TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 27. 1911 -------- - ------------------------y— FOOTBALL IS DANGEROUS. If You Don't Think So Try to Start a Came In Turkey. It is. or was until recently, a difficult matter to be s spurtsmau in Turkey. One Recbad Bey tried It. with a re­ sult weird enough to «erve aa a ba«b< tor a detective story or a comic opera. Tbe young Turk bad organized a x>t ba 11 team among bls frteuds. to- ether with some Greeks and Arine- lans, and began practicing. Not very ng after. In tbe middle of tbe nigbt. >llee came to bls house and carried Im off to beatart. There be was Bub- iltted to a long interrogation as to te club and tbe game of football. Tbe autboritlee were convinced tbat tey bad found a great plot and tbat le club must be a secret society. A leclal messenger was sent for tbe »all. and that was duly examined and ound to be an infernal machine. The ules of the game were considered to le another piece of damning evidence, nd still worse were tbe sweaters and olors of tbe club. After long deliberation tbe culprit ras sent to tbe higher police autborl ties tn Stamboul. who went through a second long examination and came to be conclusion that the empire bad een saved from disintegration by tbe arly discovery of a great plot. They Jspatcbed tbe whole matter to be in­ quired Into at tbe sultan’s palace at Yildtz. and a special commission took tbe matter In band. , After much careful thought aDd ex­ amination of the evidence of tbe crime It was decided that there might not be notblug iu It. but tbat it must not le committed again.—Harper’s Weekly. UNWRITTEN BOOKS. Itories Planned and Promised That Never Saw the Light. The Bookman republishes a paper by ['rofessor Brander Matthews entitled “Unwritten Books” tbat was tlrst printed many years ago. Professor Muttbews speaks of tbe projected looks and plays tbat never saw tbe ight and have been read, like bills in »tigress, by title only. Mollere planned a comedy under the title “L’Homme de Cour,” which was “ > be his masterpiece. Nothing Is nown of It today. Richard Brinsley beridan Intended to write a follower > "The School For Scandal” and "Tbe ivals.” Tbe subject was “Affects- in. . 1 ” It never went beyond a few mdom notes. For years tbe paper covers of every _tw book that Victor Hugo issued con­ tinued to announce as soon to be pub- “sbed a romance entitled "La Quan- uengrogne.” Many poetbumous vol- mes of the French poet's writing In rose and verse have been sent forth y his literary executors, but of thia ddly entitled Octlon uotblng has been card. In I8G2 Alphonse Daudet en­ ounced as in press a volume of short .lories to be called "La Pentaineron." Tbe book remained unpublished and lpparently unwritten. The younger )umas has left ou record more than >ne reference to a comedy to be called 'La Route de Thebes,” planned before 'Frandllon,” but never given to th* mbllc. THE ROAD TO BALTIMORE. It Was Over Floating Bridge* Ira the Old, Old Daye. Tbe road to Baltimore is over th* owest of three floating bridges which bare been thrown across the Schuyl­ kill river in tbe neighborhood of Phila­ delphia. The view on passing this river, which is about 250 yards wide. Is beautiful. Tbe banks on each side ire high and for many miles above af­ ford tbe most delightful situations of villas. A very elegant one, laid out in English taste. Is seen on passing the river just above tbe bridge. Adjoining to It are public gardens and a bouse at entertainment with several good rooms, to which the citizens of Phila­ delphia resort In great numbers during tbe summer seasons. Tbe floating bridges are formed of I large trees, which are placed In the water transversely and are chained to- 1 jet her. Beams are then laid length­ ways upon these and the whole board- id over to render the way convenleut for passengers. On each side there Is 1 railing. When very heavy carriages 1 50 across these bridges they siuk a 1 few inches below the surface of the I water, but the passage Is by no means dangerous. They are kept In an even ' direction across the river by means of chains and anchors In different parts and are also strongly secured on both shore«. Over that part of the river where the channel lies they are so contrived that a piece can be removed to allow vessels to pass through — I From "Travels Through the States of : north America,” by Isaac Weld, Jr., ¡1795. A TARIFF COMEDY. Spain Finally Won In the “Caa* •f th* Screw Propeller.” Every