TILLAMOOK HißADLlU-ST, AUGUSf 3. 1911 Administrator’s Sale. . Woman and Banking. The cashier of a l«uk which hns women depositors. In xpeaklDg of cusiomers. said that tbe Mark rles about overdrawn accounts mid ( nrsnee as to bank methods bad lie- >e |M>lntlesa. Whatever may have n tbe cane before, women give >ks no more trouble now tbnn meu io womnn who Insists on drawing •snn-y when her balance baa ls-eu ex laiiated liecnij.se there are still blank -becks In ber book bas disappeared. I nd In ber place we have a woman who wants Interest on ber money and knows what 'call money’ mean»." fald the cashier. Referring to the ■fW kind.' he added: "One day we did have a real case. A woman rushed In. Mid abe had Just figured up ber ac- >nt and found she was {500 short, msband away—no other money-what could she do? She bad brought jewels to leave as collateral security till lie returned, and then we looked up tbe Matter and found abe bad over (H00 to her credit”—New York Tribune. 1 A Curious Swi»» Custom. Ia one part of the canton of Heino. Switzerland, a very quaint marriage ceremony prevails Tbe bridegroom dressee io his "Sunday best' and. ac­ companied by as many friends and relatives as be can muster for tbe fete, goes to claim his bride Fiodlug ttie door locked, be demands admittance. Tbe Inmate« ask him bis business, and he solicits tbe band of bis cboseu maiden, if bls answer Is deemed sat­ isfactory be is successively Introduced to a number of matrons and mulds. some perhaps deformed and others old and ugly. Then be is presented to some large dolls, all of whom be re­ jects with scorn amid general merri­ ment Tbe bridegroom, whose temper is sometimes sorely tried. Is tbeo in­ formed that his ladylove Is absent and Is invited to come in and see for himself. He enters and searches from room to room until be finds her In her bridal dress ready to go to church. Tbeo all bls auxiety is at an end, and tbe nuptials are duly celebrated. Ths Man Guessed Right. | A Danes Without a Smile. In a church at Amsterdam tbere la n * .They have a singular kind of dance Conducted on tbe greens of country very ancient funeral njonuinpüt of Villages In Russia. The dancers aland white marble ou which are engraved a «pa i t. a knot of youug men here, u pair of slippers of h very sljgular kind knot of maidens there, eneb sex by It with this Inscription. "Effen Nyt." self und Rileut as a crowd of mutes. which means "exactly,” aud tbe story A piper breaks luto a tune. A youth of this singularity Is this: A man Mlh off his cap and challenges his who was very rich, but who was a boil rtri with a wave and a bow. If the vlvant. took It into bls head that lie rirl is willing she waves her bandker- was to live a certain number of years tih-f Iu token of assent. The youth and uo longer. Under the impresslou ■ vant-ea. takes a corner of the hand- I of this idea be calculated that If he Ircblef In bls hand and leads bls spent so much a year bls estate and isle round and round. No word Is Ills life would expire together. It blip poken. and no laugh Is heard. Stiff peued that he was not mistaken In Ith cords and rich with braids, the either of bls calculation«; he died pre­ Irl moves hcHVtly by liersi-lf, going cisely nt that time which he had pre­ 1/Uiind and round and never iilloivtng sented to himself In fancy aud bud \tier partner to touch her hand The then brought bls fortune to such n Ll|ie goes droning on for hours In tbe predicament that after the paying of wiiine and key and measure, and the Ills debts he had nothing left blit a girlze of merit In this "clrt-liiig." as pair of slippers. Ills relations hurled lite dance Is called. Is given bv ■(>«•- tiirn In a creihtable manner and bad ; tutors to the lassie who In all that the slippers carved on his tomb with ■unimer revelry bas never spoken and the above laconic advice.