TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 3, 1911. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .STS1CTLY IN ADVANCE.) «Ine year........................................... Six months.............. .. ..................... Three months................................. 1.50 Entered as second class mail mat. ter July, 1888, at the post office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3, 187». ‘ —-------------- - -------- ' ginates at San Francisco which should come direct to th is city in vessels. They cannot do so now on account of the channel being so shallow and crooked, and even the new boat Tillamook, built by the Elmore people, will not be able to come here for the same reason. [TO EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHTJ. D ear S ir ,—Together with many friends we planned a trip to Astoria for next month, and then $bt 3;illnniook Ijeabligbt, in our ten cars, proceed along the Bro. Taylor expressed his re­ beach to Tillamook City, where we ! gret in last week’s Courier at decided to make our head quarters being unable to join the booster Editorial Snap Shots for a week or more. Much to our editors in their trip to Nehalem. disgust, we were informed to-day HiB heart was in the right place Boost ! Everybody boost. that the road around Necarney but the locomotive fail to ar­ Mt. in Tillamook county had not rive which he had figured upon It is too late in the season to bringing him to this city The been completed—that nothing had think of hard surface pavement next trip will to the south part beeu done during the past two this year. Before any steps can of the county at the invitation years to finish the remaining three be taken to shape things to com­ of Bro. Taylor, and the snap miles. It seems to me. that this is mence work, the wet season shot man is anticipating a good short sightedness on the part of will be here. your county, as the road would deal of pleasure at the meet­ bring countless people to the coast, ing of booster editors in the There is some speculation as south part of the county. As a instead of their going (as they are to whether work on the United result of the visit to Nehalem doing at pfesent) to Mt. Hood, the Railways will be started this that part of the county will re­ and ------- other 1 places. « springs ------- year, owing to the lateness of ceive considerable more boost­ first do will be to widen the With the completion of thia road, the season. We expect to hear ing, and we think that this will water front and obtain a satis- autos could make the round trip, any day that contracts have been be the same of the south end of factory channel of sufficient I first goingto Tillamook, then along let and work to commence. the county after the editors have depth to the mouth of the liar--the beach to Astoria and up the visited it. The editors want to bor, avoiding as far as possible'Columbia or the other way. On Sati rday three houses of boost the entire county, and we the yearly expenditure of re-j The completion ot the road would ill reputed were visited by the hope that every newspaper in moving silt and danger to ves- be the means of populating much Here is ano* ¡of your worthless sand domes, as county officials and the inmates the county will be represented, seis by cut offs. given the option of leaving the as Bro. Taylor and the good peo­ ther difficulty. Engineer Lock-; this property could be utilized for I county or stand prosecution. It ple of Cloverdale are planning wood recommended the south, ’ summer homes, thus becoming is a good thing to get rid of the to give the editors a good time. or Sturgeon's channel, as the ' valuable, and the county getting unfortunate women, for, if we most desirable and least cost to the benefit of the increase in taxes. are correctly informed, they Visitors who have come to I maintain, while the govern- The completion of this road would have spread disease over the Tillamook this year have a good I meat’s project is the main chan­ tend to bring tens of thousands of city. ______________ word to say about the excellent nel. With these differences, we tourists and visitors yearly to your roads, highly commending the are inclined to think that the county, people who could purchase Some people, especially old county for the public spirit in three Forts will have to get to­ lots, build homes, spend their vaca­ timers, say that the weather is the good roads movement. Per­ gether forthe purpose of arriv­ tions with you, purchase merchan­ changing in Tillamook county. sons who have come to Tilla­ ing at an understanding. It is dise, produce, etc., from your mer­ If good hay muking weather is mook for the first time are natural to suppose that as soon chants and farmers. It seems to any criterion to go by, certainly amazed. While out on the last__________ as the Port of Bayocean is or- me the county commissioners or the last few years have been a editor boosters’ trip, the snap ! ganized it will immediately do county judge, or whoever is to wonderful improvement, with shot man became acquainted ; something to open lip the Stur- blame for not opening this main no damage to the hay crop on witli a prominent Portland busi-1 geon channel, and will join___ __ county, should be