Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 10, 1911, Image 2

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x)iie y efir....... .
Six months ...
Three month»
Entered as second class mail mat­
ter July, 1888, at the post office at
Tillamook. Ore., under the act of
Marell 3, 1879.
(£be ^iliamook Ijeabligbt,
Editorial Snap Shots.
Most every person who pays
Tillamook County a visit at this
season of the year are surprised
to see green pasturesand fresh,
green verture, with no signs of
drouth or parched vegetation.
Another railroad company is
incorporated, which is to build
a line from McMinnville to Till­
amook bay. We hope it is not
the same procrastination that
was so frequently heard in years
gone by, when railroad promo­
ters, without any money, had it
nil figured out how they could
build a railroad into Tillamook
with "hotair.”
Visitors to this county, who
come in via Sheridan, are pro­
fuse in expressing their disgust
at Yamhill county allowing a
toll road to he established at its
boundary with Tillamook conn
tv. The toll road "graft” have
done much to bottle up this sec­
tion of the county and it is time
for the people to say at the polls
if they want toll roads or not.
Although we are no advocate of
the recall law, the toll road
"graft” justifies settlers resort­
ing to it.
It must be that those who are
agitating for a special session
of the Btate legislature for the
purpose of passing road laws
are doing so with the object of
being placed on a State Road
Commission, with a big salary.
We are emphatic in our opinion
that each county should man­
age its own road affairs without
the aid of a lot of politicians
who may succeed in getting ap­
pointed ona commission to pay
a political debt. It is practical
road work that is required, not
political work to draw down
big salaries for doing nothing.
and for which the Port was or­ tion, did not bind the voters to
ganized. This must not be lost bond the city, but it did pro­
sight of, and it is with that ob­ vide a way for them to ride the
ject in view that the Port con­ | city of a lot of dirty, rotten cess-
tracted to dispose of $150,000 i pools if they felt desirous of
worth of bonds to start tuis long doing so. With these facts to
govern them, it is reasonable to
delayed improvement.
suppose that when thia matter
is again voted on, the voters
We want to see good roads to 1 will take a different view of the
all the seaside resorts in Tilla­ I situation. ________
mook county, for thousands of
visitors will throng the many
tieaches in this county. So it
is just as well to consider what I In-the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Tillamook County.
is best to be done.
Take Gari­ In the Matter of thel
baldi beach for an illustration,
Estate of Mary E. >
without a wagon road.
It is
Phelps, deceased.
greatly in need of a road and To Gladys Danley. Willard I..
R. Phelps,
should have one. To accom­
heirs at law of the above named
plish this, those who own pro­
decendant :
perty there should get together
I n the N ame of the S tate of
and devise some plan to ass: it OREGON, Y ou and each of you are
hereby cited to appear in the above
the Court. The property own­ entitled
court and matter on or
ers will all admit that a road before four weeks from the date of
will enhance the value of land the first publication thereof is the
and lots along that beach, and ■3rd day of August, 1911, and said
something should tie done to I last date will expire on the 31st day
of August, 1911, at and during the
bring about these improve­ regular September, 1911, term of
ments, for we see that many of the above entitled court and on or
the beach resorts are at a disad­ before said last named date and
vantage on account of the need term of court show cause, if any
exist, why an order of sale of real
of wagon roads.
Garibaldi property of said estate should not
beach is not alone in this re­ be made as in the petition of said
spect. There is Bayocean with­ administrator of said estate for the
out a road and Netarts with a Sipe thereof is prayed for, and said
real property is described r.s fol­
partially finished road, with re­ lows, to-wit :
sorts in other parts of the coun­
The east half of the southeast
ty in a like predicament. We quarter of section thirty-one, and
are willing to admit that these j the west half of the southwest
quarter of section thirty-two, in
are all necessary and commend­ township three south of range ten
able improvements and should west of the Willamette Meridian ;
be carried to completion as soon and also beginning sixty feet south
as possible. Unless, however, of the southeast corner of block
number thirteen in Park addition
some assistance is given, or a to Tillamook City, Oregon, as the
special tax is levied upon the same appears of record at pages
localities benefited, it is going to 624 and 625 of book “J,” record of
take many years for these roads deeds of said county and state ;
thence west to the center of Del-
to be built and improved.
monte street in said Park addition;
Daily Stage Line.
