* T illamook headlight , bation. it of I I» L 3-— The eurn assessed upon such 1 tract of land, and the date thereof. ■ce No. 221, was I 4.—A brief statement of the im- ■ City Council of I provement, alteration, or repair for ■ , Oregon, on the which sucri assessment is made. r, 1911, and was S ection 7.—That Section 16, of the legal voters of Article VII. of an Act entitled ‘‘An meir approve! or Act to incorporate the city of Tilla­ | special election mook City, in Tillamook County, kut purpose, and State of Oregon, and to repeal all Ity on the 25th day Acts or parte of Acte in conflict ■id Ordinance No. herewith,” filed in the office of the allows, to-wit:— Secretary of State. February 13, 1221. Trie people 1893, 4>e and the same is hereby ly Do Ordain as 1 amended so as to read as follows : S ection 16.—The person ex­ t Section 2 of Ar- ecuting such warrant shall im­ t entitled "An Art mediately issue a certificate of sale [city of Tillamook to the purchaser for the property 1 County, State of sold, stating therein that the same peal all Acts or is made subject to redemption, and inflict herewith,” that a deed will be issued thereon >f the Secretary of by the then acting Marshal at the 1893, be and the expiration of the time of redemption aended so as to as provided herein. Within one year from the date of sale, the Bmprovcments, or owner, or his successor in interest, ■blishment of any or any person having a valid lieu of Movement of any record, or any person having a lien I or pavement, or by judgment, decree, or mortgage jot any sewer men- on the property or any part thereof Boceeding section. separately sold, may redeem the Bn or made without same upon the terms and condi- face thereof being , tions provided in the next section. e publication in a S ection 8.—That Section 18, ot Bhed in Tillamook ! Article VII., of an Act entitled “An Bg a notice in three Act to incorporate the city of Tilla­ Baid city, except as mook City, in Tillamook County, rise provided. State of Oregon, and to repeal all lat Section 3 of Ar­ Acts or parts of Acts in conflict id entitled"An Act herewith,’’ filed in the office of the e city of Tillamook Secretary of State, February 13, >k County, State of 1893, be and the same is hereby Bpeal all Acts and amended so as to read as follows : Conflict herewith.” S ection 18.—A redemption dis­ [of the Secretary of charges the propertv from the 0, 1893, be and the effects of the sale upon the assess­ mended so iis to ment. If made by the owner or his I successor in interest, the estate in heli notice must be the property is thereby restored Border by order of to such owner or his succesor in (Council, and must interest, as the case may be, but if bnvenient certainty made by a lien creditor, the amount Sy, sidewalk, pave- paid for the redemption is there jor the part thereof after to be deemed a .part of his Bstablisedor altered, lien, judgment, decree, or mort­ improvement which gage, as the case may be, and be made, and the shall bear like interest, and inay be bouncil will hear and enforced and collected as a part lamation, Ordinance thereof. rtions and remons- S ection 9.—That Article VII., of an Act entitled “ An Act to incor­ if any. bat Section 4 of Ar- porate the city of Tillamook City, in Act entitled “AnAct Tillamook County, State of Oregon, he city of Tillamook and to repeal all Acts or parts ot lok County, State of Acts in conflict herewith,” filed in repeal all Acts or the office of the Secretary of State, [conflict herewith,” February 13, 1893, be and the same C of the Secretary of is hereby amended by adding 13, 1893, be and the thereto a new section. Section 20. SECTION 20. 1.—Whenever any amended so as to | street improvement, or the con­ the council at the struction of any sewer or sewers is tin said notice or ordered, and the cost thereof is | as they may ad- assessed to the property benefited fag. shall hear and thereby, or liable therefor, the jbjections or remon- owner of any such property, where Eiay be made by the such cost is $25.00 or more, may |Brti holder or tax- within ten days after notice is given tr said hearing, the of such improvement or construc­ fftermine by resolu- tion, as the case may be, file with I not the improve- the city recorder a written applica­ Bet. alley, sidewalk, tion to pay said assessment in in­ >r the alteration or stallments, and such written ap­ of the grade, or the plication shall state that the appli­ [repair of the sewer cant and property owner thereby kid notice, shall be waives all irregularities or defects, [provided, said de- jurisdictional or otherwise, in the e made within twu proceedings to improve the street |g objections to said or lay the sewer for which said assessment is levied and in the •4Fhat Section 5 of Ar- apportionment of the cost thereof. t Act entitled “An Act Said application shall contain a ■ the city of Tillamook provision that said applicant and Kok County, State of property owner agrees to pay said Mfcepeal all Acts or assessment in ten equal annual i ja conflict herewith,” installments, with interest at the ■ce of the Secretary of same rate on all of said installments gl13, 1893, be and the which have not been paid, as that »Jr amended eo as to expressed in the bond to be issued to pay for such improvements. [n all cases, the