TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 27, 1911. • overdrawn to the amount of $25,000, and another $25,000 ex­ 1.50 vine year......................................................... 75 pended this year would have Six months...................................... considerable improve­ SO made Three month»....................... -....... ments in the roads. There is Entered as second class mail mat­ still due on the 1910 road tax ter July, 1888, at the poet office at about $7,500. For machinery, Tillamook, Ore., under the act of $8,566.34 was expended. March 3, 1879. KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .STB1CT1.V 18 ADVANCE.) 3-iUainook Ijeabligbt Editorial Snap Shots. Pin your faith to the Nehalem country and don’t be afraid to invest your money in its devel­ opment. It is unfortunate that the road work is shut down, for it will mean many bad places in roads next winter where they have been graded and left without gravel. It will surprise many persons to know that in a few years the Nehalem country will tie pro­ ducing as much milk us is now produced in the neighborhood of Tillamook City. A cottage is being built on Nehalem spit. If the snap shot man undertook such a thing he would be a tit subject for the insane asylum. Probably it won’t be there after the winter storms. It does not look as though the progressive citizens are in the majority in this city. One clause was to get rid of a lot of old junk ordinances, wluch are inopperative, yet the people voted to retain the old junk. Evidently there are a whole lot of persons who are opposed to improving conditions in this city. There is this satisfaction, however, they will die off some day. But in waiting for them to do so, the city can’t and won’t make much progress. When such men at Nehalem as C. H. Wheeler, Henry Tohl and others, who are large tax­ payers, want the County Court to make the road levy 10 mills, it is plain proof that that sec­ tion of the county is in favor of good roads. How does the other two road districts stand for 10 mill road tax to improve their roads ? the One important thing voters failed to do on Tuesday, and that waste place the police powers in the hands of the mayor, who should be held re­ sponsible for the pence of the city. N<> matter flow desirous a mayor may be to see the city properly policed, he lias no authority whatever to remove a peace officer. However, the people still prefer to elect the city mnrshni in preference to the mayor making the appoint­ ment. The snap shot man is going to be a tiooster to give each of the three road districts $50,000 each year for the next few years lor road work, and all those who agree with us are invited into the booster's band wagon. Each district will need that amount of money andean spend it to good advantage. Some of the knockers may consider this going it some, but let them knock, the county needs more and better roads and this is the only way to get them. Some ingenious person nt Nehalem had a good joke on the editors, The sign on the automobile “Booster Editors” was made to rend ‘ Rooster Editors.” This was done by pining a piece of black cloth on the B and turning it into R, which was discovered just as the editors were being photo­ graphed. The snap shot man i- wondering if fie has to take <>tt his hat to the Lord Chief Justice or one of the many pretty ladies of Nehalem, for the neat manner in which the change was made makes u« suspicious that the hitter had something to do with it. We are publishing in this issue a summnry statement of the expenditures for machinery, ronda and bridges this year for the information of those who lire not well informed. And spurt from this it may tie well to mention Hint the indebted ne*» of the county hist spring was about $1'25,000 * Of that amount $46, out) win on the rood fund. The whole of the in­ debtedness WHS pH id off, which took a large proportion of the tax money collected last April, A little over $53,000 have been expended on roads this >ear, which makes the road fund ^The people of Tillamook will be glad to know that the suit asking for a receiver for the T. B. Potter Realty Co has been dismissed. It was simply another instance where a med­ dlesome person saw an oppor­ tunity to make trouble and force himself into a job. It was his own selfish ends which brought this about, as will be seen by an article in another page. We have every confidence that the company will make