road to your account of ruin, off andon, dur­ ness man who spent his first with the Port of Tillamook, for severely censured, . A great injus­ ing the summer months. summer vacation in Tillamook , that side of the bay is as much tice is being done the county, as county last month. For the in need of a channel as other I much money would be spent by Senator Bourne and Con- past 20 yenrs he had been taking ports of the bay. tourists, property would be pur- gressman Hawley voted against hie family to the McKenzie, 1 chased by them and all your resi­ reciprocity with Canada, and river, but hearing so much talk' dents benefited. Senator Chamberlain and Con­ about Tillamook he came i Notice ot Sale of Tide Lands. I On account of its non-completion gressman Lafferty voted forthe here for a change. He was sur­ N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That we will have to forego our trip to bill. Thus it will be seen that prised to find such line roads, I the State Lind Board of the State your city and return, after visiting party lines were eliminated on «lelightfiil scenery, varied attrac- of Oregon will sell to the highest Canon beach, the way we came. this measure, as far as the Ore­ tions and beautiful cool summer, bidder, at its office in the Capital Ha justice to the county courts and Necarney mountain road gives s. 70 degs. 09' E. 207.75 the people of Tillamook County, I 50 degs. 17 s. E. 152.90 », we want to inform our corres- j There is much idle land in the some idea of what outsiders s. 20 degs. 37’ E 400.00 », pondent that they are entitled to a j Nehalem country which can l>e think algiut improving it. One s. 52 degs. 01’ E. 045.80 great deal of praise for the pro-1 can only imagine the amount of i 300.00 s. 44 degs. 48' E. »» turned into valuable dairy gress they have made—not censure ' summer travel there would bej s. 35 degs. 16’ E. 516.35 from persons living " outside,” j (arms. How to bring this about s. 43 degs. 51 ’ E. 638.00 », I is another thing. As it is going over the road after it is made tit S. 1» degs. 04’ E. 64.57 ,, to line who have not taken the trouble to study local conditions. Apart from ' to take a good deal of grit and for automobile travel. Here in lot 3, then to low that the communication is right to | hard work to clear it up, this Tdlamook county we have a ' N. 0 deg. 26' W. 220.00 line and then along low water the point and we agree with it. land should be disposed of in tendency to overlook the scenic waler And it inay be well to mention line the following Courses : beauty of that road and the im ­ here that the Tillamook County small tracts at a low figure. To N. 70 degs. 28’ W. 208.94 feet. Booster Editors’ Association are bold the land at exorbitant portance of improving it. If, N. 48 (legs. 44’ W. 350.30 ,, now on record as favoring the com­ prices will retard the growth of the mountain and scenery were1 N. 37 «legs 52' W. 481.83 ,, pletion of the Necarney mountain N. 39 degs. 20’ W. 441 95 „ the dairy industry in the Ne­ located in Eastern Oregon or I N. road as soon as practical, and, 33 degs 42’ W. 371 90 „ further, the Headlight is a out-and- halem valley, for lund all over some of the interior counties, I N. 20 degs. 08’ W. 637.26 ,. it would be looked upon with out booster to give Nehalem and N. 28 degs. 27’ W. 1335.50 feet to tin- county, which obtained ii ________ _____ Sec. », the other two road districts $50,000; ficticious valuation is not sell­ considerable pride ami made a North line of Lot 1 extended, each annually for the next few: 1 S., R. 10 W., then ing at the high prices it was special feature to advertise the T West 1929.59 feet to years to improve the roads so as to j county and attract visitors, and a year ago. place of beginning and containing make the county attractive to visi- ! it is for that reason that the 47 01 acres of tide land fronting and tors and tourists. — El>. j There is a certain amount of snap shot man is pleased that abutting on lots land 2 of Sec. 16 Lot 1 of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 10 W. injustice in imposing a heavy Necarney mountain is iti Tilla­ and ot W.M. Lose of Time Means L^ss of Pay. tux upon the man who improves mook county, for as soon as the Bids should be accompanied by a Kidney trouble and the ills it road is improved sothat automo ­ the lund and in only taxing a regular application to purchase and breeds means lost time and Jost biles can travel over it, it is exchange for the full amount mail a nominul sum who lias pay to many a working man. M. and should be addressed to Balent. 