illaintmk TILLAMOOK. îlraôliijljl OREGON, AUGUST 3, 1911 #1.50 per year The Newberg Military Band, com­ posed of 28 pieces, is now at Bay­ ocean for a week giving concerts. There will be a grand sacred con­ cert on Sunday afternoon to which all are invited. = — S. M. Alley, a contractor and buildei of Portland and formerly of this place, was in the city Monday. Mr. Alley is camping on his prop­ erty at Hobsonville during the summer months. Mrs. Vaughn, Mrs. E. H. Snow, J, Court. D. A. White and wife, A, Polson, John Higley, Clara Cooper, Mrs. R L. Eberman, A. H. Dia­ SLCURITY Vv--------------- mond, I. T. Dick, W. P. Shaverand wife, and others from Bay points. She had a full cargo of freight out. The Golden Gate came in on Tues­ day with a good cargo of freight and 27 passengers, amongst whom Tlie savings idea is just as worthy, just were: Dr. J. W. Borders and wife, as necessary to business success to-day as it L. Reme and wife, H. P. Borders, cr having a Savings Account at the Tilla- was in 1740, but the methods have advanced Mrs. C. R. Johnson and children, Mrs. Hayes, G. R. Edner, Mrs. E. !ounty Bank for several months I am con- E. Bentley and son, A. E. Landoult, during that time. who have been visiting relatives I have struck the ideal way to save money, here, returned to Fairdale last Mrs. Spaulding. Casper Leach, Mrs. We now have the most modern savings eposit every pay day. I am not tempted to Tuesday. She was accompined by J. W. Butts, Mrs. W. C. Smith and son, Mrs. Hewett, Mrs. and foolishly- I can have my money if I really E. W. Knight and wife, who w 11 convenience invented and respectfully in­ Miss McElroy and Mrs. McDonald, make a short visit. , on short notice. It is earning 4 per cent, vite the people of Tillamook County to call The Sue H. Elmore came in on F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash, and see them. t. The interest is added to the principle Wednesday, her passengers were: ix months, I do not have to worry about has located next door to Lamar's Dr. D. W. Sanborn and wife, Mrs. variety store, and is prepared to do In brief, let us tell you that it is a small either principle or interest. The Bank is all kinds of shoe repairing at R. Anderson, J. Parkner, E. Davis HOME SAVINGS B*NK which registers, Miss tnodating and on several occasions has given reasonable rates. All work guran- and wife and son, R. Remer, or indicates, at all times, THE EXACT V. Bogort, C. H. Walker and wife, ne excellent advice. I have saved more in a teed. Give him a call. * AMOUNT OF MONEY which has been William Dow, wife and family, R. »nths then in all the rest of my life. The Percheron stallion Ville will placed in it. Stafford, W. Houston, J. Watson, ny of my friends have started savings ac- make the stand for the season a Miss Francis Orr. Edward Edwards, Rogers A McNamer's Livery Barn, The amount of money is plainly shown at N. Catterlin, F. P. Fridy and Geo. j. If any one asks me the best way, I say : in thia city, with the exception of all times. the amount cf each kind of coin— W. Kiger. Mondays and Tuesdays, when the Nickles, dimes, quarters and so on. Fred Baumgartner, representing stallion will be at Beaver. * S. Elmore and Co., was notified The thing that stimulates saving is to see In order to make room for new Tuesday that the new gasoline the amount grow, to see it eveiy day, right stock the Tillamook Feed Co. will, schooner Tillamook had passed in­ before your eyes. With one of our new banks for the next 30 days, sell buggies spection at Astoria and left up in this feature is the big thing and these banks and wagons at cut prices. If you SUPERVISION the afternoon for Portland, to load have proven very popular wherever they have want a bargain, now is your chance general cargo for coast ports. She been placed. to get a buggy at factory prices. * sailed Wednesday evening, and Mr. Edward B. Egbert is in the city Baumgartner was a passenger, GET ONE THE FIRST TIME YOU If you do not own a tent of your looking up the prospects of placing visiting commercial bodies and ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have own, now is your chance. Right in a vessel between San Francisco and mercantile interests as far south as children, for you know the adage, “ as the twig the season and 10 per cent off. Tillamook. He is interested in the the Coquille River. is bent, so is tree inclined,” and the children collars and pads at the Think of that. K ing & S mith Co. schooner Queen and should busi­ — The funeral services of Mrs. I. F. will take unusual interest in these banks be­ Feed Co. ness justify it a gasoline schooner Don’t let the flies bother you or Larson were held from the V.B. cause THEY ARE SOMETHING NEW AND M. for the best shingles eat you up. Screen doors and ad­ will be put into service. Church Thursday morning, nt 10 UNIQUE. itnook Feed Co. State Tax Commissioner f. B. justable window screens are too o’clock. Rev. Rosebraugh having Iyer and family, of Bea- cheap to do that. K ing A S mith Eaton, of Salem, came in on Friday charge of the services. The church THEY ARE to be had FREE for we Sunday in this city. on business connected with his was filled to its capacity and the Co. loan them to anyone who starts an account of $ 1 or more. rd of County Commie- Married, on Sunday, at the Allen office and left on Monday. He paid floral decorations were many and In session thia week. House, Homer E. Craig