—Tales and i Anecdotes. never smiled. - Wanted More Converts. Southey In bls life of Wesley relates tbe following wblmalcal Incident. He states that some of the opponents of these religionists tn tbe exceas of zeal against enthusiasm took up a whole Tvagon load of Methodists and carried them before a justice. When they were asked wbat tbese persons bad done tbere was an awkward elleuce A I last O SS S on» SSau of a the I. as as accusers asa* aa aaaaaaa« *|1 Hl At "Wby. they pretend to be better tbn n other people, aud. besides, they pray from morning till ulghL" The magistrate asked If they hod done ootblug else. “Yea, air." an old man said. “An't please your worship, they have con verted my wife. Till abe went among them abe bad such a tongue, and uow she is as quiet aa a la mix” “Carry them back; carry them back,” tbe maglatrate said, "and let them convert all tbe eculda In tbe town!” loebergs and Echoes. Icebergs are always a source of worry to the transatlantic steamship skippers. It Isn't pleasant to run nloug through a fog or a murky night and smash luto one of these floating moun­ tains of Ice. The liner captsius have n way of finding Ice that at first strikes the landsman aa curious When It Is anapected there are tiergs In the neigh i borhood the whistle Is kept going If there Is an echo the navigator slows down and keeps a sharp e.ve out. for echoes don’t grow In tbe oficn ocean A Curious Tea Caso. A correspondent of tbe Brltiab Med­ ical Journal gives an account of tbe curioua symptoms be experienced aft­ er drinking tea. He wrttee: "When­ ever 1 take tea 1 go through a regular procesalon of events most distressing and stultifying. Shortly, these are as follows: Within fifteen minutes of walking (movement seems to be esseu tlal) 1 feel hot about tbe scalp and knees. The former feels as If pepper were dusted all over It Then I practi­ cally lose my sight and hearing and if In conversation cannot say more than •yes' or *no’ because 1 am so falDt aud listless; then I lose tbe power of walk Ing quite straight aDd choose the wall side of the path. Lastly I break out Into a general perspiration, and with In forty-five minutes I return to my senses.” This correspondent adds that be bae consulted many medical tneu. but bus never found any means of re­ lief. What’a the Matter With Thomaaf There are some names which seem N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That • peculiarly suited to royalty; Louis, for by virtue of an order duly made lustaoce. tins a kingly sound. Francis. and entered by the County Court of j Grorge. ilenry in both spellings. the State of Oregon, for Tillamook ■ Charles. William, Edwurd and James County, authorising and directing | nil have served their turn. Johns there the sale of the real property, here­ have Iteen. and Stephens. I remember inafter described by the under­ ‘ a Robert in Sicily and a Peter in Rus signed administrator, I, the under­ signed administrator, will sell at sin and Servla. Frederick has ofteD private sale subject to confirmation i worn tbe crown, and royal houors are by the said County Court, the fol­ * even now paid to Ferdinand III Bul­ lowing described real property, to- garia Hut was there ever, anywhere. wit : An undivided one-half interest in j a king named Thomas? Oscars aud even Haakens ascend tbe dais, but and to Lot numbered one and the ever through all tbe centuries Thomas South East quarter of the North remains tbe subject, sometimes strug­ East quarter of Section six, and Lot numbered four, and the South gling up to a bishopric or an earldom, West quarter of the North West but never attaining tbe crown. N'lcbo- quarter of Section five, in Town­ lares wear tbe Imperial purple; God ship three North of Range nine freyg lord It over Jerusalem: Alexis West, W.M., and Lots numbered struts In ermine; Alexanders fnre forth twelve, thirteen and fourteen of to conquest; Julius and Leo don the i Section thirty-one, in Township triple crowu. but Thomas. |s>or plebeian four North of Range nine West, Thomas, has never a crown to his jW.M,, less tract of six and three- ' fourths acres sold to F R. Beals, name. Now tell me. you who are wise | and one acre for grave of Mrs. In tbe occult influence of uames. what Ludtke, and except the merchant­ Is tbe matter with Tom?