TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 31. 1911 ------------ y - 9 00 Jimook“ Io west............................. ••• tp 4 S range 10 west.......................... 40 OO book in assessor’s office, page 293, D F Skinner, E 5i of B sec 7, tp O, C. bright, E % of sw H «nd w z sec 15, 15 50 Chas A. Smith. .Ne of Se sec 2i, tp 2 S, range 9 W OU 10 W. H. Easter lot 1 biock q’o „ ■ of ®e M. sec I7,tp6 a, range Io west 3 N. range IO west.................. ........... 19 80 Frank tp 4 S range 10 west ..................... 20 00 Fowler, N w of Se 54, sec 2i, tp inotts addition Tillamook M<;Drr- J. A. Woollums, timber on Lots I and Thos. N. Kennedy, S 5i of Ne 54» ®«c 4 65 E. F. and V. E Worthington, Sw of z 8. range 9 W .................... 7 70 2 48 2, sec I tp6 ®, range II we®t ...... 8 tp 3 N, range 10 west..................... W ’ t'v v iley- “'«¿nninx 32 f«t ’ • 13 OO Se U. sec 15. tp 4 S, range 10 west Geo. W. Parrish, 8e of Sw 54« *cc 22» of N E eo.ner B « thence s 2?*,1* Geo. M. Knight, N Vi of.Nw H sec 13, M. M. Thompson, Tohls Addition 5 43 R. F. Weatherly, Tract No. 629, for tp 2 S, range 9 W ......................... thence W lo5 feet thence N £ “ .** 20 25 9 3 83 tp 3 N, range 10 west............... to Nehalem Cit v lot 3 block 1 ......... further description see tract book J W Hopfield, W U of Sw J4, sec 27, G. W. Fearnside estate. % interest in thence East 105 feet to Marie Kaiuin, Tonis addition to Ne­ in assessor’s office, page 381, sec 19, 13 18 tp 2 S. range 9 W. ...................... . lots 3 and + block 4 Mcber^?.”’1"* 2 03 tract No. 134. For further des­ halem City lot 6 block 1..................... 1 OO tp 4 S, range 10 west .................. Nancy R. Simmons, Nw *4 of Ne 54» dition Tillamook ™0‘ta< cription see tract book in assesaor’s Hans Larsen. Tohls addition to Ne­ R. C. Magarrell, Tract No. 640, for 88 3 sec 2», tp 2 8, range 9 W ..................... office, page 82, arc 23, tp 3 N, 2 70 Geo. Bradley lot 13 block 1 1 halem City lot 6 block 2....... •••••• further description see tract book tp 8 43 J W. Hopfield, Ne of Se Vi, away Beach .................. KOC»- range IO west ................................. Eastern Investment Co Ltd., Tohls in assessor’s office, page 383, sec 19, I 2 8« range 9 W, and Tract No. 571, I M. Williams, estate, tract No. 141. Earnest Bradley lot 14 block Addition to Nehalem City lot 7 16 OO tp 4 8 range IO west. .. ........................ 1 for further description see tract For further description see tract away Beach........ KOC‘- 2 25 block 3................................................... G. A. Hoover, Tract No. 644. for ' b<»ok in assessor’s office, page 297, book in assessor's office, page 85, J. E. Pressnell lot 28 biocicl *Xi* Wm. A. Oliver, Tohls addition to Ne­ further description see tract book 10 08 sec 28, tp 2 a, range 9 W 1 13 *rc 23, tp8 N. range 10 west ......... 3 38 halem City lot 4 block 7 ................... in assessor’s office, page 384, sec Fred Blum, NViofSwofSw %, sec Daniel < ronin, estate, lot 6 and tide First Bank & Trust Co. Toti 'i'n 3 00 Elizabeth E. Preston south 12 V^ feet 19, tp 4 S, range 10 west................. 9 30 1 28. tp 2 S, range 9 W .................... . lands F. & A. same less that part u3«'‘‘“'i, 1 Rockaway Beach “* Tohls addition to Nehalem City lot J. F. Weatherly, Tract No. 645, for James Christensen, half interest, and platted, sec 33, tp 3 N., range IO 3 38 M. G. Kelley lot» 33 und 34 blii'. 6 and 7 block 7 ............... • further description see tract book Blanche L Beach, half interest, OO west........................................................... . 11 Rockaway Beach,... w* 1 August Burmester Estate, Tohls ad ­ in assessor’s office, page 385, sec Tract 747, for further description Henshaw, 2-3 interest and dition to Nehalem City lots 16, 17 " lle„^'"Cy 'Ot 38 blOCk * ««GW., 12 00 N otice is H ereby G iven , pur I Ida 19, tp 4 S, range IO west................. sec tract boon in assessor’s office, Pacific Coast Dry Kiln Co,, 1-3 4 05 block 8 ......................................................... A. H. Malaney, lots 3 and 4, sec 19, page 299, sec 29, tp 2 S, range 9 xuant to the provisions oL Chapter interest in lots 1.2 and 3, *ec 1, tp. Peter Murry lots 3G aud 37" |,1(w.. ;• C. Frantzen, Tohls addition to Ne­ tp 4 S. range IO west ; Se of Sw 47 VV...,;.’................. ...................................... 13 20 1 2 25 275 of the General Laws of Oregon 3 N, range 1 1 west ........................ Rockawav Beach... 