TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUSf 24. 1911 ♦his country speaks for the eagle, There is to be a fiddler’s contest and the eagle is still supreme. j at Monte Ne, Ark., under the aus- Pertinent and In- The mayor of Shawnee, Ok., Ijag ; pices of “Coin” Harvey, who, in appointed a woman and empow­ | 1896, awoke all of the echoes, even esting Remarks. ered her to destroy all liquor «..U and i , ,O the ren,o,e8t corners of the land. She , W',h ,hat piece of ragtime fiddle >’s standing army will soon bar fixtures found in the town. L..v ..-q “Sixteen to One.” has procured a hatchet and an offi- ' called the highest standard of effi- i Millions danced to that music then, irovided the 2000 officers do cial badge, and now the blind tigar Carrie i The dance ended, but the band the 1500 privates to death, should look to himself. Nation is not dead nor even sleep- i ' played in, Mr. Bryan has re­ tnv nurses are easier to find ing. mained under the spotlight but •vivors of the battle of Bull I “Coin ' Harvey has soared above Dr. Wiley, who was progressing ’ it. He invested his coinage for up iither nursing induces lon- r the nurses started in busi- well with his crusade until he at­ . in the Boston Mountains, on a peak tacked the smokers of the country, i called Monte Ne, and in a resort to i very early age. is repeating the history of Carrie I which the sone of liberty could ai­ ct that Indiana is the only Nation, who was doing well in the rways resort to drink at th3 foun- which enow is reported as war against the demon rum until I tains of patriotism. He has made fallen this eummpr makes she began jerking cigars, pipes I hilly for any contemplated and cigarettes out of the mouths of money, not as much money, per- i haps, as has been made by Mr. >tial boom for Senator Kern. the men who are the people. I Bryan, but he has had a great deal we ever reach the point A San Francisco judge who had a ’ more fun than Mr. Bryan has ever nt ■'mobile thieves will be woman jury to which he referred a been able to extract from his victor­ th as summarily as horse question of divorce and alimony ious defeats. once were? Hardly. The has had to discharge it from consid­ >s not make the same appeal eration of the case, not only because Talking About Short Corps. it disagreed but because it quar­ If the estimate of the Department •s bothering the American reled. In any difference between a of Agriculture turns out to be cor a and the Canadian T‘arlia- man and a woman, at least half of rect, the cereal yield of 1911 will le reciprocity question isgo- the women are for the man. be much smaller than was that of irow discord and perplex- 1910. The falling off will be over Representative Mondell of Wyom ­ i the debating club« this ing recently reintroduced hie bill 5000,000,000 bus’iels in corn, 31,000,- for the establishment of parcels 000 bushels in wheat, 309,030.000 id of continuing as a single post on rural and star routes- The bushels in oats, 23,000.000bushels in ation the Standard Oil Corn- measure provides for the transmis­ barley, and 3,000,000 bushels each in Ill divide itself into thirty- sion of parcels weighing not more rye and buckwheat. The report for rte. No doubt, the con- than 11 ponnds at a rate of 1 cent hay, rice, tobacCo and flaxseed is rill find lots of comfort in for the first 3 ounces, over 3 and up also bad. Several stocks on the big to 6 ounces 2 cents, from 6 to 9 exchange in New York dropped Ige. when this estimate was published. hoppers flying high above ounces 3 cents, from 9 to 12 ounces But before the country works itself 4 cents, over 12 ounces up to one Bluffs, la., have darkened into a scare on this account it for that town, as for many pound, 5 cents, and for each addi­ should consider one or two qualify­ tional pound or fraction thereof 2 In that state. All of this ing factors. The data on which ninous for a Cummins pres- cents, making the total rate for a the report was based was gathered parcel of 11 pounds 25 cents. The boom. present rate on parcels to over forty much more than two weeks ago,and ally, Nat Goodwin defends foreign countries is 12 cents per there have been rains since then or and hie right to marry a» pound, each parcel being limited which have put different face on j he can or wants to. Mr. to 11 pounds, the international things in the graingrowing region. If the rains had come in the latter 'ill, no doubt, appreciate th* weight. half of May or in June or July the nent of Nat’s valorous de- A b was expected, the Canadian effect would have been far