TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 24, 1911. UNCLE SILAS SULKED. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES Borrowed to Save. T. BOTT8, Notice to Farr Campers. P S ARCHET, Uneie Reuben, the village white­ • A ttorney - at -L aw Fair Grounds, Oregon, . Die Fasliionay, Chautauqua S.tmi to Hava a Wide washer and man of all work, was a August 20th, 1911. What Aunt Melia«» Had to Say When frequent borrower of small sums from Complete set of Abstract Books Variety of Meanings. B ro B aker , — Please to say She Hoard the New». Cleaning, Pressing and Uuited States geological survey rec bls neighbor, Colonel Arkwright, aud through the columns ol the Head­ Aunt Melissa Splgott was such an n office. Taxes paid for non as a rule be repaid these little debts ords present these notes on geograph ­ iug a Specialty, exceedingly energetic talker that tbe at the appointed time. But on one oc­ light that all residents of Tillamook Residents. youngsters of the family used to sup­ ical names and their origin aud mean­ casion when be had been accommo­ ' county who contemplate camping pose that her tongue must be copper ing: Store in Heins Phol Brooklyn; part of New York city; a dated with a loan of $2.30, which he at the Oregon State Fair are re­ Tillamook Block. toed, because it never wore out Uncle promised to return in a few days, be quested to eend their names to me corruption of the Dutch name Breuek Gallery. Hila», on tbe other hand, was as eco­ Both phones. allowed two or three weeks to pass at their earliest convenience in nomical of words as a marketman 1» elen. from a village In the province of without making any mention of his in­ order that I may assign tliemcamp- Utrecht. Holland. The name signifies D. d OFFica B usins ,, of early strawberries. debtedness and, in fact, seemed to I ing places and if possible reserve a S pecialty . Tbe too free exercising of this un­ “broken up land" or "marshy land.” avoid his creditor. But one morning Burleson; county and village In John­ stalls for their teams. Those people ruly member of Aunt Melissa's on one the colonel unexpectedly encountered QOWING & CQ| haberlach come a long distance and I very occasion gave Uncle Silas serious of­ son county. Tex., named for Edward him at tbe postoffice. fense. which he manifested by a se­ Burleson. Indian tighter, and vice pres­ much desire that the best be given LAW YERS, “Hello, Uncle Rube! Didn’t you bor­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, vere silence lasting for several days. ident of tbe republic of Texas under row a little money from me several them. I have in past years done R oom 3.34 W oscb . t »» ii , ..— President Houston. 1841. At the end of that period one of the T hird and oar w.-eks ago?” my best to care for their comforts. Jleittechev Chautauqua: county in Kansas: Room Next to the U.S. I.»Ji ol<1»r duugnters approached her mother "Dat's right, cunnel," said the old By letting me know in advance county, lake and town in same county upon the subject with the remark, man. “I sholy did.” Tillamook Block. their needs can better be provided PORTLAND, OREGQ "Ma, seems like you ought to make up !n New York. An Indian word which "You told me you’d pay it back in for. Tillamook always sends a has been the subject of much contro with pa by now.” three or four days. Have you had bad good delegation and the same will "Make up with pa!" exclaimed Aunt versy. Webster says it is a corruption luck ?” EORGE WILLETT, of a word which mentis "foggy place. ” I—J* CLAUSSEN, Melissa in great astonishment. "Make "No, sub,” responded Uncle Reuben. evidently be true this year. With­ Another derivation gives the meaning out doubt the 1911 Oregon State up what?' lawyer I as "bag tied In the middle.” referring "1'11 tell you how it was, cunnel. 1 A ttorney - at -L aw . “Why,” returned the daughter, lacked jes’ two dollabs an’ a half o' Fair will surpass all previous ones to the shape of the lake. It Is also bavin’ ten dollahs to put in de savin's held. “don't you know poor pa's feeling bad A lbert T ozier , said to mean "place where a child was bank, an' I used it to' dat. It's all Next to Tillamook County yet? He’s still huffing.” Supt. of the Camp Grounds. washed away. ” Dr. Peter Wilson, an right, cunnel. I won’t fo'git IL”— "Huffing—for the land's sake! How 213 Tillamook Block, Bank, educated Seneca, says it Is literally Yontb's Companion. long's he been a-huffing?” Notice. T illamook "Ever since you came down on him "where tbe fish was taken out." Other T illamook - O regon . N otice is H ereby G iven to the so bard about wasting sugar by not meanings given are "place of easy Insane English Monarchs. stirring bls coffee; that’s three days death" and "place where one was George III. is the only British moo- Stock Holders of the TILLAMOOK H. GOYNE, ounty M utual T elephone C om ­ lost.” ilg«"’ arch who la modern times has been C Chicago: city and river In Illinois placed under restraint and deprived pany , that the regular annual meet­ M. AUSTIN, "Why. you don't tell me. Janie ing will be held at the County Court Maud!" Aunt Melissa looked amazed. The OJIbwa Indian form, sbe-kag-ong. of his authority because of Insanity, Room. Tillamook City, Tillamook A ttorney - at L aw . “Your [lore pa. Been a-huffing for signifies "wild onion place." from a though simitar meLsures were at one County. Oregon. Saturday, Septem­ CIVIL ENGINEER A3 three days, and 1 never mistrusted a root form Implying a “bad smell.” time contemplated with regard to his ber 2nd, 1911, at the hour of one Office : Opposite Court House, ~ thing of It!”