I y ItaÒliijIjt TILLAMOOK, SECURITY A New Markst. A good thing. Boost it. Independent Market. SERVICE } Governor West has appointed R. 1 lie V\ . Watson as a delegate to «the Fourth International Good Roads Congress, which will be held in Chicago, Sept. 18. Rollie W. Watson, who has been located at Neskowin, in the interests of that resort, returned to this cily Saturday and will remain here the rest of the season. Leonard Mahan and party’ of friends, who have been spending their vacation in this county and at the beach resorts, left the first ol the week for Portland. Excursion, on Sunday, on the P. R. & N. to Vosburg, leaving this city at 9:00 a.m. and will leave Vos­ burg at 4:50 p.m. Round trip ticket $1.00. Your personal J>ank account is a guarantee your absolute independence. The satisfaction being able to draw your own check is really tter—and carries more weight with it than if u paid your bills in currency. We are always ad to open accounts with lady customers as a nvenience for their shopping excursions or y other personal payments. CAPITA L ^W â MOOK COUNTY BAÑEIS» JNTY TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE AMOOK JOTTINGS hrode for coal. e will buy your cascara Glasses 35c. doz., at Lamar’s r Store. ay for eale.—Apply 'to C. N. illamook, Oregon, rriage license was issued to ermain and Mary V. Hill, ■e Limbs, cord wood for sale, y at F. R. B eals ’ Office. ” , at Dolph, on the 27th, to the h. C. Schmelzer, a daughter. Dunstan has been recom- 1 for postmaster of Pacific rriage license was issued to E. Davis and Edna I. Red- Gee and L. M. Dennis, of ale, were in the city on chickens wanted at the Tilla- eat Company’s Market, 13c. ■nd. „ harp, the dentist, will leave alem on Sunday, to be gone week. for rent at Elmore Park, er week. Apply to E. H. aribaldi. i. Clement, post office in- , was in the county checking post offices. your chickens to the Tilla- eat Company’s Market. We . per pound. ed, a full blood Jersey Bull oin 3 to 6 months old.—Df. J. iy, Tillamook. * , to the wife of Carl Haber- n Friday, a daughter. Up e price of cheese. ale, 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the tain the city for $300 each.— Mrs. C. N. Drew. • >urs, cheapest and best paper in town. Leave orders at ext to Harris’ barn. * . Ray and niece, Mias. Iler, in from Cloverdale Wednes- d left this morning. Bay City and Tillamook ball will cross bats on Stillwell rounds, Sunday p.m. S. Phipps, postmaster of mon. Wash., a relative of *. was in on a visit. ed to buy, a good family h> or to be fresh in short APply to Garrett Ward. * le, cheap. One wicker baby in good shape.—Inquire at xce. or address P.O. box 227.* eaion on Sunday, on the P. ■ to Voaburg. leaving this •■■'X) a.m. and will leave Voo- * LIO p m. Round trip ticket AMAR’S SUPERVISION For Sale, a choice lot of young Canary Birds, prices $2.50 per pair. —Inquire at this office, or address P.O box’.227. • W. J. Stephens vs. J. H. and D. E. Dawson, is a suit filed in the cir­ cuit court to recover $438.30 on a promissory note. The baseball team will give a big dance in the concrete building, across from the Todd Hotel, next Saturday’ night. “ Dement’s Best” is made from selected hard wheat, and makes the best bread. Only $1.50 per sack.— Tillamook Feed Co. There is a vast difference between preaching the gosfiel of the King­ dom of God, and explaining it away to nothing. J. C. COVE. I will pay 8c-, 10c. and 11c. for call hides at my shop. Try me out and see. The Old Reliable Hide and Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. The cases against J. J. Roberts for peddling and selling drugs with­ out a license, will be tried in Jus­ tice Stanley’s court on Monday. "Dement’s Best” Flour, fast get­ ting the lead. They haul it to Meda, Woods, Nehalem and intermediate points. Tillamook Feed Co. * Excursion, on Sunday, on the P. R. A N. to Vosburg, leaving this city at 9:00 a m. and will leave Vos­ burg at 4:50 p.m. Round trip ticket $1.00. A special election is being held today in Barnegate, Netarts and Carnahan precincts on the question as to the creation of a Port of Bay­ ocean. Married, on the 27th, at the Cath­ olic Church in this city, by the Rev. Father L. A. Le Miller, B. F. Ger­ main and Mary E. Hill, both of New York State. W. G. Dwight vs. J. H. and D. E. Dawson, doing business under the partnership name of Dawson Bros., is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover $134.75. Good team, wagon and harness for sale. Team is eight years old, weight 2700 lbs. True and sound in every way. E. G. Anderson, Hemlock, Ore. Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ ber at $8.00perthousand at the Faw- cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles south of TillamookCity.Goldsworthy A Dalpaz. pros. A practical Dairyman would like tft rent dairy ranch and stock in Tillamook County. Reference given if required. W. W. Dodge, Salem, Oregon. R. F. D. No. 4. Box 111. • Chris Hansen was arrested for threatening the life of Dan Nichols, ssd the case coming up before Jus­ tice Stanley, he bound Hansen over in the sum of $500 to keep the peace. VARIETY STORE ated two D oots west of Lamar's Drugstore. DROI’ IN AND LOOK AROUND. Rest Room for Ladies- OREGON, F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., has located next door to Lamar’s variety store, and is prepared to do all kinds of shoe repairing’ at reasonable rates, All work guran- teed. Give him a call. * The Percheron stallion Ville will make the stand for the season at Rogers 4 McNamer’s Livery Barn, in this city, with the exception of Mondays and Tuesdays, when the stallion will be at Beaver. • Father L. A. Le Miller of Vobost, Oregon, was in town the first of the week looking after his financial mat­ ters in this section. He left Wed­ nesday morning by private auto for Sheridan where he took the train for his home. Labor Day will be recognized by a Brotherhood program Sunday evening at the United Brethern Church, 8 o’clock. Sunday School, 10 a.m. and preaching by the pastor 11 a.m., theme: “Our love to be like Christ’s love.” John Edwards, of the Whitney Co., Ltd., is in this county looking after the interests of the company which he represents. Mr. Edwards is keeping a close lookout for those who are setting out fires against the orders of the fire rangers. Fred Balmer was arrested for setting out fire, and was bound over to the grand jury. It seems he did so under the impression that he did not have to have a permit for the last time he applied for a permit lie was told he did not require it. Rev. Everett L. Jones, who came from California, as the pastor of the Presbyterian church in this city will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. He is a young married man, but not ordained yet. The Sunday- school will be resumed next Sun­ day after the summer vacation. AUGUST 3I, 1911. Excursion, on Sunday, on the P. R. & N. to Vosburg. leaving this city at 9:00 a.in. and will leave Vos­ burg at 4.50 p.m. Round trip ticket $1.00. The Golden Gate came in on Sun­ day, her passengers being Miss Lucas, J. Vaughn, J R. Hainline, Elam Butts, W. Shultz, J. C. Seeley, C. W. Merrill, H. H. Truer and wife- She left on Monday with O. P. Church. J. R. Landaborough, wife and children, Mrs. F. H. Wilkins. E. A. Thurdich, H. H. Truer and Anna Johnson. Dr. D. A. .'auburn, the French specialist, wishes to inform the people of this city and Tillamook county that he is here to stay, and not be afraid to go to him and have their chronic diseases cured. Both sexes are treated, and both fat «nd lean. Don’t forget the place. Over Ed.’s Garage, rooms 3, 4 and 5. * A new meat market is being started by B. K. Coffman, across the street from the P.O., in what was formerly a part of the Rogers & Haven store. Mr. Coffman has secured the services of Ben Levy, an expert meat dealer, from Port­ land, to manage his business, and they are expecting to secure a good trade. Blanch, Clyde ami Eunice Whit­ temore. sisters of Mrs. Dr. Morris, who have been caring for John Aschim's infant child at hie resi­ dence this summer, left by auto for the valley, where they will spend the winter. Blanch and Clyde will go to Corvallis, while Eunice will spend tlie winter with her sister in McMinnville. Mrs. Wm. CampbelldiedonThurs day morning of last week at the home of her father, Frank Long, of this city, after quite a prolonged illness. Mrs. Campbell is survived by her husband, a small boy and girl, two brothers, Frank and Harry and her father and mother, all of this city. The funeral services were held itKthe M. E. Churrli on Friday afternoon. P. A. Func, of Seuttle, is having the building next door to Kigar A Dwight’s office fitted up by S. Brod- hea,(XM). The prin­ cipal office of the company is to lie in Astoria, and the objects are to operate steamers between coast points, conduct general merchan­ dise stores and own and operate salmon