road should be built as soon aa possible to give that place a roadway. The south side of Tillamook Bay is naturally the best and prettiest part of the bay, sheltered from the heavy southwest gales in winter, and does not feel the northwest winds in winter us other parts of the bay. HARVESTER OLDSTYLE WHISKEY the County Court build summer resort«. S. G. Reed has expended about $10,000 through and in the neighborhood of Neak teah* ni«, which he will de«d to Tbe girls tumble their hair about on purpose when working on a large or­ der, for It is a sacred belief among dressmakers that a hair inadvertently worked into the garment shows that more work Is coming soon from the same customer.”—New York Sun. through a maze of nobility. all whiskey the a large amount of money in getting e Md to Bay ocean, and it ia hoped M Id whiskey An Afterthought. AMERICAN IMPORTING CO San Fr^nfcuco Dutnbutera Astoria that tbe numerous resorts on G«ri taildi beach will «how a magnani remarked ■ young husband y btSAkfasL "these biscuits «re pretty but don’t you think there ought to fl« a little more’’— Tour mother made them.” t termpt «4 the wife quickly. -“of tbemr ended th« husband. with a flash of Inspiration. Maa la bis own star, and mous and liberal «pint in helping j • J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore of St. Petersburg aud j d«?r government coutrol t, tbe theaters and dram’atte^ department of the m|alst* ministry court. Pupils, both mji, £ are entered at the earl, . years—seldom older. Afters sary nomination baa been a by no means an easy mu? days-a stringent examlnaii™ ing health, strength, beaut,, and natural gracefulness b, passed before the child Is Z cepted. From tbe time n |2 Inmate the whole of ita a secular and artistic, is tate|7 and some years of training n sary before It is considered h » pear in public. The dancer’s life |3 a ceasele. of hard work. All, even great, when at home take regale, lessons in addition to the & hearsals for the next pe^ which are demanded, however, well known the ballet Thu, age of five to six hours' fa day Is rather the rule than ceptlon. popular ballerinas hi at charity performances and tn homes often dancing ns much ■ hours In tbe twenty-four. Trained artists are kept to In every detail of period and i tbe dresses, scenery and aceno task obviously requiring mud nation and much knowledge-ai as many as 150 personages op tbe stage at the same time. E orchestra leaders qualify esped ballet music, having no place orchestra at any other time.- World. THE FOURTH DIMENS To Catch a Glimpse of It Just Qu GOWNS AND OMENS. The biggest family tree in the world Is believed to be tbe one which traces the genealogy of Queen Elizabeth back to King David and tbeuce to Adam, or at least as near to Adam aa one could get. Tbe coat of arms Is given in almost every case, with full par Oculars of tbe dates of births and death. The labor of providing coats •f arms Is abandoned before Methuse * time, but tbe chart measures fcrty-fivs feet and certainly does take go*«! roads, in opening up new territory and getting roads built to county. Tlieae roads have splendid grattea and are improved iu up-to- date style and a credit to that part of the county. Th« T. H. Hotter Realty Co. will expend and donate X Long Training and a of Hard Work Ar. n* The modern imp^, J* lirium Tremeno. Tbe majority of us are like ta We believe but In the reality oftl Science, more hospitable, ado edges tbe fourth dimension and Odd Superstitions That Darken the it tbe constant parade before«» Dressmaker’s Shop. of things and events ordinarily “Women who wear fine dresses are seen. The phenomena of delirlai as superstitious as the girls who make mens forms a case In point them,” said a dressmaker. “If the lit­ shapes which tbe layman believe tle accidents that happen in the work­ patient only Imagines are reailj room were not mercifully concealed and are rendered visible throng! from the owners of rich gowns they excitation of the pineal gland.« would be sick with apprehension half now Is the rudimentary organ ofi the time. 1 had one customer who re­ once was psychic vision. Alcobdi fused to accept a very expensive dress ulates this gland. Tbe drunkardl because n girl who assisted with tbe aftercups sees with it tbe hide« fitting dropped a pair of scissors, of shapes which ti is own hide«« which fell point down and stuck in has attracted to him. For tbej the floor. That meant an order for they are here, i mourning within six months. The cus­ there, or. rather, us in the fourth dimension, pre tomer hoped that by refusing tbe hoo­ as there are other shapes as pa doo dress she could avert the calamity, as these are revolting. Onlj but the precaution was useless. In I narily we do not see them. Then less than three months her father was though, those who can and da dead. without being drunkards either. “Girls are especially particular in Thinkers as sober as Jerou their work on wedding dresses, for if Babbage go a bit further. Ttaj a tiny drop of blood from a pricked if you let them, tell you that wtel finger should fall on the gown tbe occurs in the privacy of a ma bride would surely die before the end mains photographed in It i' of the year. Then there is green thread. Whether the customer is there extension of this enables ocw’r say that nothing has ever w to see it or not, no dressmaker will anywhere which is not also 1 keep green thread near spools of an­ graphed; that in the ether above other color. Green thread used for the great picture gallery of d*1 basting means the return of a dress In India, at Adyar. the chief I for alterations, and there is enough theosophy, this gallery Is «• trouble of that kind in a dressmaking being studied. Tbe results, or­ establishment without deliberately bid­ ally bizarre, are sometimes W’» ding for it. has been found that Herbert SH "Women who are themselves super­ was Aristotle; Gladstone. stitious are never surprised or offend­ nyson, Ovid.