♦ • T illamook ROAD FIXED. 27. imi headlight , jüly 1 | up this valley to the cultivation of vances see that the harrow is set the Loganberry alone, without con­ more shallow with each cultivation Market Fruit Crop sidering the other products which and follow it each time with the s in Present Shape. might be raised, or the resources clod-tnaSher. Have a careful trainer awaiting development in other go ahead of cultivator to turn in all I erchaxt ’ s U nion of lines, I have incorporated in this arms that dangle out from trellis to letter the attached article taken prevent the team from breaking C ity , O regon : ersigned, for several from The Pacific Homestead of Jan. i them. (Jn the Willamette Valley the has been endeavoring 29th, 1911, which is as follows: first berries are usually ready for “The Loganberry. — This berry gathering about the middle of June. • way to make a home at what is known as originated on the grounds of Judge The ripening will increase steadily end” in the Trask River J. H. Logan at Santa Crus, Califor­ until July when the* full harvest is Tillamook County. I nia, about 1880. It is supposed to on. The harvest continues six ¡rent times during such be a cross between the red rasp­ weeks, during which time the vines • urgent appeals to the berry and the Aughinbaugh dew­ should be carefully gone over every t of opr county to ex- berry. It was introduced al Ash­ j alternate day and ripened berries ficient sum of money land, Eugene and other places in ' gathered. Do not allow the fruit to linty road leading from Oregon soon after 1890 and found get over-iipe. When the season for ¡ity to and through such especially congenial conditions in gathering Loganberries arrives, ve us a good county the western portion of this state. everything should be in readiness— >le the few settlers who The plant is an evergreen and plenty of crates on hand and made to get their products to the tops are killed by zero tempera­ up, and enough pickers and at- J to allow homeseekers tures. The canes or vines are long | tendants engaged. It requires about t section of the county and similar in habit of growth to ten good pickers for each acre of er for themselves the the dewberry, but are more robust. Loganberries.” Yours for a square deal, that await all who are The berries are as large as the lar­ F red C. S komp . ear up a few acres of gest blackberries, but are of the Ise the fruits and vege- shape of dewberries. They become I are so well adapted to a light red in color several days be­ The Smoker and The Chewer. fore they are ripe. Eaten raw, they robably no section of much resemble the red raspberry If Dr. Wiley shall be unfortunate itates which is so well in flavor, but are especially pleas­ enough to lose his position as Gov­ le culture of theLogan- ing when cooked, as in the process ernment Chemist, the public may i only myself to depend of cooking a rich flavor is devel­ not be wholly a loser, for he will be very little labor, I now oped which is intermediate between free then to devote himself to the jl hundred gallons of the red raspberry and the native great anti-tobacco crusade recently of that kind which I dewberry of the Pacific Coast (loc­ inaugurated by himself and other [to sell to you this sea­ ally called the wild blackberry.) distinguished men. These courage­ hall be unable to trans- They are much in favor for home ous disciples of clean habits, clean are your market unless I canning. Loganberry pies streets and an unpolluted air are The distance from the county popular wherever known, just now in a hopeless minority, expenditure of a suffi- juice can be used for making a de­ but there is a great work to be money upon the one licious summer drink. A new me- done, and Dr. Wiley is the man for i from vour city through thod of utilizing the crop has been the job. iver Valley to put it developed within a few years, and Smoking is.an unnecessary and idition to travel with that is placing them upon the mar­ wasteful habit. Most smokers are A few ) market these berries, ket in evaporated form. nuisances some of the time and ry solicit your aid in years ago W. K. Newell, president some smokers all of the time, while (market the same and of the State Board of Horticulture, chewing tobacco is filthy, unsani­ it their rotting upon the persauded a few Oregon growers tary and disgusting, and ought to __—J proving a financial loss to evaporate some Loganberries be prohibited by the canons of de­ w me, andBepriving our commun- and he shipped the product to a cent society. It is gratifying to | MMMltPortunity of purchas- prominent eastern house which feel that the great National circle of at a reasonable