canneries. Work repairing the governmrnt dredge was completed on Wednes- day, and it cost about $3,000 to mak the repairs. With $1,200 used for two months dredging, this used up most of the $5,000 appropriated by the government. The dredge will be put in commission for one Aa month and then laid up. the Port of Tillamook has eev- eral thousand dollars in the treas­ ury and the channel and water front needs dredging, it is expected that arrangements will be made to keep the wort going. C. W. Pike, Abe Simmons and Chris Nelson vs. the Elmore Pack- ing Co., Charles Stone, Hiram Eiulus, Dan Nichols, Axel Nelson, Edmund Bush, John Deo Emerson ■ nd Richard Roe, is a suit tiled in ' the circuit court for damages and I to rejoin and restrain the defend 1 ants from trespassing U|a>n the I banks and tide lands the plaintiffs claim they have leased from the Whitney f-umber Co., and that the defendants have no right to fieh ' there. >1.50 per year 1740 1911 The Up to the Minute Bank The savings idea is just as worthy, just as necessary to business success to-day as it was in 1740, but the methods have advanced during that time. We now have the most modern savings convenience invented and respectfully in- vite the people of Tillamook County to call and see them. In brief, let us tell you that it is a small HOME SAVINGS BANK which registers, or indicates, at all times, THE EXACT AMOUNT OF MONEY which has been placed iu it. The amount of money is plaiuly shown at all times, the amount cf each kind of coin— Nickles, dimes, quarters and so on. The thing that stimulates saving is to see the amount grow, to see it every day, right before your eyes. With one of our new banks this feature is the big thing and these banks have proven very popular wherever they have been placed. GET ONE THE FIRST TIME YOU ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have children, for you know the adage, “ as the twig is bent, so is tree inclined,” and the children will take unusual interest iu these banks be­ cause THEY ARE SOMETHING NEW AND UNIQUE. THEY ARE to be had FREE for we loau them to anyone who starts an account of $ i or more. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK, The Only Government Examined Batik in the Countv. scar is left on one eye that blurs the sight a ml the other is still weak from the effects of the neirf. While not yet able to do full work he will be competent to manage a business himself. His friends in this cily will be glad to hear that he i.< started in business lor himself, mid Cloverdale is ’o be congratulated upon Mr. High locating there, for he is a careful druggist. At the monthly meeting of the Tillamook Commercial Club on Monday evening, among other A group o’l twenty-one lioya from things brought up were the mutter County Judge Homer Mason, Mrs. the Portland Y. M. C. A. arrived in of a cement pavement district, mid Mason and family, returned Satur­ Tillamook while taking their annual a committee will wait on the city day for a visit to the Rogue Valley, hike through thia county. They council to have an ordinance to that and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kelso, old started from Portland one weekagi effect passed ; and the matter of time Tillamookers, came in with Tuesday, coming into this county sewerage and hard surface pave­ them from a visit. Mr. Kelso is look­ over the Necarney trail They were ment. It was pointed out that until ing well, but has aged some. He is at Hayocean for a few days and the city raised the amount of its shaking hands withold friends. started for Portland Tuesday, going bonded indebtedness a sewerage Postmaster W. F. Baker, having out over the Wilson River road. system could not lie started. The applied to the postal authorities The bunch is composed of three citizens, when the new city charter was voted upon, voted down that two months ago to make Tillamook sections, known as the "Indians the "Heathens” and the "Pirates,” section which provided that the a postal savings bank office, has been furnished with the necessary which traveled in the order named. city’e indebteilness should not ex There was some The lioys stopped at the Hotel ceeded $150,000, blanks to fill out, and it is repected Ramsey and ate a lunch, after which misunderstanding over thia matter, that in a few months a bank will they started for Bester’s Ford,where some of tlie voters thinking that it be established here. they camped for the night. 