—Youth's Companion. son, George IV., the monarch who o’clock p.tn. SURVEYOR, All stockholders are requested to lias been described as "a bad son. a T illamook , O regon HOLLAND'S RAILROADS. bad husband, a bad father, a bad sub­ attend this meeting and voice their T illamook .... 0» LOADED SILKS. sentiment in the managing and They Are Operated at a Lose to Aid ject. n bad monarch and a bad friend" conducting of the Company’s busi­ 2or Tillamook Block. and whoso conduct while on the throne ness for the coming year, and in the Canal Traffic. The Way the Fsbrio Is Adulterated to Main 441. T. BOALS, M.D., was characterized by an eccentricity choosing officers for said purpose. In contrast with the history of Bel­ Increase Its Weight. which bordered on lunacy. The present officials have done If properly handled silk is the strong­ gium. Germany. France and Austria. The insanity of George III. was real­ what was in their power to provide est and most durable of all textile ma­ Hollmid alone of all European coun- ly brought about by the dangerous service for the past year for the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, , tries presents a situation where the terials. but the various processes of Illness of his youngest and favorite patrons, and a good turn out at the manufacture that remove much of the railroads require protection from the child. Princess Amelia. The unlikeli­ meeting would evidence apprecia­ TILLAMOOK. tion of what has been accomplished. natural gum cause It to lose so large competition of the canals. hood of her recovery preyed upon him TONIC IN ACTION . QUICK IN RM Hollmid thus reverses the general More than sixty phones have been an amount of Its weight that unscrup­ Tillamook Block. and hastened the attack of mental de­ ulous dyers nnd manufacturers resort , rules which apply lu all other coun­ rangement which incapacitated him added since the last meeting, and Give prompt relief from BACKk to "loading." dipping the thrown silk tries. Railroad development was re- from reigning, although he had pre­ if all stockholders will lend a help­ KIDNEY and BLADDER TROOI ing hand fifty more will be added I uiarknbly slow in Hollaud. The first into a solution of bichloride of tin viously suffered from this malady. lie for the coming year. M. KER RON, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION! Koine are not content with restoring Dutch rallrouds were short local lines, died hopelessly Insane at Windsor after Respectfully, KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION slng Fuller Mellish, who was for several many homes it is relied upon eel left him to shift for himself. The boy and touching spectacle ever seen.” she years In the company of Sir Henry REAL ESTATE, pllcltly as the family physician. Ll had good stock in him. however, and was referring to the whole idea aud Irving, first coming to America in his tains no opium or other narcotie,l managed by turning over a new leaf, effect of the exhibition, but “the beau support, told a characteristic story of F inancial A gent , maybe given as confidently to th practicing strict economy and doing ty of tbe building and the vnstness of the great English actor. as to an adult. Price J6c; largiitM "We were discussing Tennyson in odd Jobs of work as opportunities pre­ It nil" were Important factors In the Tillamook, Oregon. waterproof i the beefsteak sented themselves to pay for tils tul marvel which she relied upon to room of the Lyceum one J 7 OILED Hon, and stayed on. astound her uncle Leopold When the night." said Mr. Mellish, “when Sir . \ GARMENTS "How's your boy doing nt college?" palace moved to tho new site Herbert Henry came over and Joined in the i? Tv FHEYLOOK WELL-WEAR WELL P)R. P. J. SHARP, OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOW nuked tho older Timmins' next neigh Spencer wrote: “I have been once nt conversation, ’Ah, yes.' he said, 'Ten- i* ' Ai ’ 0 N0T nyson. To be sure I know him. Clever bor one day. Sydenham. It surpasses even my ex '-CNG COATS-♦322 .♦352 Corner Stillwell Ave. and 1 "He's getting along all right now ” pcctatlons. though 1 had seen It In chap, yes, but vain. One night Ten­ RESIDENT DENTIST, •f >Mi 7) SUITS *322 "I hear he's working bls way progresp. It is a fairyland and a won nyson and I were walking down Pic­ . js— fwtywcDc St. West, and both Phon« through.” *"• CAnuot finer der suntasalng all others." Ruskin »aid cadilly together, and ns we passed a Office across the street frotr tbt "Yes." ' grimly, but with a gleam of that Mr. Dickens hns «aid that there crowd on the street corner several of A.J.Tov/ew Co. B oston . u^jk. T ov . x . t G jiaolah C o . united - T oronto , can . Court House. FECIALTY IN ALL KIND CF pride, answered Farmer Tliumlns was nothing like It In fairyland and the men took off their hats aud bowed. "He found he couldn't work mo any added bitterly that Mr. Dickens was Ha! Ho you know Tennyson thought Dr. Wise’s office. ALL KIND OF k HEAB. they were bowing to him. Extraordi­ more.”