Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 07, 1911, Image 6

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The needs of Tillamook coun­ profits ns the man with a much
is something that should be smaller band of cattle who does | Senator Bourne writes to an un-1
One year..................................... 1.50 discussed by our commercial his own work, has less capital
| named friend, who has procured
Six month«..................................
50 bodies from time to time with tied up, less taxes to pay, and ! publication of his letter in a local
Three month«..............................
the object of obtaining results no money to pay out for labor ! newspaper, that he ‘‘would forfeit
Entered as second class mail mat­ The Tillamook County Booster- and feed. Take a dry summer the respect of all honest citizens if
ter July. 1888. at the post ottiie at Editors’ Association has started like this the bottom lands will j he helped to renominate or re-elect
Tillamook. Ore., under the act of the ball rolling in a boosting grow enormous amount of feed
him” (PresidentTaft.) TheSenator
March 3. 1879.
campaign and to ascertain the stuff of different kinds where it is thus early at pains to make it
needs of the county. The news­ is possible to raise only a limi­ clear that he will not support Taft
ted amount of grass feed. The for re-election if the President shall
fl'be ^illitmook Mjeabligbf, paper men are taking the lead dairymen
who have come here be renominated. He appears to
in this publicity movement, for
having dropped all personal and from foreign countries know desire that the people of Oregon
Editorial Snap Shots. sectional prejudices, have set a whAt a large amount of cow shall have no doubts, now or here­
good example for all parts of feed is raised on small tracts of after, as to where he stands. Very
the county to follow—get toge­ land, but, as we have already
We think that a much better ther and pull together for Tilla­ stated, it takes labor to produce well.
Here now is a situation entirely
feeling would exist if the mook County as a whole. To it, and that is the reason why
Booster-Editors were given an sum up the needs of the county so few have not attempted to new and unique in our politics.
opportunity to meet with the in few words we may place them make their lands produce more Senator Bourne will appeal to Re­
publicans in a Republican primary
Grangers quite frequently.
under these heads : More good feed. The desire to obtain large for nomination as the Republican
roads, better harbor facilities, dairy farms is gradually on the
We understand that several more railroads, more industries wane on account of large sums candidate for United States Senator.
voters in Carnahan precinct and pay rolls, and more people. of money being tie up in them Yet he distinctly repudiates any
voted against being embraced These are the impressions the and high taxation, and we look obligation to support, but declares
ina Port of Bay ocean but are in Booster-Editors have in mind in for many of them to be disposed he will not support, the Repuplican
favor of the Port of Tillamook boosting the county. It is grat­ of in smaller tracts, with much nominee for President of the United
taking in the territory that was ifying to us to know that the more diversified farming in the ■ States, if the nominee shall be the
included in the special election leading citizens are thoroughly future along the lines we have 1 present Republican President ; and
last week. Whoever they are, in accord with the editors in already indicated. When this j there is no doubt that it will be
they use good judgment and their efforts to give Tillamook is done it will not only double 1 Taft. Moreover, if Bourne shall be
the best of horse sense.
county a boost.
The cordial the dairy output of the county, nominated for Senator in April and
and loyal manner in which the ! but it will greatly increase the ! Taft shall be nominated for Preei-
i dent in June both will appeal to the
The Bay City Examiner is Booster-Editors were received • population of the county and
' same Oregon constituency for sup­
owing Deputy District Attor­ and entertained at Nehalem and
ney Willett an apology. Because Cloverdale proved this, and was clesred up and placed under) port and endorsement of their re­
spective Republican candidacies,
of a feud between Bay City and a source of encouragement to cultivation.
