Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 27, 1911, Image 4

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    T illamook
Thoir Double Hullo Defy Hidden RsokS
end Dorelicto.
In the bands of a skillful oiartas
architect much more baa been accom­
plished with steel construction tbaa
the mere economy of space. The safe­
ty of vessels at sea lias been enee-
mously Increased until In the bigbeak
type of modern oceun liners the ele­
ment of danger Is virtually eliminated.
The marvelous Ingenuity displayed
throughout this great fabric of steel is
guardlug against every possible cem-
tlngency of the sea comes to the av­
erage landsman as a surprise. A great
liner of 50,000 tons may be controlled
by a single hand. The complicated
machinery for safeguarding the ship
is practically automatic.
The bottom of the great bull of the
liner Is doubled, the inner shell being
strong enough to float the ship even
if the outer bull be completely torn
away, It Is exceedingly unlikely that
water would ever reach this Inner
shell through accident to the main bull,
but the precaution Is taken so that if
It should strike a bidden object it will
prove absolutely Invulnerable. The
shipwrecks of the past caused by run­
ning upon hidden rocks, derelicts and
Icebergs are thus completely eliminat­
ed -M. B. Cea In Cassler's Magazine.
headlight , july
27, 1011.
[ paid advertisement .]
What Socialists Believe
Here is the tenthand eleventh commandment in a nutshell,
end will prevent war and all quarrel amongst the people, and
save the assessor’s wages and all kinds of trouble.
Life, liberty and happiness are collective ownership of natural op­
portunities and the collective owner­
the equal rights of all.
Life is the foundation of all hu­ ship and. use of ail collectively used
machinery is to secure to each and
man achievement.
Human life depends upon food, all the opportunity to earn and the
to own, use and enjoy any
clothing and shelter.
Food, clothing and shelter are form of property which the indi­
produced by labor acting on land vidual or the family can use, and to
and raw materials by means of enable each and every person to
tools and machinery. With either develop his or her individuality to
factor lacking, no production is the utmost limit of physical and
mental endowment in every way
To be able to acquire these neces­ consistent with the equal rights of
sities of life with the least expendi­ others.
ture of time and labor consistent
The Socialist Aims.
witli the equal rights of all, is the
that the above program
ideal t «ward which all right think­
may be carried out without danger
ing people strive.
Liberty of thought, speech, press through such graft and dishonesty
and assemblage, liberty to be em­ as curse our present system, we
ployed or to be at leasure, are eq­ demand :
The Initiative, or the right of the
ually necessary to human happi­
ness. Where th' right to choose people to propose any law or
or enjoy either < f these is denied or change which they- may desire.
The Referendum, or the pnwer by
abridged, there injustice exists.
Whenever the entire time of an the people to sanction or veto any
or enactment, thereby- placing
individual must be expended in se­
curing food, clothing and shelter, it beyond the power of any mayor,
there is mere animal existence not governor, president or court to veto
life ; slavery, not liberty; misery, or destroy.
The Recall, or the right of the
not happiness.
The government which fails to se­ people to remove from office or
cure these primal rights to all its positioii any individual who fails to
do their bidding.
An Untimely Royal Letter and the citizens is a failure and a disgrace
We demand tlie extension of the
and its enforcement a crime.
Message It Conveyed.
Human development, physical, postal savings banks to every post
One night at 3 o'clock tbe bishop of mental, moral and spiritual, de­ office and that the money deposited
Orleans wns roused by a royal cou mands tile individual shall be able therein shall not be loaned to
rier who bad In hot haste brought a to supply the material means of ex­ money-loaning or speculative insti­
tutions, but shall be made avail­
dispatch from nls majesty Louis X». istence by the expenditures of only-
able for internal improvements
The bishop Imagined that aouietblng such a part of his time as shall such as water-storage, irrigation
terrible laid happened. Tremblingly he leave to him abundant leasure for dyking, straighening of streams,
such improvement and growth. All
opened the package and read:
just government must be organ­ and other needed public improve­
"Monsieur tbe Bishop of Orleans—My ized and administered with this ments and enterprises.
