T illamook headlight , AUGUST 31, 1911. Disgraceful Affair. A Snap. A Snap. Notice. this simply to inform our read­ SOUTH PART OF COUNTY N otice is H ereby givb , One lot, 50x105 feet, one block from Last Friday morning the moral public high school. Price $375.00. the Board of Eighth Graded (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) HAS BRIGHT FUTURE. ers that we find quite a number 1.50 One y«ar............................................ sentiment of the town was again Call at the office. N. M elchior . ers, will hold a regular exam» In making up the Booster-Editors 75 of large taxpayers are in favor Six months.... stirred when it was learned that a for applicants for cr. the County Court of the S Do not allow your kidney and A. B. D entel . the city to lay cement sidewalks The capital stock is set at $100,000, ‘ The Times has it upon good au­ Oregon, for the County of bladder trouble to develop beyond mook, dated the 29th day of) thority that construction work will and not those owning property divided into 1000 shares. the reach of medicine. Take Foley be commenced here shortly — much of Partner­ Kidney Pills. They give quick re­ A.D., 1911, and which ordi in other parts of the city. We The objects of I lie corporation, sooner than antieputed by even Notice off Dissolution^ scribes that summons in tt. ship. raise a protest against any such according to the ¡»opera, are to these who are most enthusiastic sult and stops irregularities with should be served upon you ft arrangement, for the whole city build a railway line ahd a telegraph over the prospects of better trans­ N otice is H ereby G iven , That surprising promptness. Chas. I lication once a week for ® should lie included. For in- line tqSm Portluud to Humboldt put tation facilities. To the skeptics, the partnership existing between Clough Co. secutive and successive More people, men and women the Tillamook Headlight, a stace, the property owner in u Bay, in the County of Humboldt, this paper will say that the money G. S. Wistadt and U. G. Jackson, necessary to construct this road is under the name of the Wistadt paper of general circulation. P cement district who improves California, with branch lines to in the treasury of the company and Engineering Company, has been are suffering from kidney and blad­ and published in the Co"1 der trouble than ever before, and his property in that way should TUIamook Buy, Tillamook County, more will be forthcoming if neces­ dissolved by agreement. All claims each year more of them turn for Tillamook, State of Orego* against the firm should be pre­ quick relief and permanent benefit G. G. S chmitt & F. R MW enjov the right to use cement tfiegon, mid Eugene, Coos County, sary. “The papers for all condemna­ sented and debts owing to the firm to Foley's Kidney Remedy, which Attorneys for Ha» side walks in other parts of the 0regon. The incorporation papers tion suits necessary to be brought be paid to U. G. jackson, has proven itself to be one of the city. The whole of the city refer to the opening of stock books. by the company are prepared and should at his office in Tillamook City. most effective remedies for kidney Pasture for Rent. should be included, mid if this Dated, July 12, 1911. The city directory shows T. V the whole alate will be cleaned at and bladder ailments, that medicle Pasture for rent, ^nqnirt^ the next session of court early in is not done, there will lie just Ward to be secretary of the Ohio . S. W istadt . | ______ science ... has devised. U. G. J ackson . Clough Co. complaint from those who are Timber Company, and that T. J. September.’’ Newberg, Hemlock, Oregon- forced to lay cement side walks Fording is a reul estate man. July Butter Fat Payments. for the benefit of those who re­ George E. Frost, Sr., is an attorney, side in the rotten, delnpidated with offices in the Yeon building. Maple Leaf ........... ......... 34c. planked walk districts. We “I uin not at liberty yet todivulge Tillamook ......... ......... 34.7c. liope the City Council will take just what our plana are, but we Fuirview ......... .. ......... 33.5c. a wide, progressive view, for certuinly ex|>ect to build the rail­ South Prairie......... ......... 3A 5c. the way to improve the city is to way,” said Mr. Frost last night. Three Rivera ....... ......... 33.5c. treat all property owners alike “The $1111.101 i* merely a nominal Clover Leaf ........... ......... 34c. and not attempt to make fish capitalization und will be increased Cold Spring* ....... ......... 33.4c. of one ami fowl of another. later a* necessity demands.” Central....... ;............ ......... 31.4c. Elwood .................... . . 33c. Every trip the simp shot man EVERYONE TO BE RATED. East Beaver............. ......... 30c. tiuikes over the county he sees Pleasant Valley... ......... 32.2c. mi enormous amount of road Tillamook Merchants to Have Long Prairie ....... 32.2c Credit Guide. work that requires to be done, Cheese is moving rather slow just mid worthy, needful improve­ The Merchants’ Mercantile com­ now. Loa Angeles is now one of ments too. And ns we have pany. of Portland, is preparing to the principal markets for Tillamook been estimating the cost of this publish a credit guide for thia dis­ cheese, a shipment of 500 cases of work in the three road district* trict, including Tillamook county. cheese, valued at ♦A.OHfX). going we see quite plainly that u 10i By thia system, this county will there this week. mill tax next year will do but I be put in direct touch with credit C arl H aberlach . Sec. u small portion, thus leaving a I conditions ull over the United States large proportion to go over from ' and whenever anyone move* here Land for Sale. year to year. We also see, with from any other part of the United F ir sale. 40 acres of Cre*k Bottom such n demand all over the States, the merchant* here will be Land, at $25.00 per acre, four miles county for more mid better ' at oncepoated through this company fro n town, on Bewley Creek, Well roads, the County Court will ’ as to how the party paid hie bills watered, with aeven acrea of mea- have to use considerable discre­ where he formerly lived. dow land, reat timber. A good tion where the money should These credit guides are made up place to raiae potatoes, onions and be exdended. The Court will in districts covering every state in Apply to the not have enough money for all the Union. They are made from other vegetable*. Headlight office. the road work that is needed the combined experience of ell the complying with both the United States and State next year, fur it would take at merchant* in each of these districts least tWO.(MM) to $3U0.Hk> to put and every merchant rates hie own Pure Food Laws the tk.Hl miles of roads in this customers according U> how they MO acre dairy farm, located in the county in good ahapt*. We find have |>aid him. Coquille Valley, near Coquille. straight whiskey—all whiskey—-old whiskey that there are quite a number Before a customer is rated he is Coos County. Oregon. Will subde- of the lending citixeua who are given votive bv letter that he will vide in «1 30 or 121) acrea. For par­ in favor of txinding the county be rated and is given a chance to ticulars address Coquille Valley for three or four hundred thou­ pay t»P hie old account and thus I-and A Improvement Co.. Coquille, AMERICAN IMPORTING CO sand dollar* *o n* to enjoy the secure a good rating. Oregon. lienefita of road improvement» Distributer* Each merchant and professional San Francisco Read This? now and not have to wait many man is furnished with a copy of the year* before they can be brought guide so that he may refer to it and 4P aerea, SHmilea from Tillamook. about. Thia i* a matter which look up ths rating of any customer 3 acre« slashed, 30 corda of wcxsl. is up to the people to decide, or prospective customer before giv­ hunting and fishing Price K.500 Addrea* W R., Box 217, uut us. but we have mentioned ing any credit Tillamook. I RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION i the highest type of a pure straight whiskey blend. aged in wood I W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for