good if the purchasers of lots at Bayocean will exercise a little patience. How foolish it does look for the Oregonian’s railroad re­ porter to keep making mistate- ments. Every time that any­ thing is written about the United Railways building to Tillamook County, Bay City must be mentioned. This is the latest: Oft his return Mr. Gray made the trip across from Tillamook to Bay City and thence traveled along the coast to Seas de. President Gray did not visit Bay City. We all hope that the road will build to Baj’ City, but other parts of the county and bay will be favored. Nor will Bay City be a terminal of the United Railways, for the Hill system is not going to al- low Harriman lines to monopo­ lize twenty billion feet of tim­ ber in the Nehalem country when only a few more miles of road will put the United or the Seaside roads right into the heart of that immense body of timber. We do not know, but it looks more feasible that why Mr. Gray did not appear con­ cerned about Bay City, he was more concerned about the ex­ tension of one or the other of the lines into Nehalem. have mentioned this to give our readers some information, and most of them will agree with us that persons who plat out town site and seaside pro­ pertv should go down in their own jeans and not the taxpay­ ers’ jeans to improve the roads leading to and through them. Another point we want to say a word on. The whole length of . ... Garibaldi beach is v without ----------- - a wagon road, and as lots have been selling at big figures, the assessment on these seaside plats should be made high enough to give the court suffi­ cient money to build a road. TRIP TO TILLAMOOK PLEASES GRAY. COUNTY EXPENDITURES Showing Amounts Expended for Roads, Bridges and Machinery This Year. Below we give a summary of the expenditures of the General and Road Funds from January to July of this year. This shows the amounts each district received an I .. expended ____ ____ the . amount for _niarhinPrV machinery, As there is a good many erroneous statements being circulated about the County Court expending a large amount of money for machinery, the total amount is $8,506.34 for th.s a SPECIAL CITY ELECTION. Only Three of the Amendments to City Charter Carry. J The proposed new city charter was voted on ata election on Tuesday, -when only three out of the eight J nients carried, viz., 1st,>to enable the city to levy more nJ and control and regulate certain things ; 2nd, allow, J bond for street improvements under the Bancroft act -»¿JI reduces the water commissioners to five, REFERRED to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the CommM ‘‘Shall Ordinance Ro 216Its.garter of Till^ i year. _________ Amount of County Warrants drawn 100 39 Yes. on the General Fund for roads 101 73 No. and highways, bridges and ma­ chinery from February to July, REFERRED to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Common rj 1911. “Shall Ordinance No. 217 to amend the Charter of Tillamook On¿1 The Magnificent Timber F ebruary . and Fertile Land are a Supervisor salary................ $138.45 Surprise to Him. E. E. Cross, bridge on Dolph Carl R. Gray, president of the Hill lines in Oregon, returned to Portland Friday from a three-day trip into the Tillamook country. “I made the journey," he said, “to familiarize myself with the country and conditions there, and I must say that I am lyighly pleased with what I found. The mountains are marvelously wooded, affording a supply of the finest of timber, suffi­ cient for many decades. The Tilla­ mook Valley itself is remarkably fertile, and offers unlimited oppor­ tunities for development in the fu ture.” From The Oregonian: Although he is unable to say defini­ tely when construction of the United Railways from Banks to Bay City and Tillamook will begin. President Gray, who had just returned from an inspec­ tion trip of Tillamook bay, is well pleas­ ed with the country that he saw and eager for an opportunity of authoriz­ ing actual operations. “I never saw finer timber anywhere,” said Mr. Gray yesterday in comment­ ing on the observations of his trip. “It is on both sides of our proposed road and we pass through miles and miles of it. “What astounded me was the wonder­ ful development in and around Tilla­ mook, in spite of the handicap of be­ The special city election on ing all these years without a railroad. Tuesday on a proposed new It is a modern, up-to-date community. charter met with opposition