TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 31, 1911. Notice of Sale of it costs $8.00 a ton besides the freight date and antiquated and unsuited I diversify the methods of farming [ charges to this city. Although not • in this county. ¡Every boat brings to the present modes of travel. N otice is H ereby G tv » j incorporated up to the present time the State Lind Board JnJ Very few persons would be discom­ ! in butter, potatoes, cabbage, onions, I the citizens of Cloverdale are get ­ I of Oregon will „ell to th. moded by abandoning this road, fruit, and many other articles which ting the boosting and progressive bidder, at its office in £ but a very large number of settlers can be raised here to perfection and ! spirit. Mr. Ray is putting in a Building, at Salem, (>, would be greatly benefited by build­ at a good profit, but owing to de­ I splendid gravity water system and October 3rd 1911, at a.in., of said dav, all the ing the piece of road ucroes the voting so much attention to the pro­ duction of milk and the manu­ ■ from which he will run an electric terest in the tide and . tide lands. facture of cheese diversified fanning 1 plant to light the town, and is mak­ lands hereinafter ilescribJ Another Picturesque Road. ¡is being neglected. ingarrangements to plat off the park however to the owner or™ From the Little Nestucca bridge in lots and acre tracts, so as to any lands abutting 9r fr„ such tide and overflow |, Hill Land Is Valuable. fo Neskowin there are some good make it convenient for those who preferance right to purcu For a long time there prevailed grades, but the road needs to be i locate there to build homes. Clover- tide and overflow lands at ti rocked for a foundation and then an opinion that the hill land in the I dale muat of necessity be a most est price offered, proviL is made in goodfaith ... crushed rock used for the surface, South part of the county had been healthy town, for the natirral slope offer providing that the land win burned over many years ago and it and worked the same aB all other will make drainage easy and in­ sold for nor any offer thereto, roads. The road around the moun­ was practically useless. It is the expensive. There is a bright future cepted of Jess than »7 5» tain is most picturesque, and hav­ reverse. The hill lands in the for Cloverdale, and it should be the Board reserving the ing been graded, is now being neighborhood of the Big and Little made a model city whenever it is reject any and all bids. Said are situated in Tillamook & rocked from material taken from Nestucca are just as prolific, and incorporated. Excellent clay suit­ Oregon, and described as fa the side of the road. There are even more so, than the prairie land able for brick is available, and Beginning at a point whirt many sharp curves which should in the center of the county. The it would not surprise us much in Meander Corner between i 8 and 9, T. 1 S., R. lo i be cut off, which are dangerous, hills are not steep, but they produce a few years to see the frame build­ running thence along high, especially when automobiles are a large amount of hay and pasture, ings give way to brick structures, line the following coursea driving even at a moderate speed. and are suitable for the raising of which insures considerable protec­ S. 80 degs. 40’ E. 153. " «3 fgfl. ............... E. 1160.00 M By eliminating these curves, this potatoes and fruit. There is quite tion from fire. E. 553,76 will prevent many accidents and a large amount of this land which E. 287.66 Boosters Adopt Resolutions. probably deaths, for there will be is covered with fern, but which can E. 445.00 Saturday evening the editors join­ considerable summer travel over be turned into pastures and other S. 70 deg E. 207.75 S. 50 deg ed the citizens of Cloverdale who E. 15290 the road as soon as it is profitable lands. S. 20 deg E 400.00 rocked and graveled all the way Salmon and Trout Fishing. are making an effort to organize a S. 52 deg E. 045.80 Commercial Club, which will be a from Cloverdale to Slab Creek. It S. 44 deg E. 300.00 The Nestucca rivers afford splen­ great benefit to the south part of the is Bate to say that this picturesque S. 35 deg E. 518,35 did fishing. The Elmore Co. oper- county as soon as it gets down to S. 43 deg E. 638.00 road in the south part of the county rates a well equipped salmon can­ business. On Sunday the editors S. 69 deg K. 04.57 n will become as famous as the Ne- The Tillamook County Booster- have to be made by eliminating carney Mountain road when that is nery on the south side of the bay decided to return to this city, and lot 3, then N. 0 deg. 26’ W. 220.0C „ « and this gives employment to about the second outing of the Tillamook Editors’Association having accepted steep grades, plank culverts, etc. improved and put in shape for auto water line and then along Ion 40 