better,’ I him. enemies of reciprocity are bringing but even now they will help corn rediction is made that John annexation into the contest. The and some of the other cereals. kefeller’e riches will some election of a new Parliament in Usually the early estimates of the from him. To avert thia Canada will take place on Septem­ Department of Agriculture of crop ¡kefeller’s daily task is to conditions make the situation look eir wings with a pair of ber 21, and the issue is the trade a little worse than the final figures pact which recently passed the shears. United States Congress. The op­ in December warrant. The depart­ is T. U. Cincinnati W. C. posing chieftains, Laurier and Bor­ ment’s harvest forecasts are gen­ lly inquiring : “What is a den, are in the height of the fight, erally below the mark. Western JI ?” Cincinnati is a great which may be relied on to be ac­ authorities who have taken a look own, but still it is close tive from this time onward to the over the ground more recently than . to Kentucky to get this voting day. Premier Laurier, who the government’s agents did when they were compiling the figures n answered right. dissolved Parliament so as to refer recently made public say that the the whole question directly to the I come at last. There is one actual preBent conditions are much ng to swim across the At- people, seems confident that the better than the department inti­ agreement will win. Very likely he Icean. It has been a source mates. ler during the last ten years is correct in his judgement. Can­ ada has much to gain and nothing ige freaks, that this has not Women and Money. temped, or, at least, pro- of any consequence to lose by it. The household economic depart­ When, in the latter part of Aug- ment of the University of Wiscon­ ralia has enlisted more than gust, Admiral Togo sails for home, sin has issued a bulletin which will youths between 14 and 18 he will not only carry the good create universal astonishment, and f age as the beginning of a wishes of the United States with nowhere more than in thedry goods g army. Australia has the him, but he promises to say a good stores This bulletin recites that re. There might be a great word for us when he gets to Tokio. $10,000,000,000 a year is spent in gen­ lor Mr. Hobson in that coun- He has been feted here in a way eral shopping, nine-tenths of it that has deeply impressed him. by women, and the greater part of The president of the United States, these know nothing of the value of an bankers say of our cur- at a reception to Togo complimented money. system that "it sacrifices the emperor of Japan on “the The University of Wisconsin has to security.” This may be broad humanitarian view” which long been famous for its enterprise hanking, but in the stock of 1 he't"ook in modifying the treaty of in meeting the practical needs of | itered corporations the se- alliance with England in such a the people. It will teach Greek to I s often sacrificed to the flu- way a8 to facilitate England's arbi- persons who wish to know Greek, tration pact with us. By a rather but it will also teach butter making Dudley A. Sargent of Yale p,eaiin,i^oi“CidfDCe;““J‘".“1 to the far greater number of per­ that women look well in trous- ies with England and France were sons who wish to know how to in Washington on the same make giltedged butter. Hence its ong domestic familiarity may ‘ . signed - tquainted the professor with day that the Japanese sea fighter department of household economics, which more nearly concerns the Jut men not so ruled prefer reached there. community than astronomy, geol­ male form divine” in more According to reports from \\ ash- ogy and tbe higher mathematics. [ draperies. ington the Army General Staff has If this department will devote itself lor La Follette and Repre- discovered evidences of the activity to teaching dressmaking, millinery ve Underwood had no trou- of foreign military spies in the and cooking, it will add greatly to igreeing upon tfle farmers' ’ United States and its possessions, the happiness of the State of Wis­ t bill. The senator’s trouble The report may be true, but it is consin and the state of matrimony. when he tries to agree with ' not very startling. So far as re­ These are things that most women ng that comes from the Re-1 garde the mainland. the county have to know, but nature does not in side of Congress. seems to have no military secrets, endow them with skill in these arte, dent Simon of Hayti has Not ««n,lnlb"" and ‘«J* and they must learn them. »bed with nervous prostra- stations of the troops well known to But when it comes to shopping '□nd« „ t *• i - the world, but the style and strength and the value of money, the de­ cause some of his policies, . , ’ _ rnaafa >t acceptable to the people. of the ■<>»" ont>»* ™«t. partment of household economics * President Taft had acted can e.stly be learned by anybody in Madison is intruding upon the y about reciprocity. Simon •**«““* ,‘h‘a ,nform’‘,.