1 halem City lot 4 block 20............. % and lot 5, sec 19, tp 4 S, range James Christensen, Ne ofSeVi. *ec 32, Santa Fe Pacific R. R. Co.. 8c ot Se to Louis Zuiderdein, Tohls addition A B^Jh V*'.,Ot *.°. ““j* ’’ koik«»i for the year 1911, that the taxes for IO west ; tide lands F. and A., on tp 2 9; range 9 VT.......... .............. 21 70 2 63 H, sec 6. tp 1 S, range 7 west........... 68c Nehalem City lot 11 block 4 A... lots 3. 4, 5. 6 and 7, except tide fames Christensen W of Sw and the yenr 1910 upon the following de F L Barber, half interest, and Chas W' Si wPailey i°t8 23 24 25, 2« bi^k Cloie Hill, Garibaldi lots 1 and 2 lands F. and A. on Malaney’* add. Ne of Sw 54» »cc 33, tp 2 B, range 9. scribed real property in Tillamook I B. Dovey. half interest, lots 1, 2, 3 55 80 2 Rockaway Bench... Uxk 3 «0 block 3................................................... to (Jtean Park, sec 19, tp 48, range W .................................................................. 17 05 and 4, sec 3, tp 1 8, range 8 W ....... 3 OO L ?l; H“®tings lots 27 aud’as bi^k Unknown Owner, Garibaldi lot County, Oregon, became delin­ Hans 54 10 west ......................................... J W Hopfield, N %of Sw 54» 34, €. Hanson, Sw 54 of Sw %. ®ec 1 40 2 Rockaway Beach ... ...... block 3 ................................... ............... John R. Malaney. W H of Se ^4 and 7 75 quent on the 4th day of April, 1911, 85 tp 2 S, range 9 W ...................... . .......... 1 28, tp 1 8, range 8 W......................... Claude Thayer, Garibaldi lot 4 block M. S. Cobb lots 31 and 32 block i lots 6, 7, 8 and 9. sec 19, tp 4 S, NellieE. Armstrong. Sw of Nw 54» scc 2^» and are subject to a penalty of ten Hans C. Hanson, 8 Vi of Se H. 1 20 Rockway Beach......... 4 3 ................................................................ 1 85 range IO west ........................ • ■ 86 00 35, tp 2 8, range 9 west......... tp 1 8. range 8 W ...... ......... 14 00 per cent and interest at the rate of Lillian 0. J. Nolan, Garibaldi lots 7 and 8 Emelin Klukis lots 5 and 6 block s D. B. Emmett, Ne of Se %, sec 20, tp Winfiitred Johnson, N H of Ne 54, 9CC R Anderson, Se of 8w V4» ®ec Rockaway Beach....................• 15 3 60 2 00 block ............................................................ 9 90 ! 4 S, range 10 west............................. twelve per cent per annum until 5. tp 2 8, range Jo west ..................... 30, tp 1 S. range S W, and Nw 54. O. J Nolan U interest in lot 1 block Emily Reder lots 7 and 8 blocks Biii»’ D. E Emmett, W % of Nw and Nw Dailey, Se of Ne 54, lo« *P 2 paid, and that the description of sec 31, tp 1 S. range 8 W...................... 33 30 S. 8, M. range 1 OO away Beach.................................. 7 65 4 Garibaldi.............................. ...... of Sw %, sec 21, tp 4 S, range IU west ............................ Hanson, Nwjof Ne54.®cc32» 80 I). B. Esclielman lots 39 anil 4o bi wk the real property upon which said HansC. 1 00 3 M E Smith lot 3 block 4 Garibaldi.... IO west .................. .................. Louis Imhlof and F. Hediger, Nw 54 10 11 tp 1 8, range 8 W ................................. 5 Rockaway Beach............. 1 Mrs. 1. Calberth, lot 8 bloek 5 Gari­ E. F. and V, E. Worthington, Nw# of Nw 54, sec 11, tp2 S. K1U W.and taxes are delinquent, and the amount A. K. Crawford, S 54 of 8 H. ®ec 34, 1 80 Anna Downey lots 23 and 21 block'« of Ne sec 22. tp 4 S, range 10 baldi.......................................................... . bw of Ne %, S % of Nw %, and Ne ....................... 51 80 of the tax, and the name of the own­ tp 1 S, range 8 W Rockaway Beach .............. 6 OO 40 Unknown Owner lot 1 block 7 Gari ­ west ........................ .............................. of Bw Vi, sec 11, tp 2 S, range lo H. Hathaway, lots 3 and 4, less ers thereof us the sume appears B. part 1 80 Della Bluhin lot 31 block 8 RocUw.. sec baldi 28 05 west . ................... ..................... 44 40 Frank Worthington, Se of Ne sold, sec 7, tp i S. range 9 w 80 Beach .............................. J 1 as follows W. G. Dwight lot 5 block 7 Garibaldi 22, tp4S, range lo west; Ne of upon the Tax Roll, are James A. Biggs, NViiOfNw %, less B. H. Hathaway, N H of Sw 54» John Fisher lot 32 block’s Rockawi» Se N and W of Big Nestucca W. G. Dwight lots 4, 5 and 6, block tracts sold, sec 13. tp 2 8, range lo 7, tp 1 8, range 9 W.............................. 86 70 to wit: •— 5 40 OO Beach ................... .... 