figure, deals in dried fruits in order tobacco-chewers appears to be di- i tiles of this road is, to have the product tested on the mmishing year by year, so that j for several years, in market, particularly for making ind unsafe condition, pies. A demand was at once found now the practice is not nearly so that I am afraid to for this new product and both de­ common, or at least, not so notice­ a team on account of mand and supply have been grow­ able as it was fifty years ago, when Idges and its narrow ing. This year many tons of evap­ most men chewed and many women as grades. orated Loganberries have been ship« —especially in the South—ate snuff. re is no read within ped from Oregon to the east and The widespread use of tobacco as bounty on which so the supply was not sufficient to an edible and the generous and in­ I accidents have hap- meet the demand. The prices ob­ discriminate distribution of tlie et, at numerous places tained by growers for the evapor­ product through expectoration have ere just barely wide ated Loganberries have been from attracted the attention and excited team and wagon to 18 to 22 cents per pound. About the ridicule of evkrj foreign visitor. careful driving in the five pounds of fresh berries are re­ Much that Charlo» Dickens had to If the team should be­ quired to make one pound of evap­ say in his “American Notes’’ on lt bit frightened while orated, and the amount of dried the manners of the American peo­ f such places, the per- product per acre is from 2000 to 9000 ple was undeserved, but his deris­ would be thrown over pounds on good land. Because of ive comment on the offensive vice lice. the large size of the Loganberry of tobacco chewing and spitting io very few years with a they can be picked at less cost than public places was well-merited. The smoker who smokes at home, my own place, raise raspberries.” gallons of Loganber- “The Loganberry is propogated or alone, or in company with other em on the market at in t‘ie same way as the blackcap smokers, is strickly within his , provided I could raspberry, that is, from the tips. rights ; but the smoker who insists ispectable family to To obtain plants, throw a spadeful on intruding upon non-smokers, place and help me ; of earth over each tip of the new men or women, with his volcanic road in its present cop- canes early in the fall. These tips mouth and un-aromatic person is plated aa we are. fam­ will root and the plants thus started an altogether undesirable citizen move there. be ready for planting the following In Portland, the street railway com­ pany has performed a genuine pub­ ¡court may reason that spring.” lic service by prohibiting smoking the “The late A. M. Aspinwall, of f the smallness of on its cars ; but who has not run does not justify any Brooks, Oregon, who was one of across the nicotine-soaked person on this road ; but the the most extensive and successful with a lighted cigar or cigarette in the road is exactly growers of the Loganberry, read a hie hands who insists on holding isible for the present paper at the annual meeting of the on to the stinking “butt” until he lings and ia keeping Oregon State Horticultural Society, gets a chance to revive it into life ? ?k and allowing the held in January, 1908, from which He is just about as offensive as the the following extracts are taken. ” ought up cheap by smoker in sctural eruption, for he "Select a deep, rich, dark loam ho will continue to thus fills the car with the trap rance ity from developing soil if you have it. A clay subsoil of the dying weed, and at the same is to be preferred to one of sandy time advertises publicly his own » lose sight, however, or gravelly texture. Drainage is hopeless and incurable addiction important. If the water does not t such road is one of to a bad habit. Such a person ia, oughfares to get into draw off naturally, tile draining indeed, an object to be pitied and county and that a should be provided. In planting I to be avoided if possible; but it is of travel passes over prefer the month of April if the con­ not possible unless one is «o give t aside from thia fact, ditions of the soil are right. I pre­ up riding on the trolley car. Even more than fair that fer to set the plants eight feet apart so, where is one to go ? He cannot *00 feet of timber trib- each way. The first year the vines escape the clouds of tobacco smoke River, which is pay- will not interfere materially with on the streets nor the more or less id tax every year, at cultivation until about the 1st of noticeable evidences that the expert int amount of such August, after which they frequently expectorator is abroad in the land. be devoted to the shoot out