in The territory along the coast and for Several respects. There was many mi lea inland ia one great stretch nothing in the charter of a of dairy." radical character, and the com­ Mr. Gray was much encouraged over mittee framed it to meet the the physical position of the United present needs of the city, for if Railwav right of way. The survey will Tillamook City expects to make make it possible to construct the line any progress the next few years without exceeding 1.7 per cent grade, it must revise the old charter, and this will be in favor of the load— which is antiquated and out of not against it. date. We believe the citizens All freight that will originate west have made a mistake in not passing the proposed charter in of the Coast Range tunnel will be haul­ its entirety. Anyway, it would ed to Tillamook or Bay City. That have been wise to have given it originating east of the tunnel will come a fair trial, for the committee to Portland. The grade, excepting for was conscientious in framing a a shirt distance west of the Cornelius charter after a good deal of care­ Gap tunnel, ia decending. No heavy ful study, which, in their judg­ loadi will have to be hauled up hill. As soon as work is authorized it will ment, the city was in need of. require very little time to complete The charter was amended in three particulars. It curtailed the line to Tillamook Bay, as all pre­ the number of water commis­ liminaries have been met. It is prob­ sioners, enabled the city to levy able that when J. J. Hill returns from more money for roads, and to his annual fishing trip the way will be bond for street improvements i be opened for completing the United under the Bancroft act, which Railways. Mr. Gray was accompanied on his re­ enables property owners in the city to pay for the same in cent trip by his son, Carl R. Gray, Jr.; yearly installments. One of i ! Wilbur E. Coman. general freight and (he essential things, that of a passenger agent and L. B. Wickersham, sewerage system, cannot be chief engineer. J acted?" (This Ordinanc, No. 216, changes the presetrtGtv that the Recorder and Marshall will be appointed by the Mayor’) J road .................................... acted?” (This Ordinance, No. 217, is to carry out the proviij«.»! nance No 216, and changes the present city charter so that the Zj Recorder will hold office during the pleasure of the Mayor.) 244.00 102 103 40 72 Y es. No. I 6KKEU to to the me legal voter? voter? of oi Tillamook iiuamoox City '_,iiy by Dy the the Common Common J REFERRED ‘ •«hall Grrtinnnno ___ Citnl "Shall Ordinance No No. 218 218 tn to »mend amend the the Charter Charter nf of Tlll„ Tillamook acted?" (This Ordinance, No. 218, repeals that clause of tbeal 61.30 Charter which makes the Recorder the Assessor of the taxable p2| 153.95 the city. The assessing is all now done by the County AsseaJj 113.00 state laws.) $382.45 M arch . Supervisor salary Surveying ....... Damages for road $328.25 104 105 A pril . Supervisor salary............... Surveying ............................. Livery hire for County Court Machinery............................. 53 62 Yes. No. 164.70 133.20 REFERRED to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Common “Shall Ordinance No. 219 to amend the Charter of Tillamook Cit3 68.50 acted?” (This Ordinance, No. 219, changes the present city 645.50 J $1,011.90 M ay . Supervisor salary’................ 551 40 102.00 Culverts ........................ . Machinery...................... ...*.. 149.25 247.20 106 Surveying............................. Bridge (Kinnainan place). . 3,800.00 107 Livery hire for surveyor 69.70 and court............................ that the common council can levy a road tax equal to that now pn3 the general law of the state for use upon the streets of the citv:ii<3 the powers of the common council in regard to combustable«; nuiuwj lie buildings ; common drunkards ; signs and awnings; shade trteyij animals; telephone and street car and other companies; streetii3 noises disturbing the public; public carriages, and other matters the general welfare of the city.) 3 63 51 Yes. No. ---------------------------- :------------ :1 REFERRED to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Common J “Shall Ordinance No. 220 to amend the Charter of Tillamook Cit3 acted?” (This Ordinance, No. 220, changes the present city dal as to make the police force appointed by the Mayor.) $4919.55 J une . Supervisor salary ... 