—London able timber on lands in Sections five Idler. and six, and crude oils reserved. Washington as a Humorist. While president Wasblng’-ju s bumor seemed to find expression In tbe diplo tuacy of self protection. A French revolutionist came to him for a general testimonial, which Washington did not care to grant, yet he did not wish to give offense to the Freucb by a curt refusal, ao he wrote an evasive card worthy of Lincoln—“C. Voluey needs uo recommendation from G. Washing tou.” After Cornwallis' surrender nt York town Washington treated him with high consideration. At a dinner given In honor of tbe distinguished prisoner Rochambeau proposed "The United States” us bls toast; Washington re sponded with "The king of France:' Cornwallis, perforce, faintly suggested “His majesty.” when Washington startled them all by announcing. "Tbe king of England—may he stay there!" with a rendy wit that made even Corn wallls laugh.—Century. Cards and Card Playing. In a paper In tbe Journal of tbe Roy­ al Society of Arts Professor H. Cbeney. discussing the part played by gambling In magic, observes: "Tbe use of cards Is said to be derived from tbe Turot cards, wblch were originally employed for occult purposes. The legend which ascribes the Invention of cards to tbe purpose of amusing a mad king does not seem at all a sufficient explana­ tion. and there is in addition tbe fact that cards of a klud existed before tbe said king. In further support of this idea the well known practice of telling fortunes by cards may probably be re­ garded as a survival of a regular form of divination by such means, it seems, iu fact, that card playing for stakes Is a mere development of a ceremony In which individuals consulting tbe ora­ cle decided to abide by its pronounce­ ments as to tbe bolding of disputed property. 1 and subject to right of way for : county road. Said sale will be made either for I cash, or tw->-thirds cash and the ■ balance on one year’s time, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and secured by first mortgage on the said pro­ perty. Said sale will be made from and after the 28th day of August, 1911. Bids may be left at the office of H. T. Botts or T. H. Goyne, Attorneys-at-Law, Tillamook City,. Oregon. Dated this June 13th, 1911. M. A bplanalp , Administrator of the Estate of Louis Blattlar, deceased. MAJOR WEITZEL Registered No. 33271 Having so thoroughly established and maintained his reputation as one of the highest classed prize winning Stallions of this coast, and the producer of colts that wins the blue ribbons among the very best and highest classed colts of the state, it is not necessary to comment on quality. He wiil continue being at the Roger’s Livery Stable, in Tillamook, until Monday, July ioth. Commencing at that time will start for Nehalem, on Mon day mornings and returning on Wednesday evenings until Sep­ tember ist. I will return to Tillamook County next summer with both stallions, Major Weitzel, No. 33271, and Lord Rex, No. 48862. I am in the field for business. Respectfully yours, E. F. ROGERS, V.S Mutual Telephone PFOPXIBTUK Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists & Blacksmiths Boiler Work. Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging Fine Machine Work a Specialty. Dissolution of Partnership. N otice is H ereby G iven —That! the partnership heretofore existing ■ between A. B Dentel and George j Lounderville, under the firm name I of D. L. Shingle Co., is dissolved, ! and A. B. Dentel will not be re- 1 sponsible for debts after July 22, 1911. A. B. D entel . TILLAMOOK OREGON S ARCH ET . The Fashionable Tailor T. BOTTS, A ttorney - at -L aw . Notice. The boots and shoes left with tbe late Peter Asp for repairs can be had by paying the charges on them at the shoe shop of F. A. Sykes, next door to Mason, Pennington & Co.’s. Those not taken after 30 days, will be sold for the charges. E. W. S tanley , Administrator of the estate of Peter Asp, deceased. Dated this 26th July, 1911. Notice of Dissolution of Partner­ ship. N otice is H ereby G iven , That the partnership existing between G. S. Wistadt and U. G. Jackson, under the name of the Wistadt Engineering Company, has been dissolved by agreement. All claims against the firm should be pre­ sented and debts owing to the firm should be paid to U. G. .Jackson, at his office in Tillamook City. Mstsors and the Atmosphere. Dated, July 12, 1911. When a Peanut Sprouts. One of the most useful results aris­ G. S. W istadt . “Few persona are perhaps aware ing from the