British captain calling at Spanish ports Is familiar with tbe “case of the screw propeller." The itory Is told for the benefit of lands- men In Mr. G. H. B. Ward’s "The Truth About Spain:” “The steel screw at a cargo steamer which traded with Bilbao and other northern ports was Jamaged beyond repair during a rough voyage. The vessel was beached pend­ ing the arrival of a new propeller from England. “At last, when the steamer was about to sail, the captain was Informed tbat he bad to pay a duty for putting ashore a manufactured article—name­ ly, tbe ’scrapped’ or broken propeller. The captain protested and offered to drop it Into the sea, but the officials were obdurate. They seized the ship and demanded payment. Tbe captain declined to ease the tension by the customary bribe and complained to tbe British foreign office. “The duty was returned, but the captain was warned to be very careful about contraband, and for several voy­ ages nothing occurred. Several months later some slight Inaccuracy In tbe ship's papers and tbe declaration of cargo gave the excisemen their chance, and the vessel was not allowed to leave until a heavy fine, corresponding to the original propeller duty, was paid." Mount Etna. Mount Etna la one of the great vol­ canoes of the earth. It is great In site, great in activity, great In beauty. In size It would cover the entire metro­ politan district of New York and tbe lurroundlng counties. Its height is 11,000 feet above sea level. As to Its power, one of these eruption* some centuries ago killed 80.000 people, which la probably more than Vesuvius has ever done in all its existence aa a volcano, not excepting tbe great eruption of 79 A. D.. which destroyed the elf's of Herculaneum and Pom­ peii. As to its beauty, this Is also very difficult to describe. It Is teeming with life, animal and vegetable, and Is snow covered one-hrlf the year. Tbe other half It is bare to its very sum mlt.—-Christian Herald. Roasting an Egg. f Every boy and girl down on tbe farm In times gone by used to roast eggs, 'pieces of mest and potatoes In embers iu tbe old wood cook stove or tn the ilg open fireplace. Barns were sesreb- d for hens' nests, and tbe fine, fresh Kgs were wrapped In heavy paper. The paper was dampened, aud several thicknesses of It protected tbe eggs from scorching. You know, wet pa­ ter In a ball Is bard to burn. Well, fie wrapped up eggs were put on tbe pre coals und partially covered by icm. In from five to fifteen minutes e egg was roasting bot and ready to it wltb salt, pepper aud butter A n hois was uiude In the big end of c egg so as to let tbe steam escape keep It from bursting the shell and The Gat* to Tibet e meats from running out If you Just outside Tacblenlu is the stone ive never as a small boy roasted such ;gs you have missed one of child- bridge which is called “the gate to Ti­ vdi greatest Joys.—New York Press. bet.” Tachlenlu la a narrow little city which had to conform Its shape to tbe contour of the mountains Which shut it H*w It Got Th*r*. A gamekeeper was going over bls In. There Is hardly a,Toot of level ground within the walls. It Is the aster’s estate one morning, when be great emporium of trade between Chi­ »countered a gentleman of tbe poach na and Tibet, where the Chinese ex­ g class. Tbe gamekeeper noticed change tea for musk and gold dust at tl>e other's bat was bulging In a Many red frock rd lamas are to be seen irious manner. After subjecting tbe about tbe city, most of whom live In it to an examination tie found a Hue large lamasarles outside the walls. On mng plieimanL the flat roofs of tbe bouses flatter in “How <1ld this get here?" tbe game- numerable prayer flags, giving to tbe *per asked, glaring at the culprit plods the universal Tibetan hymn of “Itlowed if I know.” growled tbe praise. •■-her. gating at tbe pheasant with I apparent look of great perplexltf. Barlin** Big Rsstourant. 'be blooming thing most bare erswl- Imagine a restaurant costinc 110.- I up my trousers leg.”