375.30 108 47 Yes. Surveying............ 383.20 109 66 No. Culverts ............... .. 4,051.30 Machinery .......... 1,525.91 Lumber........ .. 201.79 REFERRED to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Common Aa “Shall Ordinance No. 221 to amend the Charter of Tillamook Ciri| Supplies, livery hire and ex. 111.95 acted?” (This Ordinance, No. 221, change? the present cityd Damages for road................ 100.00 --------------------------------------- 1 • J uly . Supervisor salary ................ 495.56 Surveying-............................... 331.85 Livery hire for Surveyor .. . 29.00 110 Machinery.......... .................... 6,245.68 111 Bridge (Wilson river).......... 2,609.50 Bridge (Kinnainan place).. 2,139.79 as to include sewers with street improvements and provide« for hod of improvement bonds by the common council to cover the costffirt tioned so to do by any person whose assessment for such improreJ ceeds $25.00, thus making it possible to pay the assessment in teJ annual installments; makes improvement bonds no part of the sta debtedness.) 65 52 Yes. No. __________ REFERED to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Common (k "Shall Ordinance No. 222 to amend the Charter of Tilhmook Citjk Total acted?’’ (This Ordinance, No. 222, changes the present city dirt abolishing the present Water Commission and substituting tM Summary statement of road work Water Commission of five members, one to ¡be elected from adi If this amendment carries, the present Water Commission will ùrt and warrants allowed by the members, one from each ward, to constitute the Water Commisin County Court from February to such times as are fixed for election by the amendment. The )■ July, 1911. Water Commission will have the same powers as at present, and elec own secretary and treasurer who do not need to be members of the « D istrict N o . 1. •ion.) $11,851.38 $25,242.96 February............................. March.................................. April .................................. May...................................... June .................................... uly...................................... . $ 600.20 112 61 Yes. 888.40 113 52 No. . 3,340.16 . 2,312.02 . 5,026.06 REFERED to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Commai u . 8,412.77 *,Shall Ordinance No. 223 to amend the charter of Tillamook City I acted?" (This Ordinance, No. 223, changes the present city ctat raising the limit of indebtedness from $60,000.00, the present IW debtedness, to $15C,000.00, exclusive of improvement bonds.) $20,579.01 D istrict N o . 2. February March . . April May........ June..... July....... _________________ $18,082.62 D istrict N o . a 114 $ 141.37 115 1,001.72 825.82 3,489 95 3,902.42 8,721.34 43 71 Yes. No. Tillamook-Forest Grffl STAGE LINE February .......... .............. $ 453.89 March ............ ............... 205 «7 April.................. ................ 819.6Í May..................... ............. -.. 2,010.29 undertaken, because the citi­ Card of Thanks. Iu"e..................... ................. 3,104.25 zens would not sanction a lar-1 July..................... ................. 8,468.80 We wish to extend our sincerest ger tionded indebtedness than thanks to all who so kindly assisted that provided in tlie old char­ us in our late bereavement $15.122.51 Total............ .............. $53,784.74 ter, consequently the stinking! J ohn A schim . ~— - —— ———■ cesspools all over the city will B lanche W hittemore .! ■ ■ - Dissolution of Partnership. E unice W hittemore . have to remain, a menace to life I C lyde W hittemore . and health and a source of in- i N otice is H ereby G iven — That come for the doctors and under­ Notice of Dissolution of Partner­ the partnership heretofore existing between A. B Dentel and George ship. takers. It is to be hoped that I Lounderville, under the firm name those who voted for a sanitary N otice is H e T eby ”G iven . That of D. L. Shingle Co., is dissolved, city won't be the first victims the partnership existing between and A. B. Dentel will not be re- Thl» la the UU« of a beautiful 64 (’«•“♦‘■¿¡J to succumb to the dirty state of G’ " '«tadt and U. G. Jackson, «ponsibie for debts after July 22, will show any boy or girl how to stJccxl» the cesspools. “,,der ,he «•«« of ‘he Wistadt postal In th« mall TODAY and It will *••*3 Engineering Companv, has been Th« alm of the Colle«« 1« to dignify A. B. D entel . the