study of sporadic meteors U. G. J ackson . Complete set of Abstract Books Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­ ing a Specialty. n office. Taxes paid for non Residents. Store in Iieins Photographic Tillamook Block. Gallery. Both phones. c L axd O ffice B usiness a S pecialty . Phone A. 1 q 09 COWING LAWYERS OWING ARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, & R oom 334 WoSiBSTBS BVILDIMO, T hird and __ ______ O ak ___________ S trkkts , Room Next to the U.S. Land Office. PORTLAND, OREGON Tillamook Block. J. CLAUSSEN LAWYER, EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Pcitiechir Next to Tillamook County 213 Tillamook Block, that a thing of beauty Is a common is the light thrown upon the question Bank, lieanut plant growing singly tn a els of the height of the atmosphere, since L’oulder Creek T illamook O regon . or eight Inch pot and grown Indoors It ia the friction of the air that sets T illamook O regon Having will soon be a thing of during the colder weather," said a flo­ them on fire, and if their elevation Is rist. “Kept tn s warm room or by tbe known at the moment of their first ap­ the past in our neighborhood. kltcbeu store, a peauut kernel plauted pearance the probable height of the at­ Fine weather and a good crop com­ H. GOYNE, In a pot of loose mellow loam and only mosphere can be calculated. On Aug. bine to make the farmers well sat­ a moderately moistened will soon geruil 11. 1909. a brilliant meteor happened isfied. tiate and grow up Into a beautiful A ttorney - at -L aw . TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS to Impress Its picture simultaneously H. A. Cliopnrd came home from plant, extending Its branches over the on three photographic plates, at Tash Heboj Friday evening and went Office : Opposite Court House, Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, pot. The leaves close together like kend. Iskander and Tsehlmgan. in back again Sunday evening. He the leaves of a book on the approach KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, Russian Turkestan. The distances be­ reports a heavy crop of hay around i of night or when n shower tieglns to T illamook , O regon , Disraeli'« Gorgeous Costume. RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the tween these places furnished base lines Hebo. When Disraeli sue a ytmug man hr full upon them. Tbe plant (tears tiny from which the height could be de KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the yellow flowers. Tbere la nothing el in­ Miss Eliza Dawson went to Hem­ once went on n vocatlou trip to Corfu du<-ed. The calculation shows that the I iu tills extruordluary eoetutne: "A just like it." BLADDER and all annoying URINARY lock Friday, on her way to Tilla ­ meteor first appeared at a height of T. BOALS, M.D., blood red shirt with silver buttons as IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to 99.-15 miles above the earth and disap­ mook, after a week's visit on Nes- big as shillings, an Immense M-nrf fur Lengthy and Monotonous. tucca. peared at fifty miles. MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY One of the moat curious contracts girdle, full of pistols and daggers; r»-d Mrs. Ella Krake and Mrs. Grace .PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, entered Into by au operatic artist was cap. red allpiM-rs. broad blue atri|M-d PEOPLE and for WOMEN. Ths Orangs In Spain. Chopard called on Mrs Roza Borba, jacket and trousers Illa servant. en that agreed to by Farinelli. When he TILLAMOOK. have highest recommendatioh It la considered a very healthful Friday afternoon. gaged for Ibe Willi these In IL ‘err dunks and issiplei An Old 8mellpos Cure. While raking hay Monday after­ Tillamook, Oregon The following primitive -cure' for ills Ihiuldluu Erlend Oh. we should noon, L. N. Sandoz drove into a Unpalatable. be ort right, tmt our uih«it«es 'd give stnallfsix WHS discovered by the I.ey The Rev. Charles 11 Spurgeon was yellow jacket's nest. In the mix! the game away, yvr know -Uiudon tonstone iKnglandi guardians In one of up which followed, the ruke passed i P)R. I. M. SMITH Hkelch tbelr registers for the year lTllp fond of a joke, aud bls keen wit waa, "Take thirty to forty live