fishermen. There is generally a an invitation to visit the south part < the following ----- courses: Pacific City and Bay Visited. travel, drawing together a large good run of salmon in these rivers, County Booster-Editors’ Associa­ line N. 70 degs. 28’ W. 208.04 feet of the county, left this city Friday tion came to a close with a dinner number of summer visitors to enjoy N. 48 degs. 44’ W. 350.30 H After partaking of lunch at these most beautiful spots in Tilla­ and after bein£ canned or salted at Todd’s Hotel. The following in auto on its second boosting trip N. 37 degs, 52’ W. 481.83 Ji this summer, the booster editors Cloverdale, accompanied by Mr. mook County. The County Court is the output is shipped out on the votes of thanks and resolutions were N. 39 degs. 20* W. 441.05 being the guests of the progressive Ray and others in two autos, the wise in improving the road to Slab Gerald C to Astoria. These rivers adopted : N. 33 degs. 42’ W. 371.90 afford plenty of sport for trout fish ­ editors were taken on a trip to N. 20 degs. 08’ W. 637.26 and wide awake citizens of Clover­ Creek, not only for the benefit of the We, the Booster-Editor ’ s Association N. 28 degs. 27’ W. 1335.50 ira dale, where they were gladly wel­ Pacific City, which is nicely situated settlers, but to induce visitors to visit ing, and have become favorite fish­ of Tillamook County, assembled at North line of Lot 1 extended, comed and loyally entertained. The on the Nestucca river. It was a the county. Considering that, a ing streams for those who delight T. 1 S., R. 10 W., then Cloverdale at the above date, hereby object of these gatherings and visits pretty drive all the way down there, large quantity of excellent road ma­ in that kind of sport. West ____ 1929.59 _ i resolve that they extend their hearty to different parts of the county by and when the road improvements terial can be procured at many places River Improvements Needed. place of beginning and conti thanks to Chas. Kay and the wide a- 47 04 acres of tide land frontin the editors is to ascertain its needs are complete this will be an ideal along the road, there is no reason The Nestucca liver needs to be wake citizens of,[Cloverdale. for the abutting on lots 1 and 2 ofi und to come in closer touch with the route for tourists and visitors to why this stretch of 15 miles of road improved, so that small coasting hospitality and courteous treatment and Lot 1 of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. leading citizens. In going over the that section of the county. From from Cloverdale to Slab Creek can­ vessels can reach Cloverdale. This extended them during their trip to the of W.M. county together the editors become Pacific City the party was taken in Bids should be accompanied not he made one of the best high­ can be done at very little expense, south end of the county; also Mr. J. H. regular application to purchase familiar with local conditions und u motor bout to the salmon cannery, ways in the county at comparative and as great benefits will be Dunstan, of Pacific City, for hospital­ exchange for the full am discuss them from an impartial on Nestucca bay. Some commenda­ small cost, Bince the grading is derived, this is a matter the citizens ity extended them while at Pacific City offered and should be addresi stand point and what is considered ble enterprise is seen at Pacific done and part of the road is rocked. of the Nestucca Valley should con­ also the Elmore Co., for courtesies re­ G. G. Brown, Clerk State City in an effort to make that a best for the whole county. That is Before it can be made^what is known sider in a broad and progressive ceived ; also County Commissioner Board, Salem, Oregon, andm “Application and bid to pur the aim und object of the booster­ favorite summer resort and head­ as an up-to-date road, a rock crush­ light. All that is needed is to re­ Farmer for his kindness in conveying tide lands.’’ editors, who have formed an asso­ quarter for those who like fishing. ing plant and roller will have to be move the snags and eliminate three the members of the association on the G. G. B rown , ciation to boost for all parts of the At an expenditure of $1,800 approa­ Clerk State Land Ba taken there, and although it is quite small bars, the cost of which should trip. county, to boost for more and better ches and a ferry have been put in Dated this 27th day of July, We also hereby endorse the plan to roads, to boost for more industries, so that atitomobileH can cross the costly to move one of these plants, I 1 not be much more than $25,000. In the improvement will justify the . | the near future, with the growth build the proposed short cut road from to boost for more settlers to culti­ river to the beach on the^other side. Sheriff’s Sale. Mr. J. H. Dunstan, the enter­ expenditure, for settlers who will [ and progress