TILLAMOOK HKADLlU-fiT, SEPTEMBER 0* 19Ü. possible. But who will pay for the Su:: tnons. Expresses Her Gratitude. Interesting Scraps On the unfinished portion there is rights, interests, franchises, stocks, much rock blasting yet to be done, ! (TO THE EDITOR OF TILLAMOOK or contracts which will be involved. In the Circuit Court of thfS Oregon, for the Count.,' The addition of two more stars to . which will make that stretch of work HEADLIGHT.] Tillamook the flag will about fill the V nion, I The contests in Maine and Ken­ quite expensive. There is a horse ..o.v express ...j D ear SIR,— . Please my Louis Sondheim, j tucky, one for prohibition and one Necarney Mountain Project trail, however, around the proposed thank and there is no other full hand in , and heart felt gratitude to Plaintiff, | IIIUUAB MIJU 1JCU11 lilt ^lUlilUMV vU for the county unit iu local option, vs. J. Will Have Sightly Hotel. route. When this stretch of road is the good people of Bayocean who the world that can beat it. may complicate matters for Demo­ Srethna 3. Plielps, | put in condition for travel, the < Fave so liberally for my comfort, Curious situation in politics when Defendant. J Autoists who have recently trav­ horseshoe road from Portland to ] also to the Tillamook friends who a Democratic paper 103 years old crats who will be slow to under- In the Name of the Stateofn_ eled over the 28-mile stretch of road Portland will have been completed. so kindly assisted and most es­ has to use double leads to explain ' I stand how a victory for either can You are hereby required 12 be a Democratic triumph, uo matter I and between Tillamook and Nehalem, Mr. Reed, owner of the Necarney - pecially answer the eonipi,"’' the firm of Jones & what it understands Democracy to what else may happen. herein against you. in have waxed enthusiastic over its Mountain resort, is expending a Knudson, furniture dealers, who mean. A woman seeking' a husband ] entitled Court and cause win,' advantages, and declared it to be considerable deal of private money so generously contributed and The president has stood liis writes to Justice Werreuieyer of weeks from the 31st davo’A» one of the finest stretches of road. in improving the Necarney Moun­ furnished the wheel chair, and 1911, said date being the firms, ground so well during the special both in point of the fine condition tain road. His present plans in­ Clayton to get her one, “but not publication of this summon? from my very heart I extend my session that it would be an injus ­ of the road bed, and the natural clude the expenditure of over $7000 one with a crippled back.” If all: if you fail so to appear or gratitude to Miss Emma Alice tice to offer him a leg at the chicken women would look to the backs | for want thereof, the nlai„« scenic attractions which the drive of hie own money on county road . __ ___ Wilkenson, as I do to all who have barbecue. affords, that it is possible to find work, and much of thia is already remetnbered more than the faces of men, and | apply to the Court for the r l _ ___________ I me in this sad Meat prices in New York are soar­ select none but strong-backed men manded and prayed for in th? anywhere. paid out. plaint hied herein, to-wit- affliction. The chair ia fine. It ing again, but even this cannot di­ At present thia road is compar- as mates, there would be more con- For a decree and iud, ! fills a long felt need, and I have vert the attention of the metropolis Bad Boys And Girls. atively little traveled, by autoists, against the defendant for th, nubaial bless and less divorce. ■ ■- — 1IUI LilU words ” *-**V^ howl hope every one that Newport. express regret that thia should be arrested for fradulent use of the due on the principal of 8*M, some one speaking of a “bad" boy ha8 helped to get this good chair so. As the road ia becoming more Mr. Morgan is back from Europe mails in a matrimonial way, has and for the further sum oil or a “bad" girl, as if there were w;n never know what such afflic- known, however, it is becoming such a thing as a “bad” child tion a8 inine ig This ¡8 the 25th and says he has nothing to say. He blackened the eyes of an afternoon ($7.00) Dollars as interest da said note and for the further, more frequented, and more motor­ There may be untrained, neglected, year that i have been unable to will not have to eay it when the In­ newspaper reporter who tried to of one hundred ($100.09) donj ists are now traveling it than did misunderstood children, but never vestigating Committee meetsagain, snapshot him and his home, brom attorney’s fees for the lu.tituta walk a step. Oh how thankful I in the beginning of the Summer. several points of the compass of this suit to collect said not? a “bad” child, as the world defines am. I wish all knew how I thank in October. Leaving Leaving Tillamook, iiuaiuuuB, the me- road „ Some part of the political infirm­ late there are coming evidences of gether with plaintiff's costs a® them. May they even be blessed kirts the --------------------- headwaters of Tillamook I a .' , , , . , . bursements incurred herein sL --------- ---------- It is as though one neglected to with the very best of health and ity of Kansas can be overlooked, resistance to what has been called And for a further decree h Bay for five miles to Bay City. j pull the weeds in one’s garden, al­ prosper in all things is my sincere now that the hottest place in the the freedom of the press. that the mortgage on al) offl These five miles really constitute lowing the plants and vines to grow wish, with love from United States has been located in Sir Max Aitken in a speech in the 4 and 17, in the town of Netarts the poorest stretch on the road, al­ Park, situate in tile County of] carelessly about, permitted corn or . that state. M rs . L izzie P hillips . British House of Commons has ac­ mook, State of Oregon, acct» though, a( worst, it can scarcely be tomatoes to grow as closely together Although it is often said that tually declared our administration to the plat thereof on file ¡, Oak Grove, Mo. said to be poor. It is through open as we do our smaller plants, it' every man can get a wife and many of the Philippines justified by re­ office of the County Clerk of country, and there are several hilly undoubtedly would result in our' more than one, there are still some sults, and haB recommended the county, said mortgage having spots on it, but the road bed itself having—not a “bad” garden—but a Information About Portugal. who have to answer matrimonial British Government to study the given to secure payment of is in good condition. promissory note, as set out inn neglected and unfruitful one. So advertisements. colonial policy of the United States. tiff’s complaint, be foreclosed The 23-mile stretch from Bay City (TO THE EDITOR OF TILLAMOOK then it must be in child culture. Surgeons are now claiming that Everything seems to be going said property be sold, as t to Nehalem rivals by far the famous HEADLIGHT ] Miss Lucy M. Bird of Fretz, Pa., execution, to satisfy any jutta ’’Seventeen-Mile Horseshoe Drive” D ear S ir ,—Four months ago there are many organs of the body against Mr. Bryan this year. which may be secured by thep from Hotel Del Monte, along Mon­ discovered that fact several years when I left Tillamook, all my we could get along without, and A one-pounder mounted on a gun tiff in the above entitled suite, terey Bay ami the ocean side, in ago when in a juvenile courtroom friends whom I met and bid goodby live. The question, in some of these carriage is said now to solve the for a deficiency judgment ap California. With the broad bay be­ she saved from the village jail a wished me to write and I suppose cases, would we want to live. problem of firing at aeroplanes. said defendant in said cauit case proceeds of said sale do low, stretching far away to the small boy convicted of robbing a those whom I did not see would A retired officer of the French How such a weapon could be effec­ cover the amount of said judgnt slot machine. She asked to be and right, Cape Meares, Bayocean and like to hear from me. But as my Navy claims to have photographed tively sighted remains to be shown. This summons is served i “bad" the ocean in full view, the road cir­ was made guardian of the friends are many I will write to a thought. The photograph showed The conviction grows that efforts you by virtue of an order madt cles the brow of the hills. Green boy. them through the columns of this a case and a bottle. Now you can to prepare for the aerial battle ship Honorable Homer Mason, Judg He was a delicate little fellow, the County Court of the Stat foliuge flanking the road aide, und paper. should be along the line of perfect­ Oregon, for the County of 1 imagine his thoughts. known trees and*shrubbery stretching up who for two