21 7 River, sec 22, tp 4S, range 10 west, 110 8, Garibaldi ........................................... west......................... ...................... Oak Nolan, Tract No. 181, for fiu* H. G. Hurlburt, E. Va of Sw. *4 and B. K. Nelson, tract No. 659. For George A. Briven lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, Frank G. Clark lots 14aniLlS"block Theo Kingsley, E % of Ne H. 13» t her description see tract book in 9 Rockaway Beach............... * 8 00 N of Se V4» ®cc y. tp- 1 N range 8 33 further description see tract book 7 and 8 block A, East Garibaldi.... tp 2S, ranze lo west ................ assessor’s office, page 109, sec 6, tp 42 00 7 W............... ...................................... in assessor’s office, page 395, sec M. Francescoyitch. lots 1, 2, 3, 4 V. L. Kelley lot 20 block 9 Rockawav 1 65 Chas Blum, W % of Se 54 an^ E 54 of | 18. range 9 W ........................................... Claude Thayer, N. Vfc of Nw. 54 3 20 Beach .............................................. 1 5 OO 22, tp 4 S, range 10 west ................. block E East Garibaldi....................... Sw 54, sec 25, tp 2 S, rauge lowest 10 20 1 F. E. Robin, lots 4 and 5, sec 12, tp 8. 54 of Nw, 54» sec 38» tp- 1 N. H. p. BriKhtbill lot 2« ¡.lock 9 R«•« tract J. F. Jenkins, Tract No 818, for fur­ K. A. Hibbs, Sw 54 ot Sw 54» ®«c 28> M R Madsworth lot 2 block 21 Bay E. O. Edwards lot 31 block 10 Rock­ Vincent Cook. Sw 54 of Nw 54, and sold, sec. 11 tp 1 N range 10. W ... 79 20 ‘ 78 ther description see tract book in 2 04 tp 3 S, range 7 west...................... ... away Beach . Nw of8w %, less sold, see. 18, tp 1 City............................................................. James Waller, Sw. 54 of bw. 54 ®ec IU 95 12 W. G Dwight, Ne of Nw Vi» «ec 36, tp assessor's office, page 405, sec 27, I S. range 9 W .............................. Bay City Land Co. lots 20, 21 and Clara Gunderson lot 33 block 10Rock­ 4 20 tp 1 N. range IO W. 78 4 00 tp 4 S, range 10 west.......................... 6 12 3 9, range 7 west • • • away Beach R. T. Bonis, 8w Vi of Sw V4. less tract 22 block 1 Bay City ..................... Elm r A Ball, W. H of Nw ft. sec 14. 80 51 ' Wm. R. Rutherford E % of Sw V4, F. R. Russell, Tract No. 819, for fur ­ ! sold, sec 18, tp. 1 S, range 9 west... Bay City Land Co. lot J4 block 1 F. A. Anderson lot 4 and 5 block 11 tp 1 N. range 19 W. ......................... IO HO ; David Martiny, lots 2 and 8, sec 23, ther description see tract book in Se of Nw Vi and Nw 54 ft“d Nw of Sc Rockaway Beach in Bay View addition to Bay Jam Waller, A. Vi of Nw 54 and S<-. 34 IO 40 assessor’s office, page 405, sec 27, 04 L. Markin lots 38 and 39 block 11 7 54, sec 6. tp 3 S, range 8 west ......... 2 < tp 1 H, range 9 W .................................. City ............................................................. of Nw *4. ®ec 15, tp. 1 N. range 10 2 00 Bay Gity Land Co. lots 12 and 13 David Martiny. timber on lots 4, 5, tp 4 S, range 10 west....... ................ W. C. Thun, 54 interest, Rockaway Beach W ...................................................... 14 70 1 85 H A H. Thun, % interest. A. H. Malaney, Se of Ne Vi. sec 30, tp 6 and 7. sec 2^ tp 1 H, range 9 W block 4 in Bay View addition tu R. C. Barnard lots 5, 6, 7, block 12 Be tha I’illman, N. U ofNw. 54» ®cc 4 OO H. W. A. Thun, % interest. John Bogart. Ne ofNw 54, sec 24, tp 4 S, range 10 west ............................... 2 04 Rockaway Beach Bay City.................................................... 3 OO 16. tp. 1 N. range 10 W......................... 2 78 EH of Ne 54, Sw of Ne 54 and Se A. H. Malaney, lot 11, sec30, tp 4 S. 1 8, range 9 W ............... ...................... Unknown Owner lot 13 bloek 12 Josephine B’randherg lots 16,17,18119 8. W. Cooper, W H ofSw. 4, sec. 15, ofSw K. less one acre sold, sec 16, Water Co.. Tract No. 225 range 10 west ........................................ 19 00 block 12 Rockaway Beach in Bay View Addition of Bay tp. 1 N. range 6 W. ........................ 59 50 I Tillamook for further discription see tract tp 3 S, range 8 west ; Se 54» scc A. H. Malaney, W % of Ne Vi and Ne 1 53 Hulda Shover lots 22 and 23 block 12 City .............................................................. Siiuey niiiitn, estate, Tract No. I n , 11 62 I book in assessor's office, page 133, tp 3 S, range 8 . west ----- of Nw sec 30, tp 4 S, range 10 Rockaway Beach Annie Me Donald lot 14 block 12 fur further description see tract 1 85 J. 11. Jackson, estate, tract No. 584. ; sec 26, tp 1 S, range 9 W................... west ; lots 6. 