—Edgar Saltusin ed at a sewing girl s untidy coiffure. Longest Family Tree. There ia getting to be consider* ble coir menduble public spirit in helping I most to zero. Frost, working quietly with his Archimedean lever, had Just succeed­ ed in shifting from the shoulder of the sentinel a trifle of fifty tous or so of granite. For near a thousand feet the bowlder fell sheer, swift and si­ lent; then, striking the cliff, it burst like a bomb, shattered into a myriad flying shards and splinters and dis­ lodged a smother of fragments that trickled down to the valley In a stream that lasted for minutes. Then from the spot where the bowl­ der had struck dust began to rise into the sunny air. slowly building up aud burgeoning like a summer cloud and every wblt as snowy. It was the flour of granite, powdered Instantaneously by the terrific shock. As an example of trademarks have you ever noticed the hands of the hos­ pital nurse? Tbe soft white hand which in Action is occupied In cooling fevered brows does not exist and could not It is a skilled band, but its work makes it rough and chapped. Try bathing your bands in disinfectants twenty times a day and you will find that look after them as you may. they will soon be seamed with cracks, which an east wlDd often turns to bleeding cuts. And as they are work­ ed bard for some twelve or thirteen hours a day the nurse takes a some what larger size in gloves than most women. If you ever see the photo- graph of a hospital nurse you may ob serve that Bhe prefers to keep those bands behind her back.-London Chron scenic road, and us the property owners on the south side of the buy have been paying tixea for many county will derive a large amount of money from taxation from the Bayocean resort, and this is another I Delicate frost tracings on the win­ dow panes seem to be the work’of fau- clful and harmless sportiveness, but tbe band that forms them Is capable of greater deeds and of other kluds. Mr. J. Smeaton Chase, in "Yosemite Trails,” describes an experience that must have been wonderfully impres­ sive to the spectator. He had been spending some weeks In exploring tbe Yosemite valley and tbe "great rocks.” like El Capitan, that wall it In. Standing one day of late autumn about the middle of the valley, I was startled by a report like a cannon shot, which filled tbe whole valley with echoes that roared and boomed, re­ plied and multiplied, in a long contin­ ued, glorious tumult. As tbe deafening sound died away in sullen mutterings under the vizor of El Capitan 1 was able to distinguish the point of attack by the long, clat­ tering descent of a vast quantity of rock. Tbe night had been a cold one In the valley, and on tbe seven to eight thou­ sand foot levels of the upper rim the temperature must have dropped al­ A Hospital Nurse's Hand*. this full and winter, and if pushed it could be finished tor travel by next Spring. This will make u most beautiful Besides, the ♦♦♦ the Art Teacher, from Salem, Ore. favorable action and the work com meiiced aa soon as contracts can be let. Much of the work cun be done county tor so long. Liquid the Sisters of St. United Brethren Church. Captain Remedy, Is a great medicine of proven value Inquire of Peter for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It is espec­ Newberg, Hemlock, Oregon. ially recommended to elderly people for its wonderful tonic and recon­ St. A'phonsus Academy. structive qualities, and the perma­ St. Alphonsus Academy, a board­ nent relief and comfort it gives them. Chas. I. Clough Co. ing and day school, conducted by which will run the coat up, but not three miles as usual. R. T. B oals . ao much us if it were heavy rock. I. M. S mith . After a conference of the entire S. M. K erron . delegation at Bayocean Hotel, the ! members of the County Court stated that they’ would orderCounty Surveyor Jackson to make u survey and estimate the cost, aud in the Kidney Pasture for rent. build the road. As the T. B. Pot­ mayor ordered the recorder to not­ Before You Reach the Limit ter Realty Co. will take care of ify the property owners on that of physical endurance and while their three miles of road, this will street to build such walks at once. your condition is still curable, take Jonn Langley was given the con­ Foley Kidney fills. Their quick leave only five miles for the county action and positive results will de­ to construct, and as Mr. Irwing B. tract for graveling 2nd and 3rd ave­ light you. For backache, nervous­ nues west from First to Front Potter will meet with the Tillamook ness, rheumatism, and all kidney, Commercial Club to-morrow (Fri­ Streets. day), it is expected that he will offer a liberal donation towards Physicians Set Scale for Services. Yosemito Valley. AKING POWI Pure City Council Meeting. nesday evening Jack Frost Hurled It Down Into th« Opened His Eyes to the Frt* “Dickie. I'm awfully sorry !• tobacco. 1 don't like It. »*d simply loathes It. Will yon*1* we are married?" "Isn’t that asking a lot. ■ asked Dick. ”1 wouldn’t care for swered the girl, “but yo* makes mamma deathly skit- “Well, then," he promised«*» "I’ll tell you what I’ll d® smoke when your mamma She threw her arms ara* •’Darling," she murmured, good of you! I w,s afr* slst on smoking once in «• we were married!”—New » Th« Iron Cross* ( Tbe Iron Cross, an ordw“ hood, was established W William III. of Prussia In »» The order was founded is honor patriotic bravery * against Franc«. it wM Em|>eror William I- darinfl j ; Prussian war and , his son for bis great vktw sembours^vn Aug tbe order was bestowed ously, some 40.0W? rated between 1870 and I*«- Export Advj* Tbe prison turnkey cellmates deeply engross«» over tbe market report* paper and figured <”» tiie ■ pencil His cellmate sat “Bill.” aald the mat»* fert. -yon could makej^ •tawltn’ hogs in low*-