TILLAMOOK, OREGON, AUGUST 10, 1911 this county. She expects to remain here permanently. Mrs. A H. Gaylord, wife of A. IL Gaylord, P. R. & N. ticket agent, to­ gether with her daughters, Misses Theresa, Ethel, Hariette, Beatrice and Nellie. Gaylord, arrived from Portland Wednesday to make theii home here. >1.50 per year Wilson Bain, engineer at Cook’s camp, was in the city on . Saturday and reports that a large number of extra men have been employed on SECURITY the P. R. A N., and that since the announcement was made that the road would be finished in Septem­ ber day and night shifts have been put to work. President Lytle has been on the ground moat of the Rev. J. R. I.andsborough, of Ore­ time. The bridge at the mouth of gon City, will preach at the Presby­ Salmonberry is finished and the The savings idea is just as worthy, just terian church at Bay City Sunday rails are being laid. as necessary to business success to-day as it morning and in the Presbyterian The passengers who came in on church in this city in the evening. was in iyjo, but the methods have advanced when subject will be ’ -■ his *....................................... ’’The the Golden Gate Sunday, were: Roy Craft and wife, 1. F. Larsen, during that time. World’s Greatest Power.” wife and daughters. M. J. Malone Herbert Augur and wife were in in A quiet wedding wae solemnized She was built for the Elmore Com APPROVE JETTY PROJECT BAR WORK AWAITS ENG­ for the P. R. A N. Co., ani) jekene wanted at the Tilla- chanic W. J. Collins, his assistant me- at the M.E. parsonage Wednesday pany and will lie used exclusively in INEERS RF.PJRT. k Company’s Market, 13c. chanic, are in from Hillsboro exam­ afternoon by the Rev. J. T. Moore the carrying of freight, 11 k vessel Engineers Recommend That L • Tillamook Pay Half of having a capacity ot 400 tons. She when Horace Keyes was united in ining the locomotives on th3 P. R. Favorable Action on Nehalem marriage to Mary E. Coon Keyes. can l»e made to carry passengers. bur chickens to the Tilla- A N. road. Cost. Iln bor Improvement Is Mr. Keyee arrived on the Elmore Capt. Fritz Autoneon, former first [Company’s Market. We A checking account with us will with hie bride, whom he had met in ' mate of tile Elmore, lias been placed -c The River and Harbor Board of T’icught Probable. er pound. cost you nothing. We furnish pass Portland, she having just arrived ' on the Tillamook ns master. She Army engineers have approved tin It is strongly believed that Major repot t of Major Morrow on the pro |a full blood Jersey Bull l/ook and checks free of charge. from the East. i is a valuable acquisition to the El­ Morrow, Corps of Engineers, U. S. [3 to 6 months old.—Dr. J. $25.00 or $30.00 is enough with which more fleet, as she is strongly built posed iniproveiii-nt of Tillamook A., will compile a favorable report B. F. Orr, Deputy Grand Work­ and well equipped for the Coast Huy and have recommended to the to open an account. Tillamook iTi Ilamook. Secretary of War that an expendi on the proposed Government aid County Bank. • man, A.O.U.W., ot Portland, is in trade. _______________ _ kansen and Leo Wilson the city in behalf of that fraternal turc of $814,000 tie made for the con­ for the improvement of Nehalem Rev. Porter, pastor of the Meth­ order, and an effort will be made To [•arrested for violation of struction ot the north jetty and for Bay, Bar and River, aa a result of a odist Episcopel Church at Newberg, reorganize the local lodge. In fishing law. The COAST IS LINE’S OBJECTIVE dredging and other work, looking meeting held at hisoflice yesterday tilled the pulpit at the M. E. Church | 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the in this city Sunday morning. Rev. A.O.U.W. is now working under an New Road Proposed From Mc­ to the creation of a 20-foot channel. but as such matters are not public The Board recommends that hull until passed on at Washington, no k the city for $3U0 cash.— Porter is spending his vacation excellent life insurance system at Minnville to Bay City. the cost of this improvement be intimation has been given out. rates which those with limited in­ rs. C. N. Drew. • in this county. On behalf ofjtlie Port of Nehalem, comes can carry without being bur­ SALEM. Or., Aug. 4.