Shortest and Quiekest Route to
LEAVES TILLAMOOK ................................. 4 P ’»-
ARRIVE YAMHILL ....................................... 3 re­
connecting with PORTLAND TRAIN.
FARE, $5.00.
. J. C. HOLDEN, Agent, Tillamook.
Hotel Royal, Agent, Yambil
thence south to the south line of
the sub-division known as “ Good­
Instead of paying a Portland speed’s Park” ; thence east to the
attorney $500 to fight harbor west line of lot number four of said
improvement, if the farmers “ Goodspeed’s Park”; thence north
had given the snap shot man to the place of beginning, contain­
four acres more or less, all
that amount of money to boost ing
situate in Tillamook County, State
it it would be more to their ad- of Oregon.
vantage*-not that we want to
This citation is served upon you
pull their legs for $500. We do by order of the Hon. Homer Mason,
County Judge of the above entitled
know this, however, let the court,
made and entered of record
railroads once monopolize the herein, on th 4 31st day of July, 1911,
freight business in Tillamook in the Tillamook Headlight as and
county the farmers will be the for the length of time made and
for in said order.
first to complain how they are provided
Witness the Hon. Homer Mason.
being "stung” and get the Judge of the County Court of Tilla­
newspapers to give publicity to mook County, Oregon, with the
their grievances without even seal of said court affixed this 31st
July, 1911.
a thought of thanking the edi­ day of Attest
: J. C. H olden ,
tor or raising a purse of $500 to
County Clerk.
pay him for his trouble.
[ seal . 1
By K. M ills ,
of our citizens know instances
where railroads have "stung”
the farmers where they had no
Administrator’s Sale.
water competition, and they
otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
will do so in Tillamook if they by virtue of an order duly’ made
have a chance, for it is already’ and entered by the County Court of
intimated by one of the "high the State of Oregon, for Tillamook
up" officials of one railroad County, authorising and directing
sale of the real property, here­
company, that on account of the
inafter described by the under­
the enormous cost of building a signed administrator, I, the under­
railroad into Tillamook county signed administrator, will sell at
the rate will have to be placed, private sale subject to confirmation
the said County Court, the fol­
high. We do not want to see by
lowing described real property, to-
the farmers "stung” by a rail­ wit :
road, even if they like to be
An undivided one-half interest in
‘‘stung” putting up money for and to l.ot numbered one and the
East quarter of the North
a Portland attorney. With water I i South
East quarter of Section six, and
facilities the railroads will he Lot numbered four, and the South
placed in competition with the West quarter of the North West
shipping, and this will keep the J quarter of Section five, in Town-
three North of Range nine
rates down and the farmers ■ ■ ship
West, W.M., and Lots numbered
will reap the benefit.
j twelve, thirteen and fourteen of
We carry a Large Stock of
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
The recommendation of the
snap shot man to give each of
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
the three road districts $50,000
annually for the next four or five
years looks insignificant com­
pared to the movement made in
Wheeler county to expend the
enormous sum of $1,500,000 on
roads. That is going it some.
Yet we are inclined to think
that it is a wise movement to
give that county good roads if
the roads are properly surveyed
ney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results.
and planned out by a competent
engineer and experienced road
builder, and then the work let
by contract. That, anyway, is
the most economical and satis
fectory way to build roads. On
the other hand, should Wheeler
county undertake to expend the
amount that is proposed with
| Section thirty-one, in Township
out an experienced person to
four North of Range nine West,
plan and supervise the work, it
W hen the committee, which W.M.. less tract of six and three-
will not obtain results.
revised the city charter, placed fourths acres sold to F R. Heals,
one acre for grave of Mrs.
the maximum indebtedness at and
Ludtke, and except the merchant­
$150,000, it had in view not the able timber on lands in Sections five
I present population, but a popu- and six, and crude oils reserved,
I iution of four and five thousand and subject to right of way for
county road.
persons. That amount is none
Said sale will be made either for
: too large fora city of that size, cash, or two-thirds cash and the
although we admit, if possible, balance on one year’s time, with
it would be better to keep cities interest at the' rate of eight pet­
per annum, and secured by
on a cash basis.