— leindou Tit- 000.000 The Rhelngold. in Berlin, ac­ commodates more than 4.000 person« st one time, giving employment to 1,000 person«, of whom eighty five sre cooks At this pise« It 1« possible to ret a rood dinner for >0 cent* snd at any pries from that up—Chicago Post. BAYOCEAN SUIT OUSTED AS UNFAIR. Attorneys for Both Sides Agree to Quash Reqnest for Receiver. idea of working himself into the po­ sition of receiver for the company. With that idea in mind he went to Salem, where he had disposed of a number of Bayocean lots. He went to several of his friends there, de­ liberately misinformed them about the improvement work that had been done on the property and urged them to follow his suggestion aud ask forthe api>ointmentof a receiver “None of these Salem investors had seen Bayocean for over a year, and neither had I.auritzen, and he found it easy to put the company in an unfavorable light. By these methods, he was able to secure the consent of 10 residents of Salem to make application for a receiver, "Knowing what we had been do­ ing at Bayocean, and the vigorous manner in which the work has been carried on, I believed that the Salem people had been mislead. A few days later I went to Salem and in­ terviewed those who had joined in the suit, and soon found that my belief was correct. I called a meet­ ing of the petitioners and asked them to appoint a committee upon whose report they could rely implicitly to visit Bayocean with me, investigate every part of the property and the work that has b*en und is being done. ! MAJOR WEITZEL, Registered No. 33271 Having so thoroughly established and maintained his By consent of attorneys for the reputation as one of the highest classed prize winning Stallions plaintiffs and the defendants, Judge Gantenbein Saturday dismissed of this coast, and the producer of colts that wins the blue ribbons the suit to have a receiver appointed among the very best aud highest classed colts of the state, it is for Bayocean Park, a subdivision not necessary to comment on quality. near Tillamook, put on the market by the Potter-Chapin Realty Com­ He wiil continue being at the Roger’s Livery Stable, in pany and later taken over by the Tillamook, until Monday, July loth. T. B. Potter Realty Company. The request for dismissal came Commencing at that time will start for Nehalem, on Mon­ as a result of a visit to Bayocean day mornings and returning ou Wednesday evenings until Sep­ T‘ark by a committee of the plain­ tember ist. tiffs, all of whom are lot-purchases and citizens of Salem. They catne I will return to Tillamook County next summer with both to the conclusion that the T. B. stallions, Major Weitzel, No. 33271, and Lord Rex, No. 48862. Potter Realty Company is per­ forming and will perform all the I am in the field for business. improvements stipulated in the contracts with purchasers and that, Respectfully yours, therefore, a receiver is not neces­ sary that their interests may be protected. The suit was brought at the in­ , stance largely of A. M. Crawford, Attorney-General of Oregon, and O. C. Lauritzen, formerly sales ! manager of the property. Conspiracy is Alleged. ! It was planned to have Lauritzen Committee is Being Named. selected as receiver. The plaintiffs “They fell in with my suggestion I of record were William Eastman, and appointed W. F. Stanley, T. J. j F. A. Paulson, F. J. Rice, Albert H. Cronise and Dr. VV. S. Mott. These Gille, J. C. Griffith, J. W. Wilson. gentlemen accompanied me to Bay­ T. J. Cronise, W. F. Stanley and Dr. ocean on our boat a week ago Satur­ W.S. Mott. day morning. Upon our arrival, Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging In answering the suit, the Potter they were escorted to every nook Chapin Realty Company, the T. B.^. « um lui uti ui and corner of oujuveuti, Bayocean, sue shown the Fine Machine W'ork it Specialty. Potter Realty Company, T. B. Pot water plant, electric plant, , street ter, T. Irving Potter and H. I.. grading, cement walks that had Chapin alleged that Mr. Crawford been laid and other improvements and Mr. Lauritzen had entered into that have been completed. They a conspiracy to have a receiver ap­ remained until Monday morning, 8ARCHET pointed and that the plaintiffs of returning to Salem that afternoon. T. BOTT8 record had been promised that they . The Fashionable Tailor “On their return to Salem, these A ttorney - at -L aw would not have to bear aDy legal committeemen reported to their as­ expense. sociates that they had been wonder­ Complete set of Abstract Bouks Cicauing, Pressing and Repair The suit was dismissed without fully surprised nt what they had ing a Specialty. prejudice and without costs to discovered at Bayocean, and that n office. Taxes paid for non­ either party. they were perfectly satisfied witli Residents. Store in Heins Photographic Letters similar to the following what they had seen. This report have been sent to Bayocean Park was sufficient for the other seven Tillamook Block. Gallery. lot-purchasers by Attorney-General who had brought the suit, and Both phones. Crawford: L akd O ffice B ubinkbn Phone A. 1(A>9 they immediately decided to with­ Dear Sir—Since the circular letter draw from the suit, which resulted a S pecialty . of the 3rd instance to investors in OWING & COWINC Bayocean Park property, a commit­ in its dismissal Saturday afternoon. arl haberlach tee of three of the plaintiffs in the ■ “In justice to Attorney-General LAWYERS complaint filed have made a Crawford, who was induced by I.au­ thorough investigation, by personal ritzen to send a letter to property­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, R oom 331» W orckntkw B i ilimro . examination, ana have reported as T himd and oak S tnkrtr . owners at Bayocean, to urge the Room Next to the U B. Lund Office. follows: “Since filing the complaint in the action which was brought, and in PORTLAND, OREGON above entitled suit, the undersigned equal justice to all of those who Tillamook Block. have visited Bayocean and made were unfairly solicited to become a thorough investigation of the parties to the suit, I must say that work already done, that now is be­ J. CLAUSSEN, EORGE WILLETT, ing done, and the realty company's it is my honest opinion, gathered plans as explained by its agent, as from what these several parties LAWYER, to future development, and we are have told me, that they were abso. A ttorney - at -L aw . of the opinion that the company is lutely misled in commencing this 5>cittechev ^buchili intending in good faith to carry out action. The letter which Mr. Craw­ the terms of its contracts to pur­ Next to Tillamook County 213 Tillamook Block, chasers, and that it had difficulties ford is voluntarily sending out, in Bank, to overcome not foreseen and not contradiction of a previous one, ex­ T illamook O regon . known to investors, such as lack of plains to what extent he was mia- O regon . T illamook transportation, etc., and that the informed by Luuritzen better than preliminary work, such as engineer­ ing, dredging channel, securing I can.” AJA H. GOYNE, fools and machinery and commis­ sions on sale, etc., have cost large Administrator's Sale. sums, but most of which were nec­ A ttorney - at -L aw . essary. Therefore we are of the TONIC IN ACTION . QUICK IN RESULTS N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That opinion that plaintiffs have been by virtue of an order duly made Give proinpt relief from BACKACHE, too hasty in bringing this suit and and entered bv the County Court of Office : Opposite Court House, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, recommend that it be dismissed.” the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, authorising and directing T illamook , O regon . Retraction is Made. RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the Based upon the foregoing report, the sale of the real property, here­ KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of ths inafter described by the under­ we join in the foregoing recommen­ signed administrator, I, the under­ BLADDER and all annoying URINARY dation. signed administrator, will sell at J^ T. BOALS, MI)., IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to The suit has accordingly been private sale subject to confirmation MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY dismissed, and I believe that the by the said County Court, the fol­ lowing described real property, to- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, pteject will be successful ; that the wit: PKOPI.E and for WOMEN. Company is putting in the improve­ An undivided one half interest in have highest recommendation TILLAMOOK. ments as fast as possible under the and to Lot numbered one and the a. A. D*vlv. «27 We.hlueton Ht., Con urr.v file, South East quarter of the North nd . ie in hi« Aolh yniir. Jin write« ua: ' I Inn circumstances ; and that Bayocean ■Ulf «11 fl nr nd much from my kidnet« and L!ad. Tillamook Block East quarter of Section six, and drr I bad Mtvnr« bark tirliM it nd my kidrniy action has al) the natural attractions for I-ot numbered four, and the South was U m > fraijuerit, ranwinff mo to I< m < much sleep and that it will become one of the West quarter of the North West al night, and in my blaJdnr thorn was constaa« pain. I took Foley K idney Pills for some time, beat beach resorts on the Pacific 1 quarter of Section five, in Town- End am now free of all trouble and asam able Ui M. KER RON, b up and around. Foley JUduey Pills bass Coast, and I believe tbat invest­ j ship three North of Range nine , West, W.M., and Lots numbered ighest recoinoieudaliun." ments in said property are safe and 1 twelve, thirteen and fourteen of SURGEON, C. I. CLOUGH.Tillamook will produce good returns ; that 'Section thirty-one, in Township PHYSICIAN & while transportation has been de­ four North of Range nine West, Tillamook Block, layed, one railroad will be com­ W.M., less tract of six and three- | fourths acres sold to F R. Beals, pleted to the bay this Fall, and that and one acre for grave of Mrs. Oregon. Tillamook, the enterprise is worthy of earnest : Ludtke, and except the merchant- : able timber on lands in Sections five support. R. I. M. SMITH, Relative to the former letter, I 1 and six, and crude oils reserved, and subject to right of way for wish to say that I find that it was county road. sent without full knowledge of the Said sale will be made either for PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, facts. That while Mr. T. B. Potter cash, or tw »-thirds cash and tbe Aad give yoa fall valae la Office over J. A. Todd th Co., is drawing the salary mentioned, balance on one year’s time, with comfort aad long wear interest at the rate of eight per I am informed he is putting into cent per annum, and secured by Tillamook. Ore. the proposition several thousand first mortgage on the said pro­ ■UARANTIIB WATUtPROOf dollars monthy of his own money, perty. Said sale will be made from and after the 28th day of August, : Bold by firat-ohm BeUllen th* eeastry C. HAWK, and that the purchase of Mr. H. L 1911. Bids may be left at the office over. C«nd for oof Tro* C»Ulogn* Chapin’s interest was purchased by of H. T. Botts or T. H. Goyne, A. J. TOWER CO. Mr. Potter personally, and the build­ Attorneys-at-I aw , Tillamook City, Beevo*. U S.S. _ ing of the yacht was tofurnieh pres- 1 Oregon. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Towza Z can IF — 03.. LeL ! Dated this June 13th, 1911. musco.. ent means of transportation, and is TowtiT», CANAOA M. A bplanalp , 'bn bb M® the property of the company. While Administrator of the Estate of BAY CITY, OREGON the former letter might be construed Louis Blattlar, deceased. to indicate a charge of wrongful ap­ plication of money of investors, I Escaped With hia Life. R. BEALS, do not find evidence thereof, and "Twenty-one years ago I faced! believe the company ia acting in an awful death/' writes, II. B. Mar- tin. Port Harrison, S. C. "Doctors good faith. REAL ESTATE, said I had consumption snd the; Potter Centares Lauritzen. dreadful cough I had looked like it, I burl-* tbs past 8b years no rem­ F inancial A gent , “The announcement of the dis- sure enough. I tried everything 1 1 edy baa proven more prompt or could hear of, for my cough, and I missal of thia suit did not come as mors effectual I d Ito cur*« of was under the treatment of Ibe best I Tillamook, Oregon a surprise to me,” aaid T. Irving .doctor in Georgetown, S. C., for a' Potter, vice preaident of the T. B i year, but could get no relief. A « Potter Realty Company. There were friend advised rne to try Dr. King's than Chamberlain’* Cough Bamedy In J~JR. P. SHARP, many home« It is railed upon a* Im. no grounds for such an action, in I New Discovery. I did so and was j completely cured. I feel that I owe plkottly aa tbe family physician I. eon. the first place It resulted from the ' mypife to this great throat and tain* no opium or other narootlo, and vindictive motives of C O. Lsurit- lung cure." Ita positively guaran­ RESIDENT DENTIST, may be given aa oonfldently to a baby aato an ndul*. Price USo; large els* 500 teed for coughs, colds, and all sen, formerly one of the anlesmsn bronchial affections. 90 and Bl »Mk Office across tbe street frotr tbe of this company. He has expreaasd ¡Trial bottle tree at Cbaa. I. Clough’s. bimaelf freely, as intending, sooner Court House. or later, to pat tbe company in nn Dr. Wiw'a office. barraaaing position, with the aoSMs*OMsveMO E. F. ROGERS, V.S Mutual Telephone r » Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists & Blacksmiths OREGON TILLAMOOK C i J , Foley Kidney Pills f g On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slicker will keep you dry SB.OO Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Coughs. Colds and Crouo J. “That FOLEY. KIDNEY POLS I F oley » kidney pills Ì i I