years had not I had a very enjoyable trip, much Diaz is taking on flesh since he ing the tight, enlarging the caliber mook, dated the 29th day of At, the mountain side, und shading the what it was to eat at a table or sleep I better then I expected. I left Till­ A.D., 1911, and which order in a bed. His case was clearly i got out of the presidency, To avert and lengthening the rangeof sharp­ scribes that summons in this road, complete a beautiful picture. amook on the 28th day of April and shooter rifles, and training men for The road flunks the buy for about one not of incorrigibility, but arrived here on the 28th day of such a calamity to Mr. Taft it may their speediest and most acctirate should be served upon you by | one of neglect and misunderstand­ lication once a week for sii. become a humanitarian necessity four miles after passing Bay City, May, at 4 o’clock p.m. I met my use. secutive and nuccessive week ing. Miss Bird rented an old, to re-elect him next year. when it turns up the Miami River the Tillamook Headlight, a a wornout farm, and took the little aged mother, whom I took this By breeding pure-bred hogs men paper of general circulation, prii Aviator Atwood’s trip from St. canyon, which it follows almost as long trip to see, being 35 years lad with her to cultivate it. She ought to improve in fiances, intel ­ Louis to New York was a thriller, and published in the County far as the Nehalem River. found the boy to be susceptible to since I last seen her. but it will be a long time before ligence and character. Good live Tillamook, State of Oregon. A hard bed of river gravel, laid She is 87 years old and rather & F. R. Mm' kind treatment and considerate aerial navigation will cut into the stock is a powerful aid in making G. G. S chmitt years ago, kept scruplously in re­ Attorneys for Plaiu She had marked sickly, but she still works in the business of the railroads. good men. But some men are too pair in all tliut time and packed management. gardens, and no one is permitted with years of travel makes this road success with him and soon others, I to care for my clothing but herself Reports are emanating from gov­ coarse-grained to respond to the Notice ot Sale of Tide make hearing of her ability to practically flawless. The road runs ernment departments at Washing­ humanizing and ennobling influ­ only. ences which the care of animals N otice is H ereby G ives .- aloug the side of the river, with “bud" boys “good” boys, urged The climate does not seem the ton that all of the “soft drinks” are beautiful green fern und other her to tuke charge of other “bad'’ I same as it use to. I used to think dangerous. Is nothing of purity yield. Unfortunately there are men the State Lind Board of the who seem to acquire in the course of Oregon will sell to the hi. shrubbery growing along its side, children—girls und boys. that this climate was better than and good report to be left us ? bidder, at its office in the Ct, At present there are about thirty of their experience certain traits Building, at Salem. Oreeox The mountains rise close and high Tillamook, but I find it different The Chinese have the laundries, boys and h half dozen girls with on either aide, and are covered with now. It has been so disagreable the Italians control the peanut wag­ which are very suggestive of por­ October 3rd, 1911, at 10:00 o’d a thick growth of tall timber. Oc­ Miss Bird. The boys learn scien­ that I have been sick a bed for two ons and the Greeks have the boot- cine association. A human hog is a.m., of said day, all the State’» terest in the tide and oval casionally u small cultivated area tific farming, the girls domestic weeks aud I don't think I will have black stands. There is no longer an awful commentary on our agri­ lands hereinafter described, gii cultural civilization. He abounds in however to the owner or own« with its farm house checkers the science. Last year the proud little good health until I return to Tilla­ any America for Americans. furmers raised large crops of wheat, cities, too, but he is much more any lands abutting or fronting little valley. mook. 1 have not found one spot France has decided to take a anomalous in country than town.