—Articles of borne by the local community and Comiuisaioners Alley and F. A. k, cheapest and best paper Dr J. P. Goray, of Portland, a densome. incorporation filed with the Secre­ half by the Federal Government. [town. Leave 'orders at specialist on the eye, ear, nose and Rowe, the latter being secretary of W ashington , Aug. 8—Details of Eliza F. Evans vs. Edward Evans tary of State today by the Portland feo Harris’ barn. throat and fitting glasses, is at the is a divorce suit filed in the circuit A West Coast Railroad A Nuviga the recommendation of the Army the board, and C. IL Wheeler dis­ the situation. Manager Mc- ■ nd demand men have Todd, for a limited time. You are court. These parties were married tion Company show plans for an Engineering Board on the proposed cussed lteod, of the Hammond Lumber d preaching the kingdom invited to see Dr. Goray for any in Tillamook county on April 29th, electric road to be constructed from improvement of Tillamook Bay Company, which has interests in * [account of no demand.— special work at once. The show that the coat of the north jetty the Nehalem legion, was also pres­ 1890, and the grounds upon which McMinnville to Bay City. will be $55K,oii). In addition to this company is capitalized at $1 .(MlJ,Oil) the divorce is sought is desertion, F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., amount it will cost $120,01)1) to dredge ent. It was pointed out that when ter brought the Newberg has located next door to Lamar’s the defendant having left his wife a and its principal place of business a 10 foot channel to Bay City, in­ work ends this season on the ictty will be Portland. number of years ago. There wae abont 2H00. ft of the ¡trestle will have Ind to this city on Mon- variety store, and is prepared to do The patters filed here show the stead of a 20 fiHit one, anil $10,000 is been constructed and approximately ig, which gave a concert all kinds of shoe repairing at one son born to the union, Arthur allowed for contingencies. road will leave McMinnville via E. Evana. reasonable rates. All work guran- Et Tlie Board recommends that Ite- FiS.tXJO ex|iended by lhe |>ort. Sheridan and Willamina along the teed. Give him a call.' * R. E. Williams, D. F. Harris and Yamhill and Little Nestncca Rivers fore any appropriation is made by It has not beenjdetermined whether it’s Best” is made from two jetties will tie built, but the The Percheron stallion Ville will Arthur Starr, of Dallas, were in this to Salmon River and to Siletz, and the Government, the community plan is (or lhe taxpayers to shoulder ird wheat, and makes the . Only $1.50 per sack.— make the stand for the season at city the latter part of the week, and from either of these points to the must agree to pay half the cost tri Iialfof the coAL At low water there Rogers A McNamer’s Uvery Barn, they havetteen enjoying fishing and Pacific Ocean. Among the towns this work, or $407,000; and also Feed Co. * a depth of live feet on the bur in thia city, with the exception of hunting for the past two weeks. Mr. that thr road will pass through are n.ust bind itself to dredge u nine, is r 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf Mondays and Tuesdays, when the Williams is a prominent banker of Willamina. Grand Ronde, Tilla­ foot channel from Bay City to Till- which gives 12 feet at high tide. It r shop. Try me out and stallion will be at Beaver. Dallaa, being president of the First mook, Sheridan anl Pacific City. aiiKMik City, and have this channel is desired that at least 18 feet Ite * available, and there are prospei ta [Old Reliable Hide and National and Dallas City Banks of The company also wishes to furn­ completed within two years. Dr. J. P. Goray, of Portland, is Dallas, and the Falla City Bank of L N. E. Melchoir. • If the community meets these that a jetty project will giveeven 2D ish jxiwer anil light for Sheridan, slopping at the Todd Hotel this Falla City. terms, tlie Board recommends that feet. Willamina and Tillamook tlie|x>w,000 cash, to be secured from the Little New d. They haul it to .leda, of diseases of the eyes, ear, nose Card of Thanks. and authorize a continuing con­ The passengers in on the Elmore , lalem and intermediate and throat and while in this city, Wednesday were Mrs. Oveatt, Mrs. | tucca. In addition, the company tract for the remaining $207,(110 of plans to Ojierate a system of steam ­ We wish to express our thanks kitnook reed Co. he ha# been working at his profes- Papke, Mrs. Gatchet, Miss Gatebet. boats on the Yamhill, Nesfncca, the Government’s share of the cost. to the many kind friends for their I-awrence Perry, II. B. Sanlmrn, ! Siletz and Tillamook Rivers, and ldheim vs. Srethna S. ■ion. assistance and sympathy on a< Lost. suit filed in the circuit , W. R. Wastbroah, a barber of Mrs. L. D. Perry, MissA. Hart, Mias on Tillamook Bay and the Pacific count of the death of William Cortis. Dver$316.25, balance that I Laurel, Montana, together with O. Hart, Miaa M. E. Hart, H. Keyea, Ocean. The in. orporatorsare W. F. M rs . J ennie M c G ee Lost on Saturday, a Mason's I Mary E. Coon Keyea, A. S. Burner, a promissory note. I his wife, were