the one—the Senator-will
Garibaldi fishermen, who go to them to know that the progres­
at the same time be supporting,
the prosecuting officer with sive citizens of either end of
No matter how conscientious) openly or impliedly, the Democratic
grievances, is no reason why the county showed their appre­
creditable the members of nominee—or will it be the Populist
Mr. Willett should be attacked ciation of a get together, boost­
<>r defamed on account of doing ing campaign for the improve­ a County Court may endeavor —for the Presidency. If /Senator
his duty in a fair and impartial ment and up-building of Tilla­ to conduct county affairs there Bourne opposes the Rap: >ublican
are those who are continually candidate,
titular and^tei
__ __________
eal head
___ ___ . the
manner. We want to say that mook county.
be ex­
the best thing for the Examiner
In fact, in their judgment, noth-' pected that he can or will endorse
to do is not to create strife, but
The effort to create a Port of, ing is done right. We have no the National Republican platform.
to create a more friendly, get
together spirit amongst the Bayocean failed on account of patience with that class of in-1 The situation is, or will be, uu-
fishermen of the two canneries, lack of interest on the part of, dividual», for they give the precedented. It is a paradox, . 0n
and then it would not be neces­ the voters of Bayocean, as not) < court hell for what it does do anomaly, a farce, an exhibitiou of
sary for them to keep coining to one third of the voters went to and for what it does not do. In unparalleled nerve, that such a
this city with their grievances, the polls from there. This was fact, they are always fault-find-[ candidate should expect to enter a
for the taxpayers of the county a great surprise. The Head­ ing ; pulling down and never Republican primary and solicit
have to foot the hills in cases of light is frank to admit that the building up. It is unfortunate ) Republican votes for a Republican
that character.
Oh, no, Bro. whole of the water shed of Till­ for the county that there are so [ nomination.—Oregonian.
Trombley, Mr. Willett is not in amook Bay should be embraced many chronic "knockers” at a
the least prejudiced against in one, not two or three Ports. time when the county should •
Oa a Country Road.
Bay City. The best of feeling Unless something of this nature be making rapid progress and)
„ .. , „ ,
.. i
should exist between the lead­
ing citizens of both cities, n6t
jealousies, personalities and be retarded. The whole situa­ appeal to the sober thinking The lowing herds wind slowly o’er I
tion should lie looked at from a public, for instance, in road im-:
the lea,
newspaper strife.
There are 600 ! The P'owman homeward rides, and
broad guaged standpoint, not provements.
for one Port to pull everything miles of road and innumerable He gayly toots his auto horn at me.
Senator Bourne lias made the in the direction of some point large and small bridges, with |
Chicago Record-Herald,
announcement that he will op­ and another Port pulling for insufficent money to do a great ^he boast of limonsine and much
pose the election of I’resident improvements to other points, deal of needful improvements, I
Taft if he is re-nominated. It Another thing, to make it just and there is a constant demand And all that engine and magneto
seems to us that it was the loyal and equitable, all land in the from all parts of the county for . 8PelJ’., .. .
. J . Await alike the inevitable hour—
Republicans in Oregon who put water shed of Tillamook Bay more road , improvements
; in The paths of speeding lead you to i
naide their personal prejudices should be embraced in the Port fact, there is hardly a year but:
the cell.-New York Mail,
and elected him to the United district and made to contribute the Court would have to ex- Here lies his head upon the lap of
States senate when he headed towards the improvements. If pend from $300,000 to $400,000
the Republican ticket in this another movement is started to annually if it sanctioned the A youth to fortune and to name un­
state. We plead guilty as being create a Port of Bayocean, we demands. This is the dilemma '
kn®wn.:.. ...
one of the loyal Republican hope that the logic of our argu­ the Court is in every year, but Thew“X
h,,n for a11 “ wa9
newspapers that supported liitn. ment will be seen and that an few persons stop to give this ) And then sped on and left him here
Senator Bourne is now posing effort will be mr.de to include matter sober thought, but go' alone.—Houston Post,
us a dictator and ready to knife the territory in the Port of
after the court rough shod if it Haply some hoary-headed swain
President Taft if he is re-nomi­ Tillamook, where it rightly be­ has not the money to improve
may say:
nated. If this is correct, then longs. And we think, too, that some particular road. There “I seen him when he passed and
Senator Borune should not seek the people of Bay City will see is no one more anxious to see „ noticed how
re-nomination on the Republi­ the wisdom of having one Port road work pushed ahead than ’ He ^emed to want to hurry on , his
can ticket, for he no longer pe­ with one progressive body of
Headlight, but we are not I got his number, but fergit it now.”
longa to the G.O.P. when he men to push harbor improve­ the
going to take the untenable and .