no- Said application shall also contain Movement, alteration, a statement, by lots or blocks, or jreet, alley, sidewalk, other convenient description of the «■ the construction or property of the applicant assessed er, whether in whole for sucri improvement or sewer. No Hereof, the common application, as aftersaid, shall be irect said improve- received and filed by the city re­ to. or repair to be corder if the amount of such assess­ mere of the lots abut- ment with any previous assessment kr adjacent thereto, for street improvements or sewers, Bys, under the super- assessed against the same property treet commissioner, and remaining unpaid, shall equal 'of lots, or any of or exceed the valuation of said pro­ Ito make such ¡al­ perty as shown by the last tax roll terations or repairs, of the county in which it is situated. ti within the said The majority of the owners of the (council shall then property so assessed shall select a lake such improve­ competent person to inspect such ions, or repairs, or improvement under the direction I provided in sections of the city engineer of Tillamook lie article ; provided, City ; Provided, that application t of such improve for such bonding shall have been bns, or repairs, or received by the city recorder ; in Bay be ordered by case w’lere the amount of the kuncil to be paid in assessment, together with previous rt thereof out of the assessments for street improve­ ments, or sewers, against the pro­ of the city. .hat Section 8 of Ar- perty (and remaining unpaid), shall Act entitled “An Act exceed the valuation of said pro­ the city of Tillamook perty as shown by the last tax roll ook County, State ot of the county, if the owner shall 1 repeal all Arts or before making such application l conflict herewith ” pay in cash into the treasury of the Ce of the Secretary of city such excess of unpaid assess­ 13. 1893, be and the ments over the valuation as shown ’'amended so as to on such last tax roll. 2.—The common council shall Alien the coat of the provide by ordinance for carrying alteration or repairs out the provisions of this section tai ned. and the pro­ for the issuing of improvement re thereof has been bonds under the terms hereof. 3;—No obligation incurred by Till­ lovided in section 6 e recorder shall enter amook City by virtue of this section ireol in the docket of shall be deemed or taken to oe Ovided in the next within any part of the limitation tre written applica­ by law as to the indebtedness of ti! the city recorderto ! thia city. And, Where««, at said election there essinent in tnstall- provided in section were cast for said Ordinance No. 221. 68 votes. and against «aid That Section 9 of Ar- Ordinance No. 221, 52 vote«. And. Whereas, there was a majority of I Art entitled "An Art the city of Tillamook votes cast thereon in favor of «aid look County, State of Ordinance No. 221. Now. therefore. I do hereby pro * rejie.il all Acts or n conflict herewith.” 'claim that the »aid Ordinance No. See of the Secretary of 221 hae been approved by the legal r 13, 18KL be and the voters of «aid Tillamook City, and therefore in full force and effect, t amended eo as to and the Charter of eaid city ia •The docket of City amended asprovided by aaid Ordi­ ! in which lw Pro- nance No. 221. Dated at Tillamook City. Oregon, linance No. 221. en- lance of Sections 6. 7. this 29th day of July, 1911 C. W. T almage . is artic1*. the follow- Mayor of Tillamook City. rvlatioa to asses«. Oregon. mvemenC alteration. Destruction of streels. ■ Ik». ,>avrmrnts or A well known Des Moines woman S. 70 degs. 38’ E. 287.66 »» N. 80 degs. 59" E. 445.00 >» ~ 70 degs. 09’ E. 207.75 » » s. s. 50 degs. 17’ E. 152.90 > > s. 20 degs. 37’ E 460.00 > » s. 52 degs. 01’ E. 645.80 s. 44 degs. 48' E. 300.00 1 1 s. 35 degs. 16’ E. 516,35 > s. 43 degs. 51’ E. 638.00 64.57 ,, to line S. 69 degs. 04’ E. f lot 3, then N. 0 deg. 26’ W. 220.00 ,. to low water line and then along low water line the following course« : N. 70 degs. 28’ \V. 208.94 feet N. 48 degs. 44’ W. 350.30 » » N. 37 degs 52’ W. 481.83 N.39 degs. 20’ W. 441.95 > N. 33 degs 42’ W. 371 90 N. 20 degs. 08’ W. 637.26 N. 28 degs. 27’ W. 1335.50 feet to North line of Lot 1 extended, Sec. V. T 1 S.. R. 10 W., then West 1929.59 feet to place of beginning and containing 47 04 acres of tide It land fronting and abutting on lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 16 and Lot 1 of Sec. 9, T. IS., R. 10 W. of W.M. Bids should be accompanied by a regular application to purchase and exchange for the full amount offered and should be addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked ‘‘Application and bid to purchase tide lands.” G. G. B rown , Clerk State Land Boaad. Dated this 27th day of July, 1911. Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. N otice is H ereby G iven —That the partnership heretofore existing between A. B Dentel -and George Lounderville. under the firm name of D. L. Shingle Co., is dissolved, and*A. B. Dentel will not be re­ sponsible for debts after J uly 22, 1911. A. B. D entel . t I w -'J J » C arl « ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, The Fast Steamer Tillamook Block. GOLDEN GATE Q^EORGE WILLETT, Next to Tillamook County. Batik, T illamook O rbgon . FOR TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, ■ HOB SON VILLE, all R nd points on Tillamook A ttorn EV- at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, Bay T illamook , O regon PORTLAND, Thirty Yeata Tog.