and Bayocean a visit and was well beautiful. After the services a large ¡tubs, cord wood for sale. Helen C. Bergstrom, the Rev. W. W. pleased with what he saw there and procession followed the corpse to the I.O.O.F. cemetery where she was Rosebraugh performing the cere- the progress being made. F. R. B eals ’ Office. • It requires at least two for a laid to rest. mony. long black silk glove, James J. Sayer, field secretary of Put a tent up in your yard and quorum for a public worship, the finder Will please leave at this sleep out of doors. It will add preacher and the audience. Either the Oregon Development League, is The Only Government Examined Bank in the there is no place or else I lack the in looking over the county. He Siff Att Case for auto trips to any years to your life. See our window sense to know what constitutes Countv. thinks it is an outrage for visitors the county. Ready at all for cut prices on tents. K ing & preaching the Kingdom of God. — to this county to be “held up” with S mith C o . a toll road in Yamhill County and Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ J. C. GOVS. ■'ll be an excursion on ber at $8.00perthousandat the Faw- »» Rev. R. Y. Blalock, after acting he could hardly believe that in this ENGACEME NT OF TILLAMOOK INSURANCE FIRM BANKRUPT the P. R. & N. toSalmon- cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles as pastor of the Baptiat church in day of progress and development YOUNG LADY in Oregon that any Board of County Liabilities $275,000, Asseta south of Tillamook City. Goldsworth- this county, has resigned to accept $5500 in Statement of Oregon ena wanted at the Tilla- ey & Dalpaz, pros. a call to become pastor of the Bap­ Commissioners would resort to such Party Given by Mrs. Jaa. Walton, Company’s Market, 13c. Company. W. G. McGee and family has tist church at Condon, for which antiquated and Dick Turplln meth­ — J-., in Honor of the Event. moved to the house which they place he will leave the first of next ods of holding the traveling public I At a charming luncheon given on With onlj $2.H5c:ish on hund, the up. lie was greatly pleased with I Wednesday by Mrs. James Walton, Phoenix Mutual Fire Insurance surer Kay has appor- bought of B. L. Felger and Dr. Mc­ month. e school funds, and Tilla- Gee can be seen either at the apart­ E. T. Haltom returned from a the roads in this county. jr., nt her home in this city, lhe en- Company of Oregon, with office» in $3,534.72. Beat place for the money on the 1 [riigement of Miss Hazel Mae Mc- the Chamber of ( emtnerce building, ment or Palace rooms. trip to Spokane and Chicago, where r chickens to the Tilla- If you intend to put in a cement he has been purchasing his fall and Siletz River: 70 acres genuine la>t- Nair Hnrt. I-ast Sunday's attend­ living a member of Kappa Alpho South Prairie Creamery 32c. ance was IIO. Old Reliable Hide and Dick, in this city, left on Wednes­ Wash. Cold Springs Chis»» Fsc 1 Theta, the oldest fraternity founded 11 a.m.. the sermon to the children N. K. Melchoir. • day for their home, being well tory ... .... 31.2c. C. W. Campbell, of Spokane^ Mr. Paine is the sou ot Dr. and announced for thia hour will be de­ Elwood Creamery .......... 31.4'-. er, local agent for the pleased with Tillamook County. Wash., has been in this city for the ’ Mr». D. A. Paine, of Eugenr, Ore. Ixing Prairie Creamery .. 31c ferred to next Sabbath. The Rev Insurance Co., has He is also ,i graduate of the Uni­ Every boy and gill in the connty psst week arranging for the open­ Central Co-op Creamery 2». 3c. the Allison house, and should have one of our handsome ing of a new drug »tore. Mr. Camp­ W. C. Reuler. Ph. D.. of Newberg, versity of Oregon in the class of East Heaver Cheese Co ;«k will preach. This ia another feast here permanently. Pleasant Valley Cheese IWH and a member of Sigma Nu steel savings banks. They are an bell has leased the front of the Ma of fat things awaiting you. no.».. CV». • • A. Hill ha- gone into incentive to nave. Get one by op­ •on Building on 2nd A venue Ea»t, fratermty. He now occupies » very 7 p.m., Epworth la*ague, Do not Cheese is ruling firm nt 13 ’ « reals nkruptcy, v. »th $544-01) ening a savings account with a de­ formerly occupied by Martin'» Res­ 1 re»|ainsilile |«i«ition in the Eugene mi»» thin hour. Tillamook, or 11 irate Portland, and $34.00 assets, and posit of $1.00 or more. Tillamook taurant and will often Ilia door» to ■Whâ Ix>an and having» Bank. 8 p.m., sermon, subject: wholesale market. Retail price or closed on Tuesday. the trade as soon as hi» »lock is ■ constitutes the Church of Christ 7'he dale for the wedding is »et for County Bank prire to retailer is from I to !'» the late fall, after which the young arranged I Who are ita members. Would 11 n cent alxive thia. Ralph Ackley, wife. ami children ion benefit the Church of Christ ’f" I l>eople will make their home in came in from Portland in theirautn | The unsafe in nn esfisclal feature i Eugene. __________ Baptist ChmOh Service«. i.! for a month’s vacation. Ralph ia of the service», IxHh a.m. and p in. The II umide Proapector. Elder R. Y.lllalpck will preach shaking hand« with bis old friend« aid on Sunday in exfiecti-d Io l»r ne»t Sunday «4 2:39 p.m. in th« Ad­ in In lioly awe I walk and Work and visiting different part» of the eajiei'iallv interenting and inspiring. thè amie« of God’s grent tempie», ventist Iwiusr of worship whi