—Chicago Record Herald,
attempts to drag it down to de­ ments rather than three Ports
unreasonable position that the ' The days are past when the farmer
No doubt the Bourne pulling in different directions Court ought to do a whole lotof |
newspapers will laud and praise mid for certain interests
work when it has no money to Or rides to town in his buckboard
Senator Bourne and denounce
pay for it Where the money is He £roerenne’ not with the horse
President Taft, but we want to
limited it must be left to the
say this that it don't look good
Quite a number of our dairy­ best judgment of the court how But glides away in his limonsine.
to loyal Republicans and others men tried the experiment of and' ¡n what i manner
......... .. “ it is ex-
—Ottumwa Courier.
who have become thoroughly overstocking their farmsand pended. Instead of fault-find-1
disgusted with freak laws, al purchasing alfalfa hay. It was inK because the court cannot do'
A Dreadful Sight
freak system and freak politi­ a financial failure. 1 here^is
i. a a|] the necessary road . work,
. it
. to H. J. Barnum, of Freeville, N.
cians. A re-action is setting in tendency with some few „x
of the seems to U9
it would be Y., was the fever-sore that lied
plagued his life for years in spite of
and the people will return to dairymen to try another experi-'
make an many remedies he tried. At last
safe and sane methods before ment. and that is not to allow'
used Buckl-n’s Arnica Salve and
a great while. They have been the cows to feed from the mea­ effort to raise more money by he
bonding. This is the only way wrote: “it has entirely healed with !
humbugged long enough in thin dow lands, but to cut the grass
to get these road improvements scarcely a scar left.” Heals Burns,
and feed it to the cattle. It is done, not that we recommend Boils, Eczema, Cuts, Bruises, Swel- '
lings, Corns and Piles like magic.
claimed bv this process that
One of our leading business three crops can be grown from bonding. There is no disput­ Only 25c at Chas. I. Clough’s.
men made the remark that if the river bottom lands. As this ing this : The members of the A Great Advantage to Working
other people would tuiost the is mt experiment which will not preseut County Court have de­
county the same as the editors entail the expenditure of large voted considerable time going J. A. Maple, 125 S 7th St, Steub-'
are doing, the county would amounts of money for feed, we over the county and seeing that enville, O.. say»: “For year. I »„f.
soon come to the front as the think it would not lie out of work is being done properly fered from weak kidneys and a se­
most progressive county in the [ place for quite it number of the and economically. To sum the vere bladder trouble. I learned of
holey Kidney Pills and their won­
state. We appreciate the com­ dairyman to fence off part of situation up, there is a general derful
cures so I began takingtheni
pliment paid the Booster Edi­ their farms and put it to a prac­ impression that quite a few of and sure enough I had as good re­
sults as any I heard about My
tors, who think this an oppor­ tical test, and combine with
tune time to take the lead in this a system of raising riots are no longer able to do a half bachaehe left me and to one of my
expressman, that alone
boosting thecounty. The whole for cow feed. True it is that day’s work and draw a full day's business,
is a great advantage. My kidneys '
county lui» been dorment, and this system means more work, pay. Hence the little hammer acted free and normal and that
the editors want to infuse new but if it greater amount of feed in used in "knocking ”
saved me a lot of misery. It i» now
a pleasure to work where it used to
life and energy, new efforts and can lx* raised in proportion to
be a misery. Foley Kidney »Mil»
new hopes, unit new enthusiasm the amount of labor, it would
have cured me and have my high­
Forced To Eeave Home.