—Youth's Companion. right. nary! Yes, clever chap, but vain, you know.’ ” CARL , , ’ A. Foley Kidney Pi g & , Chamberlain’s Cough Remedj FOR OUT DOOR WORK Tillamook Bakei Pineapple Juiee. What America Has Proved. As an aid of dlgeatlon. a really ma pia- tortai aid. tho pineapple stands alone among tho fruit. Its vegetable pepsin neutra Ilzes, or |>erhapa rather digests, n Ibiiiiiliiou» substances In the «toinacb. I ro h pineapple or. better still, the iresti Juice of one placed In direct con­ tai t with eggs or gelatine or lullk will prove this fact conclusively by pro­ li u. Ing a bitter tasting dish Iti cases of nitiirihal ailments of the throat mid In it» dowuward connection the alimentary canal or tract pineapple < annoi .lie overestimated, and It acts with equal tori* In malarial affections. - New York Worivi America has proved that It la prac­ ticable to elevate the mass of mankind —that portion which In Europe is call­ ed the laboring or lower class—to raise them to «elf respect, to make them competent to act a part In the great right nud groat duty of self govern nieut. and »lie has proved that this tuay be done by ediicntlou mid the illf fusion of knowledge She holds out an exninple a thousand times more en couraglug than ever was presentisi be for* to those nluetenths of the liummi race who are born without hereditary fortuue or hereditary rank.-Daniel Webster Fields Popularity. Modern Improvements. "Yon started with the full conti dene* of your constituents, and now you nrv criticised on every hand " "Yes." replied Senator Sorghum moiirufully. "my experience baa lieen ver< much Ilk* that of a mau who g'XHl nuturedly cousenta to umpire a twill g«iue."—Washington Star. Patient - Doctor, I'm having an awful lot of trouble with tbe gns tn my stomach. Doctor - Yen. yes; I kuow Those old fashioned fixtures arc giving people a lot of unnecessary trouble these days Just step Into tbe next room, and I'll have my en­ gineer wlro you for electric lights.- Puck. Quick Action. A southern farmer was trying to sell a mule to a negro who two years be­ fore bad lieen kicked on tbe bead by the animal. "Of course." »aid the farmer, mule kicks, but*’— "I don’ wan' him." objected ths col ored man emphatically. "Just because he kicks?” asked the farmer, with an air of contempt. "Humph!" grunted the negro. "Dat mule don’ kick; be shoots."—Popular Magaxlne. A Witty Thief. Munich has been visited by a thief with a sense of humor. Several day» ago all the clock» In the tululstry of railway» came to a standstill. The central or “master dock.“ which cou trola all the others, had been stolen In Its place was a sheet of paper with tbe words, "Time was made fur »lave»." Making a Here. A nourishing supper, a good night's "Now that my euisHgetueiit to Edgar sleep and a fine morning have often P broken off I wonder If h* will ask made a hero of the same man who by Indigestion. ■ restless night and a me to return th* Jewels that b* ksiny morning would bare proved a me." • "If b* doesn't ask for them Id •end toward. -Chesterfield them back at once, for In that cane Csmisg Dews. they're not genuin»— -Fliegend* Riat Tbs Madam (with a band to ber tee • bssO—Is my hatr coming down. Kate? No Duty en Ansedotoo. The Maid—Yes, ma'am. In a minute "This »word cam* from the batti» A Dear Placa. field of Waterloo An Iotero»ting an Bstchman-Wh<> arc« It nald "Home I'm going right upstairs for It now.- redole goes with It." la th* denteai plat* on rnrtb*“ I'bain Yonkers Statesman "It I» a really Interesting anrcffM«.“ I»* *'iw married man wh.> had Jn»i said the other man. after hi »« tag r*r*lved hi. mat and rrwwy Mila. » The Old Reliable Bird. rorefully. -| bought th* same anee doubt llu* ion Transcript We do not pretend to know anvthlng dote one* With in old musket.“—Wash about oralttelogy. but we ar* willing lugton Herald to »sy this much for tbe stork He Difference ef Opinlen. It were not brm>thnt we a tern Id »II delivers tbs goods —Galveston News think »like: It la difference nt nfdnlnn that asakee borse rscss possible - Mark Twat*. A Matter ef Flatten. "What Is Dobblelgh'• general reputa­ tion for veracity. BlldadF asked Hick- on lmi|i*r. "Well. It's thia way." said Rildad. "If [tolililelgb could writ» tbe way he talks he’d have Sir Waiter Scott «nd Alexander Duiuae lashed to tbe outst.” -Harper's Weekly. Wsridly Wiadem. HARVESTER OLDSTYLE WHISKEY the highest type of a pure straight whiskey blend. aged in wood ' complying will, both the United Stats.land State Pure Food Laws ____ straight whiskey—all whiskey—old whisk AMERICAN IMPORTING San Francisco Distributer» CO Aston* w. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore