Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 07, 1911, Image 1

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No. 14
191 là
,1.50 per year
Beef, pork, veal and lamb
at the Independent Market,
opposite Post Office.
- •• -—
The launch Henrietta returned
frotn Astoria on Wednesday where
she had gone for a cargo of I
gasoline, as there was a shortage
of it in the city.
The new gasoline schooner Pansy
came into the bay on Monday with
gasoline for the cannery, and liav-
| ing no freight for this port she did
I not come to this city.
If. j
Your personal bank account is a guarantee
if your absolute independence. The satisfaction
if being able to draw your own check is really
letter—and carries more weight with it than if
■ou paid your bills in currency. We are always
rlad to open accounts with lady customers as a
convenience for their shopping excursions or
my other personal payments.
A kl LZ
ihrode for coal.
le will buy your cascara
I Glasses 35c. doz., at Lamar’s
ly Store.
liay for sale. —Apply to C. N.
Tillamook, Oregon.
I Shrode about the “Best”
rheat flour in the city.
Ice Limbs, cord wood for sale,
ly at F. R. B eals ’ Office,
kes Blanch and Hazel McNair (
r Portland on Friday.
I Board of County Commis- !
fc is in session this week.
[“Best” hard wheat flour in
|y. at the Tillamook Feed Co.’
try dance in the concrete
pg on Main Street Saturday
r TÍ
the city
the new town on the Tilla-
river be called West Tilla-
School will not be resumed in this
city next Monday as the Board of
Directors postponed the opening
until the 18th.
For Sale, a choice lot of young
Canary Birds, prices $2.50 per pair.
—Inquire at thia office, or address
P.O. box 227.
“ Dement’s Best” is made from
selected hard wheat, and makes the
best bread. Only $1.50 per sack.—
Tillamook Feed Co.
There is a vast difference between
preaching the gospel of the King­
dom of God, and explaining it away
to nothing. J. C. COVE.
Silver Wave Lodge, Eastern Star,
No. 18, will meet next Saturday ev­
ening, after two months’ vacation,
at the Odd Fellows Hall.
Everybody come to the bowery
dance in the concrete building next
Saturday night. Ten cents a dance
Good music and a good time.
“Dement's Best” Flour, fast get­
ting the lead. They haul it to Meda,
Woods, Nehalem and intermediate
points. Tillamook Feed Co.
I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for call
(aoeline schooner Anvil came hides at my shop. Try roe out and
The Old Reliable Hide and
'hursday and unloaded here see.
Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir.
H. H. Allger, who comes from
>u want the “Best” hard
Hour in the city you can get Marshfield, will open a boat house
in this city, having brought several
s'alton was in from Salem skiffs and canoes with him.
Dr. W. T. Brown and family have
ek on a visit to his brother,
been visiting at the home of B. D.
^lton, Jr.
thickens wanted at the Tilla- Lamar in this city, the Dr. having
Beat Company’s Market, 13c. disposed of his drug store at Clover­
The report that Engineer G. L.
I for rent at Elmore Park,
rr week. Apply to E. H. Davig had left the P. R A N. Co’s
employ was not correct, Mr. Davis
la riba Id i.
taking a vacation on account of his
I your chickens to the Tilla-
leat Company's Market We
Cement side walks are being laid
L per pound.
on front of the Hadley and Patzlaf
Rle, 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the
kin the city for $300 each.— stores, which is another good im­
provement to Main street
Mrs. C. N. Drew.
Jura, cheapest and best paper
Good team, wagon and harness
[in town.
Leave orders at
sale. Team is eight years old,
Ixt to Harris’ barn.
weight 2700 lbs. True and sound
F 1 to buy, a good family in every way. E. G. Anderson,
ph, or to be fresh in short
hpply to Garrett Ward.
* Hemlock. Ore.
Born, on Sunday, to the wife of
kle, cheap. One wicker baby
D. West, a daughter ; on the 2nd
lin good shape.—Inquire at
in«t, to the wife of Emil Hellen-
Ice, or address P.O. box 227.*
buyck, a son ; to the wife of Percy
■.Coates, with his daughers. Sheldon, a eon.
land Lizzie returned on Sun-
The frienda of W. W. Conder will
F1 a few day« visit in Port- be sorry to hear of the death of their
eon Rex at Silver City, New Mexico,
► ire licenses were issued to which occurred on the 30th August,
F'd’-r and Mary Horras ; the cause of death being tubercu­
B Thomas Olson and Adeline losis.
Dr. J. E. Reedy and wife will
• spruce and hemlock lum- spend the winter in California, and I
r® per thousand at the Faw- Dr. J. K. Sullivan, who hae arrived
tk Saw Mill, seven miles here from that state, will attend to
IT illamookCity. Goldsworthy the veterinary surgeon business in
k pros.
his place.
A practical Dairyman would like,
to rent dairy ranch and stock in
Tillamook Count}. Reference given
if required. W. W. Dodge, Salem,
Oregon, R. F. D. No. 4, Box 111.
Mrs. Lee M. Travis and family, of
Eugene, and Miss Charlotte Ban­
field of Portland, who have been
visiting at the editor's for the past
six weeks, leave on Friday morning.
W. E. Young is having the rear
part of the building occupied by
F. R. Beala, fitted up for a fish
market and expects to open for bus­
iness as soon as things can be ar­
ranged properly.
F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash.,
has located next door to Lamar's
variety store, and is prepared to do
all kinds of shoe repairing at
reasonable rates, All work guran-
teed. Give him a call.
The Percheron stallion Ville will
make the stand for the season at
Rogers & McNamer’s Livery Barn,
in this city, with the exception of
Mondays and Tuesdays, when the
stallion will be at Beaver.
At the special election to create a
Port of Bayocean on Thursday, it
was X’oted down owing to the voters
at Bayocean not going to the polls.
The vote stood, Bayocean: For, 22 ;
against, 2. Carnahan :
For, 0 ;
against, 35.
J. J. Roberts had a jury trial in
Justice Stanley’s court on Tuesday,
charged with peddling without a
license and selling druggist sup­
plies. The jury failed to agree, and
was discharged, but Deputy Dis­
trict Attorney Willett will try the
case again.
The special election last Thurs­
day to embrace more territory in
the Port of Bay City, carried by a
small majority, The vote cast in the
territory to be annexed: For 21 ;
against 18; vote cast within port :
, For 50 ; against 0.
Attorney H. T. Botts will leave
the first of next week for Salem,
where the Ayers vs Moon case
comes up in the Supreme Court.
He will endeavor to make arrange­
ments with Judge Kelley to have
the Port ot Tillamook case argued
at an early date.
You are invited to inspect a few
of the painting« of Mrs. Shrode'*
classes now on display in the win­
dows of The Tillamook Feed Co.
and King A Smith Co.
picture« show careful work, «kill
and training. Mrs. Shrode teaches
for 25c. an hour in das« work.
Maps of the Moroney Place can
be seen at Todd’» Hotel,Hotel Ram­
sey and at the Allen House. This
place ha» been surveyed in H acre
tracts and for «ale if you want beach
property. Come and learn what a
bargain you can get. Matt Moroney,
Rockaway post office, Tillamook
County, Oregon.
The Golden Gate came in on Fri­
day, her passengers being John
Peel, A. F. Gardner. Mr. Coon and
wife, A. E. Therdich. J. H. McPeters,
K. Iwancoto, J. Shiraishi, Mr. Nel­
son, Mr«. Darling, Arthur Darling
and Dr. J. E. Sullivan. She left on
Saturday with Mi«« L. Jacoby and
W. McGee and wife.
As I am going to enter other bu«-
ine»« I will »ell either all, or a i>art
interest in my barber busine«« to a
suitable partner.
Best equipped
shop in the city. Hae good bath.
1« clearing for present owner, frotn
$35 to $40 per week. For further in­
formation write to or call on I- J.
Hauliers, Tillamook, Ore.
Lawrence Olds ve. Hattie Old* i«
a divorce suit filed in the circuit
court. These parties were married
in thie county on the Mil August,
l!«i. and the cause for the divorce
ia on account of desertion on the
part of the «Jefmdant There irai
one child born to the union, a •on.
who ia five ye«ra old. the t l.intiff
to have charge of *a«r.e.
t I
X number of young people went
from this city, to the home of Mr.
Noye*. east of town Tuesday even­
ing and «pent an evening of enjoy­
ment. Game* were plate I the fir*t
part of the evening, after which a
dainty lunch wan ner»«l to over
thirty guest-. At twvlven’« lock the
happv crowd return«Ito thin city
freling more than p»i I lor their
The Sue H. Elmore came |in this «M
week with (James Merrel, Charles
Merrel, Mrs. C. W. Merrel, Florence
Langwood, C. M. Rainwater, E.
Rainwater. She left Friday with
Wilber Burdick, Miss Beatrice Gay-
lord, Harry Vierick, Miss Ester
Lattie, Theodore Pedlow, Stephen
Sharp, Mr Hart and family» and
five from Bayocean.
Harley Morion returned to the
city on Sunday, after being absent
nearly three years. He joined the
Fifth Cavalry und was stationed at
Honolulu, but has left that regi­
ment to return to civil life. Al
though he likes the Hawaiian Is
lands, he was glad to get back to
Tillamook. He is managing Ku-
gone Jenkins’ store this week.
* Felix Roy, who cauie to the city
from Nehalem on Tuesday in a one
horse rig, with a boy with him, had
a narrow escape of being killed at
East Garibaldi by the train. The
horse became frightened when it
saw the train coming and reared
up and became uncontrolable. but
he managed to get the rig off the
rails and pushed the boy aside in
the nick of time, but it was a close
call of being run over by the train-
About one o^clock on Tuesday
morning a loud explosion was
heard in this city, which caused
quite a shock, A large number of
citizens heard it and wondered what
was the cause. Night Watchman
Dawson made a bee line in thedirec-
tion where he thought theexplosion
happened, but could find no traces
of where and how it occurred. It is
thought that a gasoline tank ex­
ploded. and the matter has been
kept quiet.
The government dredge was towed
to the bay on Tuesday, after being
out of commission for several
month«, during which time she was
almost entirely re-built. After re­
placing the lx-acons, she will com
mence dredging and kept in com
mission this month by tlie govern­
ment, and as the Port of Tillamook
has made an application for the use
of her, «lie will he kept at work as
long as the Port s money holds
Some Portland parties have taken
options on John Hathaway's farm
und property fronting on the Tilla­
mook river, with tile object of plat­
ting it off into a manufacturing dis­
trict for saw mills and factories with
a town site as well. The Tillamook
river has ideal locations for all
kinds of factories, and with a small
amount of dredging the channel
can be made of sufficient depth so
that large vessel« can load there.
Rhodes and Shipman, proprietors
of the Gem Theatre, have been over
hauling their house the past week
and fitting it up in first class style.
The front hae been fixed up arc
shape and the arc is illuminated by
a brilliant display of frosted lights.
The ticket office has also been re­
arranged and with the films that
they are using at present the pro­
prietors of the Gem expect to have
the finest place of amusement in
the city.
Ata meeting of the Mutual Tele­
phone Company on Saturday the
following officer» were elected :
John Sheets, president ; John Erick­
son, vice-president ; W. S. Buell,
secretary; M. W. Harrison, tres.;
Henry Davidson, John Holgate,
John Erickson and Bat McClay,
directors. The matter of having
only one switch Ixiard with the long
distance company was up for con­
sideration and nothing definite
decided yet.
Rev. A. G. Peterson, pastor of
the Swedish
Church of Portland, ha« been visit­
ing a few days with iriends and rel­
atives on the Wilson River, and
while here has been preaching at
the Maple l-eaf School House.
Misses Fannie nnd Ellen Nelson, of
Amery. Wis., and present residents
of Port and, are visiting at their
uncles, Erick and N. O. Glad, for i
the past week and have been assist­
ing Pastor Peterson with the Sing­
ing and music at the service* at the
schcxil house, which was a pleasant 1
addition to the meeting«. They all
expect tn leave for Portland this |
Notice* are posted far a special '
•cliool meeting on the I Hli Septein ,
ber, to authorize the board to erect
a teni[K>r«ry building on the present
school ground* and to i*«ue inter
est txaring I Kind» for the aame It
was the inteotion of the board to :
erect a large »cliool building near
Stillwell Park for the «mall children,
but a* some of the par'in the
Kast part of the city obje« ted to hav-1
ing their childien go *o far, e»pe-
cially in wet weather, tt e lx.ard
thought it *d*t*able to erect a tem
pewarx three room building <>« tt-.s
present atbool grounds, which
Batiks have been the means of mak-
NESS MEN than colic ges.
You mav
be a little too old to start to college,
you are JUST
Why Not Begin To-Dny.
The Only Government Examined Bank iu the
Dorn near Wharton, Wyanilott County, Ohio, December 1, 1883, und
hla parents moved to Northern Indiana. He attended High School in
Terre linnte, and crime to Oregon in HOI, attended Albany t ollegt,
graduating in Krill, theological training nt San Francisco Ine. .logical
Seminary, while there hail charge ot the Presbyterian Church of
Sausalito, California. While in college at Albany won two etute oratori­
cal contests in Oregon, interstate between Oregon, Washington and
California and represented the Pacific Coast in the national contest at
Columbus, O.
Will preach Sunday morning at 11 o’clock on “ The Consecration of
a Life,” nnd in the evening at 8, on "Three Kinds of Sin.” He came to
Tillamook last week as the pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this
city, commenced hi« work here last Sunday and made a good impres­
sion as aniinteresting «(»eakcr and earnest Christian worker. He takes the
place of the Rev S. G. Finney, who became quite popular, out uu
account of sickness had to give up his work in thia city.
At the Second Hand Store.
We arc introducing the New Francea WASH­
INGTON STEEL RANGE, at $35.00, the befit
range in Tilkiinook County for the money
Our line of the lutefit heating fitoven are beautiew
and the price is RIGHT, they are ho constructed
that you can burn large wood and we will take
your old »tove as part payment.
We are prepared to furnish you with New or
Second Hand Good« at living prices.
We Buy, Sell, or Exchange Goods.
which we are introducing in Tillamook is Helling
at $1.25 and $1.50.
If you want your wtove or furniture repaired,
changed, or set up. Come and nee uh about it.
We are located next <loor to I’atzlaf's, in the
W ade Building.
would provide ample acconimodo I *n fine again, with the possil.ility
tions for the nexttxoorthreeyeaaa of nn East wind.
The passenger* in on the Golden
After several month* of dry j
Gate We<lne*day were s A. Atter­
weather the first rain of the -«-.i-<m I
made it* appearance on Sunday I bury. Al Atterbury, F. H. NcCsttsr,
Mrs. L>. C. Itriak, Mrs L T. Man-
and «Ince then tin re have l een!
tell. Misses E and F. Ixin<ler»h
Caniimr* hate!
Hirer, and those going out Thum*
I>ackrd up and gone >nd iiiitomo
lay were ; Wm. C. Gomlon. Mr*.
bile Iran I have been ruttaile 1 on
File* Go*lon, Mrs. . I. J. Haulier,
account of the rain. This «ounly
An ler»on, J.
F. r>rgni<t, F. R
haa I een fortiinat« again in not
Peel, It. Alaon, W. J. stepiirne and
having any foie«t fire», the only
Halt b, F.
wife, Ilan Glaaon, Maral
damage of any inportsme »«> He
an, 1.
burning of the timtier» in one of
< Ivde
W. Savage.
the tunnel* on the railroad and 4<*
Mitchell, K I.. Wade. |. N. liann.
acre* of timber in Washington
The fire warden«, who
have done gootl | service, will lx
H item
kept an duty, ho >wever. a« it ie
>»!•.«, VU
feared that the wratlwr might art