and progress into all sections of mean fettling that many more
est praise.” Chas. 1. Clough Co.
thecounty. It may take some cow», without any damage to
Every year a large number of
time to get the lending citizens meadow lands. There is not poor sufferer», whose lunge are1
No Need to Stop Work.
and racked with coughs, are
roused up and ns enthusiastic much doubt in our mindlthat sore
your doctor order» you to
urged to go to another climate
as the Booster-Editors are over those who claim that they can Hut thia is costly and not always •top >.work‘ ’* *t«gger» you. “I
Can t you say. You know you are
the bright future of the county, make a go«xl living from
to sui*. There’s a better way. lit
«nd failing in
buljit will not ba long before n ’.¡O acres of bottom land are right Dr. King'a New Discovery cure you health,
day by day. but you must
home. “It cured me of lung
strong progressive sentiment is if they will devoted the labor to at
'°ng as you can stand.
trouble.” writes W R. Nelson, of
created to push aside moss back, raising the enormous amount Calamine. Ark., ‘when all else ” hat yon need is Electric Bitters
strength and vigor to
•elfish and sectional ideas, mid of feed these lands are capable failed and I gained 47 pound» in
"-'■"•»”1. to prevent breakdown
push the county ahead on broad, of producing. To buy a large weight. Ita surely the King of all and build
von up. Don't be weak
progressive lines. Koch of the bottom land dairy farm these cough and lung cures.” Thou­ mekK or ailing when Electric Bit­
Tillamook city editors have days takes a big wad of money, ■ it Its positively guaranteed for ter» will benefit you from the first
shown the editors in the north and where these have been sold Cough». Cold». LaGrippe. A.thma, dose. Thousands bless them for
and south euds of the county quite a few have been cut up, Croupe-all Throat »nd Lung trou- ‘h«"-JT'orioiw health »nd »trength.
bo,t,< »• ffusran-
* 81 00. Trial bottle free
that they are broad guaged in and the tendency in Tillamook b’*\
•< Ch»9
boosting for their sections of the county today is for smaller and
county as much ns their own.
more intensely cultivated
dairv i *
’ •» ««.xa Viau
,— —
complaints in
in Kiiiivirrr
However, the boosting spirit is farms Those » who
- a?
,rT,ted- • sprained
\ 2 keep
__ r large cJàZL-J! Chamberlain’a Colic, ankle
will disable ■ man for three
sure to parineate every section bands of cow« know
i_____ full
>7. well
.. c --
.„ j
—..- and Diarrhoea Remedy and
bu* bT «pplving
ca»tor oil. h j» certain to effect a
of the county, and others will
Chamberlain'» Liniment ♦reely »»
become lenders in this move that it takes about half the pro­ cur» and wh»n reduced with »rater Boon a» the injury ia received, and
►’"-»•■tu to
to ooeer
M i» pleasant
ment tiesides the newspaper ceed» of t heir farms to pay for .v- vk
J'*’««»»'"» th« direction» with each
labor aad texes, and that they
V **" Pr*c«t* bottle.
Mtn. Hut they started it.
jarv not reaping the same net mar'a drug
l-»m»r • drug »tore.
September 11-16, 1911,
Ferullo’s Greatest Band.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads.
Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks.
Salem, Oregon.
Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating.
Special Brew.
Columbia Bottling Co
Astoria, Oregon-
Soda Waters, Sipthons, Bartlett Mineral
tJ. P. ALLEfJ, Proprietor.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A First Class fable.
Comfortable Bedsand Accommodation-
The Fast Steamer
Sailing Days for month
SEPT. 5. 11, 16, 21, 26, 1st OCT.
SEPT. 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 3rd OCT.
Freight Received Daily at Dock
Foot of Washington Street.
J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook.
You Use Tb»
We Sell Tbel
De*, to Tillamook Uooaty B*»k-