7, 8, 9 and 10, sec 30, in Bay View addition to Bay E. W. Shover lots 24 and 25 block 12 book in assessor's office, page 15, For further description see tract M. K. Parkhurst. Tract No. 231, for tp 4 S, range 10 west; tide land 53 Rockaway Beach 1 OO 12 City ........................................................... sec. 20, tp 1 N, range 10 W ......... book in assessor’s office, page 325, | further description sec tract book F. and A. on lots 1, 2,3,7, 8, 9 and Fred Kelleu lots 37 and 38 block 12 Bav City Land Co. lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Caroline E. Watt. Tract No. 25, for 16 I iu assessor’s office, page 186, sec 27 , see 16, tp 3 S. range 8 west........... 10, sec 30, tp 4 S, range 10 west ; Rockawav Beach block 17 in Bay View addition further description see tract book 9 25 Martha E. Moon, Lots 3 and 4 and I tp 1 3. range 9 W........................... Tract No. 680, for further descrip­ 4 08 Geo. W. Still lots 39 and 40 block 12 Bay City................................................... iu assessor's office page 17. ®ec 21. Sc of Sw 54, sec 30, tp 3 S, range 8 tion see tract book in assessor’s 8 OO Coukliu and Chaffee, Improvements N. C. Hansen block 1 Bar View ad­ Rockawav » each tp 1 N, range 10 W .............................. west ; tract No. 587. For further Ion Tract No. >08, for turther des­ office, page 419, sec 21, tp 4 S, 11 48 Peter Melenberger lot 44 block 12 Juuu-s Walton, jr., trustee, Tract dition Bay City..................................... cription see tract book in asses­ description see tract book in asses­ range IO west ; lot 7, sec 31, tp 4 Rockaway Beach L. E. Weaver Estate lots 13 and No, 22, for further particulars des­ sor ’ s office, page 329, sec 30, tp 3 sor ’ s office. pagel59,»ec 30, tp 1 8, S. range 10 west....................................... 1 143 OO Sain Trachsel and Kasper Huber lots cription sec tract book in asses­ 14 block 6 Bar View addition Bay 5 26 17 05 J. H. Upton, lots5, 6 and tide land F. range 9 W ................................................ 8, range 8 west ....................................... 45 and 46 block 12 Rockaway sor’s office, page 16, sec 21. tp 1 N, 5 lu City ............................................................ F. S. True. E H of Ne Vi. Nw of Ne H and A on lots 5 and 6, sec 31 tp 4 range IO W, and Nw of Nw ® M .............................. No 332, for further description Unknown Owner lot 1 block 4 27 90 range 8 west ......................................... west ............................................................ 14 OO Clara Pearson, Tract No. 6?, for see tract book in assessor’s office, block 13 Rockaway Beach Bewleys addition Bay City, west Joseph W. Pearl, Ne sec 36 tp 4 further description see tract book page 171, sec 38, tp 1 8, range 9 W. 37 OO E. M. Nelson, W Va of Ne 54 sec 36, V2 of lot 1 less tract sold.................. 82 Ruby P. Riemauu lot 27 block 13 1 55 tp 3 S, range 8 west ...................... S, range 10 west ; Nw ^4,sec 36, tp in assessor's 4<: ffice, page 2 7, sec Albert Maures, Tract No. 347, for Bay City Land Co. lots 1 and 2 J. D. Jones, lot 12, sec 1, tp 3 8, range 4 S, range 10 west ..................... 14 40 1 85 Rockaway Beach 22, tp 1 N, range 10 W...................... further description sec tract book block 59 Central Addition Bay 2 00 Eastern Investment Co., Ltd.. W % 9 west.......... ........................................... F. J. Smith, improvement® on tract in assessor’s offiée, page 177, sec34, City............................................................. 2 55 Jno. G. brancis lots 37 and 38 of Sw Vi. sec 16, tp 5 S, range 9 No. 73. For further description tp 1 8, range 9 W................................... 12 25 J. I). Jones, N H of Se Vi and lot 9, W. S. and Mary J. Cone lots 1, 2, 3 5 55 block 13 Rockaway Beach - sec 2, tp 3 8, range 9 west west ....................... ......................... . see tract book in assessor’s office, 8 00 Albert Maures, W U of Nw H> 36» and 4 block 6 Cone & McCoys ad­ and 5, sec Maude Williams, N V2 of Nw J4, sec ^agc 41, sec 34, tp 1 N, range 10 Maggie McAllister lots 41 and tp 1 8. range 9 W.................................... 20 31 Jan es Christensen, lots Eay City .............................. 20 40 4, tp 3 8, range 9 west, and lots 1 16, tp 5 S, range 9 west..................... 12 OO W. dition 12 75 Fred Maures, Tract No. 848, for fur 42 block 13 Rockaway Beach S. and Mary J. Cone lot 6 block and 8, sec 5, tp 3 8, rauge 9 west.. 15 50 Ernest Werner, Sw sec 29, tp 5 S, Tillamook Bay Co., Tract No. 73. thcr description see tract book in 6 Cone and McCoys addition Bav A. E. Lincoln lots 45 and 46 sec 5, tp For further description see tract range 9 west ........................................... 