of the Nestucca Val­ Union School House to the Oretown vate the idle land, to boost for rail atid water transportation, and to prising hotel keeper of that place, improve the land like the settlers ley, the commerce will need a ves- cheese factory across the tide lands In the Circuit Court of the St Oregon for Tillamook Coum boost for the progress und develop­ showed hie hospitality by inviting huve in that section of the county I sei carrying 100 to 200 tons of thereby decreasing the distance from ment of Tillamook County, the the editors and entire party to par­ are deserving of the best roads that I ! freight. One thing where the south Oretown to points south, five miles. Clay Daniel and Dora | Daniel, part of the county is handicapped We also consider, after carefully look­ take of dinner at the Pacific City can be built. garden spot of Oregon. Plaintiffs, is in transportation, both outgoing ing over the situation, that water way Hotel, which was, of course, gladly Editors Visit Neskowin. vs. Full Delegation Present. accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Dunstan and incoming. There is the mak- improvements would be of vast benefit L. H. Kenney, Hallie The editors visited Neskowin on Every newspaper in the county have a reputation of serving ex­ ings of a good harbor on the Nes- to the entire Nestucca country. We Kopieske and Win. Saturday, at the mouth of Slab i was represented last week when the cellent meals, and if anything more Kopieske, Gust Nel­ i tucca river for small coasting ves- are also favorably impressed with the Creek, which is a most delightful son and Peter Nel­ editors went over a considerable than another will help to make ! eels if the people there would only road work that is being done in the son, Defendants. J portion of the south end of the Pacific City famous it will be the and beautiful spot for a summer realize what nature have done for N otice is H ereby G ivex - south end of the county and believe resort, where they partook of their county, and included : , them in this respect. All it needs manner in which meals are cooked mid-day meal. the court should be commended for the in pursuance of an execution There are many: order of sale duly issued out of Fred C. Baker, Tillamook Head­ and served at this hotel. Clam now is united effort to improve the economy displayed. attractive features about Neskowin under the seal of the Circuit < light, president. fritters, fried chicken and other which appeals to one looking for a i advantages that section of the FRED C. BAKER, Pres. of the State of Oregon, for Frank Taylor, Cloverdale Courier, delicacies too numerous to mention mook County, to me duly din FRANK TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. quiet summer resort, away from county enjoys. It is only a ques- vice-president. made the editors feel pleased and the toils of business. If all the ! I tion of time when the bulk of the dated the 9th day of Auifu.'t C. E. TROMBLEY, SECY. issued in pursuance of a judg K. C. Trombley, Tillumook Herald, happy, with the best of wishes for freight for the big Nestucca Valley H. F. EFFENBERGER contemplated improvements r and decree of foreclosure and secretary. , .. ­ will be landed at Cloverdale at the future growth and development carried out Neskowin should be W. C. TROMBLEY. of sale duly rendered in the! Hugo Effenberger, Nehalem En­ of that pretty spot on the Nestucca entitled cause and suit, when- come one of the many splendid ’ more than one half what it costs ' at present, tiesides it will afford a terprise. river. was decreed and adjudged that summer resorts in the county, which Attack Like Tigers. plaintiffs recover from the« W. Trombley, Buy City Examiner. will help to make Tillamok famous, market for many things which can- In fighting to keep the blood pure dants L. H. Kenney, Hallie The liousters were conveyed to Reception for the Booaters. ' not be shipped now for want of the white corpuscles attacx disease but owing to the fact that it is so pieske and Win. Kopieske, the Cloverdule by County Commissioner Friday evening the ladies of far from railroad facilities, it will better transportation facilities. This germs like tigers. But often germs of $390.00, with interest the H. M. Farmer in hie auto, the car Cloverdale tendered the boosters a is one of the things which will help multiply so fast the little fighters from July 1st, 1909, at there not get the heavy summer travel having a sign of “Booster Editors” reception, and u most pleasant time the south part of the county as are overcome. Then see pimples, 8 per cent per annum, for the similar to that which will visit boilB, eczema, salt rheum and sores at the back. The first boost that was enjoyed. The editors were Garibaldi beach and other summer i much as anything, tor nothing keeps multiply and strength and appetite ther sum