— such tide and overflow lands.' There is but one more thiug nec­ hay, potatoes, live stock and other under tbe sun equal to Tillamook preferance right to purchaser course in commercial and industrial Kansas Fainier. essary towards making this road to agricultural products. The girls in regards to climate. tide and overflow lands at the hi methods in the United States. Un­ be ideal for unto trsveleis, and that made the most delicious bread, Speaker Clark, talking in Chicago est price offered, provided i I will write a few points about is the elimination, at smallexpense, cakes and pies, and are wonder-| this government as I find it. When cle Sam is conceded to be the great­ for publication, said that the offer is made in good faith, andi fully skilled in keeping house. est business instructor in the world. providing that the land will m of a number of sharp turns in tbe Democratic victory next year But they were never “bad” child­ thia change began, the people went Secretary Wilson has broken all will be a tidal wave. We say, when sold for nor any offer_therefsit road. Several of these obstruct the crazy and wanted the change made cepted of less than #7.50 per» records for long cabinet member­ a thing is really cocksure of hap­ the Board reserving the np view ahead, but good time can nev­ ren, so now they are not “good” cared 09 9OOn a8 PO9S*ble, for they had children, but they are well ship. A new secretary cf agricul­ pening: ertheless be made with the roud in “It’s all over but the reject any and all bids. Said! equal to for children, placed in the right been told ,hat ** would are situated in Tillamook Cot ture would be a novelty, and there shouting.” its present condition. When the shouting Oregon, and described as fol» the United States government. But is always a section of the public de ­ The 28-mile stretch forms a por pathway of life. comes first, there is sometimes rea­ j is was a big mistake, the people of Beginning at a point whichi tion of the projected "Horseshoe” son to suspect that those doing it Meander Corner between Sec the United States are free, and here manding novelties. drive from Portland, through Sher­ Sheriff's Sale. Parents must either cease scold­ are not cocksure as they pretend to 8 and 9, T. 1 S„ R 10 W.WM.. j they are made slaves, even worse running thence along high t idan and Dolph to Tillamook; and than the slave of the early day, for ing their children or keep carbolic be. But this can hardly be said of line the following courses : over the Necarney Mountain, In the Circuit Court of the State of acid out of the house. Children, the slave of the early day were Champ. He is always cocksure of Oregon for Tillamook County. S. 80 degs. 40' E. 153.63 feet- through Seaside, Astoria, and along ullowed to practice their own belief nowadays, take too often to the bot­ a Democratic victory at the next Clay Duniel und Dora ) S. 56 degs. 00’ E. 1160.00 „ the Columbia River, back to Port­ Daniel, tle under the influence of a domes­ election, and he always means it. S. 22 degs. 17’ E. 553.76 „ . in religion and here they are not. hind. As soon us this project ia Plaintiffs, | S. 70 degs. 38' E. 287.06 „ tic storm. The government of the U.S. is He had roseate dreams of the elec va. 1 N 80 degs. 591 E. 445.00 „ completed, which it will very the majority, and here it is only a Mr. Rockefeller is adding ten bed­ tion of Parker in 1904. Every two S. 70 degs. 09' E. 207.75 „ shortly be, it will constitute a high­ L. H. Kenney, Hallie > Kopieske and Wm. few of those leaders who hold the rooms to his home in the Adiron- years between 1892 and 1910 he was S. 50 degs. 17’ E. 152.90 „ way that will become world famous. Kopieake, Gust Nel­ s. 20 degs. 37’ E 469.00 „ people down. They uiuke lews and dacks, at a coat of $10,060.000. No predicting the election of a Demo­ The road around Necarney Moun­ son and Petei Nel­ s. 52 degs. 01' E. 645.80 „ pass bills to suit themselves, and doubt the faculty of Chicago Uni­ cratic House. The thing happened son, Defendants. J tain seems to overhung the ocean, s. 44 degs. 48' E. 300.00 „ i N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That thiugs are so unsettled now that versity will think they could make at last because it had to happen s. 35 degs. 16’ E. 516.35 „ which lies in u perpendicular line in pursuance of an execution and they expect war at any time. When I a better use of the money. under the law of probabilities s. 43 degs. 51’ E. 638.00 at its base. The view from this order of sale duly issued out of und the people were 69 degs. 04’ E. 64.57 » 1 fighting for s. point is sublime, and is limited under the seal ot the Circuit Court When the Lorimer investigation lot 3, then Republic they thought walking Not a Word of Scandal only by the range of vision. Sky of the State of Oregon, for Tilla­ i ia resumed, the investigation of the N. 0 deg. 26’ W. 229.00 . fl c= water line and then along lev' und ocean never seem to meet. mook County, to me duly directed, into heaven, but they found it was ' relection of Senator Stephenson of marred the call of a neighbor on : Hugh rocks, from 300 to 700 feet dated the 9tli day of August, 1911, just opposite, and now they have j | Wisconsin will tiegin. Still, the Mrs. W. P. Spaugh, of Manville, line the following course« issued in pursuance of a judgment to bear it, and would only be to' senatorial who said: “she told me Dr. N. 70 degs. 28’ W. 208.94 feet constitutional amend- Wyo., high, jntt out from the sides of the und decree of foreclosure and order King’s New Life Pills had cured N. 48 degs. 44’ W. 35(130 ff metit is not yet submitted. mountain, offering sights of bold, of sale duly rendered in the above glad to get out of it. her of obstinate kidney trouble, and N. 37 degs. 52’ W. 481.83 if In years to come socialism will majestic beauty, und rivaling the entitled cause and suit, wherein it N.39 degs. 20’ W. 441.95 President Taft was not an army made her feel like a new woman.” decreed and adjudged that the be ubout the same in America. Easy, but sure Remedy for stom­ N. 33 degs. 42’ W. 371.91) grundeur of the cliffs of Dover, was man, but he lias always shown plaintiffs recover from the defen­ N. 20 degs. 08'W. 637.26 ,• guarding the coast of England, of dants L. H. Kenney, Hallie Ko- Ho! How I would like to seethe proper respect for the old soldiers ach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 25c at Chas. I. Clough's. N. 28 degs. 27’ W. 1335.50 f« red, white and blue flying over this whom Shukeapeure sung: pieake and Wm. Kopieske, the sum and the highest appreciation of North line of Lot 1 extended, S country them 1 believe things j “Their foot spurns back the of $3UU()t), with interest thereon what they did. The soldiers know Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound T. 1 S., R. 10 W. . then from July 1st, 1909, at the rate o- would be put to the right, but as 1929. 59 » West ocean's tides.” 8 per cent per annum, for the furf it is now it is most impossible to a good friend when they see him. Still retains its high place as the bmvc place ui of beginning and slue Travelers who have been over thia ther sum at $75.00 us attorney’s fees, Mr. Edison says there will be no beet household remedy for all coughs 47 04 acres of tide land ft™*1“ live. point, say that it excels in point ot and for the coats aud disburse-1 and colds, either for children or abutting on lots 1 and . Just a few weeks after I arrived more great wars in Europe as tha grown persons. Prevents serious and tnents taxed at $39.00, anil said exe ' Lot 1 of Sec. 9. T. 1 grandeur, anything the Old World Mr. result* from a cold. Take only the cution and order of sale command they had u larj-e feast, which was world conscience is Hgainst it. ___ of W. ,M. has to offer tourists. Nectirnev ing me to sell the premises and something grand, the wagons and Edison is the master spirit Of the genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar Bids should be accompany Mountain is 18110 feet high, anil at real property therein descrilx-d a»1- K scientific laboratory, but, in talking Compound, and refuse substitutes. regular application to puj1' Chas. I. Clough Co. the road’s highest point, towers follows, to-wit : The South half of horses were highly decorated with of conscience, there are others. exchange for the full still 11(19 feet above it. S. G. Reed, Lot 3, and the South half of the flowers. The cattle were decorated offered and should lie ad“ North East quarter of the South with rosea stuck to them with glue. Some explorers to —-------- Artic a. tx^iv.vi v viaaus claim iu G. G. Brown, Clerk S«a" who has purchased Necarney Moun­ West quarter of Section 7, all in While these good times were have discovered a new race of peo­ Board. Salem. Oregon, an tain, and the adjacent beaches, Township 2 North of Range 9 West, "Application to bid anu 1 ple, not Eskimos, up near the far­ plans the erection of ■ fine iun, like Willamette Meridian, excepting a going on, music playing, people