10 50 assessor’s office, page 179. sec 35, 11 IO M. C. Aaron, 8 Vi of Sw City.............................. ..................... ........ 10 08 5 10 3 8, range 9 west ................................. bookln assessor’s office, page 41, block 13 Rockaway Beach Ernest C. Werner, Se >4» se <- ’ 29, tp 5 tp 1 8, range 9 W.................................. Cone lots 1, 2, 3 4. 5, 6 block Clara I. Rease, Tract No. 591, for S, range 9 west .................................... tract 25 x 1O<> fret in tract No. 73, 10 50 W. 7 S. Edith Kramer, Tract No. 356, for I. S. Ljubetich lots 1 2 3 4 and 6 Cone and McCoy's addition Bay further description see tract book 5 IO sec 34. tp 1 N. range 10 W............. August C. Kautz, lots 8 and 4, sec further description see tract book City.......................................... .................. 30 60 in assessor’s office, page 333, sec 7, block 14 Rockawav Beach Bay City ¡.and Co.. Tract No. 81. 31. tp 5 S, range 9 west .................... iu assessor*® office, page 181, sec 2, 3 75 Alex 4 95 Finlayson lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1 80 Frank Stickler, Nw ofSe J4 and N 54 tp 3 8. range 9 west .......................... For turther description see tract First Bank & Trust Co. lots 6 tp 1 8, range 10 w. ........................ block 9 Cone and McCoy ’ s addi ­ Geo. Pierce. Sc of Nw 54 of Ne K> 9ec book in assessor's office, puge 43, of Sw Vi. sec 3. tp5 S, range 10 west C. R. Ostrander estate, Tract No. 357, and 7 block 14 Rockaway Beach tion Bay City.............................................. 30 60 74 16, tp 3 8, range 9 west........................ 5 IO sec 34, tp 1 N, range 10 west ..... and W Va of Nesec 3, tp 5 S, range for further description see tract Earl Crockett lot 13 block 14 J. W. Eastman. Tract No. 83. For 10 west........................................................ 12 00 VV. S. and' Mary J. Cone lots 1, 2, 3, book in assessor’s office, page ¡82, 12 25 Wm. Hiatt, lot 4, sec 19.tp 3 3, range 4, 5, 6 block IO Cone and McCoys 2 70 Frank Stichler. E >4 of N'w ‘4, sec 3, 9 west......................................................... further description see tract back sec 2, tp 1 8. range low Rockaway Beach addition Bay City..................... A M. Ginn,8 5*ofNwK. •«-' IP. tp 22 95 In assessor's office, page 43. sec 34. tp 5 8, range lo west Frances A. Ostrander, Tract No. 721, 3 50 Geo. F. A. Hardin lots 18 and 19 3 60 E. I. Kaneous, Sw of Ne Vi and Se of H. Williams lots 3 and 6 block 3 8, range 9 west ............................. tp 1 N, range 10 west. Tract Np for further description see tract 11 Cone and McCoys addition Bav block 14 Rockaway Besch 84. For further description sec Nw Vi tract sold, sec 4, tp 5 book in assessor*® office, page 185, 12 25 A M Ginn, N 5$ of 3w 54. •«* IP. ®*c 2(J. *P 3 8. 684, for further description see 4 50 range 9 west .......................................... addition Bay City ................................... assessor's office, page 44. sec 34, tp 2 55 tract book in assessor's office, page tp 1 8. range 10 W.......... ..................... block 14 Rockaway Beach J D. Jones, timber on Sc ofNw 54. ®<*-’ S. Tilden lot 8 block 2 Pullets ad­ 5 IO Isaac Underwood, Tract No 377, for IN. range 10 west.............................. 433, sec 4, tp 5 S. range 10 west....... 3 50 A. dition 36 Frank Stichler, E % of Se Vi. sec 4, tp 20, tp 3 8, range 9 west ........... Bay City................. ...................... Marion Fessendru, Tract No. 86. for 3 06 L. S. Normandiu lots 10 and 11 further description ®ee tract book 2, S iuterest. Rockaway Beach Henry Hellenbuyck, Tract No 94, J. S. Bredgford lots 15 and 16 block est in sec 16, tp 1 8 range IO west book in assessor’s office, page 444, for Birther description see tract Tract No. . 600. For further des­ 55 Vi interest Pacific addition Bay D. O. Fisher lot 22 block 16 NellieE Armstrong, W.Vfc of Sw 54, sec 7, tp 5 S, range 10 west.............. 8 10 in assessor ’ s City ............................................................... J book in asseesor's office, page 5u. cripVion see tract book Sc oÇji'w H. ffw ot Nw M. *»<*<’ 22,' tp 28 OO Mina A. Follett. Lot 31, 32, sec 7, 1 02 Rockaway Beach ®cc 35. tp 1 N range IO W ........... 34 85 office, page 347, sec 20. tp. 3 S. 1 SJ, fange IO west....... ............. .. tp 5 S. range lo west........................ 7 20 Mavdelle Kiger lot 16 block 56 Pa­ 31 Nellie K Armstrong. Tract No. 99, 2 60 A. W. Atterbury, Lot 8 less tract range 9 west................ . ................... ...... cific addition Bay City........................... Kd/ia S. l.amb. Tract No. 401, for 6 63 First Bank & Trust Co. lots for further description see tract Chas. N. Johnson, Ne of Nw % and W . -further description see tract book and 32 block 16 Rockaway sold, sec 8, tp 5 S. range 10 west 6 75 A. G and F. R. Beals lots 15 and 16 book In assessor’s office, page 51, H ofNw H. less tract sold. *ec 27, tp in assessor's office, page 232, sec 25, block 67 Pacific addition Bav Citv Dan H. Fletcher, lots 7 and IO, and 4 08 Beach - - - ’ 35, tp 1 N i ange 10 W 16 40 3 8, range 9 west ; Se of Ne ‘4. N of tp 18, range lo west, and Tract Ni». Geo. W. Kiger lots 1 and 2 block 68 W Lj of lots 6 and 11, less J4 acre E. A. Thompson lots 12 and 13 Jacobine Olacn, 8c of Se ‘4. sec 22. to Big Nestucca River, less road, sec Pacific Addition Bav Gity................. 462. for further description see tract in lot 1O, sec 8, tp 5 9, range lo 28 14 2 N, range 7 W. and Sw l^offiw H. 56 OO M tp 3 8. range 9 west............. book in assessor’s office, page 232, IO 50 west ............... j block 17 Rockaway Beach 15 OU S. F Si. John lots 14, 15 and 16 *ec 23, tp 2 N. range 7 W............ 34 OO K M. Johnson. Ne of Ne ‘4, less tract block 72 Pacific Addition Bay Citv.. see 25. tp 1 8, range lo west ... Mina A. Follett, Tract No. 705, for 3 06 J. M. Robinson lot 3 and Nj lot4 Jacobine Olson, W of Nw sec sold, sec 28. tp 3 8, rauge 9 west 16 OO F. E. Vantress. Tract M4o, for fur­ R. J. Hendricks lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, further description see tract book 20. tp 2 N. range 7 W ............. block 18 Rockaway Beach ■ 27 20 J. I. Davis, Nw of hiw H, lying K. of ther description see tract book in 12, 13, 14 block 75 Pacific addition in assessor's office, page 449, sec. 8, Georgia A. O'Connell, Sw1«, sec 13, Beaver Creek, sec 29, tp 3 8, range assessor's office, page 242, sec 25, 7 OU Bay City...................................................... 14 28 A. L. Snider Sj lot 4 and lot 5 tp 5 H, range 1O west ; lots 21, 22, tp 2. range 8 w ...................... 75 20 8 46 V west ................ ..................... tp t 8, range lo west ......... . ......... Einina L. Williams lots 7 aud 8 block 23, 25, 26. 2 7 and 28, sec 8, tp 5 8, block 18 Rockaway Beach • Georgia A. O’Connell. Nc fc. sec 21. Jas. M Potter. 8w ofNw H. sec 29, illiain Dowd, Tract No. 485. for 83 Williams addition Bay City........ range IO west ....... ... .................... 32 40 2 04 Peter Moore lots 8 and 9 block 18 tp 2 N range m W ................. 65 5 04 W. H. Stewart, Sc of Ne tp 3 3, range 9 west.......................... turther description see tract book H. E. Warren lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12 Se ofNw Jacobine Ql»«a. 8w H, sec 25, tp 2 J. H Dunstan. Tract No. 608, for fur­ in assessor's office, page 24o, sec 20, block 6 Woodlawn addition Bay V4 and Se of Se 54. sec 11, tp 5 8. Rockaway Beach - • ’ 5 70 N. range 8 west..................................... 86 40 ther description see tract book in tp 1 8, range It) west ......................... City............................................................. range 10 west.......................................... H. L. Manning lots 12 and » 6 OO C. J’. Knudson, lot 3, less tract assessor's office, page 354, sec 3O, Thos W Morgan. Se of 8w $4, sec 27, Ba* City Land Co. lot 9 block 13 W H. Stewart, Nw of Sw Vi, sec 12* 5 4o sold, sec 5, tp 2 N, range9 west 1 25 2 34 bloek 18 Rockaway Beach • tp 3 8. range 9 west ...................... tp I 8, range 10 west ....... ............ First water Front Bay City............. to 5 S. range 10 west .................... 1 02 1 50 I H. Daaeon, lot 2. N of lot 3 M.J. Myers, Sw of Ne ‘4. 8e of N w J4. Klizabeth -hea, 8w % of Sw V4. sec 5 D. 0. Fisher lot 20 block 18 Bay City Land Co. lot 4 block 15 C. B. Upton, Tract No. 709, for fur­ 4o a nd N 5® of Nr of Bw t4, sec 7, tp and Ne of Sw 54, sec 32, tp 3 3, range 27 tp 1 8, range |O west First Water «* ‘ ront Bay City ............. ther description see tract book in 2 N, range 9 west .... Rockaway Beach 18 OO Fred fonilinson Hst., Se ot Sr 5 4o V west ......................................... Bay City Land Co. lot 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, assessor’s office, page 457,sec 15,tp 7 13 Carrie A. Gordon, nw ‘4 of Se fc, sec, Rd ward F Robson, Nw of Sr I; Ljubetich sec 27, ti> I 8, range 10 west J. P. r ■; ............... lots^ and 4 5 S. range IO west .............................. 11.12, 13.14,15, 16 block 16 Fir*t 2 25 sec 10. tp 2 N, range V west ........ 3 52 Himn Paulson. N 1* of Nw t4, sec ........ Beach n.,„. 3 75 E. J Mendenhall. S 14 of Se l4 and Se 36 tp 3 S, range 9 west ....... Water Front Bay City ......................... block 20 Rockaway 5 60 H. r Crane, i; h < u ' N w arc 31, A. P. Jurgensen. Se V4. sec 5, tp 3 8, 28, tp I 8. range io west and N of Fox Lumber Co. lots 9, 10. 11 12 0ÏSWA4, sec 15. tp 5 S, range IO tp2N, rargeb west .......... 13 50 Wm. <'ornfoot lots 12 and range 10 west ......... .............. 25 60 Nr sec 29, tp I 8. range IO west 14 85 west ................ ......................... 13, 14. 15. 16, block 22 First wat- ’ 6 OO F. W. Crane, lots I and 2, ses 31. «P Mulphus Johuson, Sw of Ne N H J. S Meeks, lot 8. less tract sold, sec biock 20 Rockaway Beach - ----- er Front Bay City................................. Mina A Follett. Nw ofNw 54, sec 17. 1 02 2 N. range 9 west .................................. 1Ü HO of Se and Sw ‘4 of Se V 1 8, range 10 W. ................ 20 40 M. H Dixon, Nw fe, sec 9. tp 3 8 range IO west ....................................... front Bay City........................................... Joh i Watt lot 4, les® part platted, 7 20 1 02 Jennie L. Mayo lot 1 block 21 range IO west ..... ... ....................... 14 4o Unknown Owner, Tract No. 711, for C F. anti B Wiegand, Tract No. 826, Fox Lumber Co. lots 9. IO. 11, 12 •n* 9, tp 2 N, range 10 west............... 9 20 A. Ncppach, W H of Ne and 3 of fur further description sec tract further description see tract book 13, 14. 15. 16, block 24 First Wat­ Rockaway Beach , Ju eph K im I hi I t* of Se ‘4 and Nc book iu assessor’s office, page 2 Nw U, sec 16, tp3 8. range lo west, 32 OO er Front Bay City............................ in assessor’s office, page 461, sec 66 Elijah Osburn, E U or Nw Jg, and N *»f8w sec 22, tp 2 N, range IO M. Brady lot 2 block 21 1 02 V. sec 31, tp I rt, range 1O W.................. 18, tp 5 S, range 10 west ................. Fox Lumber Co. lots 9, 10, 11, 1 2 13 west mil Nw1« of 8a . ses* 23. tp 2 36 S of 8w <4. sec 17, tp 3 8. range 10 Winniffred Johnson. 10 S VS H ................ of 8« ......... Rockaway Beach - ’ ‘ 32, I I H. M. Commons, lots 25 and 26, sec 14 15. 16 block 25 First Water' 9 Off N. range 10 west...... 30 OO west ...................... ........ ..................... 14 40 A. IS. 32, tp tp S. range range estate, 10 W........................... front Bay City....... ......................... Eml Totnlinnon, lots 1. 7 and tp 5 8. range 10 west .............. 32 40 M try 1*. Jones, W 1% of 8w ami 1 02 I. S. Ljubetich lota 6 7 8 9 and 1* * m Hiatt. He 54 of Se V4, ®ec 24, tp 3 8. sec j4 .tp 1 S. range IO W .............. R. and H. Nelson. Sw of Ne sec 19, Fox Lumber Co lots 9. 10, 11. 12, 13, Me of mw *4 sec 25, tp 2 N. range 92 80 block 21 Rockaway Beach S, rauge 10 west , Ne H of Ne 5<, tp 5 8, range lo west .................. 14. 15, 16 block 26 First Water io west .............................................. 14 40 1. A. Norris. Kof Nw %. srv 30. tp sec 25, tp 3 8. range Io west.......... . . 7 20 R and H. Nelsou, N Vt of Se Ù 3 60 Chester Hopkina lots 18 and 1» 2 8, range 0 W .. ....... .............. Front Bay City .............................. 1« OO H. J KawfFman, Lot® 2 and 3 and Mary 1*. Jones. Ike of Nw H. sec 25, 1 02 block 21 Rockaway Beach • and Ne of Sw sec 1», tp 5 S. Fox Lumber Co. lots 9. IO, 11 12 tp 2 N, range IO * est .... . 0 30 C. B. Atherton, lo 36 interest, He of Nw >4 and Nw of Ne sec 4, range iu west .............................. An irt M Whitcomb. S of He 13, 14. 15, 16 block 27 First Wat’ Chester Hopkins lots 28 and " G K PattenHhn. J's 30 inteicat, tp 4 8, rauge 7 weat— ....... 3 IO James D A’ard, Se uf Sw Ù arid 8 54 13 20 er Front Bay City ...... a id He ot Rn #rc 25 tp J.8. range I R F Cuii 1-30 interest. 2 04 Margaret McAyeal, W t> of E V>, sec block 29 Rockaway Beach ’ I » W ........................ ot Se V4, sec 19, tp 5 S, range 10 Fox Lumber Co. lots 9, IO, 11 12 14 40 8 H. Kmburjr, 7S-36 interest, 6 tp 4 3. range 7 west ..... .................. 4 65 E. L. Pettis lots 31 and S west . Sw of Sw ‘4. sec 2o, tp 5 S, Tb*o. Rteinhilber. Tract No 116. 13. 14. 15, 16 block 28 First Water' I las Daley. 5-36 interest, Laura A Flanders K V* ot K K,. sec 16. range Io west ....■ Ir*nr Birther description see tract Front Bay City that part of block | H L. Cui, 2)®-30 Interest. 