toads «nd moreover, baaed on aterllng common over Mr. Sandoz's body, inflicting 1 burn them to cinders In a new |n»t. sense. One day be remarked to one of some painful bruises and scratches The Landlubber, his sons; Th-» Fortunately he was not seriously PHYSICIAN & SURGEON enlightening Hie land then crush Into a Hue black isiwdei- "Can you tell me the reason why the lubber a« io maritime mu tiers injured. Office over J. A. Todd & Co., He Dose for smallpox. three ounces' lions didn't eat Daniel?" was iHs-otuliig more and more crest A cow belonging to H. A. Chop- j Tillamook, Ore. "Nasir Why was Itr fallen aa tlielr »planations progresa He Lumped IL rd "Because tbe moat of film was back ard. got a pretty tmd cut in the' "My coffee la not quite •wett bone and tbe rest was grit"- Youth's barbed wire fence last Friday. "Why. I alwsys thought" he sadly enough." remarked lie. Dan, I. N. Sandoz's big cattle I C. HAWK, alghnl "that thr port aide of a ship “Well. If you don't like It I suppose Compaulon. dog, had a leg broken by a kick was Ih» una uisraal |mrt I" - Bo.tou you'll have to lump It," said she. with Herald. from a horse. a amile, pa sat tig tbe loaf sugar his Going the Rounds. way. Husband of Tomorrow > (reviewing PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Thirty Yeats Together. Maddening. wedding presents!—That swfiil eniet “They reslly fmr she will herons Thirty years of association—think •erms familiar Wife of Tomorrow — A State Secret. Insane Von are. she found a diary “I hope your bur ba nd bee no secret« Yes. dear, you <«» it at the Browns of it. How the merit of a good ay city regon be kept before be married her " from you " They got It aa a wedding present and thing stands out in that time—or the worthleasness of a bad one. So “Ob. I are! Ami tbe awful revela “Not many However, he never gave It to the Smiths at theirs It’s there's no guesswork in thia evi­ tioua"- ...... „ 1TO> would tell me what he paid for the en Ibe Smiths’ present. Rut never mind. “ 'Revelationsr No, It waa all In gagvmeui rtug "-Kattaaa City Journal fear; Harry's wedding come« off eoou! dence of Tboe. Arise, Concord, R. BEALS, who wri,T«: ‘‘1 have used cipher, and she couldn't read a word — London Oplulott. Dr. Kings New Discovery for 30' of lt”-Louduii ’Ht Hila. years, and its the beet Strictly Businas«. i*eet cough and ___ cold cure I ever used. REAL ESTATE, used.” ’ Once it Mr« Knicker-iffd you bold a abort Adroit. An Affrent. tinu* entrance in a home you can ’t “He Is slut you might call an session wllb your busband? Mrs O'Aobrr - Tour daughter paint* tn Mocker-Yea. | merely bad blm pass idrolt man.“ pry it out. Many families have During ths past 30 years no reo- F inancial A gent , Äie Dutch s-b-ol. d-s— ehe ont» Mm edy has proven more prompt or Decidedly. His sins never find him UT*!.,i!orVr J*»™- Its the most an sppr.>prtatloo Mil. - New Tort infallable throat and lung medicine NewrlcS-Nnt much abe dost’ We Tim« more effectual in its cures of Tillamook, Oregon. out and his debts never tlnd him tn." «m earth. Vnequaled for lagnppe. pay «fio a quarter tu give ber private -Exchange asthma, hay-fever, croup, — ---- p, quinsy 1 leeoons at home Hulett w hom la Somewhat Vague. or sore lungs. Price I tec. I1.UU __ •aedi—Philadelphia KecvrO. than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In Tbe Smitten Man (fervently»- Love Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by P- J- SHARP, many homes it la relied upon as im­ I has. I. Clough. you. darling? Why. before I met yon plicitly as tbs family physician. R con­ I th«ugbt_only of having . «ooj ame tains no opiuQa or other narcotic, and A well known Dee' Moines woman la al to fffe.-Puck. RESIDENT DENTIST, may be riven as confidently to a baby after suffering miaerably for two as to an adult. Price 26c; larre alaa 6Qa os vs from bowel complaint, was Foley Kidney Pills & R , O . Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Coughs. Colds and Crouo A Sirva cured by one dose of Chamberlain's Lohc. (holers and Diarrhoea Rem- Sto >Or **** bT La“>er s Drug of tl i th« Office scrota the street froir the Court Home. Of- W ìm ' i office. FOLEY'KIDNEY PILLS VO* MBotaamsM a i ossa vs asso ( uoms wi l*nff I