-the*. Thirty year« of asiwx iation think of it How the merit of a good thing «tand« out in that time-or the worthleaaneas of a bail one. So there'« no guesswork in thia evi­ dence of Thoa. Arina. Concord, Mich., who write»: "I have used Dr. King’s New Discovery for ."to yearn, and it« the l>eet cough and cold cure I ever u«e«L” Once it find« entrance in a home you can't pry it out. Many families have u«ed it forty year«. Il« the mo«t infallible throat and lung medicine on earth. Vnequaled for lagrippe. anthma. nay-fever, croup, quinsy or «ore lungs. Prite Sic. $1.111. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Chai. I. Clough. Acrtued of Stealing E. K Chamberlain, Clinton. Me., boldly seenne« Burklen’« Arnica Salve of Mealing—the «ting from burn« «r «raid« the pain from «ore« ot all kiixU-the dmtre«« from holl« ar pile«. ”It rol>« cut«. < or««. brui«e«. «prain« and Injurie« of their terror." be »«V«. "»• a mir remedy it» eniuil don't eaiat.” Only Ä at CM m . L Cloagh'«. T. BO ALS, M.D., PQ 15, 21, 26 and 31. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Freight Received Daily at Dock Foot of luS Tillamook Block '■'-* 5 / ‘■53 'L ■- Washington Street. I» •H s> . .. > M. KER RON, J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. ■’it Oregon. r ft p^R. I. M. SMITH, ¿XPORT BEER, -P’s ■ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KAISER BLUME. Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook. Ore. Unsurpassed. Non intoxicating MALT TEA.- BREWERY c . hawk , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BOTTLED BY BAY CITY, OREGON. THE Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- Noda Walers. Nipllions, Bartlett Mineral R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Waler. ♦ Tillamook. Oregon J2JR. I’. J- SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street froir tbe Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. "wl ÇÎ ! IA B ARCHET, . Tlic Fashiouable Tailor I --S z 5x0 P Will school I m ? held on » stormy morning, will your friend he in if you cill. whst does the weather man predict anlen of mvriads of questions constantly passing over the wire, and being an­ swered by the prrqter authorities There are also question« to Ire asked al»out the telephone service, how somefsidy ran be renclM*ng Distance Teleph. me and what it will rout, and Mimilar questions, which urr IteifiK answered l>y the information operator*. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TEI. Ht; RAPII COMPANY. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. St Store in Heins Photographic < »allcry. I.A f D O f PICK INFORMATION by TELEPHONE EOPLE are not leaving ho much to chance in theae dava of universal telephone aervice. Instead of risking disappoint­ ment they telephone and jfet the facta. I C.cajing, Pressing and Repair ing a Specialty. Í A. BVtUMK»« A SFMC1ALTY. I'hone A !«*■ (OWING LA W Y EKS q ^OW'ING A I I 1_^ J. CLAUSSEN, J LAWYER, Ucufeclter Al'vohtiL 213 Tillamook Blcck, TlLLAMCKiK A. - Ou EGON. M. AUSTIN, CIVIL ENGINEER AND The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, SURVEYOR, T illamook .... O kboom . got Tillamook Block. Main 441. J. P. AL i L i BN. Proprietor Headquarters for Travelling Men. Spécial Attcution paid to Touristf. A Fiiït ClaM Table. Coiuiorlablc Bctk and Accoinutolaliou. M PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, Tillamook, STAR r H. GO Y NE, from AUG. 10. t A ttorney - at -L aw . month Sailing Days for of JUNE e- S>eitt0ch«r Death of William Curtis. On Saturday morning, Wm. Curtis, a much respected citizen of Tillamook for the past twenty yeais, passed away after an illness of several weeks. He was taken suddenly ill last spring with an internal abscess and from that time on was confined to his bed nearly all the time until his death. Everything possible was done for his relief and recovery, but to no avail. Following is a short history of his life: William Curtis was born at Block- brook, Franklin County, N. Y* Dec., 16, 1850. He left New York in 1853. going to Wisconsin; from there he moved to Minnesota in 1875. In 1889 he came to Oregon, settling at Mc­ Minnville, where he resided but a short I time, coming on to Tillamook where he has since made his home, until he passed away, Aug., 5, 1911, being 61 He years, 7 months and 30 days old. leaves a mother, two brothers and three sisters to mrirn their loss : D .vid Curtis, Mrs. J ,-nnie McGhee,’ Mrs. Anna Belling*. Mrs. Nellie Mur­ phy, of this county, and Chas H. Curtis, of Seattle. The deceased had been manager of the Ray Feed Company of this city for some time and wks identified with other business interests of the city. 1 The funeral services were held at the M. E. Churc.i of this city, Rev. Shrode preaching the funeral sermon. ! The I.O.O.F.. Lodge, of which he i was a member, attended in a body and took charge of the servicea at the I.O.- O.F.. cemetery. The church was filled to its utmost capacity and a large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains to the cemetery. haberlach , F0LEYK1DNEY P?U3 er« »MsuMsr»«« «IOM«»« amo « usi .«te MIXY KIDNEY FIDS »-« «Gw,«»««» «.x»«v» •<••• n> »•»«■« i