of $75.00 as attorneys! for the costs and disM the editors did was to boost the car called upon to make speeches, down rail rates as much as water fail. This condition demands Elec­ and nients taxed at $39.00, and said resorts, but for those owning autos back onto the road when one wheel which they did, explaining to the competition. tric Bitters to regulate stomach, cution and order of sale com« and other means of travel, this is , liver and kidneys and to expel poi­ ing me to sell the premise«! went off the grade. Arriving nt audience the object the editors bad Railroad Prospects. destined to become a favorite »|>ot j sons from the blood. “ They are the real property therein descnl« Cloverdale at noon the editors were in view in getting together for the and attractive to those who want to ' If the plans of the Portland A best blood purifier,” writes C. T. follows, to-wit : The South h» cordially welcomed by Mr. Charles purpose of ascertaining the needs Budahn, of Tracy, Calif., “ I have be more secluded and away from West Coast R. R. and Navigation Lot 3, and the South half « Ray, the genial and highly respect­ of the different localities and to big crowds from the city. The Co. can be relied upon, the south ever found.” They make rich, red North East quarter of the S blood, strong nerves and build up West quarter of Section 7, ■ ed progressive citizen of that place, boost for them. It whs pointed out whole country surrounding Nesko­ part of the county will have rail­ your health. Try them. 50c at Township 2 North of Ranges Messrs.W. M. Owens, L. M. Dennis, thut one person would go to .an win is pretty, the magestic hills on road connections before most peo­ Chas. I. Clough’s. Willamette Meridian, except) W. High und others. editor and advocate some particu­ the back and Grand Pacific in ths I atrip 100 feet in width acroM ple tealize what is going on. From Good Roads a Great Credit. lar public improvement, while an­ front gives it a most unique appear- newspaper accounts this railroad is Loss of Time Means L?ss of Pay land heretofore deeded to ther other would go to him and oppose unce. Strange as it may seem, no I Kidney trouble and the ills it Railway and Navigation Com| One of the first things the editors to build from Willamina and will Now, T herefore , by nrt it, und it was to ascertain for them­ breeds means lost time and lost preparations had been made to give . tap Lincoln and Tillamook Coun- pay to many a working man. M. aaid execution, judgment. • discussed was good roads anil con­ selves that the editors are luuking the editors the glad hand when they templated improvements nt differ ' ties. The first work to be under- Balent, 1214 Little Penna St., Strea­ arid decree, and in compli»l’ct these visits und inveatigutlona so ent points, but what impressed the ’ arrived there, after taking so long a ' taken ia from Willamina to Bentley. tor, Ill., was so bad from kidney the commands of said wnt. intelligently inform the li xiaters most was the splendid us to ’ journey to give that section and a new town site one mile south and bladder trouble that he could on Friday, the Sth day of W not work, but he says: “I took ber, 1911, at the front door stretches of good roads which they citizens of the needs of the county that summer resort a boost, for at of the Indian reservation, and from Foley Kidney Pills for only a short Court House, in Tillanioo* from impartiul advisers, the Press traveled over. There ia no getting all other places the editors were what can be gathered from the pro­ time and got entirely well and was Tillamook County. Grego» ■ away from the fact that Tillumook standing as a unit forall commend given a cordial greeting and the moters of this railroad, it is contem- soon able to go back to work, and public auction to the higk* County is entitled to a great deal able public improvements and bet­ citizens were glad to see and con plated that the road will comedown am feeling well and healthier than der, for cash in hand, all ¡he title and interest which the ■ Refreshments were of credit for the progress it is mak­ ter roads. verse with them about matters per- the Little Nestucca and strike Pa- before.” Foley Kidney Pills are named defendants, e carried out without Road is Oat of Date. j the south part of Tillamook county, ney Pills give quick relief from pain Farms Should Be Cut Up. having to extend it over a number of I fof the Nestucca Valleys and hill and misery and a prompt return to Notice. Saturday morning the party made In the Big, as well as the _____ Little’ health and strength. No woman years. To give our readers sonic a trip to Slab Creek and Miaa Iler Nestucca Valleys there are many I land can be made to produce an who so suffers can afford to over­ N otice is H ekehy give * idea ot the length of the roads and and Mrs. C E. Trombley and large farms of from 130 to 300 acrea I enormous amount of produce. look Foley Kidney Pills. Chas. I. Stock Holders of the the magnitude of the work, there Clough Co. daughter joined the party. This of rich bottom land which are not Cloverdale a Business Center. C ounty M utual T elep JJ^ nr* about rtt> miles of roads in the PAXY. that the regular a"0“*% was another delightful and interest- producing one-third of the milk A well known Des Moines woman county, and in the third road dis­ Cloverdale is beautifully situated ing will be held at the ing drive amt gave the editors some they are capable of doing, the after suffering miserably for two trict which the editors visited last in the center of the rich dairy sec- Room, Tillamook Citv. *** idea what was going ou in road im, owners preferring to pay heavy days from bowel complaint, was County. Oregon, Saturday, week more than A») miles. That the provementa and what were contem­ taxes on land which are not yielding I tion of the Nestucca Valley and will cured by one dose of Chamberlain's her 2nd, 1911, at the ho* • county is getting more and better plated. By building about a mile them any returns. There is enough always be the business center of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- o'clock p.ni. work for the money expended on edy. For sale by Lamar's Drug All stockholders are req*^ und a half of road across the tide river bottom and hill lands in a that putt of the county. It ia a Store. _____ the roads in generally conceded, but convenient trading point, and : attend this meeting an*> lands from the Union school house, radius of three miles of Cloverdale i sentiment in the nianagwj| there is need of a great deal of road A King Who Left Home thia would save five miles of travel to support a population of 2301) per should the citizens see the wisdom improvement, not only on the main set the world to talking, but Paul | conducting of the Conipa”Jr of improving the river so that coast for those coming from Slab Creek persons if the lands were cut up Mathulka, of Buffalo. N. Y. says he news for the coming yfari^ thoroughfares,but in other sections. and Oretown. and aa the road con into 10 and A) tracts. This, we ing vessels can reach Cloverdale always KEEPS AT HOME the I choosing officers for sai«l-P" $’<) tUI to f<>, UA) annually is needed The present official* ™ necting the Big and Little Neetucca understand, ia the intention of Mr carrying several hundred tone of King of all Laxatives—Dr. King’s in the third road district for the nezt , what was in their power to 1 Valieva ia seven uiilea long over Ray. and. no doubt, others will fol freight, it will not only help to make New Life Fills—and that they’re a I service for the past ', a!L lew years, and it should have that that a city of considerable size and blessing to all his family. Cure the hills, with innumerable cur.ee and a good for« <”* amount to keep up and maintain I at the tree tope, it would take more low when they see that it is more importance, but it will help the en­ constipation, headache, indigestion. I 1 patrons, nieeting would evidence r CHiV^tf I* °°ly C,‘"* profitable to sell than to keep pay tire surrounding country. the load improvements in that part There tion of what has been money to tear up the planked road ing taxes m land which they are of ths county, fur it will not be long More than sixty phone* 6 are many freight difficulties which and relay it than it would to build Buy it now. Now is the time to not reaping any benefit No better added since the last met before tlie dairymen will be using would be overcome if the river was small auto trucks, summer and win. I the road across the tide-lands, to land can be found anywhere in the improved Freight is taken iu now buy s bottle of Chsmbcrlsin sColic, I if all stockholders will R Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It' ing hand fii.y more will ter. but before this can be done! •ay nothing in the saving in time county than „ in _ the Nestucca Valley, , 'on the Della, which has only . is almost certain to be needed be­ for the coming year. and distance. Thia mountain road, end troui ; - — many improvements in roads will ‘ This iu to A) acres will make carrying capacity of 30 to 40 tons fore the summer io over Reapectfully. •»th ita piessat grade, io out of J ohn S’ any a good living, who wifi and whenever hauled from thia city remedy has no superior. For sale by Lamar's Drug Store. W. & B vel . Sac. SOUTH PART OF COUNTY HAS BRIGHT FUTURE. Nestucca Valleys, Cut Up Into 10 and 20 Acre Farms, will Support Large Population. HILL LAND RAISE LARGE CROPS. Big Nestucca River Needs Improving —Picturesque Roads and Delightful Beach Resorts and Camp Grounds. THE BOOSTER-EDITORS HAVE GOOD TIME Are the Guests of the Wide-Awake Citizens of Cloverdale—The Newspaper Men Gather Much Useful Information About Present Needs.