tide lands.” .. thest circle. But since the rise and to those in the Alps, half way up strip KM feet in width across said sieging, I found myself almost G. G. BROW* hind heretofore deeded to the Pacific crying, simply because in looking fall of Dr. Cook North Pole stories Clerk State Land W the mountain, and also the install- I Railway and Navigation Company are at a discount. They will be Dated this 27th day mg ot an observatory on the crest NUw, T herefore , by virtue of over the vast number of flags I ot Necsiney, which will much en- said execution, judgment, order could not see the one so dear to believed when proved. Notice to Credito* Col. Roosevelt and Col. Bryan en­ hance the sttrscttons of the prv- 'and decree, and in compliance with me. Stars and Stripes for ever. I the commands of said writ, I will suppose you will call this home joy a decided advantage over other Tbe valued family re ­ Estate of AsaG. Cobler. posed highway. on Friday, the Sth day of Septem Notice is herein given oj cipes for cough and cold American statesmen in having Three years ago Tillamook H nd her. 1911. at the front door of the sickness. I don't know. dersigned, E. W. Stanley, cure, liniments, tonics and C latsop counties took m bund the Court House, in Tillamook City. , Well. I will close, hoping the! newspapers in which to exploit trator of the estate of woik of building the road around Tillamook County, Oregon, sell at Tiliamookers are enjoying them- I their views. Most of the politicians other remedies have as ler. deceased, to the < . public auction to the highest bid aelve. lam yours truly, I are limited to talking, but the two and all i^rsons ba'1** , Necarney Mountain. C latsop County der. tor cash in hand, all the right, careful attention here as against, said deceased, M. T. St* A BES. colonels can both talk and write. has completed its portion of the title and interest which the above the most intricate prescrip­ them with the neecsearj road, which constats ot a 13 mile named detendauts, or either of tions. within six months after Two Cuban editors who were stretch from Seaside, the last two them had on July 1st. 1«*». or since ' Disgestioa and Assimilation. publication of this n“V.< ’-jfi find in and to the above described It is not the quantity of food taken i opposing the government have E. W. Stanley, at the office* ■ nd one hall miles having been real property, to satisfy said execu Our fresh, high grade been transported to Spain, where but the amount digested undsssim Willett, attorney-at-law. ( finished thia year. Tillamook tion, juugmeut. order and decree, Hated that gives strength and vital they came from. This seems to be drugs will help to make Oregon, which office ’ County, however, has still three interest und coats, and all accruing ityto the system. Chamberlain’s these remedies more effec­ signed selects as his l’k,v somewhat of a practical illustration ■ nd one half miles to build. Five coats. Stomach and Liver Tablets inviger of the idea once expressed by Mr. iness in all matters conns*-^ tive than ever. H. CRENSHAW. ate ths Stomach and liver and en­ ■ nd one half miles have already said estate. <( Sheriff of Tillamook County. able them to perform their func Dockery that those who are dissat­ Dated this second day “ tieen built, but work has been stop. Oregon. Right prices are also tiooe naturally. For sale by La isfied with a government should Dated August ltlth. 1911. ;>ed on the other portion on account uinr'a drug store. assured. leave it of a money stringency, which lust Admistrator of the estate There is now a proposition to at present prevails. The distance •0 Acres Timber for Bale “I have a world of confidence in G. Cobler^leceseed^^^^ Chamberlain'« Cough Remedy for abolish the express comps nies from Nehalem to Seaside over this Foley Kidney F* I have 80 acres timber, with about * uxd it with ptrfret and compel the railway lines to do way is JU miles, and from Nehalem < ♦•OfcUW CLOUGH, feet of fir and hemlock, Will reach your indiyh* wT* ’ • Pool». their business. Public prejudice to the county line slightly over 111 which I mill sell at Mt. per 1000 feet you have any form of by « ■gainst interests which have over- miles. ( Reliable Druggist. J acob B lvm . bladder trouble or uno j “ orked a good thing may make thia larities. Try them. Clough Co. ROAD THAT WILL MAKE TILLAMOOK FAMOUS. FAMILY RECIPES. 1 |i ■ I I I »1 K w