By carrying into effect the fore­
daughters wish for some preserved Or­ end in view.
leans quinces. Prny send some. If
To lie able to secure and provide going demand and provisions, we
for a home, the prime requisite is propose to eliminate profit, interest
you have none I beg that you will"—
and rent, the means by which the
In tills part of the letter there was a assured access to land, machinery
wealth of the workers has been ab­
drawing of n sedan chair, and under­ and tools used for supplying human sorbed in the past as now, by the
neath the chair tbe king’s letter con­ needs.
Tlie only government worthy of idle and the vicious, by which un­
tinued thus:
the respect and support of its citiz­ counted wealth lias been acquired
"Rend Immediately Into your episco­ ens must guarantee and secure by the few, and dire poverty has
been suffered by the many, by
pal town and get them, and, monsieur equality of opportunity to all.
I tbe bishop, may God have you In bls
In education, in order means of which idlers have lived
that every child shall be as per­ lives of uselessness, and millions
holy keeping. Louis.”
Lower down on the page was this fectly equipped for the race of life have been driven to debauchery
as its physical and mental endow­ and crime.
Immediate Demands.
"The sedan chair does not mean any ment will permit.
And while working to bring into
Second: In employment, in order
thing, it wns drawn by my daughter
on tills sheet of paper, which I bap- that no human being shall be at effect the foregoing conditions, we
any time denied the opportunity to demand—
fiened to tlnd near me.”
Free text-books shall be furnished
supply his needs by honorable la­
Greatly relieved, the bishop hurried bor.
in all public schools, the same to
n courier Into Orleans, procured the
In reward, that every be printed by the state.
preserves and sent them to his royal worker, mental und physical, shall
Equal suffrage for all adult men
master-Thomas K. Watson tn "The receive us exactly as is possible to and women.
Equal pay for equal service for
Htory of France.”
determine, the full value of the ser­
both men and wonfen.
vice rendered by him.
State insurance for life and pro­
Fourth: In
disability, whether perty.
Value of New Ideas.
Rome large business firms employ a by sickness, accident or natural
states, counties and munici­
man whose sole duty It Is to read ev causes, every needed service shall palities shall be empowered by con
ery trade Journal, every techulcal pa
enactment to acquire
income of the strike» person to stitutional
and conduct all such public utilities
per or pamphlet and every mngnzlne continue till well or dead.
as shall be desired by- a majority of
in order to get new Ideas about the
Fifth: In old age, that every-per-
' conduct of their business. Such lufor sonwlio reaches a certain determined their residents.
The non-resident landlords and
mat Ion Is laid each day before the age shall be entitled to honorable all corporation shall be required to
with a fixed income assess their own property, the state
bends of the various departments, who retirement,
In turn pass It down the line to men equal to his needs.
reserving the ri^ht to take over
Sixth: In death, that burial shall such property at its assessed value
under them and see that the new Idea
plus ten per cent, and that the
■ Is tested By this means each worker
la kept In touch with tv lint other men that tlie average income earned by entire earnings of the inmates of
penitentiary shall lie
are doing In his particular line, and so those depending on him for sup­ tlie state
turned over to their families, the
Ids personal efficiency Is Increased. Al port until able to provide for them
expense of maintaining tlie institu­
, moat everything can be done In a man selves.
tion being borne by the taxpayers
tier a little better than the present
As a necessary condition leading who vote Io maintain a system
way, and modern business demands to the fulfillment of the ubove re­ which deprives millions of employ­
ment and thereby forces them into
to know and practice the best. I »log quirements:
We demand, that land being the crime.
enee carried around a cup to drink wa
demand a constitutional
ter out of till one day be saw a dog foundation of the home, the home
lapping water with Ilia tongue.
He of the prime necessity of the family, amendment to take away the veto
and the family the foundation of power from executive officers and
threw away Ills cup and nfterwurg
society, the state shall guarantee to prohibiting the supreme court from
drank water out of the paint of bls each citizen the opportunity to earn annulling any act of congress.
hand. He got from (be do» a new and the right to own a home ; the
We demand the repeal of that
Idea.—Louisville Courler-Jounial.
title to which can not be taken away part of the state constitution which
by taxes or debt.
prohibits a municipality, county 8
state from issuing bonds,
Gold That Blackens.
shall be collectively owned in order appropriating money or engaging
Blackening of cuffs and shirt fronts tlint free access to all naturnl op­ in any business now permitted
by the rubbed oflT gold Is a matter u< portunities may be enjoyed by all. to individuals or corporations.
much annoyuuce to Jewelers whoa
We demand that ail machinery
We demand that the government
.their customers come back, thinking which must be collectively used, shall furnish money to municipal­
they have tmught brass
1 lie akin OS such as that of mines, railroads, ities, counties and states, for con
the neck as well as on the tinger, telegraphs, telephones, mills, ele­ ducting public utilities and making
la frequently discolored by tourtes, vators, foundries, creameries, fac­ publie improvements on the same
va mt. eighteen carat and. some say. tories for the production of agricul­ terms that money is now furnished
pure gold. An exiiert says that eve. tural implements and other ma to national banks for carrying on
chnnically produced necessities,
In the case of pure gold this colora­ shall be collectively owned and op­ their business.
To the end that we may speedily
tion of tbe skin Is not due to auy par­ erated. not for profit but for the
ticular properties of tbe metal, but. purpose of supplying human needs carry- into effect the above program,
rather, la the result of chemical in the most perfect manner possi­ we invite the earnest co-operation
and support of all who wish to re­
•'t-hang«« tn the indy or. rather. In tba ble, these products to be sold to the
ward industry, abolish graft, pov­
perspiration and untumi oli of tba users at actual cost
and .crime and promote the
Our solo object in demanding the erty
general welfare of all worthy citizens.
A guarantee on Tires, Springs and Car. This car for $1,750.00
40 horse power, 4 doors, top and glass front, The easiest riding
car in this or any other town Other cars selling from $775
and up.
Come-and take a ride before buying.
W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore
Glebe Trotters Plus
A number of tourists were recently
ooklng down the crater of Vesuvius
An American gentleman aald to bl*
■ “That looks a good deal Ilka th* la
tenia I reglous.'
3 An Eugllah lady, overhearing tba r*
i nark, said to another
I “Good gracious, bow these ▲meri*
•ana do travelT-LlppIncott's
The Heui Ocean Going
A Change ef Name.
, "Who can give a sentence using tbe
•Vot'd pendulumr asked tbe teacher
’ Little Barbel's band shot up Tbe
escher nodded encouragingly.
, "Lightning was Invented by i'eojs-
um Frnnkllu.“—Everybody's.
We carry a Large Stock of
and China
Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Groat Western Saw
mcnair co
» The .M°st Rel,able Merchants in Tillamook County.
Round trip from Portland
liayocean, $10.00.
Further information apply to
Bayocean, or phone.
Leaves PORTLAND Tuesdays
PORTLAND Saturdays
BA Y OCEAN Mondays
BA YOCEAN Thursdays
Drawn Glass.
of Ite groat strong«*
■ 1rs Oa « a account
glass In need for many POT
•oses It withstands sudden changos
•f temperature. resists Bro to a grout
(teat and io very otros«
Foley Kidney Pills V,x' JoHc in
°r.bladder. t5ou ,lc’ *nd urinary
c ,n •ct»on, quick in result,.
Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook,
Tillamook Bakery,
opposite the ailen house .
John B. Langley
and Firs
St. West, and l«olh Phone t.
gra el screened or .
FECIAL IV IN All KIND (f < / » 1 «
Bell Telephone, L»7.
Hay Tress for Sale.
I have a 12 ton Hnr Press
' sale cheap, if wold atonie. In fi
clasts working order.
Ac'nn <e*
Fg.urit H axxtxkkatt .
For summer diarrhoea inchildrçtf
always give Chamlwriain's ('owe.
Choferew an«l Tharr ficea Remedy
and < «tor oil, and a speedy cure ta
certain. For eale l»v I-amar'e Pm®