1 hey gave the city council jrower to bond You are invited to inspect a few seemed to be a very gentlemenly for that aineunt of money, which it of the paintings of Mrs. Shrode’s group of boys, behaving themselves does not, for before any more bonds classes now on display in the win­ could be sold it would have to tie well while in town. w dows of The Tillamook Feed Co. left to a vote of the people It is and King A Smith Co. These David Inilagli, of Tillamook, Ore., proposed to resubmit the section at pictures show careful work, skill arrived here this week with his the next annual city election in and training Mrs. Shrode teaches family and carload of household Decemlier. for '£>c. an hour in class work. * goods, farming implements, horses, On account of so much home etc., and has taken possession of Maps of the Moroney Place can talent that is laying dorment and the farm situated about a mile east be Been at Todd’s Hotel, Hotel Ram­ undeveloped, Lottie Roger«, the art of Lostine which he recently pur­ sey and at the Allen House. This teacher, has devilled to stay mid chased from Standleys. The farm place has been surveyed in H acre help us out, tor 11 while, her whole in question is known as the old tracts and for sale if you want beach heart «eema to lie wrapped up in Sam Pace ranch, Mr. Pace having property. Come and learn what a her work and it just grieves her to formerly owned it for years. Mr. bargain youcan get. Matt Moroney, see so many young lives thwurted Imlagh waa here looking over the Rockaway post office, Tillamook for Hie lack ot opportunity for the country a month or no ago and waa County, Oregon. * development of the Iwsl that ia io so well pleased with the present them and thereby occupy their time About thirty young people of the condition and the future outlook of in beautifying and eiiilwlialiing town went to Erick Glad’s place The case of I>r. D. A. Sanburn, thia section that hr decided to locate 1 tlieir horn«« rather than to lean e Tuesday evening in company with who was arrested for practicing here. His family consists of Ilia their time unoccupied an Lunch was aeived in toe evening a detective, and complained ol a Evans and A. i year« or more of tear til ng of various Jeff Harris will put in a gasoline i pain. II* was to pay $Zkrter. 1 forma of art work she had never ment anti Dr. Sanburn gave him engiee and pump to irrigate his Isen i - iii : found, a larger {>er< entnge of fa! W A. High, who h farm on the Trask River. He has two l>t»llles ot mednine and he waa i ployed at th»- Ronera Bro«. drug anted young people, or where their given orders for a 3'» h. p. engine t to go back the next day for treat- ■tore at McMinnville ior the past patents seemed to lie more inter- and a New Way Irrigating Pump, 1 inent after paying ff&Mos account. two years, end previous to that was 1 rated in their children's wellaie which is combined, and in JO Melchior did not go back. The I clerk in ( lough's drug «lose in thia H than here in Tillamook. Now this hours run. will pump JO.'rtt.U«' gal­ i jury dismissed the case against city, has pun based Dr. Brown’s 1 is something for us to lie proud of, lons of water, the engine using Mfc I Sanburn. drug business at C loverdale and I as Mrs. Rogers In.s taught alt in gallons of gasoline in that time. Tlie Nehalem Imael.all team came > took < barge of it last week. About ' < various i it lew of the east and *1 The order is placed with the Tilla­ down from that place Sunday morn I a year ago Mr. High, while em- . Southern Oregon, ami has been mook Feed Co. ing on the excuaion train which i ployed in the Rogers Bros, store , teaching in Salem for tln^pasl eight A New Market. A good was run by the P W. 4 N. Co. and I met with an accident tn the explo- thing. Boost it. Independent ptoyed the Commercial Club Team, I slow of gas in Ins face that has the last Klint <»l the season The Iv really impaired Ins ey sight eoaaMiuuMis*« aiensreane scaaMB Market name waa called at 2:00 p m. at the I Gilford Stilwell Park with Nehalem at bat and Clent King the High School twisler on the mound for Tillamook. The game wak played with very little interest from start to finish, the score being 8-0 in favor of the home team at the dose of the sixth. However in the seventh and eighth the visitors managed to work in four scores to the home team's two, and the Kame was closed with a score of 104 in favor of Tillamook. FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS