Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 03, 1911, Image 3

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    T illamook headlight , august
W m la Hla.
First—My wife Is my boss.
hot deny.
I xhak
Second.—She maketb me to lie down
behind the bed when swell company
comes, and she leadetb me behind bet
up Main street
Third. —She restoreth my pocketbook
after she baa spent all of Its contents
for stylish skirts and theater tickets,
and she leadeth me up the main aisle
st church for her new bat's sake.
Fourth.—Yea, though I walk more
than half the night through dark rooms
with a crying baby I will get no rest
for she is behind me; her broomstick
and her hatpin they do everything else
but comfort me.
Fiftb.-She prepareth a cold snack for
me. then maketh a bee line for an aid
society supper. She anolnteth my head
with the rolling pin occasionally. My
arms runneth over with the bundles
before she Is half doue with her shop­
Sixth.—Surely her dressmaker's and
milliner's bills shall follow me all the
days of her life, and I will dwell in
the house of my wife forever.—Urich
(Mo > Herald.
[ paid
advertisement .)
What Socialists Believe
Here is the tenth and eleventh commandment in a nutshell,
end will prevent war and all quarrel amongst the people, and
save the assessor’s wages and all kinds of trouble.
Life, liberty aud happiness are collective ownership of natural op­
the equal rights of all.
portunities and the collective owner­
Life is the foundation of all hu­ ship and. use of all collectively used
man achievement.
machinery is to secure to each and
Human life depends upon food, all the opportunity to earn and the
clothing and shelter.
right to own, use and enjoy any
Food, c’jthing and shelter are form of property which the indi­
prod?.**.. by labor acting on land vidual or the family can use, and to
and raw materials by means of enable each and every person to
tools and machinery. With either develop his or her individuality to
factor lacking, no production is the utmost limit of physical and
mental endpwment in every way
To be able to acquire these neces­ consistent with the equal rights of
sities of life with the least expendi­ others.
ture of time and labor consistent
The Socialist Aims.
with the equal rights of all, is the
In order that the above program
ideal tjward which all right think­
may be carried out without danger
ing people strive.
Liberty of thought, speech, press through such graft and dishonesty
and assemblage, liberty to be em­ as curse our present system, we
ployed or to be at leasure, are eq­ demand :
The Initiative, or the right of the
ually necessary to human happi­
ness. Where the right to choose people to propose any law or
or enjoy either of these is denied or change which they may desire.
Signaling st Sea.
The Referendum, or the power by
abridged, there injustice exists.
The custom of signaling at sea by
Whenever the entire time of an the people to sanction or veto any
means of various colored flags Is very individual must be expended in se­ law or enactment, thereby placing
ancient, and tbe method seems to have curing food, clothing and shelter, it beyond the j>ower of any mayor,
been brought to a degree of develop there is mere animal existence not governor, president or court to veto
meut bordering very closely on perfec­ life ; slavery*, not liberty; misery, or destroy.
The Recall, or the right of the
tion. Many people have been astonish not happiness.
The government which fails to se­ people to remove from office or
ed at tbe length of messages conveyed
cure these primal rights to all its position any individual who fails to
In a few moments and with the use of
citizens is a failure and a disgrace do their bidding.
but half a dozen flags in various com and its enforcement a crime.
We demand the extension of the
blnr.tlons, and when tbe extent of the
Human development, physical, postal savings banks to every post
language and tbe complexity of many mental, moral and spiritual, de­ office and that the money deposited
necessary messages are considered the mands the individual shall be able therein shall not be loaned to
? eighteen flags in the signal flag locker to supply the material means of ex­ money-loaning or speculative insti­
tutions, but shall be made avail­
•eem very Inadequate. However, il istence by the expenditures of only
able for internal improvements
must be remembered that tbe signal such a part of his time a9 shall such as water-storage, irrigation
leave to him abundant leasure for
code utilizes a sort of shorthand, and such improvement and growth. All dyking, Btraighening of streams,
ny long messages, known to be of iust government must be organ­ and other needed public improve­
frequent occurrence, have been con ized and administered with this ments and enterprises.
By carrying into effect the fore­
traded to a single showing of flags end in view.
To be able to secure and provide going demand and provisions, we
in a given combination. Tbe number
flags hoisted when a signal is made for a home, the prime requisite is propose to eliminate profit, interest
and rent, the means by which the
", never exceeds four. With tbe eighteen assured access to land, machinery wealth of the workers has been ab­
lings of various colors, using four for and tools used for supplying human sorbed in the past as now, by the
each signal, no fewer thgn 78,642 com
The only government worthy of idle and the vicious, by which un­
bluations can be made.
the respect and support of its citiz­ counted wealth has been acquired
ens must guarantee and secure by the few, and dire poverty has
been suffered by the many, by
equality of opportunity to all.
An English Ghost.
means of which idlers have lived
I A Westmoreland ghost used to haunt First: In education, in order lives
of uselessness, and millions
the shores of WlDdermere, where the that every child shall be as per­ have been driven to debauchery
Lowthers from time Immemorial have fectly equipped for the race of life and crime.
as its physical and mental endow­
been lords of the lake—the “crier of ment will permit.
Immediate Demands.
L'lalfe.” One tempestuous night in
And while working to bring into
Second: In employment, in order
prereformation times a cry was that no human being shall be at effect the foregoing conditions, we
beard across the water by the ferry any time denied the opportunity to demand—
than at the Nab Inn—“A boat!” The supply hie needs by honorable la­
Free text-books shall be furnished
in all public schools, the same to
ferryman, against all bis cronies’ per- bor.
•oasious at the Inn. set out. After
In reward, that every be printed by the state.
Fqual suffrage for all adult men
many hours be reached the Nab again, worker, mental and physical, shall
bls boat dragged down by some ua receive as exactly as is possible to and women.
Equal pay for equal service for
seen weight and himself with hair ou deiermine, the full value of the ser­ both men and women.
end. a raring lunatic. Soon he died, vice rendered by him.
State insurance for life and pro­
Fourth: In disability, whether perty.
and every stormy night bls wraith was
beard In agonized shrieks across from by sickness, accident or natural
That states, counties and munici­
Claife till at last the resident monk of causes, every needed service shall palities shall be empowered by con­
be rendered at public expense, the stitutional enactment to acquire
Furness was sought in his retreat od income of the striken person to
and conduct all such public utilities
Lady Holm and persuaded to “lay" continue till well or dead.
as shall be desired by a majority of
tbe unhappy spirit, which be duly did
Fifth: In old age, that every per- their residents.
Harriet Martineau aud others tell tbe sonwho reaches a certain determined
The non-resident landlords and
tale.— London Chronicle.
age shall be entitled to honorable all corporation shall be required to
with a fixed income assess their owns property, the state
equal to his needs.
reserving the ri^ht to take over
The Wesker Sex.
Sixth: In death, that burial shall such property at its assessed value
The young woman had spent a busy
be assured at public expense and plus ten per cent, and that the
e bad browbeaten fourteen sales that the average income earned by entire earnings of the inmates of
penitentiary shall be
people, bullyragged a floorwalker. the deceased shall be assured to the
those depending on him for sup­ turned over to their families, the
a*ued victoriously with a milliner, port until able to provide for them­ expense of maintaining the institu­
laid down tbe law to a modiste, nip selves.
tion being borne by the taxpayers
ped In tbe bud a taxi chauffeur's at
As a necessary condition leading who vote to maintain a system
tempt to overcharge her. made a street to the fulfillment of the above re­ which deprives millions of employ­
ment and thereby forces them into
car conductor stop tbe car in the mid quirements:
of a block for her. discharged her
We demand, that land being the crime.
demand a constitutional
Id and engaged another and other foundation of the home, the home
amendment to take away the veto
refused to allow herself to be of the prime necessity of the family, power from executive officers and
and the family the foundation of
prohibiting the supreme court from
e did not smile that evening society, the state shall guarantee to annulling any act of congress.
each citizen the opportunity to earn
a young man begged:
We demand the repeal of that
and the right to own a home ; the
t me be your protector through title to which can not be taken away part of the state constitution which
prohibits a municipality, county
by taxes or debt.
We demand that all unused land or state from issuing bonds,
shall be collectively owned in order appropriating money or engaging
New Angle on Help.
in any business now permitted
hy did you Inquire so particularly that free access to all natural op­ to individuals or corporations.
the wardrobe of that girl yon Just portunities may be enjoyed by all.
We demand that the government
We demand that all machinery
F' asked one of two women who which must be collective^ used, shall furnish money to municipal­
leaving ao employment agency.
such as that of mines, railroads, ities, counties and states, for con­
find out bow carefully she will telegraphs, telephones, mills, ele­ ducting public utilities and making
against burglars.” aald the vators, foundries, creameries, fac­ public improvements on the same
“My experience has been that tories for the production of agricul­ terms that money is now furnished
who bns nice things of her own tural implements and other ma to national banks for carrying on
¡lock up more securely at night chanically produced necessities, their business.
shall lie collectively owned and op­
To the end that we may speedily
keep a sharper eye out for sneak erated. not for profit but for the
carry into effect the above program,
in the daytime than oue who purpose of supplying human needs
we invite the earnest co-operation
thing of value to lose.”—New in the most jierfect manner possi­ and support of all who wish to re­
ble, these products to be sold to the ward industry, abolish graft pov­
users at actual cost.
erty and crime and promote the
Our sols object in demanding the general welfare of all worthy citizens.
Sh. W». Right
w effusively sweet that Hr*
y Is to you, Jonesey.” said With
“Wbat'a up? Any tender little
Indeed Why. that woman bates
Id Jonesey.
doesn't show It.” said Wltherell
but she knows that I know bow
Is. We were both born on the
day.” said Jonesey, "and she's
I'll tell somebody." — Harper's
A guarantee on Tires
40 horse power, 4 doors, top and glass front.
car in this or any other town. Other
and up.
Come and take a ride before buying
The Idea
a married mao acquire ha ppi
§ 3
We carry a Lan?e Stock of
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most
Leaves PORTLAND Tuesdays.
PORTLAND Saturdays.
BA YOCE AN Thursdays.
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
Round trip from Portland to
Bayocean, $10.00.
Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook
Tillamook Bakery,
Further information apply to
Bayocean, or phone
and China
The easiest riding
selling from 3775
W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Orc
The fieui Oeean Going
Th« Firs* Lighthou»«.
first lighthouse was erected at
near Alexandria, tn Krypt
finished In 2K> B C. fra bright
feet, and the Ught. whkh ««•
mlng on top at night, was vta-
y one olles away. This tower
for some 1.000 years, when It
cored by ao earthquake
3, 1011
• .......
äs Ä»*
and Fira
St. West, and ln«th Pitone I.
John B. Langley
Hay Presa for Bale
I have a J? ton Huy Pre « for
•ale ch.-ap. if »old «tonie. In fi»»t
cln«a working order
F rank ll.wxrxkwn.
For summer diarr.ioea inchildrea
always give Chamberlai«’« < rrlrr,
11 holerex and Diarrhoea We»«edy
and catar mi. and a
■ i rtruu. 1 or eule »>’