eighteen or twenty feet, He must follow the line of least re­ lection to give us one or even more, before winter. They sistance and go if he can where the itead of expending it should be trellised during the fall. wading through tobacco juice ia t upon the roads in Build your trellis substantially. comparatively easy and the atmos­ i of the county and Use good strong cedar posts and phere fairly pure. us of practically the set them not farther than thirty- More power to Dr. Wiley in his kxea. two feet apart in the rows. Securely itment the people of fasten to these three or four No. 12 great crusade. We would not if we ' Valley are being gavanized wires, spacing them could deprive of hie cigar or pipe or cigarette the smoker who smokes ■ore and more until equal distances apart. Train each where smoking is allowable or «le­ e is hardly left a cor- vine separately on the wires, Dis sired, but we would drive to ihe in the whole valley, tribute evenly and see that each ends of the earth the an.oker or lhe ght have been, with gire carries its full share of the chewer who reganls his use of to- ind other resources, weight. If practicaole, have the bacco as a |»er»onal and individual ly inhabited section trellised rows run north and south ; right; and not merely a matter of and be bringing to thus the vines are protected from the highest privilege.—Oregonian. r every year enough the prevailing winds of the Willam­ aer fruits and vegeta ette Valley and the fruit ripens more than all of the more evenly. As a rule the I-ogan- Kill More Than W Id Bearla re sell to the people berry needs little pruning. Do not The number of people killed ' thin them out until more than a yearly by wild lieasts don't ap­ snd from your n>er- ■ dozen canes appear in a hill, and proach the vast number killed by are about . then remove only the weaker ones, disease germs. No life ia aafe from fanned an«l dried t Cultivation should be thorough end their attack*. They're io air, water, able* shipped from fr«?quent. I prefer to plow both in duat. even food Bat grand pro to Tillamook City the fall and in the spring, turning trrtion ia afforded by Electric Bit- thia could easily be i the furrow against the row in the ters which destroy and ex|>el these deadly disease germa from the ays r the people of the i fall and into the center in tlie tern. That's why chills, fever an«l Jley in a few years spring. Then uae the disc or tpnng- ague, all malarial and many blood had a good road to tooth barrow until in July. Start diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them, :ts to market, ' the cultivation aa early ia the and enjoy the glorious health and erstand the spring se lhe ground can he worked new strength they’ll give row. thia money to our and go over the surface St least Money ba« k. if not satisfied. Only I ad Me at Chaa. I. Clough's. value in opening ouce a week. As the ! SPECIAL ! LOOK AT OUR PRICES. Fruit granulated Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs. $5.50 Dry granulated Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs. $5.25 Extra C. Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs. $500 Caracola Coffee per lb. 22ic. Royal Club Coffee, I ll>. 35c. Mocha and Java Blend Royal Club Coffee,3 lb. $1.00 Coffee, per lb. - 25c. Union Kerosen, 10 Gallons per case $2.20 YAMHILL & TILLAMOOK I Portland. LEAVES TILLAMOOK .......... ........................ 4 p. 111. ARRIVE YAMHILI............................................... 3 p.in. Connecting with PORTLAND TRAIN. FARE, *5.00. MRS. J. C. HOLDEN, Agent, Tillamook. Hotel Royal, Agent, Yamhill. Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy Manufacturers of FIR, SPRUCE and H emlock LUMBER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. KINDS OF ALI MOULDINGS We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Hirst Class Lumber of the Efest Quality. LET IJS FIGURE YOUR LUMBER BILL. FAMILY RECIPES The valued family le- cij.es lor cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as carefnl attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high giade drug* will help to make the>e r< medics more effec- tivi than ever. Right prices assured. are also / Child Portraits Made by Is are Child-Like. Just as our porttaits of adults porte’s «tungth and character. We are expert* in lighting and posing, and our e«|iii]diier.t is complete. Come in and sec «. ur lite. Monk's Studio Next to the I'o'-t Office. If your glasses ate broken, send them to me at McMinnville, Ore, I have an up-to-date grinding plant their and will atteml to all repair woik promptly. CLOUGH Reliable Drnggigt. Henry E. Morris I will make trips to Tillamook about every two mouths. J