lndu«trie«, and to serve ALL the p * o »1» l ] dissolved by agreement. All claims courses in Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Wanted to Trade. Many of the places platted for against the firm should be pre­ Engineering. Mechanical Engineering, l»«^ sented and debts owing to the firm seaside resorts are without eerlng, Foreetry. Domeetlo. Science and should be paid to U. G. Jackson, Two eighty acre tracts, uncleared, mere«. Pharmacy and Music. The C»U«"r? wagon roads and no provisions at hia office in Tillamook City one with 1.500,000 ft. timber, the •eptember 23d. Catalog free. j made to obtain them, ntid it is Dated, July 12, 1911. other good farm land, in Jackson Address: REGISTRAR, OREGON AGlK»“n Co., Ore., to trade for property in safe to say that those who have G. S. W18TADT. ----------- ------------ COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oregon. ___ ______ U. G. J ackson . Tillamook, or acreage near by._ platted out summer resorts und Address Box 567, Newberg, Ore. town site property will be con­ tinually applying to the Couuty Sunday Service«, M ® Church. Parson*« Poem A Gem. Wanted, Horses With Heave«. Are you thinking of Court for roads to improve their 10 a. tn . Sunday School. This i« From Rev. H. Stubenvoll, Alli«on, piano ? . j property, whereas they should an inspiring hour for. and with Ia., in praise of Dr. King*« New head heavey horses, If so. don't fail to csB**H Life Pills. 1200 and better, to ship east —Call lie compelled to make these the young life of the city. 11 am. Song and Sermon. Sub­ "They’re such a health necessity, Dr. J. K R eedy . places accessible by wagon ject. the Word's Famed • Time to Go,” ___ ____________ *“ every home these pills should _ be. Folk, the représentât* J road before they are placed on Bargain "pm. The great hour of youth- If ' °*h*r kind« vou you ’ve ve'tried in**vah> tried in vain. Music House. wh<>wiB***J the market. Before approving ful enthuaiasm and devotiou. The . .. USE Uc*-' DR. KING’S - New, 5 room cottage with one or July 25th, and who »« j any more plats, it would be a Epworth League «ervice. p" __ again. __ ” Only 25c at two And be . well lots, easy terms. Enquire at good thing if the County Court 3, Song Service, choir «uatained Ch“a c,o»Kh’«. sure in quoting » °» Headlight Office. terms of forty “ di flcrretTj would insist upon some road bv orchestra. Subject - -Going Notice. _ ", _______ 80 Acre« Timber for Sale. piano. We also have a . work being done. There are a Wrong.” __ A Peek Into Hi. ,O K ’ V ' ’rorn‘“K parties , few cases where persons who used pianos that will ® seres timber, with about *^*5* IBto Pocket not to buy • promissory note for huve platted land who are im­ would * show tlie box of Bucklen'« *5* Ifiveu to Vaughn A Co., of Pike- 4 000, 000 feet of fir and hemlock, not convenient for you proving the roads. For in Arnica Salve that E, S. Loper. vU,e- Tenn., for a sewing machine which I will sell at 50c. per 1000 feet. for catalogues and J acob B lum ElLER MUSK ■*! stance, S. G. Reed will have • carpenter, of Manila. N. Y., al- “• ,he «»me wa« obtained under a expended$7.(Won county roads ways carries. "I bare never had a “^•«■•presentation. Tillatno*’^ Happiest Girl 1« Lincoln. wound, bruise, or sore it would T. H. M c C ormack through and adjacent to Ncnh- cut. Next door to Toggery- _ A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes. “ I not soon heal,” he writes Great- ---------- knh-nie, in the north part of the ent healer of burns, boils, scalds had been ailing for some time with Dairy Farm for Sale. chronic constipation and stomach county. Ou the other hand, chapped hands and lips, fever sores, I will sell my dairy farm, either fl?“b o. 1 Chamber- there are those who want the skin-eruptions, ecxerna. corns and piles. 25c at Chas. I. Clough's as a a hole or cut ft up into small lain a Stomach and Uver Tablets taxpayers to bear the expense of tracts, on the Wilson river, at a ?"d •" three days I was up and got move tlie »orrm-- building roads through and greatly reduced price. XLP?hI 1 am 'hr proud- store the parts to • The Star Theatre chauves adjacent to their property. We every night. mi girl in Lincoln to find such a . i J" F rebman . tion. For eale by Apply to J. C. Bewely. good medicine.' Foreale by La- Store. mer » Drug Store Leaves Daily at 5 a.m., arriîi at Forest Grove at 6 p^\ FARE, $5.00. O regon agricultürâlcôllî DlßNIFTINß THE INDUSTRIES' I I I