1214 Little Penna St., Strea­ exactly the sume kind of lund, going to add wonderfully to the offered G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land but unimproved. This is, us u fame of the county. This is the Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked tor, III., was so bad from kidney and bladder trouble that he could number of our citixens will ad­ view the booster editors tuke, "Application and bid to purchase not work, but he says: "I took mit. a tax on industry. There and tliey are not at all penuri­ tide lands." Foley Kidney Pills for only a snort G. G. B rown , time and got entirely well and «vas is altogether too much unim­ ous aliout spending some of the Clerk State Land Bound. road money improving it, for it soon able to go back to work, and proved hind in the county, un«l Ihited this 27th day of July, 1911. am feeling well and healthier than this should pay a larger propor­ will tie the means of bringing before. ’ Foley Kidney Pills are tion ot the tuxes thau hereto­ thousands of visitors here every tonic in action, quick in results- a year, every one of whom would I Attack Like Tiger«. fore. Most of this land is held by good friend to the working man or In fighting to keep the bl«XKi pure woman who suffers from kidney- speculators and non-residents. leave* considerable money to be white corpuscles attain disease ills. Ch««. Chas. I. Clough Co. 1 rue it is that some of the till­ distributed in the regular chan­ the Because it does germs like tigers. But often germs able laud cannot be reached, nels «if trade. multiply so fast the little fighters Many a Suffering Woman 1.» it is without roads, but where not benefit some of the tax- are overcome. Then see pimples, payera directly, they may be op- boils, ecxema. salt rheum and sores Drags herself painfully through it is near u good rmul it .should and strength and appetite her daily tasks, suffering from tie ussessed much higher than p«>a*.-d to the expenditure. This multiply fail. Thia condition tleiuands Elec­ backache. headache, nervousness, is not the right view, for the that which can only tie reached Bitters to regulate atomach, loss of appetite and (>our sleep, not prominent features of Tilla­ tric Io much difficulty. liver and kidneys and to expel poi- knowing her ills are due to kidnev mook county are so diversified •uni from the blood. "They are the and bladder troubles. Foley Kid’- one must tie broad guaged to beat blood purifier." writes C. T. ney Pills give quick relief from psin We understand that arrange see the meritorious parts in all Builahn. of Tracy, Calif., "I have and misery and a prompt return to ments have beeu made whereby of theiu. For instance, a rail­ ever found." They make rich, red health and strength. No woman so suffers can afford to over­ the suit agnmst the Port of Till- road into Tillamook is a unghty blood, strong nerve« anti build up who your health. Try them. 50c at look Foley Kidney Pills. Chas. I. smock is to lie tried sometime good tiling, so are harbor and I Chas. Clough Co. I. Clough'«. this mouth before Judge Kelly. The improvement of the chan­ nel uud the widening of tIn­ Mater front are matters which are of great importance to the central portiou of the -- county, -»»«F » I more so than a huge number of shipping facilities. It is only in recent years that theNehalem country obtained good roads, and alter being discriminated when other parts of the county ’’Wiv getting most of the road were monev , u ............... ........ we think that district. ' HARNESS, COLLARS, e|t. You Use ’ We Sell ’ next few years to place their FIX NECARNEY ROAD roads in good shape. That, too, with the money left by tourists, Outsider Gives Reasons why Mountain Road Should would mean a big pile of money to place in circulation, helping be Improved. everybody directly or indirectly. Bay City people appear to be restive in regard to bay and bar improvements,having sent tele­ grams to Washington asking favorable report upon Major Morrow’s recommendations for these improvement. We are glad to see the city on the bay take a lively interest in harbor improvements. However, the Port of Tillamook is held up for a time, and even should the Board of Reviews sanction the improvement, it is somewhat doubtful whether it would be willing to expend large sums of money for the improvement of the bar after the advice given it by the consulting engineer. What of Tillamook »» 11 Cl L the U1V A Port ’-r* V v/* —--- will --- W. A. WILLIAMS & (j Next Door to Tillamook County B,ni The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GATE month Sailing Days for of JUNE FOR TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBAY HOBSON VILLE, And all points on Tillamook Bay, FROM PORTLAND, «JUüY 10, 15, 20, 25 and 3!st Freight Received Daily at Dock Foot of Washington Street. J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook, KAISER BLUME, Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating. MALT TEA. Special Brew BOTTLED BY THE Columbia Bottling Co. Astoria, Oregon- Soda Waters, Sipthons, Bartlett Mineral Water. The a Reliable Route Steamer Sue H. Elmore" (CAPT P. SCHRADER) Tillamook & Portland. Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays. Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Fiio“r boil« or piles "It robs cuts, corns, ha« proven itself to be one of the buy« bottle of Chamberlain «Colic. bladder trouble to deve»F j Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It bruises, sprains and injuries L, _____ of «•“>•« effective remedies for kidney is almost certain to be needed be- the reach of medicine. their terror. ’ he «aye, ••«• • a heel, heal. «nd bladder ailment«, that medical Kidney Pilla. They f’T'JLi ’ Or *-3 h *. • “ “ ’ “ •r is over Thia .'15. r*,T*'3y *• *q“«i don’t exist." «cience devised. Cha«. I. remedy haa no superior. For aale suit mid atopa irregul»"J- Only 35c at Chss. 1. Clough s. jClough C