registered at the Todd ¡Mrs. F. W. Spaulding, F. W. Spauld Frier. C. F. Hendrickaen and Jay watch charm. Person leaving the an n F amily . D. C urtis . d Potts vs. Rollie W. I Hotel the latter part o* the week. I ing, C. H. Thoma», and Mra. Gay | H. Opton. same to the Headlight office will M rs . A nna B illings . suit filed in the circuit Mr. Wastbrosh and wife are apend- (lord and five daughtera. be rewarded. Tillamook to Have Tannery. over $23459 for sdvertis- I ing their vacation at our beach re­ Fred Jeffers, Aldrach Robinson, j sorts. >regon Daily Journal. _ __________ ,,_ of 1 W. I. Macy, ex-mayor of McMinn- Loun Wacking, Jack Dungan, John j Peter Remer, an expert tanner, * _______ Conner and family, I Rude and Joseph A. Hill, of the Hill and hie partner, John I’ankner. t, are in this county at Ville and ex-recorder of Yamhill . Military Academy, were registered have purchased five acres < f land Co., together with hie family, are lying the »ports afforded _____ , Hotel Wednesday raday along the Trank waler front from at the ________ Ramsey its, streams and beaches. looking over this county snd enjoy­ They have been camped at Neah- A. W. and A. A. Atterbury and ing our beaches While io this city, kah-nie for the past month and are will put up a tannery an soon an y, news editor of the Ore- Mr. Macy and family stopped st the intending to remain in thia county they can secure the material. The fl Mrs. Kelty and eon, Todd Hotel. I about a month longer, when they land pun based in junt across Trank enry Aiderman and son Every boy and gill in the county • will hike back to Portland over the River, south of this city ami is sit­ er, are camped at Gan uated so that it will lie e inv to ne­ should hsve one of our handsome Necarney mountain trail. cure hemlock bark for tanning pur- steel savings banks They are an B. of Arlington, who left incentive to nave. Get one by op­ We publish in thia issue a page poses. about 13 years ago. is in ening a savings account with a de­ article on bar and harlor improve­ Mr. Remer and Mr. Pankner behalf of the Farmers’ posit of 41.(JO or move. Tillamook ments, carefully com|dled by L A. closed the deal with Mr. Atterbury land Co-operative Union County Bank. * , Fernsworth. Although moat of the the last of the week, paying facta have previously been publish­ cash, an acre for the land. They Lucile I-aughlin. of Una, 111., is ed in the Headlight, he ha» brought J left, aa main as tins wan linmlterf, Finley, ex-coroner of different phases of I lie rontrm for Portland, where file, will pur- County, with his family. visiting at the home of her twotber. the plated improvements under one ’ his vacation tn thia Ed. laaughlin. Miss Laughlin came head, which makes interesting read­ I chase llieir material Io start work j with, after which they will return Sing and enjoying the through California and visited her sister io thst state before coming to ing at the preaent time, aa the re­ to thia city and start construction commendation» of Major Morrow work on their plaid. have been approved by the Board of Mr. Remer has had over twenty­ Engineers. 1 five yearn experience with tanning «Ions in The Portland Rowing Club, with i and known what can he Have seven laiwn Mowers leit out of a lol «d IM. Rather tlisn three shells, two 4-oar shells and ' this country. carry them over the winter, will make a subatsntial cut In price. canoe«, will give an exhibition at ..II High t.rads ads Ms> Ma- hints binas All Bail Ball , Bearing *u4 Easy They are all Bayocean on Sunday afternoon, Bids Wasted Runners. Some have 5 Blades mid all have High Wheel« when Edward Gloss. Arthur Allen »4.18. 3 MOW El», 14 n. Cut Bwr $5 »> ea. and James White, bolding the Bids wanted to paint Maple l-esf 4. Iff 4 50 M. Ifffo Cut two Doors west of Lamar’s Dr ng Store • • championship for the northwest, school bouse. school district No. lit, D *2fi 11.(1) es l.*Wn Cut 1 ft and other oarsmen will lie present with two costs of pure white lead 0.00. IXUOea Rbu Cut Re« 1 ft “DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” sod take part ia the races The and oil Buie to be in by the 21st If you ever expect to get a Lawn Mower now ia your chance Newberg military bead will be at August which are to be left with Rest Roc tn for Ladies Bsroeean until Monday, which Peter Helsel. school clerk The gives daily concerts. sod will Hoard reserves the right to reject furnish the muai< for the ususl any and all indo. ' Saturday night dance. Fou Can Pull a Good Stroke 1740. The Coffee Pot Bank. 1911. The Up to the Minute Bank. ILLAM00K COUNTY BANK. I = kMOOK JOTTINGS FIRST WAR'S VARIETY NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK STORE I KING & SMITH CO. OF