16 50 block 21 Rockaway Beach - tp 4 8, range 7 west , Nw of Ne Owar C. Wootoe,. S I» o(S book in assessor's office, page 09, 29 lying south and west of P R. I Frank Converse. 7H-36 interest. sec 16. tp 4 8, range 7 west 3 88 Phillip Grassmayer lota 35 aw tp 5 S. range lo west ...... sec 32, tp 2 N. range IO W......... and N. R. R. right of wav block 26. 3 40 Sw of Nw t*. Nw of V^. and 8 U 8 25 6 12 J D tones. 8w of Ne Se of Nw 36 block 21 Rockaway BerB Ro -laway Hemh Co Lot 4 less part Alex Finlayson lot 5 block 3 Idavill. L. • ”Jdd,n' “l'4 îiw H ««1 Nw I Ot Pw V*. see 16, tp 2 8. range * 50 And KU of Sw 5g. sec 1, tp 4 S, p attex! sec 32 tl»2. X range IO W iu 20 H of Nt **. w is. tp S S. range lo Sarah J. McMillan lot 2 block 6 Ida- N. M. Van Natta lot 44 block*1 32 30 range 8 west ......... 35 65 west .......................... viil ......................................... H T Crane. K offte H and It U of Oust Holm. Ne \ofSw and N U 1C 50 R. A and D. L. Jones. Sw of Nw 33 Rockaway Beach - * W 14 of Me V» and he of Ne H» lester S Pearl, W U of Nw U? Se ¿f of 8e and of Sc ‘•<1 sec 28. tp I C. E. Hadley lot 1 and 2 block 3. 41 5g and Nw of Sw .‘4, sec 1. tp V5. tp J N. range 10 O ............. 57 60 Cass lot 6 block • Nw 1« and Sw of Ne V». mc 2». tp 3 2 8. rauge H W feet off of north end Tillamook........... 24 50 E. D. 5 55 4 8 range H west . 8 % of Nr F W vr»n». X. >, <>f K », uT»w », Nw\ and N H It l). Xaulbr * » S. range Io weat .......................... ... Ellen A. Hutchins lot® 5, 6. 7. 8, block 21 45 h and W H of 8w Ig. sec 2. tp 4 8. Rockaway Beach - * a ut W ot W ’<| of He less sold I of 8w «a, sev Wm. Ward. Nw t,. aec 3o. tp 3 S. 9 Tillamook.............................. ......... tp 2 » . range * 70 OO Clara Graham lot 11 block 22 range H weat . N H of 8* and 8 U •e • tp 2 N range 10 U range lo west ... west . ...................... ............................... 50 40 3 70 21 45 H McDermott lot® 5 and 6 block io ot Nw sec 3, tp 4 S, range 8 Ann < M Whitcomb Heo»Nw see Tillamook Cwuntv Bank. 3c of 8w James O. Ward. Ne aec So. tp 3 S Tillamook ........................... ........... Rockaway Beach - ' west . Sw of N* and Nw <4 ofSw 40 26 36, tp 2 N. range to W .......... arc 4. tp J 8, ran J N, range * W IO 80 leadhc F Quick, tract No »43 Fur south 70 feet *4 interest in lots 7. 9 9o Blanche McGowan lot 41 hl*»_ W O. Dwight Ne of Be \ ami lot >u. further description see tract book rg?***»^ b—InTeatment ¿i 8 block 2 ia Millers Addition Til ­ ®M 1,a*' *•* ? *• r«*«» * 1 «eat 25 Rockaway Beach • 60 14 OO •f Be R sec lu. tp 3 N, rangs a W It Casper fchlapM estate Be of 8e L O. B. Lamb lo»» ?, «, 8. io, n Lee Anders lots 24 and 25 b*» 2V I. A. WooUnma. timber on B S. m ô A Ladite. Nw ^WBs k and lot e*c 1 7. tp 2 i. mage 9 W .7. 3 40 ■ '7' if 3.î°”h' J*««* ’• w«*t ........ It 15 V Miller, Additioa Tillamook....... 3 esc iB.tpl N rang* W W 8 76 30 88 CnrUs lubaooa. estate IkofNwU 25 Rockaway Beach ' A. WooUama. N H of Se S. aac 35. H S. Lamb lot, la 13 14 IS |6 6 OO I J. tp Alot 4. ss* 13, tp 3 N. 3 3. rang* 11 w*a* .......... block t> Miller* addition Tillamook 11 55 8 76 I D. T. Davis lota 11 and « * 80 83 10 Wrn Corman. 3 H af X* U and Xw A. G Beale lot* I and a Mock U Mu ­ Aadrww Oat ten ber g N* 1% **• B. tn 28 Rockaway Beach __ ■ u w. O Dwi«ht. X A of Nw U, m* 1»; x*l». **«11 tpaa.rnn«» w»at < 40 50 3 N, range (0 went.............. ter« addittoa TUtamook........... 79 20 2 10 Chas. Schraedner lots 13 and • r««a* • u ..77..A.. 8 78 Mean Iota I 2 3 and « arc 3 «¿has C. Clark *w sec 2. tp 3 N W. O. Dwight lot» 4 3 X 1 • a lu 3 OO rwiia W ? «■<■«»% N* ot •* i*. M* Xu. . TV-"w« — I block 26 Rockaway Beach rang« 10 west 11 block 13 Miller* addition TUla- 14 Oo 70 __ l»*l >•««* » h J. A WooUnaM timber on Lot «.an* 18 85 mnok..... IO ■"••»•«, » » »•' •-» I MK • 4« Dollie L. Davis lot 17 block » *«»• M mrnmo«, •* of *• U •** «, ♦ , * maj a 10 weat ............ CWM B*y. Kllx Co . II lot o*l S3 A.ll B*al* lot* 13 13 14 i'3 1« i’f 1« * X. r,««, , w ............................ 18 >5 Rockaway Beach . Jaa Alteabeeser. •« U. me lo. tn a «>l.,»»».t,»r lu »4.1» aa Mock IS M.Uer» I H,«r, L Mmmo«^ Tract M« 3d«. a ranae lo arm * . It ou Harry Withers lot 18 block Ie**«- * s-itk. X«r of »- *®W—nwniiu ................... Addition Tillamook fUr”" iMOIptU, H. lrBtt 18 *> | 3 80 0.1 bolaertoa. aw ofXe u and ir I w •* Bi« J MltrTSl. ’^TXi.^** ** Rockaway Beach - H of ee b. me la tp a a. raaa* I ___ 2 IO .J. P. Ljubetich lots 22 •I. U J ♦ teM« T and « Moch i Notice of DELINQUENT TAXES on Real Property in Tillamook County, Oregon, for the Year 1910. i 1 1 block » Rockaway Beach