But under rent
first mortgage on the said pro­
those conditions improvements perty. Said sale will be made frr m
of a public nature are slow in and after the 28th day of August.
I materializing mid there is a lack 1911. Bids may be leit at the office
of civil pride.
Another thing, of IL T. Botts or T. H. Goyne,
Attorneys at Law, Tillamook City,
when the committee carefully Oregon.
Da ed this June 13tli. 1911.
discussed the bonded indebted­
M. A bplanalp ,
ness of the «'ity, it had in mind
Administrator of the Estate of
the urgent need of a sewerage
Louis Blattlar, deceased.
system. The voters should have •
given this question some seri-1 I
oils thought and attention, as i
The boots and shoes left with the
the numerous cesspools all over
late Beter Asp for repairs can be
tin- city are a menace to health had by paying the charges on them
i and life, and it will be impossi­ at the shoe shop of F. A. Sykes,
ble ti> have a clean, wholesome next door to Mason. Pennington À
complying with both the United States;and State
Those not taken after 39
.city with this rotten polution Co. s
at the tvack d«x>r of most every days, will be sold for the charges.
Pure Food Laws
K. W. S tanley .
It will be seen that the Board residence and some of the busi­
Administrator of the estate
of Engineer» approved the pro­ ness house. We could express
of Peter Asp, deceased
straight whiskey—all whiskey—old whiskey
Dated this 26th July. 1911.
ject to improve Tillamook bar ourself in more emphatic terms
mid barlxir, provided that half thun saying that it is n rotten
of the cost is tx.riie by the local state of affairs.
< And
.......... another
......... .. Xotice of Dissolution of Partner-
community. Tikis, inourjudg tbinft, it maybe that the voters
incut, ia too much to tax the' did tint properly understand the
N otice is H ereby G iven . That
I'rohablv. when the. situation and were under the th; partnership existing between
San Francisco
time arrive* next winter to aak impression that the city council 1». S. Wistadt and I’. G. Jackson,
under the name of the Wistadt
t oiigr>-»K tor mi appropriation, I could dispose of bonds similar Engineering Company, has been
the Oregon delegation will be to that in the Port law. That dissolved by agreement. All claims
lx-able to wurr le»a burden-1 •• not so. The clause in the against the firm should be pre-
»ome condition», for one third amendment »imply specified the eented and debts owing to the firm
of the 1-oat in all that the govern -1 city ’s maximum amount of in should be (»aid to V. G. .ackson
at hts oBcf in Tillamook City.
inent should exact from the debtedness, and whenever it
Dated. July 12, 1911.
Port», especially from the Port was proposed to bond the city
G. S. W istadt .
of Tillnmook. as it will have tol for >i sewerage system, that wa»
__________ V. G. J ackson .
An ordinary case' of diarrhoea b.!t.y»^.?.0 <Aow,’the
Do not allo« ?<*»
ex|ieud a large sum of money i •o be submitted to a vote of the
can. as a rule, be cured by a single
Eoiey Kidney Pille «ill cheek the dose of Chamberlain's Colic. Chol­ < h.Àt?""l, ,'Í Ch«",berl»in » Colic. I bladder trouble to
in improving the channel to the I l»eoplr. This amended section
Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedv. It the reach of medic«"*
progress of vour kidney and bladder
Ixn. This ia a mutter «4 first i of the city charter, which was trouble and heal by removing the era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Thia fÓrZlnihIt certi,,n ,o
needed be-1 Sidney Fill«- T,n'A
mporUuce to Tillamook Citv I voted down at th« special elec- !cV** Tty th*“’ ChB* 1- Clough remady has no superior for bowel
K •,,n"ncr «• over
This a
and stop*
atop* >*7*"
»»It und
complaints. For Sale by Lamar's
Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook
the highest type of a pure straight
whiskey blend.
aged in wood
W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore*
Ding Store.
Ckough Co.