7 T illamook headlight AN SAVAGES t Treacherous of All the juth Sea Natives. OF HEAD HUNTERS non Islandara Kill and Eat namiss aa an Incident of «¡rd Religious Rites—Storm- luse In a Treetop. le Tapuan is that given to skinned people wbo inhabit >r number of Islands in tbe be Pacific ocean known as and Melanesia and whose ers. as it were, are in tbe jd of Papua or New Guinea, is description come tbe ln- of tbe Solomon islands. bns been the reputation of oo Islanders lhat until quite ;bey were carefully avoided, Ittle was kuown about them, re tbe name of being tbe clierons of all the south sea et, considering tbe treatment r received In tbe past at tbe white men. this is not to be at Indeed, the wonder is allow any white mau at all ountry. But now that they a chance of seeing some orable specimens than tbe lumanity who formerly drift­ south seas they are mucb aud a mau who treats them t, as a rule, go among them tar. eu now there is a beautiful y about the life of a south '. One day he may be sur- y cringing natives who obey word. But some night, if eated tbe Papuan too gross- ls murder in the moonlight, ■ader is never heard of more, rvever, there seems to be no ■ tbe natives turning against i. It is simply that they ob- vlng a trader in their midst turn his goods and end by omon Islanders are as keen ters as tbe Borneans and tr. except where they are leek by tbe British govern- out on bead bunting raids simple. Although cannibal- 111 practiced In tbe wilder the group, it is nowadays religious ceremony and not if diet Tbe islanders do not kill and eat people for en- >ut either because their re- lands a human sacrifice or bead is needed for some The Motto on the Clock. The old Temple clock in London 1911 RAILWAYS IN JAPAN. il, one of the largest islands mpn group, the natives build the highest trees to escape ittacks of head bunting par- ometlmes come as far as 200 leir search for skulls. One iuses was built in a tree 150 All tbe lower branches had off, so that the stem was i until tbe platform, some it from tbe ground, was feccess was bad to the house ty ladder composed of rungs a stout pole with rope of ne. When an nttock 1s ex- > women end children take bese bouses, while tbe men i. They warn each other of ch of a fleet by a curious once heard to never to be These houses are substan- . as often the Inhabitants rlthstand a long siege In I will be taken care of.” floor is made of plaited I "Oh, sah.” said tbe negro, whose eyes d on a layer of bark which were popping from bls head, "did you tbe platform. The walls want to know who the head 'nigger That's me."—Allentown boo, and the roof to thatcb- waiter* is? ige palm. Tbe particular ¡CalL bleb I have referred meas- Where Bluebeard Lived, 15 feet and forty persons Most of our readers bave heard of inown to take refuge In it. icking party loud and tbe Bluebeard, tbe enterprising gentleman >t resist them successfully who made a bobby of marriage and scend to the tree bouse. A had a way of his own for getting rid of 'ge stones is always kept superfluous wives. Probably very few mergendes outside tbe door people, however, know that tbe story tform. and these the men has any sort of basis in fact Yet on on their foes. Sometimes, the banks of the world famous Bos le enemy construct a shelter porus near Constantinople there Is hlcb they can work away situated a picturesque old medieval > tree down, and they have fortress known as “Bluebeard’s cas­ known to ascend tbe tree tle” and which to said to bare been Inhabitants were off tbelr tbe abode of a terrible old pasha, whose playful little ways gave rise to let Are to the bouse. the story.—Wide World Magaxlne. I. however, bead bunting to only on special occasions, First Calculating Machine. id. when a bead Is required Tbe flrat calculating machine was Ives notice of tbe fact to t tribes and offers a reward Invented and constructed by Blaise n>e chiefs of the villages PaacaL a Frenchman, in KM2. in 1. and if In any of them i which year he was but nineteen years istlve wbo has made blm- of age. It was made by him with tbe >nable for any reason they aid of one workman and waa present bls head shall come off and ed to tbe chancellor of France. Dur Ing tbe revolution It was found in a be earned. Tbe victim to junk shop at Bordeaux and at present his Impending fste. but to ia tbe property of M. Bougoain of stched by a man wbo has that city. AU of tbe four simple math to secure bls bead. He ematlcal operations can be made with try movement of bls vlc- en s favorable opportunity IL *elf quickly and remorsa- Flow sf »stid Metals. bltn. cuts off hto bead and Metals flow Into each other just as tbe chief, wbo pays for It g*„.. «nd liquids mix. though more «T. This even happens ta .¡owlr If • cube of toad to placed lf they bare made them- Ht one of gold, tbs surfaces of contort '«tor. Money ia paid over being kept smooth sod clean, and left I »bleb goes io join tbe for a month a email quantity of gold ■tlon.—John I'»’.« Frazer wilt be found to bare penetrated tbe Trtbutx f-sd. _______ Gilbert’s Witty Comment. Sir W. S. Gilbert's wit and humor He was a Bne •.▼ere always ready raconteur and a good after dinner speaker. Rutland Barrington, the old Savoyard, said that "staying in Gil- bert's bouse was like living In a lit­ erary Breworks factory.” Barrington played the Captain In “Pinafore." At rehearsal oue day Gil­ bert. wbu was an autocratic and mag­ nificent stage malinger, told him to cross tbe stage, which represented the deck of H. M 8 Pinafore, aud sit on a skylight "in a pensive attitude.” Barrington obeyed orders, tint unfortu­ nately the skyligbt bad only been rigged up temporarily, and the portly Barrington crashed through it. •That's an ex pensive attitude." said Gilbert in a flask. Wanted ta Cenvvrt Utopia. When tbe “Utopia" was first publish ed It occasioned a pleasant mistake This political romance represents a perfect bu: rtiioaary rrpsbSc in an tola nd supposed to have been some where In tbe Atlantic, near these west em shores “As this was the age of discovery." says Granger, 'the learned Budaeoa and others look it for genuine history and deemed It expedient to send mis elouaries thither toronrert lite people.” . -Hook of Queer Tilings" Chattal Mortgages. A man wbo gives a chattel mortgage ebou'd always examine It rsrefnlly to make sure it to not “on demand" Mlkarp money lender« who toan funda mb .-battel mrwleaeea often try to have thl« clause loaer.ed and when It I« Hie iy io furt «tih bi* bom-aer rfeattela at alns*t sny moment It I* • trick by «hic* «dtaetage to often take« af tbe eaaary Both phones. C arl haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, gcittecltcr ¿KbLuHuit, Tillamook Block. The Reliable Route Steamer EORGE WILLETT, A ttornky - at -L aw . Sue H. Elmore” Next to Tillamook Conuty Bank, T illamook - O regon . (CAPT P. SCHRADER) A Tillamook & Portland. r. T illamook , O regon T. BO ALS, M.D., Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Fiiday according to Tides. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. ti l I x AM uok . Tillamook Block. B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Lamb's Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. M. KER RON, g PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE dignifying s.. GOYNE, A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays, THE INDUSTRIES” J Tillamook, Oregon j ^R. T. M. SMITH, Thia It the title of a beautiful M-page book, which will chow any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED Drop a poital in tbe mall TODAY and It will be tent FREE. Tbe atm of tbe Colle«* la to dignity and popularltt tbe Induatrlea. and to aerve ALL tbe people. It otfere couraoa In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engln eerlng. Forestry. Domeetia. fclence and Art, Com merce, rbarmacy and Mualc. The College opena September 221. Catalog free. Addreae: REGISTRAR. OREOOI AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallla, Oregon. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook, Ore. c - hawk , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, THE MAN’S JEWELRY. bay city , O regon R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. p^R. P. J. SHARP, DENTIST, RESIDENT Office across the street iron’ tbe Court House. Dr. WiM’s office. May not I m ? ho costly or so varied as that of my lady, but lie is-—or ought to I m ?— particular about having it of the best quality, exclusive in design and neat in appearance. We cater to the dressy man’s jewelry needs andean please him in variety, quality and prices. We solicit a call of inspection to post you on our offerings in rings, fobs, scarf pins, tie-clips, etc. SARCHET, r . Tbe Fashionable Tailor. Clea.iing, Pressing and Repair ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. Eugene Jenkins, Reliable Jeweler, Next to the Post Office <*eut«ch*r Jlbvokat. Tillamook-Forest Grove STAGE LINE. 213 Tillamook Block, T illamook SURVEYOR, T illamook .... O kkgor joi Tillamook Block. Main 441. French Specialist. i Importeli Herbe, and avilh mi bande ao-