TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 31. 191L M F M g » H FAMILY RECIPES. B B B ■ « « « ■ » a The valued family re- cipes tor cough and cold M cure, liniments, tonics and I» other remedies have as Ö careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec- tive than ever. are also Right prices assured. Ü « « « ■ ft « 8 I » CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. Foley Kidney Pills Foley Kidney Pills will check the I progress of your kidney and bladder trouble and heal by removing the cause. Try them. C hae. I. Clough Co. Accused of Stealing. E. E. Chamberlain, Clinton Me., boldly accuse* Bucklen’s Arnica stealing Salve of f ______ „ —the sting „ from burns or scalds —the pain from sores of all kinds—the distress from boils or piles. “It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of I their terror,” he says, "as a heal­ ing remedy its equal don’t exist.’’ Only 25c at Chas. 1. Clough's. Hay Fever, Asthma and Summer Colds Must be relieved quickly and Fol­ ey’s Honey and Tar Compound will do it. E. M. Stewart, 1034 Wolfram St., Chicago, writes: “1 have been greatly troubled during the hot summer months with Hay Fever and find that bv using Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound I get great relief.’’ Many others who sulfer similarly will be glad to ben­ efit by Mr. Stewart’s experience. Chas. I. Clough Co. Ornamented With Scare. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy During tbe peel 36 years no rem­ edy has proven more prompt or more effectual tn its cures of TONIC IN ACTION • QUICK IN RESULTS Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to Coughs, Colds and Crouo than Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy. In many homes it is relied upon as im­ plicitly as tbe family physician. I, con­ tains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a baby aeto an adult. Price 25c; large size6Oe MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. Tillamook Bakery, HAVE HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. R A. Davis, 627 Washington St., Connersvillo, lad., la in his 85th year. He writes us: “I have Stillwell Ave. und Firs lately Buffered much from my kidnex s and blad­ Corner der I hail severe backaches and my kidney action wm too frequent, causing me to lose much sleep St. West, and both Phones. at night, and in my bladder there was constant pain. 1 took Foley Kidney Pills for some time, and inn now free of all trouble and «gain able to be up nnd around. Foley Kidney Pills have mj PECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES highest recommendation." Announcement. | LOTTIE ROGER, the Art Teacher, from Salem, Ore. I Oil account of a change of plans, has f decided to remain in Tillamook City for an­ other month and perhaps for the winter, if I remain all winter will take up different branches of the Art Work, such as teaching China Painting, Pastell and Water Colors ; W ax Work, Bisque Work, Japanese Art, &c., of which 1 have taught for over 20 years. I Mutual Telephone. Better ¡j^ Quality, «1 J! Larger Quantity :: ■» » ■■ - Less Cost to You He Didn't Know. j Why Pay a Halt Dozen Different Profits Than You Can B ut Home THIS BOOK VV liy don’t you buy direct and save money on the ab­ solute necessities of life ev­ ery day in the year. You can’t save if you pay two and three times the amount that you would if you would BUY BY MAIL I lie ape r is full of s»n aational pries cut flags your horns asr- ihant can't compiti with a»o»1 BÜI b* ''L’GAR ... gfi 35 per 1(1)Iba BROKEN RICK. 25 1b«. f„r fNk- LARGE WHITK BEANS, 25 lbs. for (1.13 LARGE WHITK BRANS, 30 Iba. for Ki 13 LARGE WHITK BEANS. WO Iba. for 44 13 XX • It*. can . 23c *• <*ot «‘"•Iw It » ^^tRS. 1 do», can» for V&-. ^.in-r KRAI L. 1 do. can» for $1 45 At ■ dinner party tn England the boat Introduced to the favorable notice sf the company, amid murmurs of ad­ miration. a aplendld truffled pheasant ••Isu't It a beauty T be aald "Dr. So nnd ao gave It to me: killed It him­ self' "Ab! What was be treating It for F asked one of tbe guests. A ttorney - at . Complete set of Abstract n office. Taxes paid f Just as our portraits of adults possess strength and character. We are experts in lighting and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see our line. Residents. Tillamook Block. Both phoues. (2/ARL HABERLACB Monk's Studio, Next to the Post Office. ATTORN EY-AT-LAÏ, Tillamook Block. Reliable Route Steamer The Q.EORGE WILLET’ A ttorney - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook Con Bank, T illamook - Out Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER) H. GOYNE, Tillamook & Portland. A ttorney - at -L aw . Office : Opposite Court 1 Leaves Portland, Couoh St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays, T illamook , T. BO ALS, MJ), Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. PHYSICIAN & SUB PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Lamb's Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. PHYSICIAN & SURG Tillamook Block, L OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE] DIGNIFYING THE INDUSTRIES' J M. KER RON, s. Tillamook, j y This la the title of • beautiful M-psge book, which will show any boy or girl how to 8UCCEED. Drop a postal in the mall TODAY and it will bo sent FREE. Tbe atm of the College la to dignify and popularise the Industries, and to serve AU, the people. It offers courses in Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engln- eerlng. Forestry, Domestic-Science and Art, Com merce. Pharmacy and Music. The College opens September 22d. Catajog free. : REGISTRAR, OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallle, Oregon. T. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SUR( Office over J. A. Todd & Tillamook, Ore. HAWK1 PHYSICIAN & SUBfl THE MAN’S JEWELRY. BAY CITY, OREGOÏ Jefferson »a an Inventor. Not many people know tbnt Thomas Jeffersou wns a great inventor. His in­ ventions were all of articles of every­ day use. He devised a three legged foiling camp stool that Is the basis of nil camp stools of that kind today. The stool be bad made for his own use was bls constant companion on oc­ casions of outings. The revolving chair was his Invention. He designed n light wagon. A copying press wns devised by him and came into general use. He also Invented an Instrument for measuring the dlstauce he walked. A plow nnd a hemp cultivator showed that bls thoughts were ofteu on agri cultural matters His plow received a gold medal In France In 1790. Jeffer sou uever benefited financially by Ills Inventions, but believed they should be for the use of everyone without cost ROOMS OVER TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK- 1 ou Can Buy I They Couldn’t Help It. During the American invasion of Porto Rico. In the course of the war with Spain, General Tasker H. Bliss with his troops, was stationed near a village held by an overwhelming force of Spaniards. Orders were to keep his “eye peeled" and, if he heard any­ thing suspicious, to fall back about eight miles. Instead of this bls men turned in one day and captured the village, chasing the Spaniards out. I The next day the commander of the American forces came along to find Bliss sitting in front of tbe home of the chief man of the village. The com­ mander asked him why he bad attack­ ed tbe Spanish force, when be knew that be was outnumbered, "Couldn’t help it,” said General Bliss, “You see. I! my men have been hungry for some days, and the wind blew toward them from the village, ami some squaw was frying onions over there. And so”— Argonaut Notice tin» students work in various show windows in the business section of the city. Tltete I» Where I The natives of gome of the islands of the Pacific are always glad to see the doctor on his periodical visits. At Kaiser Wilhelm's harbor the German government has stationed Dr. Heise- gang as medical officer. He Is a busy mail. Natives by the dozen come to him, not to be treated for Illness, but to get the benefit of his professional opinion on bow to scar themselveB ar­ tistically. The natives are very fond of scars, and nearly all of them are covered with specimens which have resulted from self inflicted wounds which were kept open by frequent scratching or by the Introduction of foreign substances like sand, bamboo, shells and so forth. The excrescence which results from the average vacci­ nation is scratched off at the proper time, and the resulting large scar is very dear to the native. A young Islander whose face and body are a mass of cuts, bruises and scars is con­ sidered the catch of the season by the dusky belles. TT t . Burrs, Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. ALL KIND OF HRhAU. C. I CHOUGH.Tillamook. I I t I I I A Joke That Failed. Tbe clerk of a »uppl7 afore In aoutbern Colorado did not know In­ dian nature very well when be Invited a Ute chief to a boxing bout After explaining the use of the gloves, which the chief seemed to readily under­ stand. they went Into a vacant room in the rear of tbe store to spar. The gloves were adjusted, and the clerk Invited the chief to hit him. This, of course, he failed to do, as Indians nev­ er strike with their hands In conflict All at once the clerk struck out and, catching the chief under the ear, land­ ed him on tbe floor. This was enough. The Indian sprang to his feet, pulled off tbe gloves, jerked out a knife, and the clerk had to run for his life. For­ tunately he managed to keep out of reach until some friends caught the infuriated Indian and held him until he cooled off. Then the clerk explain­ ed the joke, but with very poor suc­ cess. The chief consented to forego vengeance for the Insult, but he was never friends with the clerk again.— St Louis Globe-Democrat F. R. BEALS, —J REAL ESTATE, F inancial Acrt Tillamook, Oregon. -------------------------------------- - -------------------- 1~y. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIS Office across the street fro» Court House. May not be so costly or so varied as that of iny lady, but lie is—or ought to be— particular about having it of the best quality, exclusive in design and neat in appearance. We cater to the dressy man’s jewelry needs andean please him in variety quality and prices. We solicit a call of inspection to post you on our offerings in rings, fobs, scarf pins, tie-clips, etc. Dr. Wise’s office. SARCHET, *- . The Fashionable! Cleaning, Pressing and iug a Specialty. Eugene Jenkins, Store in Heins Phot' Gallery. Reliable Jeweler, Next to the Post Offioe. L axd O ffice B otinr ** Tillamook-Forest Grove STAGE LINE. Leaves Daily at 5 a. tn., arriving at Forest Grove at 6 p.nt. FARE, $5.00. OWING A CO1 LAWYERS. I R oom 334 Wo»c«trs> m it^1 T his » * hd O ak Room Next to the U.S. 1-aad O"” PORTLAND, OR»* J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, £>*ut«rher a 13 Tillamook Bio* T illamook 0ns Disadvantage. Pott»-ft la a great deal better van your own home and not bare bar rent, isn't It? Lotts-Well yea, a veneml way it la. but It baa It» dls- sd'.-lutagea. a fellow can't go round dri.lng nails anywhere he pleasea In the woodwork of bla own homo, you kn-'w -Hoeton Tran».-ripe. Hee Advioa. ’Ah." he aakl a» he led ber back to ber Mat after tbe waits. "1 Ju at lova dancing." "Weil" aba raptied aa aba attempted ’?,'Tp,1lr * ««<* flounce, “yoa'ra not toe •Id to learn." rx* A SPECIALTY. A. SANBURN, French Specialist A. - M. AUSTIN, CIVIL ENGINEER I treat succewinlly .11 Chronic Dtonm of U(th SURVEYOR. •exes with Imported Herb», ami with my hands •o-called magnetic treatments. I «ill cwre the mo»t stubborn case» without the use of the knife. OVKR 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE. CONSULTATION FREE. OFFICE HOURS. 9 TO 12 AM TO 8 P.M. Office over Ed s Garage, Tillamook, Oregon T illamook .... 201 Tillamook Main 44t An ordinary case oí can, « rule, be cured doae of Chamberlain'* ' era and Diarrhoea Kn remedy haa no superior complaints. For sale 1 Drug Stove.