° realm of nature. Women are born cheer un ! debates in Congress and in the re- shoppers. The vast difference be­ P’ I porta of our military commanders tween $3 and $2.98 is a patt of their lations are to the effect that pretty much everything which a inheritance ; they need no benevo­ si* of the sugar trust made possible enemy of the United States lent university to teach it to them. ’er cent profit. Some of it WOuld want to know can be learned, Women have been hunting bar­ ir, has been spent in reform- The newspapers, too. publish plane gains ever since fig leaves went out Municipal Government of of defenses in their localities from of style and costumes had to lie inciaco, since Abe Ruef de- tjme ,o time, when these are of any bought instead of picked off the 1 some of the 40,000 per cent. new» value. trees Do not the dry goods dealers know that women are by nature oosevelt testified for a long There is significance in the report ■fore the Stanley committee that the Hamburg-American Steam gifted as shoppers, and do not their 1 putting a single man in the ship Company is planning to es­ published announcements appeal • Club. It is possible that, tablish a line of steamers between especially to the instinct of woman »dinar a« many opposition H-mb and San Francisco by for getting the best that there is at I I hat kind IT « M .4 started, ~ XI _ Roose- A ” A, S *- — the lowest possible price? Can the ♦that Mr. way of the Panama Canal. The University of Wisconsin teach bar­ • started out to change the company is arranging for the pur­ gain hunting ? Do the wmnen of chase of sites for docks at San Fran Senator La Follett’s state need any n who had been shooting up cisco. Moreover, the plan is to instruction in the gentle art of ’Pher. III., shot up the court touch at some of the other ports on shopping ? No mere man can get ound over to the gr-nd jury, the Pacific also, according to re­ anything like as mn< h for >19B a« ■ »ucceeding riot resulted in port* At the outre t this plan will his wife can If the university 1 Ol several live* At that, I cater to the trade of the lower class I would only undertake to teach men lietter than dynamiting for of immigrants, it is said. Thons how to spend money judiciously it a criminal instinct in who want a quick trip to the Paci- would be something well and worth ither. . fic Coast will touch at New York or I while--Fhiladelpha __________ Record. I Boston and take the train scross I ww» ________________ private car of Mr* Harri- water, Folev Kidney Pilla will check the n a Western road her hue I the continent, but the extra time in going y I „rowreaa of your kidney and bladder udt. had to be sidetracked the I weeks all the way. and through the canal. J^bWand be»> by removing the ny to give right-of-way to a will not be a drawback - Try them. Cha* 1. Clough to the aver- c-rrying fane to see a base age immigrant. Co. The national game in SCRAPS. I J ASTORIA CENTENNIAL SERVICE During the ANNUAL CENTENNIAL, the Steamer | BAYOCEAN Will make three round trips weekly, between BAYOCEAN and ASTORIA, leaving BAYOCEAN Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, REALTY The T. B. POTTER COMPANY has made a speeial round trip from Bayocean, good any time during the CENTENNIAL. Tickets for sale at Bayocean. The Steamer Bayoccan leaves Bayocean in plenty of time to catch the first evening train to Portland, for those who wish to made the trip through from Tillamook, providing a through trip in a halfday. By this schedule, it is possible to make the round trip to Portland, by rail and water, in two days. «4.00 YAMHILL & TILLAMOOK Daily Stage Line. Shortest and Quickest Route to Portland. LEAVES TILLAMOOK .................................... 4 pm- ARRIVE YAMHILL .......................................... 3 p.«. Connecting with PORTLAND jTRAlN. FARE, $5.00. MRS. J. C. HOLDEN, Agent, Tillamook. Hotel Royal, Ageut, Yamhill. fOEEY KIDNEY PIUS I JL for backache, rheumatiatn. kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularitiea. Foley Kidney Pilla are tonic in action, quick in result* Refuas substitute«. Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook.